F ( 9 se eC Mf | Nowil C 'cash value ; that real property (save min-- eral lands) shall be estimated mccordirg. to its rélative value for municipal pur-- poses, irrespective of its mctual cash or market value, from time to time ; and, in estimating the value of mineral lands, the lands and buildings thereon should be es-- - timated at the vaiue of other lands in the % neighborhood for agricultural purpoeses, __-- 'but the income derived therefrora should _ _jbe subject to taxation, just as other in-- _\ lcomes. The new feature in the bill is | _' _ithat in the second clause. | _1 Several members discussed the bill, but J 3 here was & concurrence of opinion that * the bill was drawn in too vague a man-- ;"'- er to be understood, which, Mr. Dack *\ said, was doubtless due to the fact that _ 'lit was drawn by a lawyer, and it was, _ _ W therefore, withdrawn. ¥ |||_ Mr, Biggar moved the second reading of ,\,5 bis bill amending the municipal act by B giving City Councils power to advance ,,v? from the general funds or borrow 40 per _ _ i cent. of the cost of certain local improve-- % sal '] ments, such as permanent sidewalis,with-- i out the assent of the electors. The re-- _ _ mainder of the cost it was provided should %--| be assessed against the property benefited. + _/ There was some discussion, Mr. Ba«ltour -;and Mr. A. F. Wood speaking upon it, and ® _, Mr, Meredith approving of it, as tending _ ito improve the appearance of cities,. The ) (| |bill was given its second reading. '? Mr. Magwood moved the second reading | x of his bill to amend the Surrogute t'ouz'ls.' ./ act by making estates of $2,0) or under . -- the limit for fees now charged on estates | «--~ . of $400 or under. ~® 'The _ Attorney--General _ said _ possibly _ w something might be done i this direction, -- (though, perhaps, Mr. Magwood's bill was ¥-- i too radical. M § It was sent to the Legal Commiitee. f, i ) Several other bills were given their sec-- ___--_ fond readings with little or no discussion. y 3 Mr. Awroy's bill, fixing times for taking o assessments in cities, towns and villages; _ $ Mr. Sharpe's bill to extend the workman's @ I lien for wages to the districts of Mus-- Wl koka, Party Sounsd and Nipissing ; Mr. 6. SA FE. Clarke's bill, adding 5 per cent. to taxes --~@ M in arrear on May ist, instead of i0 per -- M cent., as heretofore ; Dr. Meacham's bill, f g resulating the times for the holding of _' _ $ county and cownship meetings, ahd Mr. J. Clark's (Lamark) bill to amend the as-- 4 sessment act, were all sent on to commit-- WHE tee. B f The House adjourned at 6 o'clock. 1