The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Apr 1894, p. 5

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_ C,) mime ttaim opium: iii?!» ' dissent ted, even in the minds of the' gtitril ir-he would make them "hm "Ml prejudiced Ind ill-informed. Living in a it from the rights ot citizens. Upon country of mixed creed- and when. our "3.5:! etence is this proposed action has- duty 18 plain. We should cultivate .ne- 'll! What excuse is ottered for thist Mir will between all misses. the 'i'a',1,'"J,"ld, M? Sir, it is the old excuse that the a man a neighbor iii of more va iii o I Jen C' sed to condemn the "viour ot than silver or gold. Men do not lve upon r "nth d. When they failed in all others. paper or move about in some. "t',t,1'l5 1 '"msisrAart." they proclaimed, 'is an enemy for himself ; men get happ neus re; , oi ca4sust"ts--awaA with Him." It " sociatlon. from Intercourse, from the m i tr.ecrrntentte" which Burke tel-la us is the joymem of society. Anything: that! dis; . last W80" ot every scoundrel when driven turbs these conditions is injur one o lf. ', by love from every other position. he is nation. The man who would 'desuu) I slim t0 accuse his opponent of want ot them is an enemy to " country and to i many, and to proclaim himself as the de- society. tender of his country. Sir. I repeat that the Catholics ot this l do not hope to be able to remove from country have upon all occasions been loyal _ the mind of prejudiced pennant! all "my to it. When the American army appeared picion "3 tvzardM the loyalty of Catholics before Quebec. the Catholics of that Pro- to the coon-try of their birth or adoption Vince rallied to the defence of the coung l the world over. but I do tlim" 1 can ad- try. Men of 60 and boys of to. although duce evidence that should satisfy all rea- under strong temptation. stood mm" in sonable men that there is nothing in Cath- the defence of the country to which they _ olic doctrine that is incompatible with that had sworn allegiance. and spilled their , love ot country the Ifreator has implanted best blood in defence of the tuition i and ' in the breast of every man, whether he'hc if the British ttutr to-day tlouts _ Protestant. Catholic, Jew or.it91e1,. INr proudly over that grand old, ) my part I yield to no tl' Iyr1t,rr..,1e fortress. we owe. it to the vaiorl my country. if the teacher of any religion; and loyalty of our tei-l i was to say to me, '. You mttrtt, l you wiohl llow-citizens of the Province of Quebec. l l in be savcU, uphold the.yauthyri1 of the) II ask. are these the men to be alienated l _ V' Pope, or of any .oPc'f. lung or. I"'.""""'".,"! .1" the land tor the preservation of which l i whatsoever, agalust tite constitution "m- their lite-blood was spilled out? Ill this country," my answt'r uould be, I Sir. there its yet another phase of (fan- l will stand by my country against any for- adian history that it "my he well to te- I eign or even Jomcttiy prc-tciidtr . that tuetutu'r. As it was in Lower Canuda. so I . would cvctrule the rights of its Hinze-us. in l'ppcr Canada. when the enemy crossed i. and you may go elsewitere to preach your the border. the men of Glensarry. mostly I rdoctrine. I know thut the t'r""ty of tttatt Catholic. with many others. stood loyal ll "W". put m his heart a lust ot country in tho defence of the country. and when . and then comnundt-l him to "boy il the scene of action was on the banks tf ' lrhul'l'h that would compel hlnl'lii violate the great St. Lawrence. and Wm." they this own conscience; therefore, you cannot were giving ground in the face of vastly ibe the exponent of .the'true church and l superior numbers, and when the day WaN am done with you. That, sir, would be ull but lost. there came to their. head u my answer, and it would he the answer of Catholic pticst. and. with words whu h he . every one worthy to P" called a. tWan. !well knew would quicken the Hood of his l lint, sir. when "tld "h"? Htl under Highland kinsnien. hecttullentred his coun " what cltittustttrics have y'.athulu'? and trytnen to t'ollott him. His valor and . becu wanting in loyal? P this country. or collrnL'c was so great that he l'llllli-J them r to. any other country. They IT all II""" tigziin to the onset. and, imam-2d of tit font, tr'es; to none have they been misc. .\\. here. the uni-my was driven from t'urrurilrot roll. l' the pug" ot history 1";tt "1'-Ttt tt 1 Are thcso- the men to be aleriatcd or liru, tiitholicu have rebelled in some coutitiim tsied the full rights of cltlzetttrhip'.' l LA? i akainst vermin kings and c'.et'taitt "m urt.- too much faith in my Gwllow., o'lntrytttj, l "tents. so have Protesttutts. it is not the too ttill m hope. for ths, fut . . . i . . _ . i die ot in} 1ourI-t teaching of their religion in either (use; it trv to hHlevt. that 'lli'h . e "it . t I has come from other causes. "I'llnllnil C.. '.'C.' '. .. ." 'YC? V'dill i l . prevall. i.--t in: -.i.~t in") old dun-mus 'iinrke. himself a Protestant. writing in , . . . .. . . - . and old prvJurllcts; let its liti'.v- ("Inn"- i 1.102, tells us of the predictions of certain le ." i _ 'V " 'eV . . ' _ . , . . ... .G'., unit n out.» he and in the llillllr of 1 perwns l? Lnglnnd urn-n. tin- ,"N"?yr'"' out' country. and march forward tr, the l was given alihc l tiniioiicn irnii'to ll, building up. not ot on" religion, or of otlt' l 1eti',':,1":y.lisn:tt.rii4/i',r,mtr)'lt 1rci'1C"i,y,'J:',,',T'.' rut-c. upon the ruins of attuttter, but of " and amongst them ont: eminent divine, 31:13:; :1."th and "gown" nation. tAp prvdittul tit that tinic that br. this step " . ' m- should lore our dominion in America. HUN. MR. FRASER. lie foi'utold that the l'ope would send his , . indulgence: hither; that the "zitiadiaiis Hon. My". Fvyler, s.sid that anybody whol would Call in with France. would deco-.m- tints ',p"/,"/1'?,td? "12m ',.th"thv,y",,t,:trl, bdrmmh l independence and draw or force our col- er 0 " ario. ttew' t " tnechods aud onies into the some design. The liltlvxppnil- "WWW? and r'ircrtmstances ot the lust two ence happened according to his prediction. or lthree gem-rail elections. and knew ull hut in directly the rovers».- order. All our the .nu'"c.u0r':1 relating to the Roman Cu- , English Protestant colonies revolted, they tholis. mlllle'lti' in this Ptvvmce, would l Joltted themselves to France. and it so have no dim-titty in telling (hit at tho happened that Pupist Canada was tho onlv present 'tirue the politiml mercury was place which preserved its fidelity, the onii. [igniting to"? s""r/'J'"ld/i1',ttt,','," "Vlmllnis' place m which France got no footing. the t " "POD" "" tttad a een disposed of! " only peopled colony which now remains to ulreatiy, there ltad tu.en dut"n.if the present ' u Great lirltuln. Vain are all the viirrii(t.i,rrii) nos-Min rhrt"yrt'rel propositions dealing I ties taken from ideas and Passions which with the religious minority of the Pruviuce " survive the state of things which give rise ttcyi'fl,tu,,'eThae", Wire-$11.6 consideration of l . to them.' " 0 J. e W13) te was in he, old-i . win their religion the cause of this re. Elm" vitror, arurable to way all he wouldI , Volt? asked Mr. C0nmee, or are they to be liiir, to "y on tne Uttestion. But. no [or r cf/el,",.')?.')'.,? Pad. Protestants because of "a he lt' now able to do, he would deal I lest action. No Otter Will so contend. lzid with 1ur"e ot the nallent features ot the , not tht. Catholics, of Germany tight the prorrosition nuw before the House. He did ' Cuthollcs of Fi-ance'.' No one ever gustyq. not PrUiJQSt' to go far atield. because, while . Ed the 1-'y1olics or Germany or the mtic'lt mitpht be mid on the topic, and thutihoiits of'i'rum-e or "dill o'd loyalty to ',ieh"i.,,1y/.tep.' of history mignt be ap. .9 LUUVltl'). Across the line to the south wvt1ot""tcly.bvoutph'o to bear upon the de. ot us during their late civil war the Cath- trate, Fei, in mercy to himself. and per- olits of the Nortliuid of the South fought haps istil! more in mercy to his ttearera each other Just as did the Protestants; he must be very "mined and brner in what both Were animated by the some motives, I". ltail to say. In the proposition baton Even on the tieid of Waterloo Cath- the House they Were dealing wuth the clics "omposed a large Portion question us to Whether or not t'reparate of the army unilurr the D ke . School trustees should b t . _ . . WVellin u i ot lot n. t _ "... - e eetted by bal- . gton. Dld thuy, 1 ask. falter L .' ills Mues'tioit Wei-o one 11.1w aristug ld'urmg that 'greet und mighty contest. fo: '3'." tirst tlme, ttlongslde the question J; when the fate of Protestant England. yta,' L" t1t.t1ruy We were Irolng to have the ut mankind. war trembling in the balance . t'.re.ritte hichool system, that is. the trd. or, ":0". their bullets or their buyout-ts. tnyrirhmeyt "I "che "4.VtNettt, and We were misdirected" When the French hosts ral- settling the details of the whole system, "ed-by the Stout Nopoleon Wt'tu' hurled including the details of the tnantter lp. tollilm'and again upon their winks. und It/tl-":,.",',': boards ot nus-tees should be ("mu lenkth, the declsivo moment came i C,"i,'i0 e was free Ito say that. although or the heroic WelL'utrton to order hisi te a no varRicualrpreteven.t for the bal- Erin} and mighty charge, and when, with locus. a form of election. und eonsldereu Kyle? i,-]iiiiructeris:ic cf that great soldier. is,"lt/,'du'tt,/11t1,'i',ev'i'; a tyyitry of coward.. hl , 00se thtlon!i-ret.teu"y valor ut, i'er, . . J.'. motion, to some extent, 'Y -.ominand. were the Catholic-s Lsr, m- o "New of thought, and a proof that 3:12:11 titan their Protestant cornrudou'!1 will-1:: firth Si: tree asthey should be.and won tit "i "Sm?" to thtvy "Km"selvwl serially 1,f.'d1','t,y/',1'i'"iyft and would MP a _. ie oee .he _triump'n oi P.ritlshI h d I at all his voting should "It on that occasion was not it tri-i be otte openly, 'in the old way; yet. at he as": a; of)? religion or of one race ; the' '//'d,,ite' l: 3'? were >now discussing the l te U 0 b'ngllsh- Irish and scotch. PIG-l " et! fe. o 'emmle tkHtoois for the 'trrt stantrand catholic. drenched the same) "Ta i,'?.??,'?"'.'?.'.),?, of ttll the Circumstances poor. Divided in life, yet united in death "m?" have f"'":", up arxtund them, lie tor t te same great and glorious cause, the I would have no objection whatever to the DW'fel'vation of the Catholic constitution ballot if he felt 'thart the sentiment ot th of hngixmd, the greatest and noblest chats 1louse was on the whine in favor of he tex. I t liberty ever yet given to an), [on iBut. as he had said more than once . tion of the human race. L',":',?,',','",',", occasions. and as he must son Ye men tell us here in this Province .u'ml" on the!t oceastort, it was l,',', tha Catholics, because ot their faith can- p.o.scsi?lt to dusmreiuste fthe circumstance oi not H loyal citizens. It is nnlv G' mir- ithm M" trom all the circumstancei; . . counding -it. which had accm sur. mauled it I

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