F - Mr. 'ttttttite-tmms si 't . w-F- . it» TIl ' , "t - this would strike " "on" ot till I 1. side at ti 'e.' ' . ' T, :5 whittrtytd?tratatmetteiii>utiaViii: may yen.» Wi. K, penditure of tune and labor. In. Whitney Department . was x . ..,_ , " r. ' should herniated .with the concession. thought. . mistake. " 1ri' " Et! m Fr , Imade the any before: In any case. " Augean stable. die did aiot "traittk the Imendmm It'",', yrortr, he thought, in.. icleaning could be done 161' the men Juiiousiy t9 {i people in the must, who sums named, but the tenure) election were less expe enced in the matters or might help matters. drainage than those In other parts or the The House laughed at Mr. Meredith's Pip.""ieianc, opposed the amendment Joke and atl"ig.te,eg2'n,t, mimighi ded . ' The items or pu c wor s ne u 32, holding that the principle of a request 000 to aid in the reconstruction of a bridge from the majority wat' most necessary, over Nation River in Russell County. Mr and should be retained. The amendment M dith thou ht the principle a bad on . llowed to pass. Mr. Wat- ' ere g e, I',',.',',"',':',,:,"", ozzifiercd the amendment a and one which would lead to similar ap- ers a o c -'a.. 'ra' ' othe arts of the cor. .. iblow at the foundation ot the bill, and 't',liycttvitymt'ertu"ut, disapsters of the sage the amendment was then lost on division, " . . . _ kind. Mr. Evanturel defended the item Mr. ll hitney declaring himself as yet un- . ' ' Th bill sth n r da thi d on the ground of exceptional circum- convinced. e wa e ea r stances. The people of the locality had ltime. begged the Government to grant aid to f EXPERIMENTAL FRUIT STATIONS the construction of the bridge, which was [ . r . .. . ile the resources ot _ u 1 came next, and Mr. greatly needed, wh V n.fio/,"u','."tttoeoiorthset Delhi". after Mr. Mere- the peuplc of the locality were very limit- Idith had observed that there was but one ed. 'l he Government had retused the old copy of the supplementary estimates left and the people had succeeded In putting on each desk. It up themselves. Now it bod been sWept The Items for civil government. adminis- away and it "1'0"": be ') Sruttiehe tration or Justice, education and public to the locality to e re used " y at in . . . this recot.structiutt. He mentioned also institutions maintenance were passed , q . it d l su rt without serious objection. When the items that both parties were mine n mm for agriculture were reached, Mr. Clancy of the application to the Government. demanded an explanation of the item of Mr. Meredith still maintained that the $1,000 for experimental fruit stations. lie pr.!yciolt was a y,'all one. . l h ' thought that Mr. iiryden's speech at Tht, Atty-"t1ty-yeyera.l repeat? dwhat' Whitby, in which he outlined his plan Mr. Evauturel had said, and Uige t at with regard to these stations. was a spe- under all the circumstances the grant was cies of bribery. in that he had declared a reasonable one. '-. it Just before the elections. as an induce~ Alter some further discussion the com; ment to reelection at the hands of his vmittcc reported progress at 1 OCIOCK. an ' constituents. the House rose for recess. Hon. Mr. Dryden remarked thast he did "FT1u'RNOON SESSION. not think t.l.ttt. he had June anymmg 1." The municipal amendment bill came up, regular in speaking as he had. Inasmuch) for its third rcmiiiig when the Speaker I gistPig'sm3:5;)paetti§:?esplii::'lsgsgiemd'i'flie to ok the chair at 3 o'clock. Mr. \N'atei'SI He had been frequently aiii by the Fiiiii 'vuti1%.ft,.s:1,"if,lt' oor"tce.))cioli4iat0,"i,hct answers :ng:'1§::" 1:; 1tllf,tc'l."hl/iVotit tipni uct, declaring that a proportion of jettioffyt'o that wasgtthut 1',e11ttid',isvflt. the cost of bridges (we; No it}? i§1ngiinusi .. _ . be borne by the count ea. ", e lun cipu ' 32th: 1"uei':,""dt, I(,"'"e,tei' Shad 'd",11l,:,' Committee struck out clause 533a. and My. 'l',',.'",',',",',?,,. d'IU' "i('clo l', vi', "fl "3 Waters moved to rclnsert the clause, hold- lunder thispscheme was towgs'tahlifh soil: itigr that very few I',';,',',':?."',",,,,?,,',, :13 ,' C _ poured before the committee. " ucn a i23?:gir'tod'girfinstngoggggs25!;318'3T3; in consequence not fairly repri'sented the, I ' 'A feeling of the country. the purchase of trees and other expenses ; . . - & competent superintendents would be ap- WM" Bishop 1e"ieeul,t:JirJi1, of "$37; pointed. and reports would be made. The GNa, an -.ULe t e " If" s in. 'f,' " I" . counties in which the stations would be the provision had caused. Jr. very ',1l'il ' r n t. . posed Mr. Waters amendment, as did also placed would be Frontenac, sincve, Hu- l ' '. - run. Wentworth and Essex 1 general 'Alr. Lorke. Mr. marrow defended the . ' _ .Pbe' . .' We " a action ot the committee, and Mr. Balfour board of control would be uppomted Com- ' ' . advocated the dropping of the obnoxious posed of the President and horticulturist _ of the Ontario Agricultural Colleze and clause. After some further dis- l . . . three gentlemen elected by irc" Fruit cussion the amendment. ":33 e: Growers' Association. A local board of heated by a vote of 40 to 22. bir' control would be established tor each sta- Oliver Mowat and Hon. Mr. Ross supported tion, and as to thc composition of that Mr. Waters, and Hon. Messrs. Hardy,, Ithe Government would have nothing to Gibson, Harcourt and Diyden and Mr. say; so that efficiency and not Political Meredith voted with the majority. The iiniluence was what was aimed at By bill was then read it third time. I Whig plan the Province Would be 'fairiy The House then went into committee of covered. He thought the scheme a good supply again, the item of public works be- one. ing discussed. Mr. Meredith was inclined. Mr. Hiscott thought there should be a to think that the item ot $1,000 to meet more elaborate experimental fruit farm claims in respect'of lands alleged to be with provisions for a scientific study Ji damaged by Provincial works on Mary's the problems of truiturrowintr. Lake was intended as a piece ot elec- Mr. Meredith said he could see no ob- tioneoring. and in this was supported by Jection to the scheme as unfolded. He Mr. Murter. _ had long believed in the plan ot decent- The item for the rebuilding of the bridge ralized (xpeiument. and thought that over Nation River being again subjected should be done in relation to agricultural to criticism on the part of the Opposition. work in general. He then asked the Min- Hon. Mr. Hardy rose and said that al- . I ister as to the selection ot the Huperttttett- though the Government had thought a dents. good case had been made out for the vote I Hon. Mr. -Dryden replied that the work in question, yet they had no desire to force lot decentralized experiment was treina it through if any seetion of the House icarnied out at present by means ot iii?, opposed it. The Government was there- Experimental Union, which received a tore willing the Vote should be withdrawn. small vote annually. As to the appomt- In connection with the vote tor public ment ot superintendents of stations, that works, 'he question of arterial drainage Would rest with tho Fruit Grome- As- came up and was subjected to a, general sedation. One man had been chosen thut discussion. The Attorney-Genes-dt an- he knew or, Mr. Pettit, for Wentworth a . nounced that he was of opinion that this very competent man. ' l question ought to be taken up in a syste- tly, Awrey observed that Mr. Pettit was matic manner. He would make it a point. l a Conservative. he said. to request the successor of the , Te, item then passed. present Commissioner of Public Works to ch hf: item ot $6.900 for hospitals and take up this matter, and he was assured toatrhues. comprising the revote of $4.00.! that in so doing he would have the sup. the e oxford ('ounty House of Refuge, port of wil his colleagues. He hoped that yemigrant not having been applied rm. last the question would be settled as satista0~ lor Ja'"),.',, an allowance of $2,900 for pro- :c-ritlly as was that at the municipal loan . a mom ot cases ot s i un . ' and k . .. . , p nal, hip "Daphne? "It uses ln the Sick Children's . Mr. Meredith agreed that the question of Mr. Gibson's "he? taken up. Hon. arterial drainage should be taken up in a Proportion of thin f5, of the large thorough and non-partizan manner. He came to ttwhos 5 class of cases that declared. however. that he was not of merit and of thueplfflfn 2uostion for treat- opinion that the municipal ican fund had i 'lt1il,gettar" a: rer'//d'ii"/Jae,l,iativ, of such t,"i',' h'fi'dt1'2,c,t,oi'hv, self-tied. Great ha..l- , e. t ea ment a. D a een n cte in some cases There Was s Hon, Mr Harcour wp. _ some d t . t defended the man- ueuy the Grant 'dTee,e, on the ques- agement of the municipal loan fund pColl complainino Oxiord County, Mr. After some further discussion the vote .-lgln County' Was in? the treatment l ot '10,000 for public works was passed the son insisting that und tut, and Mr. Gib- item of $2,000 for the bridge over th 'N " F ties were treat er the law all coun- tion Riv b i ' e a- Under the "it alike Col ler1 e " withdrawn. I ' o L pairs, the sum o0tr amtglnance and re- next 'l,'t:z/itfe/io'ltLee'e"gt1iei,.u',g, eagle up a which included ' " was . . - me iscus- It41ht tor iiir)'i'l1l'll"ttt,iir,i.iie from 'dt/e, ,1 ','eJi, {he vote of $48grn 50 tor miscella~ I This afforded Mr. iiir1','l"at departments, amazement: was then taken up. Some , i ty " having a little tun 2 the opportuni- balance l arose over the item ot $3,500 for t ' the expense ot _ 'W id' 0 accounts in connection with the " gusty"? the oppos!tion thinking that . 0 ndetinitiy, Mr. Awrey made a .. . -. i a". LNSE* . ' ' H3