The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 May 1894, p. 3

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I i""'""""""""'"""""'"-"""'""""":""""""""""""""' "MF' than others, tNt thoudBt than". was t 1'erTUt"tu'eg','t')t,e,'tni; ' tle sgoulg _ . not contemplate for the Provtnoe. The t ere I o N on. ny B ou matter was, however. left over.tor tlnai not the Opposition Join hands with the settlement till re afternogni i 2,'vtet'Je'",',',f, lln gassing the measure. Just Mr. Conmee a so propose o nsert as e as ey mur t o n pass ng some great section in the bill the principle of his bill, reform? The class of men who would which provided that holders of mining refuse to walk a block or two to get companies' It),."": who ldo not] wish tokpay their names on the register was not the' repeated on s may a ow er stoc to class of men on whom the community lapse without incurring further liability, and public affairs should depend. the company to be permitted to hurtion Mr. Meredith defended himself from oft Pt stock so surrendered. This also the charge of obstruction, holding that was left over. for further discussion. _ :he amendments which had been insert- It being 1 o'clock the Speaker left the ed in this and other bills were a sutlicient tchair. reply to that charge. As to the news- AFTRPNUON SESSION. papers, he would persevere In the course i ' which he believed right, despite the at- l After recess the bill to legalize and con- titude of the press. I illrm the survey made by W. S. David- Mr. Ba,lfour held that the Changes I son, Ontario Land Surveyor, of a road al- which MR Meredith was citing could lowance between the seventh and eighth have been got on the first Jay of con- I C concessions of the Township of sideration, and in a, very short time, if l Bombra was read a third time. the Opposition had approached the mat- l Ccncurtence in the supplementary esti- ter in a proper spirit. He contended that i mates was then tukcn. 0n the items for the new measure W33 perfectly fair, de- I l the grants to the Kingston School of Ilitv. fending the princtple of requiring the mg and the paymcnt to Proton of the manhood franchise voters to resistor at claim of that municipality MP. Mcredith a moment when every man most realizes said his position had been somewhat mis- the 'J,',"",','),"]:),' of higuvottc. Tl" bill was interpreted in the morning' faunas. He simple enoug or a O unierstan: it had not opposed either you: bu: in regard and to ensure easy working. ' to the first he had ob'ectcd that the West Mr. Whitney protested against the dis- J . wa.q receiving less attention in tlie crimination involved between classes of matter to which the item referred than voters, and suggested that the Ministry was the east, and a.) to the second he had ngngpugggiely 1319311 the biill hiack toil" the .. objected that the Attortwy-Generat had 5 a e Bess on n or et' ol _ opposed the settlement of the claim in "rush it through." Besides other fea-| previous Years when it was bring Dressed :'ll'eghur Tji/lf', the li?,"','),',')',': impossible! by Conservative members. and that it was or 0 ' vo era o reg ster eac day suspicious and objvtitmalole that he should 'y,, fitf1u'ttlo.n, as would be necessary do so now on the eve of an election. The uet. ' e . Attorney-General sum his reply to Mr. . Hon. Mr. Hardy followed, holding that Meredith had lwrn that he haul new-r ad- tIre. old lists were in a very imperfect con- "P.ted the legality "f tltr, claim. The diction. .An illustration of the character (laim had not now been ullowul. hut it 0.1m, voters lists was that the nary of had been compromised, and a $235.00" claim ii. it. Meredith was down three times \ settled for $3,500. In the Toronto lists. as owner, as occu- l . punt, and as a manhood suffrage voter. . THE REGIST]{AT[0N "114L- in North Victoria " B. C. Church " had The House then Went into committee appeared in the assessment roll, moaning . ' . _ . . / k " Bible Christiun Church " and " If , (nu more on the reqf.stration bill. All. " . . " . - ' . . f-'. Awrcy in the chair. Mr. Ross rend tit-er a Linn-oh, had .oe"n placed in the Domin- , list ot ametidments which had hm" '7"?qu ion tufts list and had voted. Iti, ti] with a view to their being incorporaz» 3141: tur 5"}:ch l th: Jystie or. the bill (r! in the hill. , t, rte J ec ion u, it came trom the The principal amendment was on" which Ilutt. gentlemen opposite alone, the three e . .. l, 7 . "d Ewenlnw . . Fry . r . did dimly with the iiw~.-s:5ii_\' oi personal of 'll?,"':',,",?.:,"),,'.",,""':,','),)",',,,': l portion attendance for rtu,ristration in the (use US proving of it e murn ng press ap- sickness or" physical disability. or Witt,rte I . . the you". is necessnrily absent from tid. l All. Meredith said Mr. Hardy in his il- city by reason of his occupation as lutu- listrdtiont' hail simply .shown, the reason- bet-mun. mariner. tlshcrmran, C'olntttrsrciHI tlf,,".'""); of the contentions of the Opposi- travellr-r railway sel'vant, or bruvause of tt1hoenrva's1ht.uct personal knowledge ot 'r?,',?",':':' a student. Miv'hinory is' 'provided list 1x391): I' ill hen"?!is assessrd on the or registration in such cases. Other _ . ' 2 C a ie a made a declata- endments provided for thes Boards of in: itflst,.hat-t,, h: was entitled to be assessed Tistration in cities other. than th 3, f *aM n v". 'sue cos , us this. however, couid provided for, and for appeal from?"tilt;E be dealt With!" a committee. boards to Boards of Appeal. I Mia'lu. F. Clarke held that the amend- Mr. Meredith said that but for the op-', Tent." lntro1uyred were a Justification 01 position which had been manifested an 2,", course ot the Upposition, If the get:- urbominable. law would have been fOrthl (tinder? ot the press had devoted as mtr'h ppm: the country. In spite of the amcl- aritgtion to the bill us had the members iorating amendments there were still feat- its Elle! ?eit, they would have 59011 ures of the bill which would milkc it his l..." . 1rJ,:at1ei1i,i,int; tenutncy, and would not duty to continue his opposition to the bill. tr'/1,vedort1,t., Lized the action ot that side ot rhe Government had taken no notice ol' lf fuse., Hr, could see "0 Hrgument the objection takm against the wiiuitp, ".\h:Y the printed lists could not be taken out of the names of thos," already ream- YI.". basis f" the new lists, additional ite- tered, while not imposing' a similar condi- gistrars being employed if necessary. in , tion on voters other than manhood fran- th,p) fay it pure list could be prepared, ehise voters. Some of the changes Wsrc kit? was some further discussion on still unfair. For instance there was "ard. the point of Mr. Meredith's name appear chip in the dhsc'ttfracrwsirw; of commercial 1_lllr three times on the assess-V travellers, railway men and others who ment roll. When Mr. Hardy 11:1le would bu obliged to be out of tho cite. on lirst mentioned this Mr. K. F 7 the Uays of registration. no relief lit'lli" llarke had asked the 1rommissionet, 110"" given on this score ext'elrt to a small no: he knew it did not refet. to another w ii'., tion of the Community. Tho stipulations Meredith. 'Mr. Hardy now showed .111; _ 113-3. to the notice givon to tltr I'vgistrnrs b; lists on which the namcs were annual; ', riends lit: Meredith thought should L, twice on the same lot in Rosedale and one.) I intended. .He was not opposed to the new its a resident of the Island. Mr: Harm} I Ily'..'."' being [NHL he said, but this Would said Mr. Clarkv's ready question "H . 'tr) it only with one sw'tion of the m. 1- do you know it is lhe same man." "3"" $312") illllil would be unjust in that. They-oi the best defence of the personutor 1:: detail; 0.15.3].wngffrm. ot Umwtiong to "WI l Lou/l,,',"'..',':,"-; have asked it so veadily liad' . . c 9 so hum-em of the wa .s . _ million-Wald!- {Susi "plying to Air. Ile:- sunuitors "s he Professed to be. fl', 'fiatp. urged "ii/il "If" only "'1'!" obiec.tiou In: {illltrlul'iftha millillOf the eminence or Mi. c.. . , IVV, strung. ... ' . _ f eon l, invo stun -. ' . Would calls, .. f l Shinto . ,. la tltrr'stlon ask- ple. This, "ut,ini'tet,1t'1r:', to some Pere id; )Lr'iuaril'ing him on the Shyond or third serious matter. "0:1 'r "as riot a Very 3'11"?an of his name Ott the list. how cts "ho Would e, '. o the Muss of Vol- mu: lettor would the some defence 1 mon who . " offer-ind "an. "mm; made by the personalor in the .. m toll and th";'rt-' not on tho "Sm-sons"; obscure pet-Son ? The whole his?" (f an , . . t" Won .1 be 'll r ' ed h F ., . ' _ r," snow, Short _.. . WI int,' it. 1: tth CN Hr} im A . Did "$3211?" necessth to he /t',,/,.r'e,.1J'; was: the Present 's'll.,r,"i,/,y"ory/,t,r,u/ij),v.Fifs, N'otion 1r't"ll'Cntl'y.1/'/1 ill" cling" to the Voters' lists. - Compiling the F the "gimp . luar"a ions put in in. 'Mr. Clarke S'tid Should hesretxi the resth-n.0 Purties how been Cast in GWOlltl vat. (ould not the election) ',.i,' nod Gu. the iniroosuq If rte-int: both n; - . P. 1lereuith's name, :30"va of. tlli'ImiY'l'ou1d hum tiu, ailing- suinuklot ames Were "ttached' to the l lulibt nth-m e 3t l. There wag" :1 - . 'lis pts Were t ' n" LUr. 'liardy said 'd- r 'lh::e "ll/ity lilting: Ici,', load the sarily have been 'sutti1ite,t'otuy, not neces- ve . . tho F I l'l'mlun T . . C' 0 prevent it. retain the Wind-:01}- kentltmvan wish to 'he It//'fyyu,ienerii said that . . Politician; . tueler and th; _ pinion outside ot th H every Present? who disgrace' our a: "lass of the Toronto lists .'f Luise ndniits that! new .i.iirytryanwij,; t".'iilvi"/ll",L/""l/.a"tvs' "(In WES. however hoaletl'imm JI: uneslion pure r 83st; . - 7 ' e i P l , / C ev was , (the c'iR.'lhtr.,Niiii. 1.00:" Would give a you." lender the pi'escnt sVst h to be i News All It2 Star antimvplh" pross of . , 'ji/lip/e,', was absolutely ii")'s'llpesr?ii',tl71 the _ . ' urine" '-ueatra '0er 8,000" bd 3 e. Just Mail did not Hi the a" m and. Dpeuls Were tars ' proton . system. T . possibly attvn 1 . \tll. as the only it supported tho 'l,t uttainst it, th lel tit,' , um: ppt at nursing the lists, and The only Joytniit DDoslugn _ Ollgh , tl ,1 sation could be held b F Empire, Which hat opposed it'",2f,ra.,l,ly. l he. 'tre who had to deal y the slrc. the views ot ' 0f "ours, Was The + :he or involv _ Wi'th the (use, the "a 0. rep". . l b ved itt ittvesti i i. over the Province. "my. All pa '3tnted e 'mopmous, and ther 'f. ttat on would w. far as he k590i." all of names of which the ft were thousands . W, ap- "Pew nothing. The pf?" "Waverly _ at; was abSOIUtelv lnadeuu esent 1clchinery 7m. _ ate, and the Bug: - _ W" - d i -

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