The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Apr 1894, p. 3

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n) (24PX11 V ' . J A." a t . ' f could be sham unknowns not GIMME 1 Tt ; would done (Mr. Gum) would ended" his name could be, stricken off. i _ / to secure the momma of the bill, the ' Mr. Hardy! tthetry opposed the "lend- i parttos promoting it preferring to have ment, remarking that the case at Toronto _ the existing law tested in the Court of in which it was alleged much Work Would _ . App." to having the bill to into effect. .- he lost, was due to the slowness With . it amended so as to lose its declaratory . - which the Toronto lists have been ap- qunlity. He therefore moved the ditschartre M. ' plied. _ of the order. q Mr. E. F. Clarke declared that them, j ', After discussion of a few minutes tho rout-i tints are even further advanced than L T order for the third reading of the bill was i could be expected, considering the umoun' discharged. of printing; 'le't'f,"i',"t',iri Hon. Mr. Ross can: , _ tended t at t e ill was perfectly ti. ' N "mm S HILLS. . ' and that the amount of work which /lt; I Th" "MN. then gin," the ilu'rd raiding be lost would be divided between the two .t" Mr. 1'ottmovs Separatc h'chool 1sill, ipariles and was inevitable. Mr. Meredith . 'Hou. Mr. [toss observing that the amend.. irejoined, and Mr. AIL-Coll obJeeted to the moms inserted. by MINUS 1,1U1'TY lbill. - 'powors to returning, other" of beparatc The Attotmo.v4cnevaI said it was dim. Schools. and lcuving the time of elections cult to cotislrler an amendment proposed l unaltered, wot-0 not mum to tho constitu- Iii, the '4tate of mind into which Mr. Mere- l tional objections raised against the hill. dith had worked himself. The hon. gem Mr. Harty's trlllveviardinpitruvvI on will? tioman had made a number ot false _ ways tttri Lrldcvs WU.9 grlven its "M". charges, honestly made, no d9Ubt,bu18till reading". Mr. Tuit's bill mmnidlng false. He said himself that according to _ , the Ontario election act was WWW" the Young Liberals the Reform party had ~.~ through committee and read a third time. made gains at the last revision. That '5 Mr. Iralrour's tH'W ,st'vc't railway. "11'," [showed what was evident from the Ken- 5, fti'lllltl. corr-'ctlon ot an error which had 'orul tenor of the present bill, that there 'y crept into the bill which had been Itl'- 1w," no party advantage in the present' viously passwd, and which he had" _),'",',',"; lun-asurc. 1t tseemed to him that any intel- duoed in the morning sonston, was in- .iiqent man Who looked into the mattcr vanced a stage. iwoot come to this conclusion. The hon. ' [RON ORE RESOLUTION. :gentlemain had referred particularly to Hon. Mr. Hardy moved that tho House illondon. Now, as a matter of tact, m . . 7 . t - . ,Lupdon the Board of lttsyistrarv; would be , go into i-ommittce to consider the fodow- T . , 2s" Fr ti . . Id one . lug resolution:---); a sum of one composed of "not" (()'lmm,' am 'CI hundred and twenty-live thousand dollars its-former. two County :l115eis, '9"? et/ be set asldc out of the surplua inolii'yn them from past oururrcncea particularl} _ forming a part of the consolidated row-nun obnoxloin; to ltoforrni-rs. the Master in fund of this l'rovlncc, from which may lu- Chambers and the Police Magistrate, the l paid to the tttlruts or producers of ore, up- litttcr Cl Reformer, but not .an 1"/l)'t one, on all iron otN't4 which shall ho raised or of roursv. This was one ot nymerous In- . _ mined or smoked in the Province for dioations showing the bill P give no part): .' i a period of five yours from the tlrst day 'ernvuntap,e. He thought it haul been. w , it July, WM. the equivalent of om- carefully prepared that every partizztn T 1lollar per ton of the pig metal product of ftr'ltiii'i) had been excludtd: and that no bill such ores; hut so that tho sum to ho paid coull "ive more srrtisfudticn l' the public out in any one your shall not exceed 'tcrtet"dlly. Each party huU felt the ob- b ' twenty-tive thousand dollars." JUN-hm to hol'linp,' an election on old lists F Mr. Meredith protosted against tho Gov- one of tlte great dittteultirs under the [ moment being entruxtcd with this sum old HYHtern was the "u," impossibility "Ii '\\ltliout more information being given appalling with Buy cffect. rhe Go,ve.rry 3 iiilmn the way in which it was to bo mom. realized that the most desirable I spent. point in connection with a voters' list was Hon. Mr. Hardy explained that ft was to haw it pure, and 'no held that lit' bill not proposed to give unv money without I:roviUml fair and reasonable machinerya the drawing up of regulations and their for mrrylni-z' this into oftect. This luw,', (approval by the House. What he wished he said, would only apply whrn no te-l to do was to Set up a standard. to en- vision had take-n plane. As for tho argu- i-ouruge manufacturers; by in-xt session meat that many would not have time to the regulations would be druwn up. gm to register, it was a fact that every-i Tho motion was carried on division, and where, own in times of excitement, a; the House went into vommith'o. large proportion of the votes are unpolled. _ Hon. Mr. Hardy further ex- The young men wi-rc not charm-d with Iplained that it was: Proposed to wrong-doing. What was averted was Win" the money over to the owm r that hilf'h wrong "as done by others in ' 01 the mine. and that the ratc [li'tlill'ieil their name. He would be glad to 'ousidey was $1 per ton. In response to a further ;:m- fair amendment, hut the present Ono, (inaction of Mr. Meredith's. it was 1rt'0vid.. aghast-d on baseless charges, he could not ti. that m cam- moro thin 21am [mm W"... consider. raised Itt on" your the money should in Mr. E. F. Clarke urged that omr'ials bo Idistributed on a pm rain basis. The re- appointed to revise the already-prepared Isolution was then passcd or; amended. it lists. ilffru/1,T'i"//i. to i,,t'o.r1'.c.Ta/e this resolution The Attorney-General replied that the e mining bill 'now before the House. unormous number of appeals would pre- i,ad"','.'a,,ietii,, "ttsi' t bill to amend the vent this from working. It had never en- roiiiceru Wu f,, :qt" ees of certain public bred tho minds of tho (lovernnnmt that _ 'with Criitssli'l"l1'",1 through (pinning-.3, they were trying to make it dilhoult for dith tirft'i'oUi2'i'lt/leten,,us,m,ej,t. Mi'...\iorn~ the young men to vote; the fart that the jertlon- il IT at he would deter ob- labor organizations. who were most nearly, _ _ e um the third reading. concerni'ii in this matter. had approved or! VOTERS LISTS ACT. l the bill was an answer to this silatemem. , T .. _ a . ' ' Mr. Clvrtie again urged iis pm of a ers in certain cities Bras then £4150 wt- Mr. Clarke was enamored of the old .sys-' in committee. Me. tileriedlth 7' area y tem. under which no revision was [los/sup'. the tirst section ot the bill' 'C..",','.),:?"", to Ho recalled the (with: of 1992. when revis- the Government Would .u::rinlb lest I ma proved absoluttsly impofsiblc. and the securing partizan aiixduiaég t m. , list was exceedingiy bad. Phase who an- a brief discussion with H: -it cuy proved (tly: Irroposru1 list were the work- sald he saw now that it Jd the 171: ,he l high-en. (onsorvativo and Ill'l.m" all purpose of the Government to at"? "Y'dtc ' the 1"'.wsTilr"isr excepting l'ltrx umpire, selves of the machinery ot the #111 them- and it had been found necessary to mm a they could manipulate, the law ( " . that side issue on whieh to oppose it. The old Interests. He would am" hh'l ill?" own systonr had proved a failure. and had re My privilege he Possessed J,"',',',',?,] or ev- I suited in great mils. and tho [unseat bill bill becoming law. iior'i'ssG.,1,l",'),1'y.t the would settle all that. Love of the evils early. he l'llllnli-d that "ii' mifkihe writ~i of the old system prompted the opposition l Muse ot revising the llsts would tund Uh to the bill, with which the manhood SULI away if an "atly writ (vi/r.,,' Lc, N thrown {rage voters would not sympathize. taint-nom- were he" on the "all???" the Nr. Moredith defended the plan which Mr. Tait and Mr. Balfour-0 "'NS- he had submitted. and objected to the Im- _ 31;?" 091ml be no "trry i)'iKnad'iy'/, that 'putution of motives which had boen in- i Il: The new": list Would i2"f P the idiilg't-d in by tho .\ttornoy-Gouetai. l, "tw case possible, e used in Hon. ltr. Hardy remarked that tho l ihe matter was ucsvus.sed until , ' workingmen. on whose behalf tho hon. goin- "3\'l'7.\'l\'(' Sir" _ b' " clock. tli'man had been so much t'Xi-i'i'iewl, had At 8 out... of " u'r"sNos. _ch1'st""l"jf'1at,lr.'du"-t,ro2,t, of W 'ly. if situ . a L"ttrnlttve .- t , . J" C S' , ask a man 0 wa k '.i,st,l't'l';'ciitj,ii,ti. iITt1tii .i/lakf'iil'.,n/it.' if: rounu two or three blocks to get his vat: ' land "as an h in. bill'Would be tuMust iotoulcd . a man who would not take that i Mite manhood "urilrtus, (ileum-non a-gairs.' trouble. did not deSche a vote. The state iciuded Ly mOV?;:iiruge voters. He Cu'n- of affairs in Toronto had been disgraceful. he said, Would 1% 3m 1,,\'eetyment', which rnd many crimes had been committed, as Your; it Bets 'ttd",';,,,?,',?: in the 00mm}; hon. gentlemen knew. tyi? Jil"','," m... a." 253.3 2'ete.ou tran, of?" "we: Clam" the fhTnr.rtissioncr "Na PI{hormonal yrt'ii'iinll/Je,'ys: on the _ J12 l din} b P prove that he had been t should be"; Hui be llctfexgaio' Le regis- htigul 231211.01 'mi corrupt practices. lie provisions "Rimmed as u Victor). but he; 11' Y, 1 at there had been any general shown that "he "mint bill ),Pder "ml '\ d/la/Y fy' this bill on the part of the l l other :sidiiitU"tU,'es ttct mitt???" it b9: ' "'irlttt,ey,t,y, ' l tlt are icii1ri7thje 1sij),1.'i'i,'Tltdiht"i , with. 'tie that the Opposition had I _ a to a Vntor' he puma fact " and . e position after another, __ . H's fFex.t e evi.. were now redu d . I ' . ", quaimiown; it M the bulk of the 2.'ll2enttua/'og,.v,tir of ' V - . ' a n " ' tnl'ivr.e1srdtrt1)e,t,ii, to keep tl Dart 0:311:33 _ l, ' I . e nought that a. new list should , i

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