ad of the cunt should as put on "if "use rootingss'l'oronto wit ',GGiroiiril powers to refuse admission except on ttidirl own terms as to expropristions. This GG) defeated by vote. When the clauses of the bill deftntnq the powers of expropria- tion. diverting of water and power to pur chase lots. were reached. Mr. Fra.. ser made a vigorous attempt to limit these powers. He moved setter- at amendments. the most import- ant of which was one making it necessary te secure the consent of local municipal" ties before any expropriation or diversion of water . occurred. Mr. Gibson said this matter had been very thoroughly discussed in com- mittee. The amendment was a vital one. He thouxht it should be given notice of and moved on the third rewiing. Mr. Fraser said " was unreasonable that the Towns of Barrie and Orillia. for in- stance. should have nothing to say on the question of this aqueduct, but that it should rest simply with the County Coun- cil. Mr. Gibson said the places mentioned. right on the shore: of Lake Simone. would not be affected at all. He thought the general municipality would be protected by the I'ounty Council. Mr. Meredith sug- gesttd a modification of the amendment to the effect that when a municipality re- fused its consent to the wishes of the company the matter should be left in the hands of the Lieutenant-tiovernor. After some discussion Mr. Gibson agreed to some [such amendment on the third reading. II A good deal of Jlsoussion took place as ito whut further .neuus could be taken 'still further to bind down the company to begin "uric and make an actual outluy of cash. Mr. Fraser contended that the bill as " stood was by no means strong. Sev- eral expedients Were proposed. and tirtally it). nub-section was inserted that the sums l previously stipulated should not be regard- led as paid until the Commissioner or Hub- lilo Works issues a certificate that the money has bean expended. Another 'unu-ntlluent was proposed by Mr H. P. jt'iarkc to the effect that no contract shall i be entered into until the st'rVo-ys ure maMe.; The Provincial Secretary promised to con- trim-r the nrotmsition. The Hamilton radial electric bill was lpassed and the committee rose. 1 NO SATURDAY SITTING. , The Attorney-General proposed that the -llon.-.. should sit tomorrow morning at ll o'clock and hold morning sessions every' day next Week until prorotration. Mr. 1 Meredith said tin n- was serious obJettiott l to sitting on Saturday if It could he avoid. led. He thought it would not matter Very itnluh so tur as the date of closing next , week was concerned. ! in deference to Mr. Meredith's uhjt't'tloh the House will not sit to-morrow morning. but the Public Accounts t'ommittw will sit at lo o'clock, and remain in session all day. Ann-nu- I - - - -