l . " . _ . 'lllllllll I I! ".17. .r_. .,_.,--. .. ' -r'.e.._ I ' f . look after the thither would not derive an)" same bill which had been " but uaun. . ileum from my mum" et', mug" . 'hitlh bod been held over for por- . _ be made. oe. trarer-Hear, ear.? e and w _. f nee to the County Councill. F thought the park would be u. popular place not»?! o,fi'e,'5l'll m. had been made. but . ot resort. He only hoped the regulations '.iotne 'llleil' or fundamental. showing that . - for the preservation of the timber would nonern S t with "new approval. A a t, _ be very stringent. the .bmm'l'tIteee of members Specially inter- . " l Mr. Ferguson of East Kent also express. - "mom e subject would cans-Vit. . ed his hearty approval ot the bill. He erte2 "MR Hardy's bill to consnldite and _ _ endorsed the views of Mr. Clancy as to the Honi hr. dummy? laws went through its ' necessity for stringent regulations in re- amer" t " lth the some use. The ., ' 'gnrd to timber. second. "Nugget lalned that there had . Mr. Balfour thought nothin! in the west- l s'ornmiort9ner' ma"; In sections 51 to 65. f err. section of the Province could ttttve' we" c,r'S""l,',',d' largely ncaot. section 63 . ".'n been more popular 'tttut the present pm-, which ha . The subject in which the . on - posal. He only wished Point Peiee in Te-i Mm; no"... were made Was the requir- _ cox County btsionged to the Province tn- chief cttHura-, . l of referees m case of "tr steep. of being ordnance land. He would Itrtt tut,',, 3:13.12" beyond the DONG. 'of .. have some hope than of that being con- n no! f" . kl the initiatiW. vcrted Into a park. the munictripality ta " . " n . . . v' After some roman" by Mr. A. r. Wood, l-ppEit CANADA COLLEGE. Mr. "mm. spoke. He objected that the Hon. Mr. Ross moved the It,tp. I/rl!,',','.'. park would require the appointment of an , of his bill respecttnq I'pper Canada "I' - . additional ranger: Also that it indicated legc. The bill was really a change in 2,1 . .tho possibility of the Province being daun- tnanc.srerttent of the school in the direct. on ml nil OVQ'I' with [nil-lei. winch was Inorc .1; making it similar to that o the lni- than the Province- could afford. o-r.c.'ly of Toronto. The: moot I'?.'"',':.""??. .. The bill was then read a Second time. change was that allowing ne . . .7 LEGAL HILLS. g) ", old I.'",?'.".', Associati'iloi: xiii-$11123; """1ti,'le. Tho Attortttor-rh'nerat. muvcd the so!" we 3."er tti, all Ilt1' the. appointment end rcndlmr of his hill to fizriiit n.- tite :41. 1'eyt'f,r.'C,",f. o b - lnilr'slrnliun of lentire in Rainy River. " lt. [kiln-hr prorestreU his opposition "I .ty.'yily') upon S1e, 'e".ty.o.','.l".'T.', attend the collar on principle, and said he had', in; m'; !'retent s.?,?""? of the 'ttstnlttistri'.. hoped that " would be abolished. The Past i will: l' l.eif 3c; J)?:,",,,,'",','.,",'.',, f/lt/t of ,t,h, "not of the college, with its sleticit und: ll t '// ., " J" ("'IJ'Fr. (I is 2,".t,1 the the rensms assigned for it, the ilnpriii'i" "a Irtuutits fitCK m t.'le ttitcial itistrbt ol mum of the ninth Setycots and Ct,'.?,') rest- . Thunder Bar shall be ex-ttmem local Rrr- iii-mini schools. were, in his nel. t'eit- gistrar. and shall issue writs of mph" sorts tor abolition. An for this in": l" and hold trials at Rat Portage : also tho- i'rovim-o's mom-y Would he to " ct'ruttit Slipcn-iiury 'Mnuistrato of Rainy lllvcr to i-xlclll ventrallud by thcso additional Jllrh"..- have similar pnwm's to those of thc Man- ters of the hoard ole-vied by a i'"""""}'" tcr in i'haunlwrs m proi_ttq.q domrminccl class. Mr. A. F. Wood .otyey""l,1o the in Chambcrs in Toronto. Thost chunzc-s. mortgzinc powers embodied m tue hill. hi- thought, would 'or. " great shunt: of Mr. Whitmy cnmc to in" mtmce of tho "EPercM? and inconvenience to the popu- schov'.. saying that " should bx kept up lation of this district. l'ivr'l'lll Mr. Water.' und Mr. "mm" also The Attorney-General moved the second alpfi't'. , lcutlin of his bill to extend he i rate " in. Mr. Ross made a spirited (lofcriw' the High Court in respect aol' $273111); of the sch. ol. In'tili-"llrsl ping-n thin "fl: maintenance to inmnts. He explained not a grunt of and. ill" dent." ly" .l?ly that this was intended to trin- Pover to hnd tMen parallel"" in privious 'il?.',',". the High I'ourt in certain cases. hr want who" (in: college had its old "ndowment; of which power cases of hardship somc- _ the income has always iim-tnntml, annual? ttrrus arise. it is uetqitrnttt t3 HUM-V the yczir Want " bud m.- ior all such i",:.?:,'.',,','; High Court to maio. provision tor the "csides. the Minis-or _iecl,trod, he tr"."'.':," 1 malntenarv.e and education ot children in a dim rsiticd system of taut-nth)". th'c, who have an interest in property to whit n rigid. "u?lu.st!c. uniform 05h" .D stem. f.?.?. they will sum-ml on the lie-1th of a pan-n: t-rv sillool on exactly the same plum "as having merelc a life interrwt m it one in which ttr. could not a",',',',',.:,?:': fy The Attoruey-Guntaval moved che setoni there wen artvantaut'R m the opp"." te 'o s- loading of his bill to tttuMe tu'.trrltrl wo- tim which 1. wiined ttntarir to "bull" men under age to in: donor . Fru.. M-: In any msv. It'...)'.?," I",".', 't.iteit,cglie'i',",, tttttev-ce-ul said the law allowed. a'. ure among the 1.113;". cont Y,',?,,',','.",', "omun to hurry innit-r Hg: but till roll 1h. limb. and l'lllllli soho tlA. l Itite't" 'ld/i allow _ to bar 'lower 'r/irc', uolltl I wla fl",,"';': I'""'-* "X" ",,',r)"f/',ie paylrx'f' ' grout inconvvnlcnco Jdiisio/riry" resultc'l while as or its t-ilu Pm"l l "I. 'f 'y when a P1u<llind in anu- . "f,.' .v . . . I' het thought it yy"! ctrtttP'tr" with In". I'erty which he ndnc1)fhto"ii'ti12,"11 Trill 1ii'ir5"'t'll. F22": st.lycl,ie, '.C1.f,l,eol"iowdu",ii,t,',',.C; in which it won no: ntossitcie m" his wife tartu we trPrh" .i'":"'"' 0-11" ' crm', . it on the Amoricstt ts,tttlitetit. With ff" (lun/y/h',)',.."';,",", lah")'.'::.",).,,,"":',,','",',',,'; KM" to tue "tu"ritttrtu'nt "f tho old hos-i. though to marry she was old enough to the conno- do -" not 1cck Pr friends, who bar down. . . "ill bi stirred up to itctlvity try this; and The Attorney-General moved the second thi-rc arc sit-rm: .Hy.11.1s for y'.!.o.yt.,re,r reading of his bill respecting certain du- :m tttdowmet'.t oi $ltoto in a tu-w year"'. ties of Coroners. He stated that under lie "as in favor Q f the school. all! had lo present circumsmnccs it the Coroner calls sympathy with the dead iev-liing " tV an inquest and >ui sequently satiyttes nim- tcm. self that there ls no real need for it he "U" Mr. Gitvsrm moved and _e,t.111,',':,'?. cannot let it drop without forfeiting all the mound Mullins: of hir. hill 11r1yli.ny claim to compensation for his trouble. mortgages and r lit-s ot personal property. This bill provided that in such a case the He expluloed it Vcry brlo.".r, trayitt4 that it inquest may be disrtrtsed with and a fee was a tCtr'" "Julio" and revreion of the of $5 given for the ll'oubl" of the proiimin- . lnw. Several mun-Hunt acts have been nry prove-wilngs. This would effect a sin-'- passed upon the subject of minimum in ' mg. as under the present circumstances the mist tcw years. and this bill M." .102 the Coroner, not infrequently ionvoi'l loss, aligned to arrange them properly.. Phi-re goes on with an unnecessary inqln-st. it tc..' somt re-arratotrentent, semi in ti otghe would not apply to Ueaths in gaois. the in- prawn! reused 'statute. relating to mort- quest being necessary in such 6Uit4ri. 1:31:03- securing rcpaymertt of ..ttivtstteic i lir. liztl'r was afraid this was but pro- und mortgages to secure mortgaroes i riding for unnecessary ?Kpestr4e, but the against oudorsetuouts, which is comptleat- Attorney-General pointei out that it ed and involved and dlmcult ot clear in- would effect it saving in preventing un- terpritation. helm: divided into two sec- necessuryinquests. lions. Nos. Tund 3 of the new biti. Public? HEALTH ACT. ' . ' r R0NDEA" 1"th ' Hon. Mr. Bronson moved the second Hon. Mr. Hardy moved 'Y' teeyl..Cfdil reading of his bill to amend the public ing of his bill to estabiisit " 1 rov.in1iiti,) health act. He explained that his bill was park at Hondeau. He briefly t'xi'lal'w'li designed to permit hospitals for contngi- the lllilurt' of the hind and the beduli' ot our: diseases to complete their equipments, the 'r"" gt'nvmily- it had remained m " and also. in case of the tirtrt issue of de- rtate of nature. and would make a tery bentures proving insuttteient for the erec- beautiful park. No portion of it had been ( tion and equipment of the hospital, " sec- sold, and only one person had taken up and issue can be made. The bill was his residence on it. He had elrfcicd 801:: passed. b _. . . ich he wont ave. . . 3:35;"; 'ti, "rhea sonably compensated. MR. Vi OOD AND MR. HARDY. semi- of the timber upon the land was , It was then moved to go into Committee Very vaiuatue. and would be carefully pro- of Supply. Before going in. Mr. x. F. Served. The place "bounded in tltrtt attil Wood rose on u. question of privilege. He game. but it was not proposed to make " had been unavoidably absent during Mon- , fish or grime preserve. though the law _ day and Tuesday last. being obliged to be would be enforced during the close sea-l in Montreal 'u,,'.'y/y."ltt".-; on the Ex- son, it was not proposed " lay it out as a _ chequer Court. " hile lt was away Hon. shuhlrety but snnply to appoint a iturc- Mr. Hardy and Dr. McKay had referred in". or 'mnger at a small expense to do i to him in terms which he thought should , what he could to make it habitable. Sonic l t'g,,tt.haritt,Ninonu"fhte,e,',', luv',',',' not pre- t ordnance lands were situated within the _ which were his own 'if/eu',', b t1; matters natural boundaries of the park. and these the correctness of his l "masking" and he hoped the Dominion Government would questioned. His iGfl'd"dh" Ull tab?" cvnrettt to add to the park. apart from his basis of ieatcuiatio . 1't Mr. Clancy approved of the hill. but ... n an hoped the caretaker or ranger who is to I