hebs % 1 ~ r T MKR. TAITI'S SINGLE TAX B.l.L' P ~----> | It is Declared to be Lost on | . Division. ' A Division on the Stationary Bill--A Number of Thri headi The Redistribution Bill. Legislative Chamber, April & x The routine proceedings were biief. Mr. f Chariton introduced a bill to amend t'nc' * municipal act, and then a number of lhqu readings were passed, the bills thus rlfi C) . Ag moved from the order paper being \fi' _j,.' Tooley's, enabling London West to msuch'#fi debentures and consolidate its debt; llon.; Mr. Hardy's to establish the Rondeau Pro--| vincial Park ; Mr. Conmec's respecting Manitoulin & North Shore Railway pany ; Mr. E. F. Clarke's, enabling the executors of the late John Smith to mort-- gage certain lands in Toronto; Mr. CQ-' mee's, consolidating the Sault Ste. . 6 debt, and <Mr. Balfour's incorporat the rortlock & Desort lakee Mining & Rail-- way Company. Mr. McKay (Victoria) was peimitted to have his biil to enable Lindsay to purchase the Lindsay Waterworks am:!l M to issue debentures therefor withdray and discharged from the order paper, bill having reached its last stage of .* j Private bills followed. 'The bill of -- Ir. Campbell (Durham) to consolidate the debt of Port Hope was passed through commit--| tee of the House, and Dr. Gilmour's biil! respecting the Township of Etobicoke was | given its second reading. This was in | spite of the opposition of Mr. Balfow, oni the ground that it gave exceptional prni-' leges in the way of issuing debentures without submitting the by--laws to lln.-' people. The Provincial Secretary and Dr. Gilmour held that the unaninmity of the people of the locality justified the excep-- tional privileges given. THE IMMIGRATION OFFICIAL. Dr. Ryerson moved for an order of the House for a return showing the date of the appointment of F. Maguire of St. L&m INSNNrrmmmmmmmmmmmmesslll222