' ' , 1bAEyeet,tyyyt?,!!?T that the infor- ihoen unnamed on the application 3of ' "IND" ot which he rg',',', in 33323343 Cttur, y Councils. and that 28 mmlgma the effect that the license 3 pp t pol .o Inmate-ates have been appointed tie-ally not observed at all in Rat or use. under section s, R.S.O.. can. 72. this num- the Sunday observance being, Tg her Including several appointed under . _ if": s "33:19 ','fdgrse Sign. dh he ' o r . '.. mir . ' . previous "tleft. . , understood, were not efficient. and being A "ESLOIUX LICENSL- , engaged in businesses In which they were . Dr. Ryerson asoceu:-Was a. license grunt-i to some extent dependent upon '39 tnttt- ed to premises known as the Dorset. tom of the hotelkeepers. were therefore House. Dorset, Muskoka? Why was it utatit for the position. There had best! done against the wishes of a majority of complaints made, but no redress had been the ratepu) ers, and why were subpoenas forthcoming. not served upon Amos Turnbull and John Mr. Conmee stated that he knew all the White in connection with a breach of the circumstances in question. and that Mr. license act in. which they were stated to Murter was at fault in bringing up in the be material witnesses? Hotwe matters with which he was imper- Hon. Mr. Harcourt replied that no ifectly acquainted. He had heard remarks license had been granted to the taotel in ins to the inetiwiency of the license law question, and that there was no evidence rdministration, such as those which Mr. m the department to show whether sub- Marter had repeated,' and he had on the poenas had been served upon the persons platform asked that a complaint should mentioned. be lodged with him, and promist 1,tt, an investi ation should be held. . he c arse RELIEF FOR HEIRS was mired in his hands. he saw that an Mr. Baxter askedr-Whether it is the in- investigation was held, and the result was tention of the Government, during the pre- that the charge was withdrawn. He de- sent session. to introduce any 1eglslution fended the License Commissioners as able to provide for the lessening of expenses in and reputable ottieers, and declared that connection with the settlement of small the reports as to the non- observance of estates under wills or decanted pe's.sons" the law were exaggerated. , The Attorney-General replied tltnt he The Attorney-General said that he re- understood that the exeessive expens"e' collected that during his Rainy River trip arise from the audit of the executors' au- a deputation had called upon him at 4 counts. This is not done under any t-ta.. o'clock in the morning. just as he was . tute, but under rules drawn up by the changing from the steamer to the train.' [ Judges of the Supreme Court. These pro- and had presented to him the case which) vide that the executors must pass' their Gtr. Marter had mentioned. He thought' accounts befor: the expiry of a certain and yvtin that if thes case they stated period. usually eighteen months, and are wn.', ttrrettrtttP it was a very gel-long can. designed to prevent exocutors trom re- dition of things. and on his return men- , taming the estwtes too long in their hands tioned the matter. He had heard noth- and thereby defrauding the heirs. who. in lug more about the affair, the case ot small estates, are often ignor- Mr. Whitney aroused much merriment am persons. But the Attorney-General by reading a written complaint from a quite conceded that this provision might Mr. Foy, a member of the deputation. ta result in too great expense for other Der-i the effect that the members of the depu- sons, and said that the Legal Committee tatictt had sound great (umpuny in seeing had given the subject B0tntu consideration Sir Oliver on that contusion. It charged and had agreed "W" provisions which that the steamer had been pur'roseiy de- would reduce the expense-:1 in connection layed in order to prevent their Seeing with estates ot' under' "-00" by ouo-half. him. and thut when they did succeed in No provision was nude,- for "states of more finding him it was only after overcoat than $1,000, and he agreed that something the opposition of Hon. Mr. Dryden a should be done in that case. The matter; MP. ("mama Then the Premier had pro- had been culled to hls attention only very, pulsed an investigation, and that promlSe recently, and he had been unable Y.IA'", mi had not been Rent. lee- tl oomplete Wit-V out of the difficulty. The Attorney-General remarked that he However. he "LOW?!" that it would b" laud spoken of the matter on his arrival well that the r les should be suspended in Tctmto, and that he had heard no except whore any of the parties intercnted complaint. nor anything at all about the called fur their exercise. The rules .vfdil'r. matter until Mr. Whitney had read the good. but were too large for the "urpoHe. letter of complaint. He could not SM: that the Ir,',"','.,:',,,',.',,,?:,','). M r. ('uninee said the reason for the non- would "in: ttt "Y? I?'",'.),"),;"' 1tdi'a'"i,"js I','.'.: Pto.frstvtaqtsettt of the liquor law in lint Por- h'lt in all probability re u' wou e ex tuge was that the Mayor of Ra.t Portage. t nded. a ttumtittee of the Conservative party, had (iOIJERit'H POLICE MAGISTRATE. ordered the police not to en?- _ Mr. Whitney, after asking that two of lore» it. l'p to the time tins , his motions. one as to the names of sw" was done tthe laav 'had been ..' cialists granted teachers' certificates in Hrce? there. H? denied that the deputa-. 1893, and the other for a return as to thc tion had sewn him on the night in ques- . _ University scholarship examination at. tion, Ot' that he knew of any attempt. to . Bowmanville High School in 1893, moved Ire)?,'.'.'.?, them trom "Mn"? the "tome" tor an order of the House for a return tieneral. Air. Marter reJoinedthat he had of copies of all correspondence and com- P" word m several clertrymen to the " munications which have passed betwvon feet tlrat the license law was badly ob- the Municipal Council of the Town oi sel'Vi-d in ltwt Poi-rage. . Goderich, or an oiilter or member thereof. l Hon. My'. "union" muted that on tetreiv- or any rotepayer of the said town, and ing the.'m"na'm°" hp had ordered a.n in- any member or otncer of the Government. vestitrAtion. and on offleial had been sent with reference to the appointment of u .down to look into the matter: but that} Police Magistrate for the said town: and Mr, Hogaboom. the maker of the charges, ', also of all petitions for or against the lip-1 had witihdnuiwn them, and that the matter l plintvr'vnt. I T had then been dropped. T In speaking to this, Mr. Whitney stated} fron. Mr. Hardy closed the distottatrton that there seemed some friction in tin-l by remarking that the letter of complaint Town of Goderich about the matter. Al had evidently been written by " wetr, and large portion of the Inhabitants did notl had been vead by the greatest Watt of the seem to want the Police Magistrate ap-l, Iiotv.te. pointed. and a minority seemed to wish' The motion wagthen passed. for it, There had apparently been an ital-l PUBLIC BILLS. tation for the appointment. and deg- The House then Went into committee on patches had been sent to newspapers in- Mr, Balfour'e bill to amend the street rall- tlmutlm: that for want of a Police 'Magis- Way act. Mr. GWS'UH sutrtrested or &tn- trate the town was in a deplorable con- endment which would necessitate the re- dition, law and order being observed in a printing ot the bill, when it will be con- Yt"ry lax manner. The Town Council was sldered again. induced to ask for the appointment. but Mr. W. B. Wood's bill to amend the gen- '"_.c'Pntt'r petition signed by a majority erul road companies not was put through of the ratepayers was sent to the (iov- (eottttrt'rttee without amendment. ernment, prod-nuns aga.rnst the. appoint- Mr. Sharpe's bill to extend the operation I""". He ttesired to know all about thel of the wooutttrart'.s lien for wages act was ctrc'tttti.tMunt'e.g. taken up ii. committee. it applies to the /1rty' Attorney-General said there was dish-lots of Algoma. Thunder Bay, Rainy Ptr" little correspondence on the subject. River. ,Muskoka and Parry Sound. Thetre w" the original petition asking for Air. Meredith asked why the Ottawa dis- the appointment, and again tlteye was a trim. wus not included ill the operation of lcttot. 533.11"; there was some objection to the act. the appointment. He hud never Seen the Mr. Hardy said a largts part ot the Ot- petition against the appointment. There town district. and that of Nlpissing, was was no other 1'orvespoiiuerie on the sub- provided for. the bill covering Nipissing Jeot. There Was: no objection. of course as soon as it should be a judicial district. to what there Wart "mum" down. "We". The bill generally. however, was intended Come remarks by Mr. Harrow, the order for the new distriots. rather than tor was passed. counties where judicial machinery existed. I; i . . n " There Was some talk over' Mr. Coninee's m "Cf/f LA" In RA'l POHTAGK. I bill to amend the joint Mock companies . r. Alerter moved tor an order of the' letters patent out by allowing joint stock House for a return of topics or all papers, 1 companies to issue stock at a; discount, but letters, statements and documents in re- the bill was read it. second time. , ferene: to the enforcetnent or non-entorce/ Mr. Mack's bill to amend the municipal meat of the liquor license not in the Town. act by enabling untncsoiorated villages to 1utu'o'it,yt to; the years 1891. 1892 and: secure-tire protetrion lor thetruiseies.dust as year 1894. P o t e present time of thei . "I f