"d v - _ local causes, and " mainly due to tli _',' V cial character ot the food, which is. to contain more or less ergot. Dr. "s reports that as soon as the food is ch . . "v, the animals speedily recover. 1ri -' rlprPCmARr OFFICIALS. " Dr. Ryerson moved for an order of the House for a. return giving the numbers and religions of the temporary employees of the Department of Public Works at the pew Parliament buildings and Osgoode Hall during the years 1892-93. Hon. Mr. Fraser suggested that it l would be scarcely fair that the order should be passed in the way it stood, and the return contlrssed to the panticulm branches of the public service nuined therein. In a number of institutions in the city and elsewhx'e in Ontario oonnectel with the Public Works Department there had been temporary employees besides those in the institutions named, and if the inrormu.tion asked fur "us to be of any use and the criticisms upon it such as sought to he made the return should be of a. wider scone. lie suggi-sted therefore that the motion should be mnendwd so as to piw- the mumps and religions of the temporary enunlwyec-s of the Public Works Department during tnu- years named, W gether with the time dwrlnsr which ther Wore in the :zn-rvim- of the department and the total wages paid to enuh person. Dr. Ryerson said he was satisfied to have his motion amended, and it passed as amended. l'i'ililii' BILLS. Mr. Field's bill to nmend the act relat- ing to the registration of births, mar- riages and dentin pnssed its second read- Ing and Went to the Legal Committee. It provides for the keeping of duplicates of registrations in Toronto. Mr. Meredith objected that It would cause an enor- mous amount of labor over the country. lion. Mr. Harcourt pointed out that by the use of proper forms the labor would be less than at first sixht aPpeurru0, and the bill passwd for consideration in com- mittee. Mr. Harty's hill to rmend the art to regulate tram-11in); on public highways and bridges was mlvmwed to Its Rewind rend» Ing. He explained that it was introduced ht the instiun-e of the rumpnny which for many years has owned and kept up the ("atnrnqul Bridge, at Kingston. and that it was to proslle that the lines col- , ? ' _., H l : :" iected for furious driving' over hridues I'HE COMMISSION ON hEES. should he paid UVIJF to the cotnpnny,whirh [ Is at the expense of the repair of the . ----_ bridge. There was no especial cuinnr-nt made upon the measure. Te . Mr. Waters moved the second reading . F Par. Meredith VVants the Ses- of his bill to amend the iiiunicipni act by sions Held in Public. abolishing the poll tax. He said in many .- Counties it was nut attempted to be tttl- forced at nil, und it would be hetter cvlool- 1shed. Mr. Meredith said there WfLt4 ample row- Home Interesting Notices of Motion-Mr. er Vested in the tnuuiclptclititrs to abolish Balfour's Special Gus LJotuttntteu-Re- :he tux if they chose, 11nd if the local oh- ' ection to the tux warranted it. turtyts and Depuustions. Hun. Mr. nan-.1:- thought the bill miuht Ko to the Municipal 1'ortt.'rtittt-, and some} -------.--r-- xnoditlcntiuns made in the existing law. l Mr. i'luncy referred to " portion of Mr, I Leglslntive i'lnunber, April 2. Waters' hill which pvoporid "dditional' The session "My" " 14 "r Lritn' It'-: the regulations regarding the payment merof . . _ c.. Ch. . Mixes, und siriil it was lnndini: the statute Monday svcs,ivrr usually Is:,. Little bussinccs' book with tlscivr'S leuisiiition. and burn out was done and thcr.. Were n.) ligsii5<i v15 4d the charge ihnt it gum] deal of tinkering inIDUl'lunwn in the evening ltr. irnltouv',, "as "ter/l) li', Henna-.1 h . "nt' ' l., - r. u uur twin; it t n-re was not sum. npulul iviiiiuit'cv on nutmul Gas hvld he cient uppndilnn to the poll tax in the first taeetlug and to it some interesting plact's when- it was levied to warrant its evidence. abolitimi. Mr. Balfour introducxi a hill to :uni-nd 3Irm. "WWW tvpliwt to the objections. and the street miluuy act. and Mr. Tait a gm 'hill wushhcn sent to the Mllhicipul ommlttee. l bill to amend the Untmio uix'c'ldull act. Th E t , ' v - v , -9UN "ite Ilouse then Went into i'otlllxlittu' lld CoMMlyiSitrN ON FrCES. and passed Mr. Conmm-'s hill to i'llllivli- On ttus "WHO" Crt' til" mijournmnnt of [ .\'--l»m '.4chtutt to h". .tise as It dcnttst the House, Mr. Meredith uskvd if it Wits Fr, . I ' no. . I t ' true that the Cornruirrsion on Fees mid Mr. imdeys bill i-uniirmnn; 1;'ie.igr~.-a-nn-m been issued, as v/tttn' announced in the betuen-n the London Strut-i Hallway (mm, press, and if the sessions "ere beingr held pun) and London West, Mr. K"i'll.\' bill to with closes doors. lc'gaillm' try-law 214 of the. i'uunty of il:i|- Sir Hilwr said the commission had ls- Iun. and Mr. ll. FI 1'lario.'s bill to 1.rtirll. 51 cd, but no evidence hud been ytt talwn. the wxevuiuis u! John Smith to ttrrrt:inc',re Tlie yt-s.c!vn.s W" Cit' hr,alt.l hud been merely . ('vr'tziin lartvi, in "lhrttotttis. 'l'he hill retrirti- 91"liiiliiiai'l' and reluttui to the mode of Irtg Nelsen Sehnurr was slightly mm-nd- Drum-"lure. and so forth. This could be ed. better dune, he thought. in private than A , ,. , . _ Hr. ,n in the Ptvriti1L't' of the public. I HIttlt9Tlb'M IN LPA'l "". Mr. \Ieredith thought even this objec- l Mr. Mark" twin-d: -ilics the (luvernnn-nt tlonuhle. and Sir Uiiver said he had no i bccn "piulzcd ot' a utsrrit.s'em "mum: cattle doubt when the 1urtrsrni.scriort lmd consider- ' in the >-:tithe:r~;h-rn pul'ii'ill of the 1'outtty ed the sculw of ilnii iusvr:tipiutioris thes' ( of (in-f, pro" mum-d by Some vt.tt.rittutVr,' would hurt. Ito idua of keeping anything (l5 "rvr,'otir,tu? " SM, is it hin- intention of from the llllllii'. the Gnu l'llllt'ull to inquiri- into the cuum: The House adjourned at 43,0 o'clock. and "that of the disease, and supply to (which: t'vor'.V available Irvt'ortuittio as to the Irt..st pron-lithe methods and reme- dial irtutlnent'.' lion. Mr. Dryden said in replyrll'he 1iIrartrticut of Agriculture has been ttoti- ' tied of " new disease among cattle in the County of Grey. I'pon ruielvittg the lnfor- mation the department immediately com- tnunlcutud with Dr. Andrew Smith, onv of the Dominion inspectors for contagious disenrkw. Under his uathority the district has been visited and the affected animals examined; the conclusion being that the ., . '. disease is not contagious. but arises from ._2_k. '