The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Apr 1894, p. 2

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V? JV.7 ' . _ . T . _ t . .. I _ ___ T ii . % . Jtpet..ttttirsiW' new ht, however, the I street It 'iriror "not. oe the tour divine ' _ l ttth veins were on" p 'l nadlan side. [ ions South Toronto had It present the _ ' e- rat e1auire'of "to" 'mosed PI . largest population. but Atom the nature h suspend all rovaltityfreims ; ,:. Ho 'st, of things this was the division that was thought the majority .1..- M F, , if" .1 least likely to increase its population, prdved of the royalty'provis .. "I it; while the other three divisions were bound might be difficult to reintroduce . :21 to increase in their population. The yot- -ycars hence if it were abought {'41 E 1iht Ing popultrtion ot the divisions he believ- .' together. now. He proposed to rtrlet! "V 'i": ed to be as follows. but was not absolute. price of mining lands about 50, - " L? , 1y sure of the figures ..-ailast Toronto, 7-- along the w.hole line. These _ " I . ass ; North tPoronto, T,611 ', West Toronto, ' principal previsions of the bill, . ' 8.722: Bouth Toronto. 1am. Coming to Mr. Hardy said he feared ml .. -.._ V Hamilton. Mr. Gib-'on mentioned that in opment in Ontario would be td IF' . 1885 he had endeavored to have an extra. British capital was put into it, an _ .. member given to that city, but without tlqures showing the remarkable erp, » . ., avail, tttoutttt a good many members ot which depression exists y "cite 1) ,. i the House had supported him. It was now, time in the American mining industry. . however. given an extra, member. It was Mr. Meredith criticized the bill. and an proposed to divide the city into two JN- not think it would do veryr moon to help ' isicns. 'Hughson street being the dividing the mining industry of dunno. He _ line. The division he thought a fair and . thought more might be done than the . impartial one. It. cut the city almost into Government was doing to encourage the T two equal parts. There were 65 polling development of the mining industry. He places in the constituency at present, and, thought, also, the suspension or the to!» _ with the city divided by Hugnson street. alty should act also on lands sold "he" West Hamilton would have 32 of these. an the royalty clause. ca' , that from that .tft,'d'np.oerthe1','i,d1hisie,l.', I'iNtsONATION. '. ' . . Bk' / tegdlzngte btd'ftred'g,e,.n The 'IIT) other lion. Mr. Gibson moved the second " , change in the representation of tho l'ro- ing of his bill to secure the prompt pun- vlnco was in regard to Ottawa, which was ishment of persons guilty of cy-ie,,':',',',',']',','.'. to receive another member. But it WM at elections tor the Legislative Assent a. proposed to add to tho present limits 'if') lie referred to'ithe serious nature of t e the city three villages adjaccnt to thei owl. especially in large citiiia, whergelpzr; _e city. The Ineorporated villages of ()ttu-i tsoualiott was carried uni m basic (amt. r0.- wa. East. with a population of 714. and almost a. scientitlc bus s. iii? " "if" Ilinionberg. with 800 pcoplo, and tho lit. Vircd that the deputy returning. e, can "r t d Villa " of 'Meclianlcsvillc. with could reccivc an intormation :lgallli'L a per- riC','ef','i'Tt'?or,' of 52% Were to be included in' sonator, and could havc him arrcsted pn the constituency, which would then return i, gilt- cs/'.f,,i/i,o/1"phiTi/li1',',ttf'/iah/il'il during]: 3. The 0 ulation would thu.ti, /1.'c' i l -' . ' _ LZdnngggg from 'd'flll to 46.168. Mr. Crib. 1 my] S;%Vi;:§:ri2%rnr£r%ri?"tbs?!1$gnitlggoggg . . . _. a '0. . ' c IE) . 6P%, [I',?, said 2Lt"1'ci""i'iie "C/se,','., lot: it: is unpaid. The rest of the bill providcil c $285: a','lt,1','id, and Hamilton would he the machinery for the working of the bill. d f i d im artial and that it could .The forms to be used for drawing up the found argon 1 f',', r-on'nnctlon with the informations are to be supplied by the not be te't'f)l5'i1,/dlde,nn"tu' had taken any County Crown Attorney tor the sum of m" tha iv in a from it in ouch. Which Mr. Gibson said he thought c',.',',','..",'):?,.)',',),',');"',',-', he "ci,.,,,,.,.,,, that in was a fair allowancc. The a/i.) applies (33' l, . t . . ' r n I. izr" ho 1y to tho Cities of Toronto, am ton, .. WM nth"! ("vTi"t"J,':,Tt,p,ti11iir,' 1'i'J/i'1/1J'i tawa and London. Mr. Gibson said there trutt "101895 and ivali"r/iiiiiJi' their. minor- was some fin-lint: that thc not should have fl' representation schema. Had thcv lls- a wider application, but on tho whole he tiyned then to what had been said on that thought this would be found sufficient for _, w would have ude- tho pi'csciit. Sifetgzghgldtozr' 511:; cal-urclwon. The Mr. Meredith reinirdcd the bill with 1'71- rcheme had been universally condemned. vor gcncrnlly, but would have it no a lit- ond. even the Govrumtnortl's s'upprrrtors tle turnhcr. Porsonution existed outside had felt ashamed of it. This change was large cities, and the .u'll should yyls.yryy a concession to the position of tho UN) " erully. . He 'would have the suspcc. ar- I sition. The gentlemen opttoutte said that lasted,e1.'i"'ly:,instead of being held I the bill was not framed with aview to the while the information was being drawn I pclltlcai advantage of any pavty. Well, . up As a punighment, he would have fm- there was only on0 party which they prisonmcnt without ihc option of a llll-J. would be disposed to assist. W'ty WOW At the sainc time ho would have a sale- the three sections of Cuulston County ad. guard that pcrsons making a wrong use . ded to the City of Ottawa? Ho could not .ot' the". pmvors should be liable to a Bee but that such a mamgiitut could be do. heavy penalty. nounced just as vigorously av the 5W" 1llytl Mr. Alerter hold that the operation of the 1 mannllnz of constituencies by the liomin. hill should not he continod to a fcw clt- ' ion Government and been donouncrvrl, and Ies. The law should "xtend to every poll- he was afraid that it might PM" Pat ing subdivision of thi- country. There the Reform party would prove the gilllli'l' should be imprisonment as a punishment l " by the change. Hc objected, howevvr, to instead of a fine. r. the Increased number of representatives The bill then passed. crt his bill would 'ttvo. , a" HP, V "Bldg: A"t"d,,.'e,Ud,'1ne,u said tho minority Tili LII I L LAW, representation scheme had been vcry well Hon. Mr. "':,To,utit.,t.h.en moved the soo- worthy of expcrimcnt. It had been tried ond reading of his bill to amend the libel in England. Just as hcro. The experiment law. Ho thought that the press or On.. was one that had not boon of any special turn) has not sinncil much against the use to the Government. The Gow-rnmcnl. rights of personal roputwtlon. The course l' possibly. secured by it a, seat It would not followcd by Thu l'rovizico has been cf a otherwise have acquired. it was of no safe middle chztrnctcr. mum,r neither to the use to it, in view of the Limo majority one e"itrurncnoytlwothcr, and he thought the Govvrnmcnt had. As to ill" Increase that thc present bill would be found to in the number of members. the only ul- be ctttrally moderate. The bill referred ternative to the increase was tho rw-luc- to the cost of litigation and the question tion of the number of rural constitn- irfappouls, and was intcndod co lceepdown iencics, and the Ciivirnmcut had not con-. litigation, and to prcvcm spiteful. black- sidored this was a wise thing to do. mailing actions. power was gin-n to the l The bill was tlicn road a first time. dclcndiiiiit to put ill certain evidence in '-F . q ' . mrtipcstion; a time was set in which the TH" 1H'NING I;lil. plaintiff must commence his action. A lion. Mr, Hardy movcd tho si'coud i'i-ml- ,consolidation of actions against several - In: of th" bill twisting to mines and mill- ucwspapci-s for the samc statcmcn't was ling" l-iiids. ill» ttictrtiro'rl that iiii'im: what provided tor. it was provided that the might IH' ('Il!li"l tho minim: boom in Hill coirti'ibut'or of the statcmumt complained the iiovvrnmuiit hail imposed a to.viti'cy of could be made a joint defendant, and q on tht- mining output. There was at tho , orders for scourity of costs _ time CVt't'Y likelihood of grout activity in were forbiddcn. 1 mining matters in (mun-lo. Mr Hardy Mr. Meredith concurred in the bill on the rcvicwcd the various "moulmeuts to tin-l whole. Mr. Stratton supported the bill, minim: law in HM and hill. which ill-l and Mr. O'Connor spoke opposing the bill, Lilidt'il the impositlo of a small royalty. saying that it newspapers wished to avoid Some of the ninendiiicnts lizid mid ilic r,tu.l libel suits they s,hould avoid publishing luct of litniting the sail-s or li-iiscs. Mining libcls. and that the majority of country had been. also. Very much 'lw.v.vs.ssul dur- papers contain nuimenous li'ncllous person- ing the few years since this legislation. al paragraphs. Mr. Balfour warmly de- The hon. genticnian tan ovm' tln. "guru: funded the character of the newspapers of sales and leases of mining lands for u of 'ontario, remarking that the speech ot number of years. showing that they had Mr. o'Connor' was itself libellous. He increased from 1list; to WI. whvn tin-r Le, hoped the bill would pass. Mr, A. If. Kan to fttll off. He thought a lurlrc i'nli- Wood spoke, and then a division was tak- ing off would have ticurtvd no "LINN? en, whioh resulted in the bill being car. what the law had been. The closiny; down rled by a vote of 45 to 21. The division of silver mines, prcsumalily because tin-y was not on party lines. , did not pay, owing to tho low prici- of Several othot minor Government meas- silver, had reduced the mining output. tires wore also advanced a stage during There had been some activity in gold the afternoon, the House ndjourning at mining. ("specially in the Walloon and 6.25 P.m. Ophir Mines. A great difficulty with min- ' _ ing operations in Ontario was that own- ', era of claims preferred to syndicate thom , rather than work them. There had been discoveries ot gold on the American side 9 in the some formations as those in On- ' tau-lo. and marvellous stories had teen i A, 4145+?- gr'" ' _casagtac.,

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