The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Apr 1894, p. 2

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y t e C T " . _ . . . _ I .of. '. 'ttttliste/tti',','?) r'ritril' ---- "m qe-rt_i_i-, in sum. t , coupon en ce _ :33: egi'e,flttg t,Tlt ttd.'td'il'l'li h" t We: '%"tl'd tttteh,', wads? _ . _ itutlom lncorpora .. creased if h "wet ',te,tUTdt"fJ.a other tleo":',"',,',',',') money and invest therein, I i1iedl"t'lf'd,e"u'lh'r"/ were changed to correct a clerical error in 2;: weiulgi c ' ' 'ting er A, A . tc last years not resin!L , "o,g,trtg"'p,t r moved an amendment, to make further provision respecting mort- Hon. Mr. t "item would be to wake the gages cf real estate. Under the head of the effect 0 w c municipality ncceml'y second readings Mr. Bush's bill amending! tree of ,tJ,','r%l','l' of land within its iii; act providing asuitwi fraud In the to any exp p tor the construction of supplying of mill: to cheese and butter tae. limits 11ffl'l'tr,vste%" of the County Cotue torieg was passed, while Mr. Field's trut, mfg; 'lil, power as the bill originally amending the births. marriages and! 'lMTJlf ' deaths act. Mr. ('lciund's bill to amend the] Mr. Tait traid 'tl','; Ite, _,-',',t'i",,tl,v?,1cor,','Jt" 'f/r',', 1ttrt',rtgl,.eJn."t1t'.uritd'ttd'it,1l',tl'l, the work put upo e camp!!- y " T wcr . . . " '., could commence operations. and the perigd "rate ts'choois bill 31(13ng tag-31y i',, IU?. 1 cf six months allowed for beginning t e rmentl the act Ste""?.'. g ' sod through! enterprise should therefore be eXt-('ndl'iiili R ways and bridges '2',.',.ul'af','i1 connection Mr. Meredith agree: thadt 1eeet,l the' (i,og,mltit,','t A? 1'li'rl1df,ffr.l, bill regarding ' " vocae on. r. . ' . 2,'eune,,I'tht'." the rig t a l Cle,',.,,', lists that the bill providing tor - Mr. Whitney Mid It the hill wt" put the transfer of voters' names from one through the House it recognized the possi- electoral district to another in certain bility of the scheme going through. d cases should be dropped. should not, therefore, be killed by her " FtQ a , , , COMMISSIOV a municipality given power to him-k it. I I i'HFl INDis' I -' M Whitne Mon. Mr. Gil"? ml: the ','er,'."',11Ti' of flJ,,/"'l"11 of th'), £310,121; Irc, r'had mg: the bill argue t at t 9 power won en- i as a r. i t . ._. able B minor municipality to block the yappolnted as one of the members of the whole scheme. There might tre. no mm- Fee 1'.ommissicm, and, It BO, if he had an: culty, tn ""3"?" tou"nti if it?" it"??? "if" {if tt'et'cyn1'ra1vt".?','..ctt'.'a,i' the consent o t e munc a y; e en The , orm-y- iene C ran. v. . _ tn'ight cause grievous Ttll'd%'. had been uppoinvtcd, and had aceepted. He Mr. Meredith said that in that case thc had not comrPchtd 2t f,"t'.tt"t,t'y'e,i',1"ui.' . latter might be dealt with by special leg- ly because u an ace l en . 11 en g, lsiation. but he had been acting now for some days. Hon. Mr. Fraser said he had no objee- _ _ P ELK: INSTITUTIONS. tion to the matter being left in the hands '7 .l"'dl', bl', [risk 1 In the flour now Lieutenant-Governor in Council. . r. amme b e'. : '1euitettr' held that the fact that the supplici to the public institutions of the counties through which the canal will [in-4..., II.,','""),':.:,','.::',',,?,:",',,',"'",,,','",:','.',,,?' "e." grog}: Nr, , . . . s . , . k ' . mac tttl'iotu't'lUhg1uiouvd'rf"Ti't'stiad) "strong baker's" manufactured from Man- hcuid have some effect upon the commit, itolm Il,' used and demanded In the ho. commit . " Mr. A. F. Wood pointed out that, while "on. "Mr. "lion-s. _',t, strong; ho alqncduct walsla priv'ntct cnterprisc, tho gull-xiii; :1l /f,, 't'i11'Qttfe'at1',r,t,/reih'ic',g', amt was a pu , li' prom: . e u c- ' . a ... Mr. Tuit hold this to no a somewhat un- Tne tlu'ur trmmrledl iggrilitculre s"..rieaJtrt,'.'s! (in distinction. any w it'it prol c kt . ' The amendment was lost, the Attornwiy- in aiming"; Slum-"1r": Th:p;':l:rdngg t rat and Mr. Meredith supporting; l r. strt-mzti Ib to cu cre- . o 'e . 'tn-r. L , Sitiitplv submittvd with tat-h tender, and hon. Mr. Fraser then moved anothz-r nm- i :ii'l'llitl'll or icjcctrd without regard to endment. that the company be allowed where the win-git might yy produced: powers for canal purposes only after ob- It being 1 oclot-k the bummer left the minim; each municipality's consent. This chair. "if "lii.opftlt,.ed; d th t b t ' AFTERNOON snssmx. t. r. l . ar e move a e ore any . . . . tgr . .contracts can be made with any munici- 3"'h-ien-km'thl-IUftioiiii'mggnr;ritual? it: Witty theft-gimpony mujst exhibit plains and 1modiy"t1d local 1'ji,'iiild'lr",i"t'll,'n" of jus- su . '. ", set ou '. A .. ~- . . t 'li'i'i,'.1d,t.. Ju,.'2"'t1?i'a2() that this was tice in certain cases came up for its third a blow at theI Company which would seri- 't,'it"'e'i, $111115 Jd.1d'/," m1e,ci',y'ttle"tip,) ously injure t. T ' . . . ' _ 1 Mr. Meredith argued strongly against the all"? 1tf/t'1ire.l't1ytrl?c"12:,"u1,1a,n'f 3:2 . . l., . _ r t - . i ' . "i' ' . 2"t'll'.'"" being given such a roving thur came so as to extend the provisions of Mr. Tait thought that the city could be the bill tot all eager-3d where the1 Tyt"?,- lft, t some xtent, t look aft r itself. ings were Tegun an were carr eu on at 'li vtheocity' W121," to (contract he". cheap Ottawa or London. and the solicitor for light and heat it would be unjust to oh- the party moving resided there. There lige the company, which was to sell those was no discussion on the amendment. and articles, to show its surveys and course. " division was taken: (with ttilde Leann that; Some further discussion took place and the y,'.1)".1,1lment Witti C) id e y a, vutel he amendment was defeated. of .10 to ca. l Hon. Sir. Fraserl moved Q amundmcnlt MH. O'CONNon's BILL. l to a BU sequent cause to gve municipal - , ' /s, .. . ,. ' , . . ties individually the right to decide wheth- f Pat,'","),,,',',)'),",',"":,,'"', ieri,fli"2.Tg, 3'1"ng I er or not the aqueduct or canal may enter thin takrm 113 aaain g ' .. l its limits, and in case ot rem"! to leave Mr. Balfour aghin moved his amendment. I tt,t)fig'Ji,tlt,'.',', to Ithvt:lfdgl.'lm 053;?" 1d'i1l,e/t. which was submitted in a modified form. l in"? afloat}!!! run"; ll .310"? IQT,?; It was to the effect that the act shouliil bill Q. St l "3h" 1mg": [Hume-y. "'1; not buuurme Operative in any municipality! e roug w u ur I it until a bv-law to that effect had been; ndment, and the committee reported it. waged bit that such bv-law could not! THE GAS PIPE BILL be passed until after the expiry of anyi, When Mr. Crt'ottnor's bill to remove ,mti't-emcnt or contract lit-tween the mum-é dcubts as to the ussesgmcm of gas pipes t',h"."'"" and any company airectrd by the", and the wires of companies upon the pub- " all} Whitney said he would accept any: t, "/d1"it,',' come up for a third reading rc'asormble compromise. hut did not regiml' _ . a four moved that the bill should not this bl ir ti b (V q) f I beam" law in any municipality until such J,",2'na"m2',"//t'lua/lt'fiis thicrcumfi'; 1d'VI,'e'g; s',')),',')':"')';)",',' PI" by by-law decided to no contracts but therewas a distinct on I . I I . . A . r ' - ' , t - '/','fr'"vot/lu"e,riit'atofn"tt',,,"ie, 'lrd'ty. derstanding at the time engagements were] -|~ up . . .ll ' . ay entcrul into in tittsc municipalities that t pa y would have the right. of usingr its they should not be aMU'rnble l ownl discretion as to taxing these com- sit. Tait will uiriitcriiioont would panes. . t . l .t _ , _ '- y . leave an injustice in the came ot Toronto, 1hr] Attorney General said that the where 'the city had contracts with some ardent mutt would be more in accord with companies and not with others what 1'iutetlou/ttt, should be the case if it .\lr IP, ~19 Clarke said iiiG .would not! were a it" t at no municipality which ", . ,'f, .,', .' . ' . - , Iliad previously made a contract with an garnish", as the contracts had not longl e ectrh or gas Iompany in which exemp- l l . . - A . G h . . I I A . tion fJt.ut'.cutta"x',", "3," gimme" should silt/it/et"";',,?."':',',:,,');',',,':,',;.'",',,',"; lividvilehwo pass a IV- aw ax ng " company. . ", . l'. . '" l ' A somewhat tangled discussion followed. a: I?cteitc.ircum' tomes he was Prepared in which various amendments on this new ' . wer" suggt-stcd by the Attorney-General. , mill? 5:12:31: ttt1'ett,h'1 mistake to add E Mr. fel,utt/gi':, (ma: ot/U,',) N Icngth, on the _ Mr. Whitney asked what the law would| insist on o I. r. lane). the bill was " ihe under the bill in municipalities G'd"/'/ y/Ire to Btand until the afternoon, that a contract did not exist . ' the til, yy.?.TPs'cut'sion might be oon- _ Thc Attorney-General said " would bel . i"11n'll',iy"2its . ' as the bill made it. 1 third time without its?!" then read l, The amendment was then voted on and I disposed of were th LAM? Those thus. carried by 3* to 82, the Government being till respecting the Qeueer: "vr?ttvoflt""grtl': support?! by Mr. Meredith, and the two ag- .ides o t are Falls Park, Hon. Mr. Harcourt's hilt l /i1'fl he House being generally split grunt}: 'Et.t"at,'tthe "SPECtinK vot- . Mr. "arrow then said Mr. O'Connor the High Sch . Ir. win I bill amending tite t upporter of the hill, had been obliged to oo ' act, Hop, Mr. Glibson's bill Pave the city, and had asked in l'OlDOctinl benetit loci ti . m to take Ulla t th A e OI. _,,'Y four Ietral i k charge of it. He had suggested to him o e ttormrrAAmrrat kmvecting I -, that if the House should change its opln. ' \ 'v ion on this subject. as he had some idea it. t

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