" Pri....-- .-- . _ . A38 ./ SALE or GOODS BY AGE ' t Gibson oppoud the hill and Mr. Glendin- ' T'. - ling ooneented to withdraw it. -----. Mr. Godwin's bill to amend the High l .', "d Schools act was tend a second time. the ' . il! Hon. Mr. Ross promising to consider It _ ' Important Point 01103138011 in properly. though the points advocated in , , Committee. t were, he said, such as the lugs already . provided tor, in his opinion, very clearly. _ - Mr. Charlton moved the second reading " --_.-.-.."- ut" his Mil to amend the municipal act, "W _ the [windmill point of which is that "all tilir,, _ The Punishment of Personators Bill Ex- bridges lying wholly within any township, (ah,; tended Greatly in its operation-A 'i':'"lp's"t',dy".i'r"o, it; Ming: "d: 02:: nfl,, F " Proposal by Mr. Meredith. evyeedititr so feet in width forming of. ' , crossing the boundary line between tug; E --- M" - townships. whether such tumult" lit . t within tint same or different countleq'é. Legislative Chamber, April 16. i shall be erected and maintnined by ":2; _ The House held only an afternoon ses- 'ct,',',','.".,'"'" townshlpt' bordering on t f THO" to-day, contrary to expectation. but; "T/,"i,. Mr. Hardy said this opened up a It. did Considerable business. Att evening} question with which the House had Slums Wu9 avoided to allow it comrttittvrC, wrestled for many years. He presumed , to meet. l, the ntuhttrr ot the bill did not wish to have [ The t . ._. . , . m', the bill so to the Municipal Committee. " ; wry J.ii,t,'/"",t',t1',?, /.1'1tf",' "Huh" Iva"') tite committee had to struggle with this , 1 ttr, W petitions bring read and out it sioubl not be able to complete its , uo ncB. bitls brought in. But gnu hm was. labors tor n couple ot weeks yet. He mud a third titttc, that of the Attorney- trusted Mr. Charlton would withdraw the Gena?" etrablitug Boards of Trude in cities bill. , to appoint gvneral arbitrators tor certainl rc))',) 5:34:33" gag; 'y,tmug1'tete,T,'S"tttle' Purposes. Private bills mime next. or) 'House finally (lunsented to thlB. Marr s bill amending the not cousolidatin2i Pt'NIsriMh."N'r or PERSONA'PORS. _ inc debt of the Town of Urangeville be-:' Tl . _ . . . in; passed throu 41 tl p . t, 'r' ' le lit-time tltvn went into committee on b te committer. , the Liuwrlmn-nt measure to secure prompt Mr. iteid asked :--ilave am' arrange-i puttisrtitttt'rtt of humorist guilty of pet-sonar .nents bean made by the Government tori Con at rlrt'iitilis for the Legislative As- 21tidy the 1tockwoou Asylum from] srmle'. yi,",: y,'iu/1t,"C {unmet} JI) l ht J , . ..' ' omen men y n no lie opera on o "if": 'de:, y" it so. with whom and at: not, iuatead of being; limited to the (our file Prnvint'lui Secretary"." " . __', cili'S of Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa. I." that tto su 'h 'j y . rep y tts) London. is extended to all cities, towm, and mum C arrangements trad he'm' mvorporated villages where there is n. I c... . -. Police Mueistrate. Mr. Gibson said he bd) "I? J,t',,t,d"outh;,,.iti'ry, 'i'ist"t',t/'.." ,l'ut1: i mono-ht " good deal about the matternanl' ' question veiatitut to the ma t t lh . " had come to the conclusion that a wider1 routo isoluti 'fi ' ' i? ,n. e, 9 Do- cppllteation of the act might be in the! ',l'i't'r't/1C'ulll',,' I Kim"? j'h' H. F. Clarke public interest. He thought " wise, how. the in)?" a no ion or it return uponl ever, to limit it to places where a Police .. . ', Magistrate was found. Otherwise a. man PUBtA1' HILLS. i, might sometimes be taken thirty or forty / ... _ . mics to be tried. 1nl?"id'te'"U/",','h,tti1t,it).o1"/'.."es',ttti'ir' 9" ' Mr. Meredith-Why not have him tried Y. . .Nt ers .. _,",t, "t . 9 If.:,".?."?.' to amend the law of landlord and! mu?" t,e,it'/.r,y,r.,r.,'//',f't'tdiattf/ did not think iguant was passed thro-glo. and Dr. Barr' 'l st' would L, well to do this There were bill to regulate the sale of goods entruid l-'DVt'rul ulussus of cases over which a. l'd'ft',,'"i' "L" then taken up. some dis- Police Magistrate exercised Jurisdiction rc,r'li)2./"it'"idl,v,te'i, this bill. in the 'rtttspi' which an ordinary Magistrate could not " lesralir, "t [£12,110 /tilrt k ommtt'ce hear. lie thought this class of cases we: tun-r} agent. '(lih"sr.a',l1'/f, tty manning. one that should be confined to the Juris- element of gun" "fut" m Which ttrl diction of Police Magistrates. Mr. Gibson Committee the bill rr,':.':',')"),' am the 111133" pointed out, moreover. that the act wat' '.' plOVlulnx that it slo id ", ' lv','y'?',r)ita?1r,'s':'it,r.tt'l in w. nnd the machinery it proposed to in- l in apply ottly when tron-.10» Wm: new, and it would be Well 3"? 'W'". Fm" received tspecial written uu- to Ir!' It whrrn it was mt st likely to work "mt"; T"".. lt' manuracturrar. This stun ,thtr, rather than to extend it immedi- ., new hunt "a: lulu-n by the "lends of nt. -\ to ti',sttrt.s' where its operation would, the bill in a practical nulliticatton of its 1... A L..." iliiiicult. . _ i"/"1',1"ii,",. ly) 'ya111"/ll.t was'made upon Mr. 3i--:elith questionOd the Provincial'. - JiifJ." 3i: Ghi If" t 1. Mr. Cleland, Dr. Ft-vrvlury. and ascertained that there was Frag-r "A 'itll'l' te othctt Hon. Mr. n- chunur in the ain't. but that the new . tur the iie,',S,"lt.eSt 3:129:12}: of the bill bill would simply empower returning oth-- f much "llpor'tuncc. "in" n that..." was! ccrs to order arrests and Police Magis- who tusd 'oven M, to (,'eli"e'i.,',111uetri'iT'orl'.:l, new; 1,'af",',lt7i, subject to appeal, the t:T , . . tl me .w c is the arttaitvaire . 1',uti,'2.,yt"//d,,o'ft'oiol', h,,'? 1',eC1'.o [ttt I ':TI't' tor oersonation. "') 'tttti,',,' W346- , . .. . a 'es. - I'. 'e to ask why the Govern 1t,yt.Cd,1'fe/y'c', the manufacturers. and a , extend the bill, and give Tyeg,,ted,'dw'e"rf, . t in l-i: ',ld' JI/ll' length arose. i to thc local Magistrates. The real trouble " dith J't,"1il"iCt,"'i'l,,i 'utton the bill Mr. Mere- ghu continued. was the character of m; throtto UWL. '/1aaul [n therpecch trom the _ Mapistrates. The present Government had V nmusurc tlr-rllin1 L "SEAN. promise of 'u I been partizan in its appointments, had fre.. t such bill "all i: "ll . t us uuestion. No ; uuentl.v eliminated Conservtuives troll-tile Would ink if um}. .b'.ey-?,rt down. und he i i.cyr'ul Magistrucy, and had appointed Very u1lu')u..to fulrlt ','iy', the i...t)verrllllelll'3 in- l lllltel'zttp men to the position, consequently, in reply 'ur tt,'r/c,",y",t','a. i ne said, the character of the Magistracy ,,d,r'cil,'i,,'it,', "(-0- l er n' ltr'"). sey) that ' now is lower than when the present Gov- drop i/iii',.;., whid-i ol", .1.y "We oblige" to l ernment came into power. nah..- up ii: that: i. t "It had proposed to 'r, The Attorney-General remarked that Lit ir,r,ci L..U, fie lf/fl,'.",':) such act-idents 1 Mr. Moro-dim had conclusively answered . "a." 'i1,.r'C.lt'i1'1. in y with this hovel-n- '. 'ls own charge. lie charged the Govern-i ' it H"... or s,utet. out other but'this was intent with deteriorating the character of? t chum-m hail lit? t111l,ri','r,1), n" Gov- "he iovul M'wittracy, tnd in the snmo' bill but ind t"t'.'"."'"' Jf',/e,t/1"1yit such ib breath showed his :tpiwoclntlml of them} Lili cct',.'a,',',"l1,l.1' tiny-"1|. telf/ly tltr! it and in). Prob-mill}: to submit to them important up, i'i leurisl It "million ot uttemm- rimlllnrgl subunits. He thanked Mr. Merc-' "an" tll?'" ate ttvon th, subject dith lur thi- compliment whivh he had: Ihr-y a lode {Ti-N'm session. "hen just mull the gentlemen who had been all-l "an c. Hillbijt'll Ji:'.'"";,"), 'lr1e _ ptl'i'lilw bi: tl Government. ( r..' . " y in no 'to- ten te vstuse was: roan l ' ti")":;':,',,'.',',') Ily/lee the tlitftcttltle._ whit-Ill. 't'Ise putt!sltrntant of tho mme he: J/ttti, "red n; ti. .")/2.1',ruth',1: they had Jiscov- 12ml 1tuttyissr,uuttetit of from six days to Bill t me. ('try,h.',).er,i' lows-hum". Heagreed, nuvntlta with mu option of a. line. Mr.' ' as /,iiUri tutu" urinl soul. that the lump Meredith inm'ul to do away with the on" ct law 'Li' ' :'/Y.ay/. tho ligtyt that a rule tionul princiole and make the imprison- et sits th.it ugvnis may Wu uttru. int-m (onlpul'iury. This, he said was thel 1eJre'".."Lrtoo/? lit" Irwin". and tor money only "It". to get rld or the cific.' g . . " 'us in- inwl to think tl . . . w i'lillch was allowed t ' , I _hiut.'tetoi'i'ttl,, mouse would be tt 'ltr'ill'ill, crottuitituvatit,rtt of the i,?i"v',l,.ti'msetty tor the; LT Curd": spread inn knowledge of the .Mr Gibson also carried out hit inten- B ', 8'th the tail-tiling cotnmututy. Dr. tit-n of "mending the bill so as to '1 PIT? m. whm introduced, ind provcd Int' Sltnl'r vower to the registrars no open to inductions that the Cl0verirnient polling Mares to be established it I u'o'uid not concur in it, and mp). dui not. new voters' list out as the bill T :1l,nfot,fi,ltatC',Jy,rttt: the martutactur- 1"?!)on to" conter only on the " . ce on 19 mattep .'. ' , l'i' um " . ol uer. 'n A . . _ F hearing their side ot' the caHe. 'id 1:11:11; in detailgin several yisu.,ti,e,,yired . ttttttgt" ,s,eyiett, Pt! the trlll be referred back to The Ummlttee rose and reported no-- ..ie Legal Cotntnittee. arms at 5.3:) O'chek, and the Room 3] ', Pf. burr concurred in thia, and th" hill adjourned tor the day. it hid been if: it? accordingly sent back to the cullltnit- tended to sit in the evening. but it was Mr Glenn 1 'it/tec,?,','.', by the leaders ot the Home "In" l nn ng then moqu the second t ast more valuable work could be done K of his bill to reduce lnsurum-e by allowing n. meeting of the 'sutr.comtttit. tee on drainage to be held.