The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Apr 1894, p. 2

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t " . J." . . ' do "e - "M... F a!!! "E " ' ' FVrT i' ' a - m - . ','-m'..~' " Era, F .tion and a . h .. . bill gait how 'ttgf' '" "tttr. e; x sN» r - ' 1t1rivf.iti'r.tik Govern- . "via!!!" - Sch "when the ., 4.4.. 'l - tr, l words =-"The any- right to me their own returning oftteerte " ' r " " t, - the tmyt mess of a gmu' and time and place of polling 1properly reth6rt'fa had; behind their backs. but this . "(away it cannot be said that in this time hon. gentlemen opposite would "a retard any right the Separate School sup- have all these elements in their favor. porters now iurve under the union act is The people were awakening, and he be". e _ taken away. That ls the point I desire to , tured to say that at the next election l " safeguard. it Is the point about which the these hon. gentlemen would have dim-rem . minority are most anxious; they would elements to reckon with." Continuing, he not, I am sure. approvo of any mfrlngc- predicts their defeat and then states that . ) ment of their rights under the union tel. " he and his party would then have an To them these rights are sacred: opportunity at showing the country that i they prize the-m highly, and .o in oiiice they would practise the prlnciplcs ", anyone who. would encroucll upon they had advocated out of office." is it _ ' them or seek to undermlnc 'them for tear that hon. gentlemen opposite Would [r they would at once Hay hands off. No one be foolish enough to. attempt to put "lug... need ttutter himself that these schools can :o-called principles into practice that tiny be abolished or (W..." impaired by itotuiic people have not yet entrusted them Wlrl hands without a struggle, and such a u!riye? However that may be, " is not struggle as this country has never yet dltiicult to understand the element to which seen. tho hon. gentleman Llludes in this con. i propose also to provide in respect to ncction. and which he expects to put them , the tiuding of the County Judge in cases in ottice. Besides. we have the humor twin ' of application to the courts as to corrupt dence that he has the support in thisi . practices and other matte rs infecting the Htuse of at least two members who have :elections, that a return shall be made to indetitultsd themselves with the platform . the Separate School Board. The only uthl' ot the P. P. A. 1411133. which is culled file change of irnpoctuuce is in regard to the new element. but which i regard as ths. means by which the ballot system may new conspiracy against th- rights U, be adopted in any school section. The bill Catholics. now leaves it in the control of the major- I rt-grct to have to Jistuss a matter so ily of the trustees. bu: as the existing "isugveeuble, but sonic lllrullillg' must bu. trustees were not elected with sUch pow- attached to the wads and lit-ts of the hon l ere. it would be unfair to those they rc- tttmthutoats. i do not pretend to be m his present to give them such control. i had contluev.ce; I shall leave the facts to speak ' intended from the llrst not to bring the fur themselves; but i attend to show to bill into operation until more would be a the Housi- that he is lllcst inconsistent new elevtion, but as it part only of the and that his stutcmcllts are not always School Boards retli't-s annually this plan to be telied upon, is surrounded with somc diiilculty. Yet it ilv usually dlsvlulrns any desire to tilts" would not be fuir to cut out the people tho ho-i'opely cry. or to infringe upon the trom expressing their News on the ques- lights of his Catholic irilmv-subjects, but tion. This was also pointed out by the at the El tne time he deliberately promo-d: leader of the opposition as one objection to i'olct- upon them his own views regard- to the bill in its present form. i propane 1,lets.s of thorn rights or opinions. which he to amend the bill so as to give the Sep- iso loudly professes to respect. ) arate School supporters the right to puss , What is tltr, position of the hon. gentle- upon the question by inst rting a provision I mun l' Is he not trying to run with Lil": that upon the presentation of a petition. bur: and hunt with the hounds? Ho is Pe- signed by " certain number. the trus- portcd to have used thesr. "ords, '.--- tees shall submit the question ton vote of "Never had a member of the Opposition the Separate Scsliool electors of the sec- uttered ', Word that would jar on the feel- tion as to whether the ballot system slid" ings of any Roman Catholic ; never had or shall not be adopted, or by deferring they attacked the re'iglon or any man; the coming into operation of the bill un- lever had they attempted to ostracize til new elections take place, making them any man on account of his faith." These general. so that the people could elect Iswro noble Words. and l l'eng-t that l trustees favorable to the ballot it they so "uttnot accept them as conclusive. and desired ; but the" are matters of detall that he himself has disparugcd them. This that can be arranged oy the committee. 1 will 's'hth before I sit down. But 1 wish Hy affording the means by which the it? point out to the hon. gentleman that in minority of their own tree choice Can, If i this language. while he was loud as to his they so desire, use the ballot to elect former course, he was 'wspicsiou.uly silrmt Separate SchOol trustees. there can be in) [as to what his course would be in the fu- l infringement of any right which Catholics ture. What he has donc is u mutter of l enjoyed at the union ; nothing is taken n-oord. What he may do in the future is away. but something additional is often-d. what we are anxious about. and that is . of ich they may, it they pleurw, uvuil just what he avoids speaking of. It these ' W . It may be cotttended that a words were consistently uttered what are _ _ t for going further might be m- .we to understand by what fcllows in the i tablished by this action ; but where the l next sentence when he says y--" Yet while _ tree win of the parties interested is mam- l this was the case. they could not be y' tained how can a precedent tor overruliru,r prevented by any such false I q that tree will be created. or how can tnese charge " (referring to the charge l rights be impaired? I know that at great of bigttry to which he had pre- many leading Catholics desire the lcgisla~ viously alluded) "trom raising their voice l {Lion l propose. I feel certain it is in the z.gaillst what they believe to be an un- . I best interests of the Separate Schools and croncllyncnt upon the rights of _ of the Catholic people, as well as of till: the majority, and an injustice L igenerul public. 1 know also thut, like all to the people in this Province." Is i other reforms, it must in the end be puss- not this,' presenting both sides of the shield led, and l desire it to pass without tnot't: in a most glurinc manner? The junior ' strife or ill-will than has been already member for Toronto can grow eloquent aroused. over it, when, with that extensive choice Holding these views, I can only girl-14s of language and accuracy of vision for my measure forward. trusting that the which he is so noted he expounds it to good sense of the House will assert itself. .yhls brethren, the REA. The member for . and that the measure will have a unani.. Kent will, no doubt, look Wise and con- J mung support. tented when referring to his part of the l l come now to speak of the general clue... programme. and ash the mill grinds on for lion. and as to that We have already had the benetit of the party. But where l (nly a few days since a discussion as tn is the injustice to which the ' the constitutional rights of Catholics un- 13011. gentleman alluded? 'ft'llure and der the British North America act. 1 1Jrtt- when and in what "tanner has there been fer to discuss the matter from what l coll- un encroachment on the rights ot the ma- ceive to be the attitude and policy of the Jcrlty? Has he shown it? WHY. he has two great parties. the Conservative and nut won attempted to show it; he has . the Liberal party. The policy of non. made a bald ussertion without the slight- Krattlerrtert opposite is actuated, I fear. by fist attempt to WON it. Where is his just- i A. deslre for office, and by a Jetermina- ' .l:'", this unjust and mischievous l, ti on to abolish so far as possible every - 11Ptrrt.if."t?. tyous, he imagine that he can [ w stige of Separate School rights guarall- trifle with the uttuorstandinsr ot the DE'O' _ teed to Catholios under the union act. "1:91. this country".' Uoes he regard Cath- , . whl le the attitude of the Liberal party is U a 35,89") dupes as to be "'eceis trd by i cne of principle. They say. and truly, "We _ Sing». 1"y1y that w?" in a moment over- did not make this law. we found it on the 2(11ort'teif, byfan ly..yyt't attack and by a statute book when we "arne to otttee; it "beam. (f/J/l, hostility unmistakable and is a. solemn contract bearing the sanction b"; to "fl? (.2 h it we Elam more evidence ot ou." Sovereign. and we will not elves it at" ehimsoli stands, The world, violate the constitutional rights of these _ Pl u.".,, it reports him as using ottlCuttholic fellow-citizens: under it than" limbs]. It should be his proud. Slide! course would be a stu1titieution of 1l'iiii'ii' thI-P tul his party in the coming the nelples upon which the Lih"rali the iUi, It me" should be inscribed on party Masts; rather would we give plat-i=1 and "in?" ot the party the resolutions and power than oppress the conscience ofi th .1}! names ot the policy Upon which our Catholic tellow-eountryrntan." e) ought the last election." . ,'r, _ H l ' 811', what were the rin l l _ Two DIST LNCyt roulcll-zs. that . p cup es upon Which compaign was tought? Was it I These. sir, ure two distinct policies.' war upon the Catholics of tilt P " not I' the truth od which l think is abundant, Who is the member upon til s rovince? I and ot the Justice of which the people canl, House that had not to realist: side or the r ' readily Judge., That the policy or the hon. i the sianders levelled awainst thmd refute. gentlemen opposite is about what i have'; l ment by Conservative :peak e Govern.. routlined it to be I think l can make clear. l ers from one end ot this 13er and work- [ The World reports the leader of the Op- a other, that they were t 'OVInce to the l . Catholic hierarchy? 'iendtr/,'flPer, to the 1 V further evidence it the have we not the il principle. PM ( A

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