The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 30 Mar 1894, p. 2

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" . . . III". . rr . "r , = ois, I " Le! ' t=,55lNilMI ' . " ' - . __ gr I m " " Ht "" ' h "awn = il " .,. a a . 'i' 1%- . "WWW"? " y Ut 0 P, _ I e r " . mp, h? Tr r ,~ M IRML.un ,,- , BEial V -. , BE I = . ,1. -m:" . ma.' , LEN a. Es.. p'\ LE i I V if? 'rl.ra' I' "a - .' - . . 'em . . 'ititg,f'ti'dtflrtt; (an and a d t 'e mutant of tho amount: .. , hue: no! knowledxe of disbursed by him during the said time, 'd", , M no ""0. t ed that Dr showing to whom and for what such f . but he was n orm . dil ' . __ 1 " it o ttht be Biurmments were mat e. t c. a " tb man of whom" t k: a mo Thu motion was carried ut a ' ".. . . , ly hinted that e, Whom. entrutstod I Dr. Marr (Dufferln) moved for an order than counw I' an l/lf,'."')',':?,', a my. who" of the House tor a detailed statement for to him. it Wtt.q 1',','l'C, the Viiii'ii' qu. "tttlt of the fees and emoluments of the nhouid be mad?" PHI"?! 'l',',.,,','.,':')'),'.,', "hilt-h Registrar ot Deeds tor the County of louf- ingit _e"'l1.'.d'2'J',1ttl,e1u11 Tm! himself. He forth in connection with his villi-e. He tu. (the If?" t "H": of my gm" wagon supported the motion in a. speaoh of trome ttrx'.".':!,",.,',",', Tim" 1'11." Is u; tite (hm-m. that' it t gth, objecting to the emoluments of the Ars Erttt n a 'l "T, y. ' . W..nn . with n..- otucl.vtl in question. unit to the ground~s on he had tree.n slstht irt irrol '.r' , I ...l which he was appointed. .investitrutiou, it Wits to he xi-ni- in Mitt This also was curried that the late 't'tvssurer and the lute Inn. " A . . 'iilltE Agriculture. mun both lookwi in!" i SECOND READINGS. tter. He hud cortirtritttlotcel v.ith P . . _ , . ' . , ublic hill: Were then taken up. I P m an ("If") lax 1"t'"1','l'/'// 1"iet.',"j. Mr. White mowed the second reading of l the (run-"'5' out l), "I"; it." i! ltllh' his hill to aunt-nil the Division I'ouyts act. . . on"; ///.,'7'U'/C,',, Ir, soon am he lie supported his hill in a ehort speech. rd fr mi the-4- 'i,1",ii'i,','.n,t,i,'"uc" ilit'l :iskwl stutiny, that the bill uile at the uboii- , l " C. . _' ic.__l tttouch! tion of imprisonment for debt, which he . timcrnment to! it tur-tC',)'), T " 1 ti ought unworthy cf the country ' ; ' ' I, t . . I. M", I I . . . _ . stub':,',,'.,,'.',,',"",",,,'",'):,'),'),)";,'.',,,,,",'),',',',;' .l..n. Mr. Homo" was not sure but that 'lr,',',',',."";,,'.',' itiol /i','.'i/s/id.'..,. mull-a: .41 me i-hungca might with whaling" be 3 m not hill)". si','. lmriiin Ht ill. but l [nude in the "my oi liurrnc.nizing the pow- en Mr Fcaid its!" "ppoittit-t out rm oi the Division Courts and the High . . . . ' ii ho Courts. lie Wits list-liti4ii to think that u. ntletnun While Mr. ihoittn. and M. t l . . ..' . . ' . would have notion" to do With thi- 'llili-' Hind WWI! ol In" tyoull exurting "Kw ""3 h . , . l '.. a ' ' l.. . ' . . l.. ' ter; hi- Ht't'lllt'l. to ohm-t to to: tilt". .Illlli no. ti; 1h-ri,e1)Ti1,',,t,tti,e'1',t,1i'n,,.t,'11, 3.))";ju called it it wltitcw:tsl_ rtisr.ctisrttion. Hr. \quu "/l?,"7"' 'f/'"; 'mi .'. in Hull" M 14.11- Fleming wt'uto' thri-i- mum. MIMI. "? ur. 1/rJ,l,'s'".Cr?.jc.1 ,U' . hi Ity. t i Ir..?.'.,"', Dorian was uni-t to lw ill. Went yo tor 'y" when; stunt y r..'"? 9 le.',?'.'.?,' r".xci,e,,",,t,i,a'l to offer to hold thr. irrsv.sctltutio" in lisl vast-s of fruud in pure (untignpt. .'l1'i'iC., ' house. Mr. llm'ittn itlis'oiuti'ly rwt'im-ui to Inuit! for debt. it: "leh,1 Kilt"! tilting. hove anything to do with tho- :itTiiir. tttcti- l tight In. Tade in the no) oi 11"1lll Lining by putting the "ottttnis.ciott to it ;.,oo~l dint} tto. Isriit'ttt'" oi .:!y't5"t't In Il'illllib' Witt . of disauvauta,uv. Mr. F'letuirt.v, him. llt'"-, thir'e owner's. int-ti- iniglit iiim In: iii er. prui-t-eiiml "ruy' Nth-fully any! 'crl"ttu-, illlii tiliimii: to th,. t'liv't't _ 'Jt.-'ti.'r. lllandhn-l "tttttttit-rl thi- non-nor. tori shottbl take into aim-innit the iiii.ui4 o t e purchase of van-ini- i-\'.-r slut-o- l\~.'.i payment at debt "'po'.:tei.uc'i ,n't-rtinil iiliow l lHe hall addrotrmut himself to tltctier Ind; th, ixi-niptimi all-d him. Mr. (Limos. iru0.Ciho'ii,', ttad the l't'ot'iti:-~ lost ui tliwn l'i'li'l'lt'l to the ityy1tal'ill',tr' ot !'t'r single iiolltu' by the manner in which ilr.' llllt-llt ennui-.4 in Um invistui I ouri lat Bryce hu'l purchased uni-inn" or hunt I'll! out promised that latter in the sewn." h [Bryce made u iiollur himself by tho int-'h- l hoped to he "ble to introUuce t' measuri- o od in which he had pitz'i-li-ismi \'-li"'l'l" 1" 1"1":i.mty.t. (it'lhl' not. and Wttt' wi!hr; Mr. Fleming" hint minii- " thorough inw-i'ti trut Mr. NI hiti-s bill pales Ity second rent] gatioii into both asptuts' of thi- |ti~>lll //l inc and go to the Lanai Cottuuittee, Hit? and on both hail reported in invor it till} to ho i-..ii,<ii-.t~-ti. Bryce. He regretted that Mi'. Itocru.u. im- Mr. l'il"k "thin 'hc sin-uni reading 0 gentleman who prettwreul the t'ilili' ~34, ', his hill to amenil tlu, munii-ipii not by oil been unable from ill iii-tiltii or .iii:.' oti i-rg (ling " i-iutn-'i- Irt'ovitlivu iii' tin- elm-'io'i o reason to help the ctt_rir'toto rs in thu'l't 1'ounelllrrts of t.iwn~ lIV ' l ni'rni T it". . 'investigations: but, tustwrtli.-ctvlitrA. iii-I The bill Wit: witlniixiun .it'to' :'t-vigr' 'thoitxht an inn-stigntion hint ii- " 'ttut!"', tvo-tttls/tes hud olju"-rl to it. that Wu" entirely cu!isr.artory, .itiii tint; Mr. .\[iuki-nziv mount tho susturttrl t'etttli'i . ltr. Bryce of thi- charuvvi pin-furl "l. or his bill to uni-uni] the 'illlllil'ltntl no: " . on. he "Kill" avowed his will-i milling ti clause ghing poww' to towns no rm to hu\'-- llr. 1'rryco or tiny wimp-:23! ttqrut':tted from counties to linens; an: t'mlsht he miniwi i-Muninmi ill the lyL1tlt. hill-posters uni! ftrsvlittrs. 'l'it Public Accounts Cotntnitt,u. Iii ttw,trd to ||iill was read ii. sot-owl time, the mutter. . . . , Mr. Mervdith slit he him-Hy. Mutiny. ff.IU KING. he tini hut know anything .iimtit ll!" Mr. Barr iItutterin8 tnovel the sum- charges "tat."', but t..""t.ttt' thought tutuu. reuudins..',' of his bill to amend the lilHilitJib' Was something tin-'nittir Ht their tri.itnii-nt "a by having the "H... "hitw;ierr" i by the (ion-innii-nt. While not oiiniiziiii: whale-"ail persons who, tut being reside to the oppouitnivtit ,,t' Mr. r'lt.truriv, to ulthitt "he county, sell or ott't.r for tct th this Purt'.i'ttlirt tow. r'.tttw Air. liar- iii": goods, tea, watt-hue, olorks, plum n r,ttuytlt summon-4| it. liv .Vt'l thought it untri- wuveywut'e "WM". 2w. swanky," "e Otrt cepvehtui.m.tlrlr. "Hum". on tlie Piti'l of I'lt-llit'i's or i,i/ri(rs',.v./sul, t,r"d,_r-vs', and t the (ion-l-niiii-iit to in"... mint-5m rti.tsitr pose sutturlcs ", patterns "r um. Fm Ogttiiiet titty of .t4 1trIutrt.tttots "tvcstlr,iitt- "was to ln, tittv-rwui'iis iii-liVi-rt-ii Witi'l ed by ultimate "huh it could lllh'lllllli) .init tht' cottttty to any "mm" "M in": at any time Meme» iii iii.i-ii-.4|-t-- nil tit. r- . .. . . . . . . t ' " ooh rule or ii-t.iil iii-.ili-i in Filth good enci- to the "I'Lil'ill .\giirnitmuii toilig~ "it."c." "I. mwchuunwu in. In" di investigation, " ,hlnt,c the autitoittttnw . f . _ h -. . ' . f , F , . . 3 . _ ("and Lo illit'Niluil 1shou.ct!vtu'c, "ti of Mr. Wiucinsto. to nizeiu- ihr itiiz-sttgit- , 3 . , . . . . . mimu-tl that urdrt the in" lt.\ at IWeset tint Wttt5tttt st mum II-'l'. unit that Mr. SI no .1 r tghttset4 and " mm" to the nubile a Chester's report no.4 Irnrtiznn. Hot tht. all! Trim" A. . ' . . of . Fr' tl. . ., t' lt . N3. t. D lltlutn't 1rl r. It l iii. "titultasiorr, Mr. "in":F ohjvt'trl Very otron:cly and tho latent-re of tltt' appointment, new. ' _ . M". -'ion4 ,wm'r 'lmwl ttil t in his eyes, wrong. Why "As Mr. b'lcur. Ill ')lill lf 'i,'il'jt1 rf III "on." run "It? nami- announced tlrst, aurl in: "uc's f'lt't "I'. i. ." "his" l s/src?,', l .o. it sometime inter in the tl.ty , "T',', "Ix ',1,'.'%",f,i' 1" , l/f,: "f 'ite hill lion. My. iluiroin-t 'xpiaittrul that he had Art'. ll H" l "I. I e lcoked tu-r '.cotti, of th, ' urn" t l but thought some sit-v.4 mitziit be takvn it V . . . . L' 'i 'rs, u " . i' _ . . i.; ' 7 had even that 1ttutt,lcttl litfi-rnnitioii "mum innit the swindliru: that i. too tommon . ' PBP . s.cIreciul1.v in connection with the sate oi be ttccetstiry Uli thi- part ot the t'tinlinls- ' . t . r... ' tortures and photographs. sion. riir. itkgtttt. ot ltr. Rue hail |l-"'ll Mr Metidith tiiv-t"iit thut the bill wa suggested to hint, and he hud umiointvd' ._. . I l ' Ab . . . '.., u/ . . tCrt' olijt-etionnbiw. in that it "with! Law h.m forthwith. . . M h . ' . tiositt the liberty of timi- :iml wortld d . r. Meredith -L'y Hr. Ptvce 't . i. . . ' . . .. ' . , sun); at. large ttttd parted.) 1tucitima Hon. Mr. Harcour:-No, up, l-rycv dld M . . . ' F not know of his a , 'oitrtt ' t . btuarilt of in inatr). Matts Persons ct h . H "Ln . , do " large and useful htrsitiry through I .~ Mr. Mtreuttt, thought it ttniortunnte that t . . . . . . . ' . Cottrttry, and who had lttvonu, .u'- izktonnni u member of the Provincial lionrtl oil . . . . 3 . ' . . . to Wrrtituthit distvicts, woulrt have their Health, like in. Hue, should have Inv'li . ' . appoint") He ther on] " i "i h: . ' l trude completely out off in the lrussu,,'e ..[ J t j . l H n "H t "Ji,,"",,',',",',') this mea.suN. which would rust-iv: them the ni.tioi charge, that the books it" not l a , t'Utttit'.' This wus "in!" i.l; , billttlitt'. litid bi-nn lulu-ii up uni s".ru/r.,il tv tne ottt . .'. . bt .- I' '_" cu- "s Fr _.. . ' . C ttethtw from the 'tIi'4tiiiii oi " l'uv:,cru. (l g.',',",',,'):,) the Kr'avtn chotX'v, thut 11" limit Hon Mr lint-in 4-iiil he Itvt been \'tt'V ue rituiieii the (lovvrnnnnt in th. lllilit'i' . . . ..' _ f . . . F . ." .'u' it) thr' Irill til . "l: of " portion or the tilstumnt to whiwh it! iltrmigl) 1""/fs i i I.?' ht'.' it . N . Dr. Hans spew-h when he must t'ili'ltws . "Ill,';,,.','...',',":,'.'"'; had not ben :ttuitti~t.iit|_y in-i h, had "PM." sou/e me, :'.r"A"i':""l,i . for it s";~. , '-.""- 1rrat ' . . .. 'I. '_'~ "Lt-up": 'id 1tt " 'ff/te/r"'";',"... ll) He had no obpvtlon to the Lill Aotltr, to l ' ' L l .c. I . ' . . ._ - . Mr hlr'.'U"r"t?.l. 13.3.") and." H. i"1. i "ottttttittce to be tit-"tit With llwrt'. utougr, Gif ' _ '. H //' """' I" ii.' tho Hons:- (itreii to throw it "It , ' . . nillt'll in the l'nliitc Atvottiit.c, i T 1e U b . would not ohJi-i-t. I otnmittie .oiii have] thut any would .. . . hnve Dr Wal.un hron-rht m fore ii." l Mr. Mcictihriie, Mr. (limo): M. Tait " . ' . Pt ' t. I " , , l c, Tlt, motion then passed. and Mr. A. i . " nod iontinut'ii thitlisi-us_ shin. and. the sentinnrnt being " letun. hit, mum's .\iu'i'ttixs. min-r90 to the hill, it was 'icclartt Isl ol, , Dr llirr (D rr l ) " division. i . " tt i'l'n moved for an order n." P u. p" ,' It)! the House for u "in" of "ll Cotniv- AsSiu'sBMK.N't A i. i nous tttttit r the liquor lictanss. l . ' MP. inn-k movui the second rt" C . tse act in th, tr of 1y',tclr,.,ot Irutterin during the "my idr::l I his hill to amend the asutsmnem t in l "and 189... Also, or alt ttuttteyts pald to the renarri to the assessment of pen-10 pm. il' ltt'llm! impi-i-tor for sttliiry .und pxpensm. perty. The. bill declares that verso 'ro, I pertv shall be estimated," its "at t

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