The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 30 Mar 1894, p. 1

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Dr. wiuouiricby"moved for on order of the House for a return showing all mon. eyS collected under the Scott act during the years 1886, 1887 land 1888 in the Conn- ty ot Ontario. Also, a detailed statement of the amounts paid for the entorcetueut of the act, and to whom paid, and tor what purpose. The motion was hurried Without discus- lion. {PM iinusu tin-n went into Committee on I Fiva'tr Hills, and advani-cd suvcaral meag- tires thi'oug'h that Stagv. A number of pi'ivaitc bills were then read a wound time. The measures thus .tdvanwni "ori- Mr. IC. IP. Clarke's bill to enable til" t''titiyr.q of tho late John Smith to ivioi'tgam- Certain lands in the Pity of Toronto; in; tilinioui bill for the consolidation cf the th-lrtenture. tlt'ht of the 'l'own of Toronto Junction, and for tithe-r purposes; Mi. i'aton's hill to consolidati- i-ertnin Ilt'liiS of tin- Town of Harrie; Mr. ijotirrotr's bill "esp-ins',' thu Clly of 1)t- law-a, and Mr. t4truLtou's bill rcsiwt'i-Hg Ihr. Town of i'tttwlroro'. t,'ll.~\liill-.'b' AGAINHT l'li. liliYUlC. in: l's.sirrioit mowd for an ordvi' of the llousv lot' a l't'illlli oi Iustrit :1 of all pap- ery, lottri's. statwnio-nts and documents in 'urtitiectiott sxith tin- 1'lrury,e.s of G. A. Dor- 1.111 against IlJi'. 1'. ll. Ui'yt't', Secretary. of the l'i'oviin-ial Board of Health. withi a i'opy of the t-vlllein'o adduced, and the tintlitts,r oi thr. "rmirnitsr;ioiuts. in: Ryerson, in moving for this, was careful, in. said, not ahsoiutely to commit himself to a support or 1lv. Doriun's vhargus, his position br'iitp, that they were serious enough lo doinaiid investigation, though he rccognaizul that they were hut "harges viiianwting from one man. and ay, NLli'll not MS yet in a position to be brought lit-ton- it comtnlttee of th' House. ', lit: did not wish to say much upon the} charges. but to speak upon the conduct of tho UrNrar'trnent in its gruntingr of an in- vestigation. llr. 1tyerson then traced the "orvespondem'e twin-men JIr. Dorian and the Treasurer, from July l9. 1893, to late in oetouer. limit, and alludwi to the similar rhargt-s niado against ltr. "who in hot; and 1888. Ho tin-n tnotionel tho wom- mission which has hot-n appointod to dvai with tht. mattvr. Thut commission 1'itiV sisted, lita said. of Mr. i-'lwniing. inspt-t» lor of lit-gull ("lion-s. "ttrl lli', il'io. Now, My. b'lt-rnitii.r, "as a Irulr'.o otliwirtl. and as; rurh ilviwndvnt upon tln- IitrVtu-rtmrtit. it "as not to lo. n-xpm'to-d that in. would be an t'lllil't'iV ionic-punihnt and 1orp1tvtizurr liin'nllit'i' oi tho commission As for in: Mao. a. lvttri' from In: Izzyvt- i'I that um tit-man. which in: l'syricrrn tituliti. tcliow- ed. in his oPiriioti, that inn liai- .ill'l Lrr. Hryt-o Wen» illililNlU' friends. anl ' lit-on interested tog-other in romv lil't'VlullS affairs; so that in: liar. also, was hard- ly likely to be an indt-pvndvii' or impartial , " Julie. The long tiniv which had Le, ii al- luwt-d to olapsc. and thc i-lizirm-trr of the ciurtrttission whii'li had horn totally ap- pointed, Showed. llr. I'syerson thought. that the Treit:cttrr't' had not done his duty in the maittn-r. Mr. llorizin's failure to ttive "vhlensw, no said. "as. duo ttt his SL'l'li)ll'w illness, and to his 'celti1-titilr'r. to apiwnr bvtorr Slit'll a commission. The tn'atter' should bu invtsstip:rtterl Iret'irt'r. the Publi" Aruurunts t'orntttlttrw or by " CUIH' , Yiiillw' of thts Houcc. ' ' r . q . _ . . 'th , I . "on. Mr. llai'rourt said this tttatt.'" was, Cliargc1sAg,uirvst 1)r. Bryce llen il> lir Ityirsiu1 statwi, Illlii" an old llllt'. . . 1 _ ' It had luv-n Vt"dy thoroughly Home into in uonea III the House. the i'tililit- Avmniits \'oii;t'ni'_tw- a> i'at' buck :ileV'). and tho P\'iil"ll('t' then taken. --q----- {Lilly rc-portvl in tho svssional voliirtts'.,' toi- the year, showi-d that tln- (diam-m It'ty - _ , -t , t , 'ew' Hum name. In the minds of tho t'rttlttiit- MR.HARCOUWI's STATliM EN l'. ire. to he rvgardo-d 1's trivial. and too in- . . I F, iuiry lwvamo 1ntsrtly a tlirittysion as to Lwtrslutivel hattth t March "It , tlliv best moans of purn"tiuriinrr, a porn var- The liouw did it lat-tu- amount oi irtt:ii- Linn. The inquiry annually showed thorn ness to-day in thes "M ot' advancing. "I... was nothing in tho thin-ups then 1".1"/-, lic and lil'l\.tC~' hills in.iii\ oi v,hrt-l'. Wt'!'" red. I). yy/T.?") "1".ic.i1l..t,.1.1'r", this mat" , _ ter should haul lit'tll iuxvstiv:utt-rl duiin.. road a seroiid Illlln', and many \Iiiii'l'.\ put the ptt'serlt session in tlu. l'ulili.- Atuusttii4 lhiough i-oiiiinittmz Thrs .\illilii'iiitli com-", Cornttt.ttet'. llt' (tho"l'rt-aSiiri'r) wantml m mittrr is now provido-rl with WUZ'lt for w-\'- i any that ho has Winn": to 1"v.t. pr. tlw matter fully non: into thtuu', and it eral days. I'hr. only "WW". "I tin. day. Dr livo'rs-in wisln-d Would han- i)r. inwa- "or. than arming tr'.l a motion for i't"vili'll:; "fang. other witness at tlu' coinmitl' .. "I, "B I'll 1's.vrrsou in i.'1-:~|l'i to Lln- thaw» Tuesday morning. and 1'ver'y .cui"seyuy".t pl'vii-i'i'i-d " Mr. lhui'iaii "u,uircct ltr. I'. H. morning until (icy/l','.',','; I,"",' s't)d,'.1ic/r, . , . , . ' Vs wim- t-iiiii'n-j or: ,"L Ft 1 Bi)"; t%uuvtnry oi tht. l'I'HVlW'lHI ",rnt'il N: '0,rvr1i."'ii/i',J, Ithi- tinnitus now riuaini or "Width. Mr. llari-oiii't shimwl i:-:ii tin: [Hermréd against hint, whirh were sulp- chai'gcs ind lM'cll vettirluts-rl you its' ill stuutinlly tho sanit- as those previously the t'uiolir. .\~-i-.ninis l'oinniitt'v. .iiid pint lnvestigatvd in "oniru.itt'.'"s As to the , ' , '.. . .. h "I " '.lt- paw-lino! of Moi tvtitntl.s'slirrl. to which Ur. _ ed to haw iiu.liiii_. in ti m. . _ Rnd'son hall FO strongly otojsuued. that tn:.;'s reuviit "rirvtvirie,itturlt_ h,rl l"'-'"""""1 min. ninth-man Would and. if ht" linked this. ll" was, uossivs't'. lit'l'l't't'ii) \\iliiiiL: union: tlie cortispotiil, iii-v, of which ho to hits/tr tlit' :iiittli'i' vrntil:cisii, :lllli ttit- "url roan! a 1;:il't to the '/y't1' "slat _ , _.. T . ot' t or". Nil", uni-'1": _ 1'. incurs ('Xllllllllt l, Ly in!" l'tiy,rlts' Avitttittt.s; 3min; mull hinisn-li' suum'r'hrli Mt'. WM!" L'ormitittce rurlvt "wo. int: as tho cotnitu.csiottti" to iitquico into Nt thr. opt'uinrr,' ol thrs Sill'll; tivcrnl the 1'herTrts.c. Fvomhisposition,ofcortrse, third i'i-ailiiirs wore olrtuizn-d. 1lv. l'.al~ Mr. Fleming took " loading PR" in tho inlll"H hill to aim-mi tho pharmza-i uvl. investigation. and. in Vii-w of All: .'"yii- Air. Marty's hill "otitiruttitip, an tw,rvorutt un's suggvstloiw. it did not now no in his bt.tweett (laiiunoqni- and tho 'i'housand l.; mouth to take (mm-plum to that guntlv- lands Railway, Mr. Higgins bill to with man's appointment on tho 1y1ntt1iss1o.". He flint some: assessments of Trenton. My. b.oped Dr. ft.suwson would ttot filan-'lf l'aton's vblll tuspeotitu,r the "rot of thi- charp,e that the commission "as oi a par- 'powtwhlp of Tiny, and Mr. Marty's bill tlzan character. He knew Air. Mtve1i.tlt to coutirtrt a by-law of Kingston tvciiv- would not say that a gentle-man in the, in; .thelr finishing touchcy.

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