__ V . -. _ P 'V 'I , _ . is? W7 M12 Ls"iiC" , ..' '. __ -Airiiiry'" . _ Mr. c iii a W' --V allow James enry hon. gentlemen opposite that tuberculosis i)'ari.,legirt5,t'l,',.ehr,,te? dentistry. [had just come Into the country. Why, he At 8.20 o'clock the debate on the biennial At' had .ad tuberculosis in his cattle many sessions was resumed by Mr. Guthrie, who ' . yea! atrGard had not lsolatél them and th, J expressed great surprise at the side of the disease had done no great harm. In tact lumme from which the proposal of this , auto-ding to'the report of the Ottawa Ex- great constitutional revolution had come. Pet1merral College, there would appear to ,.'Yet it Wab' appropriate. for it was a reac- be hardly a sound animal in Canada. Mr, 3 tirctry [measure .iind came from a reac- Bishop read from the renort showing that . 'ttcimi'v party. Of old the Conservative , many apparently souni '. mals on being party 'dr the day were opposed to frequent 5 .' submitted to the test l i given evidence 4 sessions, and Charles I. had persisted in ' P. of the disease, and had Hen accordingly 14iifi,, course until his head came to the . slaughtered. 'Puberueulosi, was no more block, The lteforniers ot that day had , . dangerous now than years ago. He thought strupiy,lcd linrd and succcssfully for annual _ l, the whole subject was brought up by the ' iiiiif'i'///i//C." Mr. Meredith, in saying, that , Opposition simply from political motives. the annual Parliament in England was i . ' and he was very sure- that the discussions necessary to pass the army vote, had con- l ' '." upon it in the House would not he to the . _ ' Tf tr. .'. stiuct in the most - q , formUud hunt with t "L l, advantage of the fat mer. but would, on the rl'irin" munner; fur the annual vote to , (thhntmlrly't' tens]. to ("late ihelinniression tin July ANN; expressly from a desire , A u aha inn can e were (housed. " L . ' , id,,, . Crow to call Par- Mr. B. White funf'wwl'. and made a very lli'lnrflig t'ceeri,1le'i/."cr?,"/.a"t'i',l,ds' from Hal- . . severe attack: on me Minister of Agrli-ni- - lam and other t.onstituCro,ira1 'authors tcrt". The 'm mhrrr: of the House owed it a abundantly proved this point. The annual to, Sly.?: fy,1"yt,yt?y ho said, to tvll the SUFSliili had been Pcwiianicur's great Wean- Biijnibttor \\;i;2nlhc (trod, and dc should not on in sew-uric" its .11.th and libeixies. And :iiec to ti 3 min: done. M . WI n 'tt - F ' a l' a r.a" . r Fi, . tinned to make various .:,,ta1tlfi,,?n"t1sit'i,i",itt now ty.ri-1',rrtsit,y1 tum-trying trot 85;; Mr. Dryden was continuollv rip-int: to c/tl" with this tiy,t1",y),11ry1, Luatmr}. " ,T q rect amid the laughter of the House. "ri,-, tyel/iturAllt S birthright 102;). 1lrils gesgio'i charged again that Mr. Dryden had or'- it'llxl'ldd rt1',e'.l'1tusia,d, s?i)i,esr)')j/l11,1,1er'y"' other ' u . l cN ' '.s., - , t, .yr ', "f'.'o"", "r $3.1 an inNotcU tow talk into hor "in." and to save that Parliament was / Mr. Awre-y rose to , point of ordnr at 1ii,".i1,tt'ti1't"' J,i,yt'irTc,,t,t'i,ye11/'t/ri'tittouts,e'sl, F . . UH" :s _ - t» - I/j: Juncture, and obhwtrsd l? ,.ttttrlt a ll their "los" tfolltl'll over the executive. statornent going forth 'ifii-i' n distinct de- )j,1 . . . . 'Tr f tt prawn) him] on the hurt of tthe Miniator. l'tjrttti li-s tlte Hyl"""l1"0 o 'f I' 'd 't Mr. White said he had not heard the s'yy;ic'tu over the .-\inwrii-in. _ It is (200' o denial. _. . hairy the Ministers with seats y.h'e '29 _ Mr. Dryden then dcnind it again and ftoor Cf the House f"yy to face '1lth.t,'e ' i . ' . members to be cutccliizeil and examined said he had only Just denied the truth ot. Iii on any at" Viti c, .md complaint ', n'-:\ 3 ' F ' i . ."sar'. l) a&"6' if'fli ti 4 . st,':',',.'"'"'"'"" When made by Dr. Kym 'l'|hcir conduct of [mm-W service could be j . Mr. White said he had to accept this watched, their "HM-"Jud,"LIl cou.ld be pun- ' tat; . . . . lubed. Those are tlic gin-it points of tme . ntcincnt of (oursc, and then challenged . . . '- t., m_PE' u nd it the Minister of Agriculture to deny vavi- superiority ot the r'.ri_ti.ylh y,'i31erh1: a ' ow" otbnr statements roilwilnz on hi: irt Just this churn-xteristlc which the oi'vo-l, management of the collide. " sition are attacking. Heeillo'ris of the max- Dr. Willoughby said Mr. Awrey n." int that.. justice delayed is Justice denied, misquotcd Prof. Saunders. which Mr. Aw- they wistr"d the House to loosen its con- { rt"Y denied. In refer-mic.- to the nnining ..1' trol over the executive. Then, Mr. M.e.re- the stock. \thlivVil' humus they "mi. i"iv- dlth's assertion that most of the legisla- , on he ventured to say not it cult" m nlil tion could wait another year was incorrect). ' be called "Honest John," t"u'itrt.ue nun-11.] Mr. Mcicdith had selected this year, 189... sugupsf the dishonesty of a". Minister ot', of all others, when there "as :1 mass of im- ,\gyi~ulture. Mr. Irrvdon hind trtlAntttti'cttvl portant and useful lllt'uSlll't'S, to bolster up v iin- Iudltis, and wad rusp.)ngii.i.. for my his arguments in favor of a false econv'my. ' troubics "mt hadociutrttd there luttlv. Mr. Guthrie cnunmratcd many of these i, Mr. Tnit mild he could not inidirstnnd incrisuies, .syyecit's1ns-r particularly Mr. why hon. qentlerrwn SI) bitterly "ttucliol Harriy"s mining act, Mr. Gibson"s insur- ilic Guelph Polk-:0 uzrl so cam-fully do- anc'e act, the succession duty act, and ' funded any allusion to the f)ttawa Filth-p.- the act reducing the fees of county oili- , H.- C iuld only "xpPtiu it by tho hypulhi-Slr', cials. 0f course these acts "light have that they were niwuvs niniiiist tho Pro- waited tor another year. They might have . mm). Mr. Tvit showed that Mr. Awriy's waited for in years, but it would have. ( ' "notations from Prof. Saunders Were cor- "W" greatly to the disadvantage of the " "wt 1).". Willoughby hud oituo'v'iv':t'iul. community generally. The same story Hts could understand "mp hon. "yttu"mrut was found on an invvstigation of the leg- "Hufvocartnrr. but not when thr, H.ii!\'(n'::- islatlon of other b'earer It ull showed the I i tion was found out on the spot. (Applstuy'r: same story of advancement and progress. I l and laughter.) As to the. cruility of the legislation of Um; I Mr. Meredith said he thought it would turio, which Mr. Alert-duh had spoken chi ' be a misLike 'f it wont out that the th.\'. was it likely that lcxislution would be any, crninent did not tvrrard this mutt Ar very 1055 (TING if the Legislature met only' once) "Th,"sly: that they rrarr,arav1 it in up. in two years and had only half the time 1 some way as Mr. Bishop had done. for in- to do its work ? (Applause.) It was very I' stance. The subject was a gray.) one. A easy to criticize in this way. and he was 1 smcinl commission had been issued some reminded of similar criticisms rccently time ago in New York to inquire into the passed by some English Judges on a meas- i nutter. as Dr. llrycc, the Secretary of (he urc which was passed into law under the 1 Provlnrlal Board of Health, mentioned in wire not only of the greatest statesman l his annual report. Dr. Bryce, in his Pe- of tnodrtt1 times but oi one who had the 1 marks on the wrung", had shown that aid of the bcst English Judges of the day. l in- at lcast appreciated tihc gravity of the lie referred to the English judicaturo act. i case. The subject was deserving of the This showed how worthless such a criti-, l closest and most serious attention. Mr. yis,ry was. Look at the great religious? _l, Mertulitlt dcniinl tlizi'. tho (ibhositiun tool, Enid"? yyl 'f'lonivnierciul and monetary 1"" l h" . 'sb _ '- le'm; rlts. i~iill--:c. but mm hllrlllilullnr. Vibe) all iound it necessary to, in "Y"". "f tl _ '. I . .. . .r ii" rtwet once a yuir, yet the subject matters Hui incl "1 th ' Ml" "' IV W" l '-'._' __'""T' over which tin-y had control wore out ifl cum-ii "ty/tlt "in; " NW" "1' tri' Th" l' '.I, all comparison with those under the con-l on the 1lil'ie"trj': pirt't, "tttl ll, ""1011? f trol of the Legislature. County Councilsl \\l.iili- point "i tlw 4"de tlt: "' "l"! Township Councils and City Councils all T mud, upon him. _ :.l xiii-t Very much oftener than once a year. The lllllll'ill WilS tltssrt vrre'-"1, llthu'i There had been no petitions Ior , been, ill Mr. llrydi-n's suggestion. arty'roth1i l bicnnlnl Hessiotrs, no agitation tor ', in with .t WHY that :tt1Y infirmnticn| it them. and there never would be T Hamil (or not iiicliidui in tilie return wilt-U" if the [cubic wctu' allowwl to understand ( for it few days ago by Mr. McColl might the full effort of what was proposed. One 1 be includi-'l in that return. . grunt advantage of yearly meetings was It bcinp; i; o'cloclt thc Sp ,aker left tne the knowledge that members: were able to chair. obtain oi (inch other. They were able to AFTER RECESS. net to know on whose judgment to rcly, -_. . cr . - to Know who was versed in muni . l - The House, 1,o,t,.,t,'yi,tt,i/iyli,,t"i,,t)f,,? 23:1"; tors, who in business ',,1,'t'1l',)llci";L','"l.tn- nor. Silent zt business-i l rivid'inmi wit": those pertaining: to tho constitution, and hotit' "crl'rtt'huy'r' "5931") "i T\c liillsi so cm. Hurting but twice in four years prvat ujiity. Nriy"is, t.?,)'l,du"v',l), ._\h.'_l the int-min rs would not have this advan- 'VOFG thus udvnnCcEll st! 5"?"flineu'13iii .lie-t tune. They would miss. also, as the At- Marty's bill to cinlnm 1rVatf,',",r,',','i','l; but tiuuv.v-Grmrurtl hrul said, the incstiinable tween (,'yaiiuniiil'lc and (it; ' '/,.rt: 1rr'ri, bill itilVillllilLfC of training. for the Parliament . lands Railway rPmraT-'i', l r. N ('/rr'ii', invon . would be over almost bcfore the newly- , to wc,ntirm certain ",t,t1t"is,,1y1t)1 l itCl'v"Ci'i-' olru:twd incinbcrs had had time to learn Air. Putin's hill r.tiTy"tej' "all": iifn tt the rules. Mr. Meredith had Spoi§pn of Denture lobt " Tiny, Alt'. ;), 'ij,',;,,)," Mr. the 't1rJ'itfH, number of members in ali constli'lilt" the dd" of "4.135 Jtr'sliv- the Parliaments and Legislatures of the Davis" Lill to reduce 1h? tJii",.l'sr,ri?te/'r,rl, , TDominion, and had mentioned the chor- nrirkct, Mr. E. F. Chimes ty?.! 1:"th re- mous cost of thorn all. Ontario had only the City of Toronto. My. ti.1c't,"ivd"in','llto'rr, to Jo with Ontario. and hr-r legislators spectir'g St. Georges f hunt te "I; Uni. "we fitr' frwor in Proportion than those Mr. tmarlton's bill to /,',ri,er,ei'f,lo',ii"/re Harty's of other Provinces. The number of Iegis. xwr.sralist Church i',nyd'd1vt"Jlorcii1list,C',n', iir. f V gators; in the country could easily be 1-0-, bill to confirm " il: l j , y' H, WIN" LY the v,loolition ot the Se . 7 '. Alt-Kay's (Victoria) bill to /.j'grb,t,kisr,'diitr'. Mr. Mercilith was Sincere why marlin: n35 I to Inaretrnse "-1". 1,,1i/,1/,1,.s','1r, It,' ',iiniij'i',ris"ji-) td,i'ev,,o,tf, ram?" to this reform ? I'nder thel , Trtit rs/'l1d'nl'l,cd'2'f1)i'"y (lion, and Hon. A , cmn " system it would be possible tor an glory ns' i- ' cAd