The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 29 Mar 1894, p. 2

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'm-M. . A r'N" 2%" M "w "as. A, '_r"'e _ - . _ ,; ' r " . . - ,» .' -'\'.q '. % - , '. _?., . _ 7?" . "p'" F '. trig"! " . r t - ., KN "rd l . fiffl , . W; f. v' r N _ k. "BFm , u tttttd , Miiiig -, Mllt' Iitii"ls"o','i"'t', f)! i I, _ r 'aaa _ an. m EEAI d ' In» for td1t"tii,iil' [, NtETRiii' : ilRIr'hTrfiVrG iif new . " "ttgreet,' no" though o I wishes. consideration ot the Item . ,4, m: _ . tut your. Mr. Mur- wh", deferred. , '-, tor r . r'to evidence brought oat in r he vote tor administration ot Justice . I the . c, F" counts. and claimed it showed was then taken up, and on the item of tn,- , ' ttt 'tirt. of the "Mom" clerks were H: .'i0 for the Supreme Court of Judicature, _ u- tt m and unnecessary. He tiwuxhtl .Mr. Meredith urged that there could he Ed l uarters were nothing but a. lmucli amalgamation effected in Osgoodc , for the halt. the main and the Hall, with it corresponding saving in sul- ' . F. He said it was time to mil u. halt. arias. Many of the otBeets.attached to tin .'" mendl-turc in this direction was on. different courts could be thrown toxethe _ _ ously irreutcr during the last twcch its vacancies fell in. He especially aiiud . no than during the twelvc was prc-l tul to the omce recently vacated by the x I ing. death of Mr. Baldwin. Surely the dutie 'Mort. Mr. Harcourt replied that Mr. tonneoted with this oMee could be dis ' tcr's language would lead one to sup- charged by some ot the other officials il = that it was the Siinutc to which he the Hall. i was referring. He explained In"; the t'h- I Sir trliver Mowat said that this was th certs of 1893 was due to thc hurry mus.- 'llrsl time he had heard this suggestion q .. upon the removal to the my; bulid- 'lle could see no amalgamation necessary i and would not he likely to ott.ut" {Tm-n. WM, plenty ot work for all htz'i . Min. He ran over the names of " num- courts, which might Just as well be calla ber of sessions] writers walking in thc iiirst, second, and so on, courts, as wel buildings, many of whom haw liccn for Ids Queen's Bench, Chancery or Commo several yearn connected with important Pleas. The old names hurl really been re- committees and departments, unu :ncr. cf imbued through affection, but all the courts ' the most undoubtcd efficiency. Hc tlicut Worn fully occupied. govc some lllustrMions of tht. cum moo; l Mr. Meredith thought that as vacant-ion work which has to be performed by the Occurred reductions and rearrangement. Twriters in connection with the ordcrs of the i could b- cichu-d and much expense snvod. House for returns from the different lo- llilr. Whitney one)" along the some lines. calit Those involved a vast amount Mr. Meredith criticizeu the item of tec,- s'it,ut.t.espT,'l'i4,,end,'l collation und tubulu- ill: for tlut.uvgittu.luilrtcs and local \l'isl-rs. _ tton. Those who hut] followed the cvi- [ Ho chitin-d the basis of commutation was denim in the public accounts or Mr. Spcncc i unfair, and thy amounts rerrlved row o'cre and Mr. rtioorteon, who had charge of thc muah to. ionic. 'rin. Government should clerks, would know there was nothing cut thou: down. Istated there to sustain Mr. Martet's I Cue. Atturtw.v-Geucral said the common:- " rge of "tcompetency. Quite tho- rc- 1 Hon had be"; ettccted on the basis of the _ vcrrc. They hnd shown that there was {ft-cs for it number of yours prior to the . work for all the writers. and that thcy lyoytn.iuteuot.t, which was thought to be a - competent for their work. " there ifalr basis. it had not been expected that . fire a few who were not exactly good Ill".- [u-s would lurtase. He did not think penmen, therc was plenty ot other work *thcrc W.".Htllly gricvuncu. Theprvuent sys- Mor them to do. M had been very clearly I icm under commutation was better than _ shown in committee. lilyllll'nl by (ms to Judicial ome-rs. Mr. Mcredlth deprecutcnl the lurirc at l Mr, Whiiir-y asked the Attorney-General -: penditurc on sessiondl writers. Tltese men i it he thought u committee should not tpm a. wore appointed merely as friends of thc 'appointed to invi-siluntc the nucstion. ' Government. He knew for a fact that i The .\ttormy-(h-ncrul said he did not sce ' some of them did absolutely no work at iwhy a commission should not bo appointed. all. He tttought the urgumcnit that the 3 The votes for miscellaneous criminal and removal of the new buildings had caused jcivil Justice, tor Division ('our'li- inspec- an increase in the numbcr of sessional l lion and icr mincllnneous Justice came up l 'erters must surely have been made with- l lll'.\l. Under. this head .\ir. Meredith culled r" out reflection. ia'.i,ij,i,i,iti,, to the emoluments of tho short- I Hon. Mr. Hardy explained that 18W, was Ibond reporters of the courts. whirh he tn many respects an abnormal si-ssion. ithtrup,ht too high. ylultors "'crc. he said. i. The number of ruturns was very large, I ut'fcii put to cxcessive expt'llr'i' to Kt", copies s', and emailed on enormous amount of la. 'uf the vvldence. _ " bor. The work count-nus] with the moving i The Attovriey-Getreral 811M that the 5'18- _ up, with the tillink of the vaults and other i gostions recently made to the Judges by similar duties. was very great. Part of "nicmbcrs of the pi'ofcssioll contained no , ' .1. "tone by the writers. There has lint-min: of this matter, and he could not 7 a r great decrease this year. having a su- how it could be remcriletl, its the mouse ' , Te . n the session with 30 writers,and has- i lay in the git-zit length of verbatim report- ing gone up only to 17. As for Mr. Mum-rs I lug. it "as a Inn-slim) whvther rubli" remarks about the lame, the halt and ').centitttent was not ripe for the exiwnse the blind, he could not see why " citizen Cii' this being met HM of the excherter, t who had been unfortunate, but who still instead of us at :rcswnt. Mr. Harrow nnn~ ', was able to dischargc the duties required . tioned it rose ot what he conside:id nu ex- . _ of him, should not be employed a; well u-sshe charge for tony days' cvldencru. lag a more able-bodied man. The remark Mr. White called attention to the large islmply illustrated the unworthy treatment _ proportion borne by the i'mvincc townrds to which every cmploycc of the Province the maintenance of the Police Magistrate had to submit. and tho administration of Justice on the-1 After some further tvmarks, Hon. Mr. Niuxurn. itivcr as compared with the Harcourt, said that in ottawa tluwe amount paid for the isdtrtin.tsttatum of arc 272 sessional writers. He cmphusized Justice on tho "ctrolt River. The Ab the uncertainty of the work, and thc im- torney-G'cnerul replied that the circum- possibility of laying it out regularly; it Monica on the Niagara River arc cxcep- the work were more constant fewcr em- tionnl. the whole line of the river having ployees would sutrlco. t to be ('(Wifcd. AFTER RECESS 1tKGrsTRAP. COYN'ru". After rcccss the debate on the vote for At this point (about 10 o'clock) Hon. Mr. the scssinnul writers was continued. Ur Hardy read a telegtwn whit-lt hc had scnt Wnlc,ughlry spoke, referring to the gifts. that afternoon to Registrar Coyne,. im- s',otttetirnes of money, which Mr. Alex. Kohl nimJiucly upon hcaring the charge of Mr. erlson, foreman of the scsslonnl writers Mct'oll that that oillciul did not attend to had admitted having received. Hon. Mr: his duties, but simply slipped down to the Harcourt in reply assured the House that otllce tior a rest minutes each day. lie r" the tact had been absolutely unknown to "Hum Mr. Mom-ll Wtit4 not now m his him until tslicite-" in the Public Accounts place. The telegram he had sent read as Committee. and admitted that it would fony.wtr- , diminish his usefulness it it wore allowed . J. H. Coyne, Esq.. St. Thomas 1 l to continuc. As for the remarks as to the Iict'oli states that you only stop down to l exccsriic numbcr ut writers, the-r0 were an. ottice once a day 'dur P little Whilcl tunes when the full numbcr was needed ninut noon. and that the deputy and his] Mr. Marts-r followed, urging that an ex- wsistant do nearly all the work. How is: "Ulric should be made of thcsc oiliclnis this. and Ito? many hours It day "3"" Foul caught in wrong-doing. Tttcr whole 53's: in the ottice'.' Answer hy letter. A. SI tern of sen-ional writers was bad. l 7 Hr rdy. _ lion. Mr. Hardy remarked that there is Mr. Coyne instead of replying by "Merl a to-mlcncy among cmployces ed/Gr/IC teley,tuphcu1 Uri follows C-- f P suhsirihe for Ior'esetits to their'supor- Hou. A. S. Hardy: Am at otfivtt over). nors, a tendency which he could not under. n.renoott and afternoon, with hardly an ! stand. and which in nus "we was L'ertuin- exception, t'rvquerttly there until a or c l .."v wrong. it would not. he Umught m. 0 clock. I spcnd tour to tVe hours every 1 F cur again. ' - "My indigelomce I', valns there six hours to- i Mr. White :2 oke, c any. . o e wor a ways done under m " excessive ilUlnlzwr :,y'"t1ae"1elte',.'st, 'l',',' personal supervision. Am familiar may, , the Utrurtee of his remarks he mention l CW". detail. The derntty--unacnuainteu a. All! especial severity the name of Mr 2 with the work when tirst entploycd-tvas n, whose name he saw down in .u , been instructed in every detail by me, and , [pump net'ouuts us a "clerk " and wh it acts under my personal direction every l ,salary Wtttg 3750. Who was this e" ut Otie ( day. All important correspondence is ' ,useless gentleman ? . _ . "iWarvntly ',','iQ,.eit.edt,' and every Important abstract Amid general In", , verif1ed, by me personally. i, of course, '98": and 'l,i'd,'UQfhttr t'enrc1rit,gart,y.l do not copy instruments; that would be North Essex that ho was ass _"em or tor impossible; but the copying, as well as Bry of the Private 2'l'i'e'll"i'.t.' ntr tho sub the deputy's work. is supervised by me. Home him a yam, or two l',' y which the , Mr. McColi must have been: strangely mis- Mr. Meredith. Mr. White distal): 2:0th to i . armed ', the work was never more thor. discussion. ontinue - rwilly done, or mote summoning, " a,

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