The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Apr 1894, p. 6

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L, _..)'. ' ' - Fr , - Ft", . lift." m LI 1.,,%iiilRE, . i"-" mem- '9 from thtt 'Btett. 1" W9..- Ill her to" {My Kll= I)" tMo' 'l'aa' i"'lfe contended. "933 rm the commotion; for the " 'nt mbtion declaring thus the _ aspect. on which he hoped to b. wt. t: ballot gym should be implied to the i say something pr-tly, - Buch, School Hoard elections. And now more i speaking or them wlth all tair-a. "m was the proposition ot the hon. mei'nbcr f ' without urging anything mamas. " for Algoma. this very much changed me i 11 "ling to say anything offensive. thet if ts'.tcation. It was said there had grown t i? the postion now exiwng in. the Province no u sentiment among Roman Catholics . " were reversed. and there were a Protest- 'd tavot' or the ballot. Lt would be news. ' i ' 1 an: minority instead of I Roman Catholic tor him to learn that there is mum": , - l minority. and Lt Roman Catholic majority Roman Catholic in thc Province, save "WI _ , ) instead of a l'rbtestant majority. then the inn gentlemen he had mentioned cur. . g I Prop-stunt min why would, as the Roman Fd/ici'. and Mr. White) who were in ' '. [('ilLilUllt' minority has done underrtxistitur "trl'iii' of the compulsory ballot. lie v' " Ici:~.-un]_q;anij.:5, weren't who proposition to thought he knew suill("lllillg about it. For 'f, {grim th- ballot on the PYP"", St'hOOJS- twt'lity years he had lnut't'tl uniting all " Ir, sva.R no': roll CHM" or.,y"ld.,eri.i.t, 'Y" not oluseis of men and been a close obsorvurl r l ' sought to bi; hidden in ans way-- that of public "ttairs. From In, SUM". had hu i; there is a considerable portion of the con» liturii of such it dvsiru have on the part of i . I rrrunity that 3'0"?" "k: £0th t%"TrsiiT, "Hm. twc p,vutlemen. There "us nothing. r " iUf Separate Schools lee. s i .k l lint» hs. said, to illtlit'illle that the liomzm Cath- F . programme" and ota-ttotms 00 m to t y Din-s "the in favor of the compulsory 'syryi- r _ iond. He wus sutlslied that if the situa- 7 Uut tinrt- Wt'l't doubtlcss a 'Treat - I t tion were LS he had suggested, and the rm "1"" . lit 1, n Co th ii, who havin: LU. I I i l l ligious minority Wen? composed of Protest- mun) Lrtl w ' _ _.", 'rc),. , -nii r ". 1 I N - - , " "a to the "mutton b) in, on aru I ' , ants instead of Roman Catholics, and f hc til 1t:1'V raisuit and the irrita- ' , they saw, day timer day. a have section ot l tly,- Ir"; 3 m: "maumun of in. HUW' " I those who composed the majority of the "i'm flu-m5 Nun "in; ,lu'tlic uttacks "Hal , ' és' (Ruble. ,sorrtettirttes in their newspapers, lion ' :"\"K'.h. 'u1r'j"tC"s1\l,1li, and then"; ' It ttst sometimes in public. always witn upon tfly 2.1" Am i '.'.'.', .'. Ir: k" i It . r 7 v.Nrssh,ns 11501 witlt xiiiitln to their ' ' the Sattrlre motive and the same rl'.,' . . . Fe..-... . , '_ti' . u l , a i M V . - . . .. . Pry, cit-155 und hi with), .uiu .ALUJIL " ' It1trtt. saying" in etrect: We p."o . . t; l ,. out of the political arena. ' wisp to do away with the 'deparate (11min t d281,.um-Vd it) Chum. v0 much s 0 Schools sygtum whirh you enjoy. and ta i), quorl' C. c". it L1,". [win-r ' ot Ioniliiuh F ' 1 'make you attend the Put). Schools. the "Hum T:"' yll I'llull: it Mimi la Je/i-' g t schools which tttha dominated by the Rt" tl.ipe ":15 "'/,r1"/y,' i: 1iu',l"'l,',,'ll'i/,ii/, iiiiii- I ll l man Catholic majority" ia.nd suppose. fur. t'linfythuni .U.. "i,//1"/?(. iiiii not -"ll't' i I , ther, thst. while this portion of the Ftrw orlty 1h:: li")),'. 'rr 'ra _,?,'.,,,.,', . C,'. i, . ., ' F . . . . . vilivtlzvi the Jwgislttuirricr,idan optional - man CuU1oyrc majority Were continually br.l! t r ttot l . disseminating those: views. they sald the Milli: his; low swim-rims of Mr. Fraser l ballot system mum be adopted by the Pro- ' . , ' . . ' , l J h . . P i had bun uturrd with sum: dttliolty, mull ttstanitmlnonty. whether-they wished it .~ ..t T ... L .. . , '. . . . T by! [Jut'll cuntirluitlly llilillllpttd ii. iii, " or not. he asked anybody who wished to ' i., r,.,,' at l 'esrAinr-c.c, W'ct.C visitor} T; deal with mus (wry-mm "me from parti- cough. His I-ligrnLil' :\th\ "1'"; 'iii,')', l l 6 airship It the supposed Pmtestam mitt. loyal]. itiiii thin". I\'\.i. if s; t'r'rl",1rr,,',r"'"'/y,i, i gal!" orrth would not m tuir'ly stating their a": "Tr :tT,y'.r"tzl,iye, 'yt"", I'. i m.',',','.,- _ , . "El . ' ' . nr,', . .. .9 "Air e and, Mr. Mix-alt". I an ninth] l shall tel inimi when they said: lf " l . . .. ' ., i. irst tiis in 'rr... attollsh Separate Schools, if tttin. IS not be rtblr. to primt'wl. iinri btlllx iii_,o -l.5 ' i Blr't "of," i no accomplish, then we chuit. it was only it tillill'l'r'l' 9"" D, and ' qtf "hail )0u.des r: Son to fear that what the wnnuitliy of the Houso Wah', ll" have NH 'lo',",',' "g". UH as a gift and a v,unir,,Ctwi in " mmniinnus sup, ' " you grown? ill" " 'ci,uiri to be an injury to Rustin" to tttttke it b' o'clock, fl' r32 [mm-in iri "if :3» 71 sis/id/m and therefore Mr. FYostet. could L-oiiiii'ue his speich after _': ttif the separate lei'),','?)").,"',:),",:),":'; as rants We t't't't'syi. In:ittsti,1 of "diu'rty, UHF. howerrar. I W we 'Tit1,tt:TI",'. the (~(1iislitllthH-H Would min-i- brccitrc,.s was tailwii up, on the [ill- 1 all! are 1:110"; linked be bevoml all questlon tl-ri-Imp, thr, dilute should Itr'ir- , l. 'ttlt "1m 2'litiir2't"i1', ir'i.'otustLit minority Bou'rt tirud utter l'er-'S it Mr. Primer felt equal i all :EIEJ'T'I But it, in addition to all this.. 'rl/te'. to it [r', ttgt portion of the ltuman ('uth'tillz :hilgga: IDy:lu'fH'TlONS. rv 1 tgtt l which he It) /yy,',e/tted: ')Cff,Qte', School Mr. White mow-d tin- .cuiorul rvmlin: of r tet lug the "balm?" I): that the minority his Il"\\' bill unit-114mg thes ill'i i-usiii-i-ting r W system, and f,:i11,firlut/1na,,t,di"el', theirar- exu-utions. He explainwl 'iiit the list 'ie..! must Us'? the "Hum. 3"ti t that the minor- ot' exemptions in it was Silllllt'l' thun that m! guments by the '""s'ff HI rn their minis- I': his forrro. bill, \R'llth had Win inim- t Dr ity rtwiuired to be (c"') Jf'ilooull not elect Ti. Hon. Mr. Gibson (lm'llll'wl that it was l te-ru and clergy. that tir. l . ii talrlv un- out of otuGsv, HS viiiiioilying the l:i'lil('!lil" l pd! their' srhool trustees free y :ould not the of the bill ulrvndy roivt'ti-Ll earn-{r in iu,. i " less they had the ballot. . v magi-m the session. Mr. Alvin-duh stood up for Mt-. '-'itit supposed Pi-otuslant ',',',i,l,"eei' it? '\\'oulii White, and tho Sin-21km" rnlwi tint tht. 'tt r'rytfeutirey/..1'y, Jc,",,"'):'";')),',',,.'-',));),",,' bill was in "PIER as t'niiziiiniiiu nnlv it w not the ',f1/),11,'ll1ti",rl1i.'".drlf, an offensivp ar- Portion of the tlause.c; of thts old hill. Hun. H was II,")"',',')."'::',',",'.))",")','- sewn) the rejr.i- Mr. unison thtm ("must-vi thr, bill, limiting " Hume!!! be 511ml Vilma" Apart altogether that the suntiniv-ni of thr. cunntrv Wit.s' 3' tion ot the r',',',,flloi1e'd'/nd1't'l1'rC' he said, awaits! any i'ni-tiiur lllt'l'l'iso' (it t'Yrrrnrr- tttl from 'l.tyoes.t. "f C,',','.)',',,',',,'.',,',",",',';,',,',", alone af- Lions. Mr. iiiiliinii' was inilinml to i'inwi' M these two "egg " cumdPllt tPatron for the the bill, thinking that tht, sliglitui' vxivn- ttr forded 'iT) 1'l/, rhinorlty of the Provlnre shin of the bill would ln- It unwi (liizm~ Jie ' Roman ("th ( said in response to the :huuglit the bill should go to Ill" liwgnl lit' having, /Ith.Ir,t/r'r L'ou are opposed to the C'otnmitte,r.. In: lluxtt-r Ultimsvll tlw bill. _ Ilit $322533: Separilte Schools and we." 1'" It":~ "film fIIiInHrnHi i.t., and tlrrlyyt'y,y- l at . ' ' ' rt . "innot intend to id) "nerd wus/tt luVot ot n, brim,h to the i, Impose the ballst in)" S . rm it 1.s not Lxgnl l'orniuitterw, on the uiiwlrarr:tuttlirtur: l h it t'ui' lit-3 ip.nul ot m" 15"" L, Nil-HRH" that tin. House should not bu nun-tin! ' tet' your liliipubu LU i'.'"'tcl'""f.", {h 2",". n) as 1irrnttiittiris,r itstrlt' fur thr. llll'J'iUl'L'. I " School mush-mi "lit 11"" flit" ','),l,','r'i,'f),ie,'iv, Tho: bill was, .'s'u'ot'diri,e,1.v, rand. "I n - . 'art tn '7 F . . , . ','vc11r1"i,/'i, you iii-viii» 1'/ly in)?" ":3: u'NiVlultsuTv- r',Nl'r'.NlolTUItrys. l: ballot .systc'ri, Wtlirts-r,t't' WHJin'MHiiiht in» Crowtnmout until-vs of motion mime l i may 3m- li'- tttt' vrci'iiiloi1 wt tin l', --tli\ll next, and Hon. Mr, Russ mun-ii lho- niti- ll I hun- Ito'.--' m to tll'lh"~'l"~""i "ltr; I." lr hi. MINI tl,cutton of tin- ovdvu. in i'trurtcil ot April t l the only luuii'u; you in?" "I, ".'ht'ii,e,,,/sdl','i; ll. 1594, whu-rvby the Iiiiyllh'lll out (i tliu d acstructiou cl ltiry ro "f [li. 11-1 ir, ii I puniuiicnr lllild " tho l'niv, Mir: " Tir-, I ' sets ot turcuJn.sstirncur, ""1 '2,,,j1"/11),; runtii "us -itithirrizeU for th. iriitiiliment . t "would bc "tttplc wurt'rttrl Lin" "lulu-U ml; of [hot-lirrnimtl laboratory draw"). [or tin" i I who iii-lune to tlic 11y'i,y/le,t, "ii. cottsrlction ttt' U!" 'r,'y1tlltucnuttl hurling: i ' Ont) in ruply tins issd.J' -" 'vlscrtw A I'. "i,", ($3,000). and for gins and ll'u'l 1'u.'iu::,' for] ' thrusting uoWN our tin-tutts. "hull" "f. the museum ("lit"). ( ft mould or not, this trallot sy.iin l/ll) VH1 Mr. A. b". WWW "tilled Littwritiiiii to tin-i I ' arc not asik1lt's toy It, y"i,,,,ty11' 1" l') 1mperfr-t condition of tht. "tluitcrriitsrit oi . g'.isance m Ilu. "Hitter. bu». 9'}: thu the Biologiwl und 1iinterulorirai inquiry} , , constitutional siurvHloli tved "5 "..' l my: hit-nix. He. thought that tht-rect. ivnportunt [ ' . ground "it: Iirtticl.y "AW" '11'l1_""}"'5, I: ciwirurtvnrmtss tshonld be :ciiled. i and tin: minority "W" bound to "Fluff: 1 Hon. Mr. 11",";4, in i'viill'. I'Uiill'wi 011i l l pr:rpvsrtlon lo tin- "nd. '1" 'lid 'le? co." that the Goviwiiiiiciit W'ly', [rum-mini: upon! ' tate. to S'll' that tilt PUSWU" had 'it/lil, rr'c'otrunrenilation of the l'nnw-rsitv illllhtll'l-' , somvwlmt ~-livi::'*-i " wPat Lud """""C'.' 'i ties, who, while :ilivu in th- nun]..- iii" tlr. I l tit guy during UV lI!'-'"" WNW?" 'i')')) L'iolorricul and 1liiirrtlor,ir, ii ln1',r:trtmorur,, f i l by \\'n.ii "in! ii 't'lll'l\'\i :10 in"; sun) "l 11., .s-t fclt that flu-<4- texstru1o.itutvs"sv,,r, "lit: , SUN-U" .4 [\An. iii-inn thut Hint- inn Mun-i turs of first Inuit"): in mm "d that o/iii/C. _ ct tin. lillliul'-l_\' Het?, illiili'\l vii thrs "Y,""', i It"): UN work of thc yrlin of 'Sl'it'lite " but in iii." "'5'"th Mr. 'r'll_l"">v \"h."li "'Ullld be so "xioilrsu that thc "ugly"! 3 strrtiy,ht, nitiiuut iiln<ilziiiv>3 tot' A ("iv-l districts \vitil'l i'i-w-ixx- ulvurstarvs \Vllill h . Pub-in bulb-E. llc ""1 ttol 'v"'". m " i fvorn its 'e,"r'rito"r'rphicir.l ,"n.4llinii tlu: J, viii-n in; Mr. 1'luru'y "ul a "Km illii 5310M ol' S('l('llt"' :t't Kingston can inn-div j may in; Virus and awn" whirt "who 'jf" be 'fleI'k'tWi to aim: tin-in. Mr. .\ivi-i-\'i'li Saw lit. llc (ilii- slimilwi'i Milli its) unlit made " I'uw t'rmluyks, to the uft/ct thin right i" siunli i vi' Ill-rt: IllJll Lad wt i. it would be bottrum to bli"n!l lillllit'V on th- Claiuy, chrrlrt (in! il'f thought ll" "l" two departments iiii-ntiiinwi 1//. .\ii'7\\'ooiti spuakuit ig-pixiytiinil ti.-- virw,'.us ot U" "l": than on the nimiicui ':ioaty.ltr,i,ii/,:1'i',.r', cu-ity. But. in Vilma lyr tht' ("JIIlIHllrUl3 which there was .cottte r'oni/odr.'vs"s'. 31")" i , C b t' . . ballot My. {Hluilt'} iiiili iii "Jim ixllii: motion then Passil ., it. t "i 1ccd Ire e,ittii_ttsrn'r. illn nULloll n'lllli'" n , t , fi1il"d1,r" ""1" HHMLJM 'nr:spn'lly, "in; 11113 autumn: BONUS. Wul'c (n L Magi» \.\L"lll mslililtvitt tttl U"; Hon. 1lr. Hardy then movod Bg that thls rubJccr. of tiriurutta Svhwh. "ml in. "on": House will to-morrow tt'solve itself into a Lluilc tiirlrrtou,1 HiVll' buns; til" ty Huy tt committee of the whole to :misid-gr tho at that iiiitunurii cm a Human Catholic I". a following "r'solutio:, :--' That u sum of one 'tr' w prsasentittivt: in Kllc "mum had voted to? hundred and twenty-lire thousand dollars 0 l the cunipumuiy bitllut, it would not be said - _ I l wt ' IIgllltrlllli-iqI--i-i-dt-,.s,..,,.-___: 7... .

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