The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 May 1894, p. 2

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h ies o oniniing s neres ®in®" bill, 'and it was evident that the: been made in the a"'"emmfim\e favor 1 Government had had in view at the time and the general 0!}"\ u?n 3?"' the introduction of this policy of granting of the reduction 0 ea"ad' * a bonus. -- Further, this legislation coul) The bill was :(i\e"ufen moved that nis have no force until after next session. Hon. Mr. Hardy * mining lunds 'The miners would, no doubt, be extremely la: lating to mines and mining » bill relat for its third reading. obliged to Hon. Mr. Hardy for removing which was ':Z"'Am'é back to committee for the name royalty, for retaining the burder ghould :;nrgments which he had to ofer. but changing the name. This action ot gome 'nt d out that when the bill was the Government's was a -- mistake, Mr. He pgny introduced the estimate for the Meredith sald ; the Government should o;igcifl of diamond drills and expendi-- either stand by the royalties or do what ?urelln connection therewith, $15,000 in all, was proposed by the clauses which Mr, the appropriation for mining classes in Hardy was moving to expunge. _ The Svudbury and Rat Portaze, and the set-- Wlh|019 harkument for the abolition of roy-- apart of $125,000 for aid to iron ore alties had been the complaints of the new-- tm'uc't'::n. were matters that were still 'er parts of the Province and some of the under consideration. Since then all these older portions, that the royalties had stop-- propositions had been approved, and it ped development and the investments of became a question for consideration whe-- |capltallsts. He had been willing to make ther, in view of what _ would 'husl he :an experiment, to test if these persons and done in these directions Lor .tfw"dev? ogi | these sections of the Province were right \ment of the mining industry, '2.1"01;\:- ,lt_l their contentions; the original bill t b: wli)sofi't?gxoo;othennig; o.;th: f:;;of'ivi -)\l'\e f ;, 't\:l(t)'l:l;l :m\;;? br;len a tt::a:(tl to see if the roy-- : the aboli 2 Y 3 eally have held back th> mini 'and also on lands hitherto sold subject interests of the country. Under th 4+ to royalty. The matter h;"{) beer: "l':l"'{ clauses the test could not be apml:dn;z fully considered, and it had been decided advantage would be given to t _ new that it was not in the public interest oUunIty. and 4t.coutd :'t e he _ new f a i o ascertained if to abolish the royalty for this period i"! the royalties really were retarding the 'addition to the aid that it was now prof country. He was a irgc61 C * gainst this amendment posed to exterd in onfer dxre:'tnons. ;}t and would stand by the original pro l: the same time, there was no reason why tions of the Dill. He'tl h pos 'the royalty clauses should not be modi-- no d * bore serrine udinnas A fied. He, therefore, proposed that the Dest 'i'"':r of speculators seizing upon the *' clauses in the bill which propos@d4 to £US-- vist m: s, as was maintained, as the pro-- pend the royalty should be struck out, ision insisting upon certain development } and the following, substituted :---- would remove this dangor. . The new * ) Instead of '*he royalties on ores clauses were not in the interests of the \ 'and minerals reserved and payable to the 'f;'w districts or of the Province; the Pro-- --Crown for the use of the Province un-- l'w"ct*' Cl;]U'd afford In order to have a test der section 3 of 'An act to amend the + ?ht e effect of the royalties to take _ general mining act,' being chapter '4 of J edt ance of the lands passing into the _ M4 Victoria, and under section 4 of * The | hfi'\"efl t(;]' Spec}xlators. It would be better to ds and passble to the Crown on ores question" instead. of having. the present served an rable e + s ving and minerals taken from the lands lo-- 'P;]u.rllamen!t tinker with it. t!etogjeg't.::lflt.; cated, sold, granted or leased undar the ¢e amendments on principle, said acts, after the Ist day of May, 1891, Mr. Conmee remarked that th + A rres 5 ere was and on ores and minerals taken from all great misapprehension in many quarters lands which may be hereafter located, as to the so--called speculat sold, granted or leased by the Crown terested in the mining mt:::;t;hot;e in-- until the Ist day of January, 1890, a uni-- Province not deserving ;U(_'h & s(:I ufe form charge at the rate of 2 per cent. on He differed from Mr. Meredith in h lz'm &. -- the ores mentioned in articles A and B| that the new amendments did m olding of said section 4, and a charge of not| thing. Of the two evils, of gol ean some-- more than 2 per (;ent. on the ores men--| the old system and accepti going back to tioned in article * when imposed by or--| £d scheme, he pref MA pting the propos-- der of the Lieutenant--Governor in Coun-- ter as the least ;"rre to accept the lat-- \ cil, such charge to be calculated upon arran » £t. KFor one thing, the new the value of the ore, less the actual cost l.ll.'zemcnt would ensure a fixed charge of raising the ore to the surface and the 'u':gof(:llfi?it( over a great difficulty, as the subsequent treatment thereof for the the rov 'I' t> of forecasting the amount of market, and subject to all the other condi-- to th -)ia t'} had proved a great hindrance tions and provisos in 'The mines act, | did o 'n\estm(-m of foreign capital. He 1§92,' contained not inconsistent herewith, | he 'rc:gn-s' however, the fact that these but subject in any case to the amhurll_v' lew clauses were to be in force only till of the Lieutenant--Governor in Council J and were not to be made perpet to make regulations for the purposes '.r. He would suggest one or two chun'f c;m'l'; and as provided by sub--section 2 of said the amendment ; that the ~-hnrx:' b section 4. l""':--'.d on " all cost "' of production lnstea; " (@) But nothing in this act contained of '"*actual cost," and that " net pro-- shall prevent the full operation of sec-- "'"'f be substituted for " value of t} tion 4 of said act upon or in respect of ore." Mr. Conmee then gave a sket htne all mining lands which may be located, the regulations of the different ('ou:trlgz granted, sold or leased by the Crown % as to royalties, and concluded w o from and after the ist day of January, that his changes woul ec _Mth a hope 1900, or upon or in respect of any mines Mr. Hardy said medbfif i%:{:i"d' thereon or minerals which shall be mined, to reasonable amendment in c e wrought or taken therefrom. Mr. Meredith said the modtnummltteo. ts (Zi) I\'g:hlng in this act contained shall the element of the first cost ldl(':tr'\?)rt' ev 1,:0 require the payment of any charge until the char ol make after the expiration of the time provided asked Te mis 'Certam than before. HMe s arent e P sked if the royalty would b for in sub--section 1 of said section 4, from | -- for all time, not only e reduced the date of the patent or lease, nor until the prewnt' tir pNo o2 o ands sold trom after the expiration of the time and in also on 1 me lo January, 1900, but the case provided for in sub--section 3 of criginal ;.?ds. sold from the time the i?idleiescti.?" 4, from the date of the patent 1500, et went into force in 1891 until €. R Mr. Hardy Mr. Hardy said the effec ; change dy said the bill wou y wWouldibe that siiver an oi e apainiey Jands sold from 1891 to J o 190 ahaen that silver and nickel heretofore the ol @Anuary, 1900, when . subject to a royalty of 3 per cent. would| "':l old law would revive and be appit-- be subject in future to a charge of 2 per l'l\;: t;) subsequent sales. cent. On iron ore the charge was 2 pe mir. Conmeée again suggeste cent. as before, and so with Kx(x,,::rt; to ::»: f{,};";:ge "';U\"d be levied T:n "dalihta-«:st':"? :'&;'i\'bzn\ Oth?r ores on which a duty He twrl;'ll'lld l'b-'; T L050 LH SX ht iminbt it Would hm")'bl"l by an order in Council ished and pa'"p*'" to see all royalties abol-- h a be 2 per cent. instead of 3 ' ercentage of profits cent. fleretofore the royalty had been instead, though he thought it unl'z:l::'kl;" § catxlcu] on the price at the pit's mou'th .~:.'lgl¢~'out 't_he- mining industry even u(; after the cost of mining. The nentdment this way. The leader of the O ed A id + pposition proposed to add to this the words, * and said Mr. Conmee was as much in f ,:!f:i%r s':-k;?equfim treatment." Th« propo-- t\)lfl tih@ principle of royalties as Wusu:;:: s m, like that which it replace G# Minister of Crown Lfl!'] ® s suspensory only in its act}on [\l'}i"'l'l('l"u ::r'] in the time to come b:)(';' \l'{\(::"l:e e okif io the royalty clauses now on the mhmt. error. He asked Mr. Hardy "} l:n:ev:he'lr lfixyw!;'l(rl\ \'\;).ul:)lmtelrminate l(m January 1, u;-m:m"tho suggestion to make the ch::gg + & aw would apply o all cost" inste ; f Aands subsequently sold. Mr, ua,&.d\'.u a':.;ll the amendment. ead of as provided in g"ifie(zfl?}:@ g\l:'esittlon was a difficult one to ":l':'l ]Hl')"'d't" said the term "all cost ¥" i y1 was hoped by the Cov-- * e too vague. & gtl':l;nirlltuthat this modification )of tY:'e rz:_ clause better as it stood He thought the clauses, together with the ai The new clauses were wise proposed to be given toet-,"d other-- the bill in plac fwerp MDoeOigerted in | industry, would aid in the develgfm:mm":} royalty. Mr Ht;\:]vl:\:sn Tu:]pendlng the | this important industry, and ent o s 7 R 3 en laid before the stry, would not be committee clauses embodyi open to the dang 4 h ying the objec The abolltlo: (')tn:;er a?d objections that of the resolutions to aid the produ({:;ts would e e royalty for five years ;" iron l'-'"' and to purchase diamond drl?lr: * or exploration parposes. Thes 4 % a m SCs. se were in-- MR. MEREDITH opPPogig. a'l'::'l?:;::l into the bill without much Mr. Meredith declared Ylan s ' o that this was Mr. Clancy u dGZl\lrz':':\antl:!:'te \:;fxald:l';bflu'e policy which tht | taken to l»r{e\'e;gtetn'yha:ng re(;nutlons be and submitted to th« e}li.itely settled upon getting ali the bonus, so thal: lt;sl?l' o kgl dent tha t ouse. It was evi-- I infl in the busine: e"gag' | t the impending | ess could receive A icaused the change of Dl:l'c-?-lemlws had , us}«; of encouragement. * meils®« not caused by a c mey, which was on. Mr. Hardy r | pointed out bef&:-hh%';feg of mind. He had hardly conceive gf :glledmat i * Cere o odd | SHgETatibhaniven to the .nr::au was the con-- the bonus. It was true th n getting all rers by the ori-- ion regulations -- had at the Domin-- ' Wworks to receive a allowed some few * '\ * much larger bonus m 1 offtaiends.

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