Third Miami" ame tittr ., Talia. Sunday car bill was the tlrst dealt with.but was referred back to o,anmittee,and some amendments Inserted, IimltluK the rc:.gis- trutlun of the manhood suffrage Voters. The mucmlxmrnt wvescuted vroviutui that in addition to thotsc ervtcrt"d on the last ruvlrswl' IIr,t 1111151, 1111240115 eutitlud to vote whmac humus are ot,wed on tue last lists of manhood stffritce voters for _ the municipality Limit-1' the 1m city "It"? hood sui'tratgt: r,w,istrution uvt shall havc Volts. Alf. iicrcurtlt thy't'lt'tl that this might cutail yt" vntn- on 1151:; sum-1111 yelc old, a.) that tl/vvrt: might ln it mutt mummt at pchanLtiun. llu- lvrulwr'wl thut 1ww l1.-,tts sltold he 1srclrriu"il it ruin-1' party rroisoeirul it :11111 mun-ml to pay thc l'113L. . Mn. 'rnit wxplainml that thy tut/uso" "as ttn: trr;ult ot' 1111 Hutu-Hiwnl between . bull! parties, Mr. me-xiitlt'n <':t1n-4l'.1-nt hw- inp: int-11 coicsiiucrcd. 't'lit: iitrrrurilritLUtt WEI insurtml, :11 otulcr to he turthcr ccmsidcr- ml and iur,rc1bly unu_d. ' Mr. Winters bill tur-tits',' tho Windsor 1sutrwworics.) WitH mittlhtty "uuuisluul and $111111 itrt tUird 11:.-li111,;. lion Mr. tlib- qu's hill tn sun-111.1 [mum-t [Mun-411111111 ot Iirrrritivburm' 1:41.11,- up. and Mr. Mrn-uith movcd 11,. "trirw (1111 1111- Stu-11mm providing that llln ('1111.ty Alirrrriyrc 111111" tn: 11.1111 $1 twr ("m-h 1'tt111'1il11t; 111111 --1~ tn whum furtnc und stutuditt'y 111v 1111-11;.,ln-vi. Hun. Mr. Gibson oiticats,l thc 1L111v11111111-11t, and Mr. Netcrttll irc,isttnr,r u1w11 it division it was (fcuird Ly ik V rttr of is to 21. 'rltte 'livis- bn "rt"' " straight "at; 11110. Mr. Mc- ." isitu;chton anti": with tln- i'stlvtrrrirriuttt 211111 Mv. 11ci'ullrrtrt ln-ltlt: i t, 1111 M11 mummy l-urim-sa. Thu Ltll "a; thv11 l't'AX'l Lt. ti:lrd 1111111. Sutrul nthvt' bills 1'drl'r' tva" a third ti:111-. llo.u. Alt-. Hil;:h:ll"1 mil to "tiv-tttl tho r-usztx'y :-.--t 14:11 Riva (lutruw's hill rr :-11""l'111', vritylo'/ti-r.urntthrotsr,'"n with-n11: nymirltlun. Hun, Ily. thin-"1's mil to :11111-11'i th-- lriVirort1 t'cuttc; 111:1. mmn- up, and Mr. "it: 1nirvrularirvtusuifi- ttont ts, .1lu l1>l1 1111111u 1.111-111 1111' ll\'lll l.) 1:1.1lg11it; Uh" J"'\\ll. ..; .lli1ljJJ'S ut' Cum- "111111;; liri" I', 111111-411 mt liriii-t the same 11C thwu- of hh-lth- 11111115 li- surrwwtel ttdr, 111 u lint-t :11-wh Tlo. l'ruvintml SW1» i, rs "111.2111 :l.i, 111113 Mr. ?,'-litli, \\l.1l~- 11;:1'1-11'; with llc. Wy.itr. thitt thc 1,1, cout'. luv; J lllijt.:'l in 1111.1 it -xvmpt.~' vtililii, i" 11-1 (11' 11*111 trunnion": whtcn . 13111 liv'.t\'ll) srlt [nu-1 ttill, .srti'l:irvtlttt ', thi.;crr-itirrist :lu 11M 1w; lv. [>l't:'~t"l thiss 5-5510". Tlv. 11.ntmn was tin-11 1h lawn} Ioct Itll Illws'h 11. 'c,',,ttir-u.c.cililrir.roscssoTi't' Mr. J"cslfottr'tg hiil ;1111::.v11111: thv- :11th rnilvv:ry :n't. Mr. ..\1---~1111l1 th-nm'ht 111:11 tht: winUst: turbul- dim: 11111111v11111111lw-z tn .ntn-t' into (M11- 11111-14 111111 sicllwity ca1111m11l1-5 grunting fr; 111 him-H wrt' mun- lllZLll twenty years' 11111411111 was 11:11 PXpliI'lt 'srrotipslt, and tl.1t it Should lw 111:1tlt-v'iur that t'otttisitrV 11-5 'tCiv-titil by Slt'w'litl art 1-1111nut ln-rwiitL-r 14111111». f1~:1111-l|1.:t-.~' lor 111:11'1- thnn hunt} )11113. Thu till ":19 :11m-111lwl a"- (-urxiinuly 'l'hw lull of My. 4h1th1'in to :11nunvl the jtuiwuturn itct my as to, 1111'.- increased 1'1'A'I'I'S to lmul Julv,is of thy High Court to h 1111' 1111i tir-tr-Init" 1111111 lit:; und pro- cctuli.ricrc; in tint wuu't Wits' Pnsyu'l, and "Vii ivl l-'ll to tlit' lvlll 112' tho Holt. the At.. turuwyvtL-w 11:1 "tof:tcilitute tht- ior,tl ad- Tntinstrutlor'. of jurctiri in rit'tit'.tt cases." Mr, Whit.rr-y'r hill t'trcirrri'tlllrl" \1'11111"SS fets. Ilon Mv. Hilwm's hill to .nrtnutd the gumu Irrurtccthrn nut. and Dr. "2111's hill unmntlinp tht. rtii' l't'FIN'i ting 1sotttrar'tr; in rclutiort to punk; critrurtcsl to :1::~11t<. www- pzrsswi withvut nit-huh. Mr. Whitt, moved to insert in his bill rtreHtvst'tlni.r,' Police M:ur'cctr'atte: A t~l.1.11.vo~ forbidding all salar- ied frlics. Mugistrutvs; {1-0111 voting. Hon. Mr. Gibson nppnr'v'l ttr, cluusis, . . ,. 1 _ Mr. Mun-ilith hrll that utlit'vts' to whwm llunicipiil ( lllnnllllCU liills Lon- suvh prutt _ ~15 11.11 Just huh rammit~ id , {owl by thr. bill to M'Vlll't' tht. punish-nt 5 . . , of ptersrsrmtior1 .chotrll he rvnn-Irartlznrt. Mr. l LI1d All Jhiy. AWN} hw'nl that tVw tnt'ti would lm illn- Mr. Taib's Sunday Car' Bill rrtuu-him-tt for " Hnnll salary. and that , the '.icult wovll lw " "estcriory.ttot1 in the Ar2acricirtsenb. Pttrvoyriricl 11' thw 1licicslrut'Y. Mr. Whit- may 1umtrrrvlsul that 1:1'u<>: Ictrlizarship has -I----t------i. in thw rust clcir:tirt."ctril tho rural Police Mugistrutw: of thr I'voviriiis. Tho It- Chalman Awrey and the Public Ac torirtry-iliuit'tcel 1.11i'1111-1l nut tlyvt.tyl' urnrtui- , 7 . mint 11111wa dummy. " thu ottirvialsr of their counts (Jotnmuteo VA tsosstott on But, vt.trss, unvl did ttot pwltihit them from tak- urduy Likely Necessary. irur, part in wavinnv. 111' colncitltul with the 111-211111n11t1: ::u;1i11~'t tho :11111114lmv1.t, -----_ Mr. Clnncy 11ml Mr, 1fcr'lenry $110k... and then thts "01va 1liviilrul, llll' u.ortidrtouitt, . , ' 'H boon T0j<wtml by Ct votts of 47 to 153. 1) .1 LerrislatlvisCh:trnbut Ap:il do. Burr (llut't'vrim Yntml with tlu. Covert:- Io-day Wad spun in Dull 11315111111111. wont, 11119- 11vitl1vr Ilt. MtNuughtnn nor and was Cullswluvlllly \wry "ull than" a"; Mr. Mci'ullitttt \w-n- 1111-5 mt. The bill point or VIr'NV of tht' 11111111 riliitttorr', ttlto was tho Tjyl fl third tltittr. ( cunn- to wlttir;s thc doiiip-S ot' thr. 1.. cis- t11.11. 1"Ty.'.1"1l to 1'11111-111l tho aqtir't11- ' .. T 111v 111M ar-ts 'uct "as pitSHWl. Horne Iature 111 thr. last days ot its last F 1.4::111111 slight zunmnilnvnts "1-11: him-11ml in the l The Municipal Cotutuittti's bills "mt-t- 1.1-. Attorney-G-urs bill resiruatcing the ' tng Cunshh-rt-d in cumnnttw- mus: oi the Qey11.flttla Niagara Pulls Park. l day. and the prom-minus gun-rally 111111: ngigwmg 1 o'rloclc, the Speaker left the way quiet and lcttttttrrtiotts. Crawl 11m- , t v VY-N _ grass was made with the work on the Ot'- l AFTERNOUN SESSION- der paper, but it is lilwly a session will \ r,.Tshhir)t Tildhmsr oru"lll 1011 tho House for have to be held Saturday to unable the l ll'OlOLfl: '13:; 1rtti'/,2t,c1,'t,s/c'rlys"%sttJ, . . _ ' . _ _- t . J 1 Mouse to tinish tins week. \ . facilitate th" local udrninistration of jus-,