of routine work the registration bill came up again, the House going irto commit tee upon it, with Mr. Balfour in the chair. Hon. Mr. Hardy said some of the amend-- ments proposed had been considered. The Government had determined as to the ap-- pointment of a Chairman of the Board of Registration that the Government woula name the Chairman pro tem. and the board could select its permanent Chairman. The Government also proposed to allow being | entered on the list of those entered under this act those who were on the old list but had lost their vote by reason of a sale of property or from similar disquali-- fication. As to absentees, another point of contention,. the Government was Lrepared to muke provision also for other persons who were compelled to be away during the registration and had been away for 10 days previously. The Governmeant would ; a@lso provide that a certain time should be allowed workingmen during the day to regist"r. The Government could not see 'ts way to accepting any further amend~| ments in the direction of those proposed ty the leader of the Opposition. j Mr. Meredith said that the amendments which he had submitted had not been re«-- celved in such a manneAr ht tha pic.. .. Mr. Meredith said -- which he had submit celved in such a ma ment as to warrant his opposition. . As sions made by the ( was with regard to the Chairmen of the that the board shoul: uind the Government hnis being appointed Governor. . thous mise, by which the would appoint a Ch burposes of organiza wou'd subsequently would, perhaps, be fa there wore too ma rounding the registra that the 30--days' lim and the requisition f much. H, @approveq the manhood suffrag names ara on part oj as municipa voters, 10 be anuaiim. . °C Legislative Chamber, May 3. It was nearly 8 o'clock this morning when yesterday's session concluded. The oratorical siege on the part of the Op-- position was beginning to waver about 3 o'clock, when Mr. Sol. White came along with a second two hours' speech, which kept the ball rolling until 5 o'clock or so, when he remarked that he had still & great deal more to say on the clause un-- der discussion.> About 7 o'clock there were some indicatiorns of an up-- proaching truce. M#B. Meredith pro-- duced a list of amendments, which he asked the Government (to ac-- cept. He intimated a compromise might be arrived at through them, at any rate. The Minister of Education, who had stead-- ily borne the brunt of battle all night, and appeared still fresh and vigorous,remarked that some of the amendments might be ac-- cepted, some could certainly not be. He --promised --they -- should be considered in Council, and he would let Mr. Meredith know the re-- gult--.of the deliberations when the HMHouse resumed. Then at nearly 8 o'clock the committee rose, reported to the Speak-- ¢r, and the House siood adjourned until 11 o'clock. 'The Attorney--General had left about midnight, but his colleagues hal mostly remained throughout, though none of them with the tenacity of Mr. l{oss.' who had charge of the bill. Mr. Meredith | remained to the last, though he had not| been constantly in the chamber. Few of| the members got more than a couple of hours' sleep, but at 11 o'clock they were on hn_x_d again, and after a few minutes 1 Cl oft part one, ed thaz the q the distribut;, aAmong the fou & course was -- ment shoula t five out of ; Pointecg, it 1AStory, if the If the registra the board. ts he could not . 8 fAayy Wesert 2 8 Ag ("Vls] not o @ll a, At a was . " LCCre his' _ *. Yoter who n his Y0t¢ in his old menta) mntentlon y the org ling _1 Hes. ~-- "Row new "!t', Unlegg * to the bong fe AM invac,;" ""f then 'g' nt i . @ The 4 Sion cor open th !"9'1!9, P Aa sea'On ® golng £ whil was ',ei_! : shoula trust Out of tha . ~__Pal Vote qualified. +; 2 * _ife thought t y which the Lieu @ppoint a Chairma s of organization, subsequent}y elect paur __ L of * KS for t not see w residence could not the doop 8. as the , on whEn g w' . 'Tat the °_ 'zovernme ution of £ fOur diviginy ation Bill Through tue * Committee Stage. i on NWireq . Mevey ", there se who were on the old lost their vote by reason of erty or from similar disquali-- o absentees, another point of e Government was Lrepared ision also for other persons 2 fideg 'lon Car very © mTes m\l lrnnxferred to the | ©"* the registrap haq doubtnl t fideg of a name, whereumnl on coula be hela, That woulg faip, *3 the VYOteprg would' "°d to aDDegp in porson. o ey~0eneral hela it & Sb «.c l'nmenee Muale. He s ° eight be vould be n ©xperimen 8 were to for the rog: roulq VJ X0F iWo 1 'Toved of the uffrage list 4 'art one of the Cil€ e fair H many | res 'tration of limit was "ment sho f the eig) 'isions of t . lmproper ; the Boarq ; reasit i #, but who hn eir names bei still, hOWev(.r_ Sm "e residenee Pre 'hy the Pprovigi, in the one p be a']('pterl; j for colonlzing' ®°Ction wonlq A Rreat d('al of e shoulq be a p has Wmas..s s 5 diy Was n the be ado for col "°Ction nner by the Govern-- him in dlscontlnuing resards the conces fovernment, the first the appointment of boards. He had said 1 elect the Chairman. had been in favor of "by the Lteutenant. t that the c .ielltonant_(}c much YV\;OI" 'nt was to ; to be appo; nats . 2 0CG --_" VC aA prov!slon movreq shoutq have Vision His fundg. that the Namey on trnnsfermd to the 'Elstrap has s o6 duals,, " 70 nave ceaged mes being struck owever, contend-- should not have cight registrapre of the Clty. Suen PeT ; the Goveprn. ird of Registran 'Ing its own a» He thOl;'ght restrictions an pro tem while the t he placing _ those w the Drogawn + -- [Nought that trictions gyp. absent voters, not sufficient witnesses tan Qntion more €+'C °.08 on 08e whose Preseont ligt 0o be tried, Pointeq by Y'rovls]ohs Ision AS to parucularl it woula . and, aq B ys io the board 'hairman, compro-- fovernor be ; °* neld mOVlng Short. Wwoula Ssatig-- Ajp or Yeas--Awrey. Balfour, Bi (Algoma), Carpenter, Ch (Lanark), Cleland, Dack, D; Field, Gibson (Hammom. G Gilmour, Hammell. Harc Kirkwood. Lockhart. McK Mcl(echnle, Mcl\lahon, Mac zle, Marter, Mercdllh. Monk &t, Paton, Ross, Sharpe, Waters, Wood (Brant)--37, Nays--Bush, Clancey, Clay Godwin, Hiscott, yacy'. f clause declaring against charge on the product of Mr. Hardy moved in am« amendiment that the Hous in the third reading did n bill in any way Prejudicia ests 0f the Province. Mr. he would rather the secq had not been moved. He y ported the third reading ag; ney's amendman, _ ,.. ° "6i In the afternoon the up was the mining bill morning. On the m reading, Mr. Whitney 3 of the bill back to cor clause declaring agair charge on the product Mr. KHardy 'mausa i2 Hon. Mr. Hardy's bill relating to mines and mining lands was referred back to committee, Mr. Conmee's clauses allow-- lug the lapse without further liability to the holder of unpaid stock of mining com-- pani¢s being inserted as sections of the bill. During the morning the businesywas disposed of : _ @ , _6 PY°er the revision of this portion of the list by the County Judge. Things stood in this position when 1 o'clock was reached, whereupon the committee re-- mampad 228 i4 2 ' ",\ _\ T6 mainly on the point as to whe-- ther or not the revised lists would be through in certain cities in time to have them used at the elections instead of the registration system. It was pointed out on the Government side that the bill would afford a measure of relief to such cities, which would otherwise have to vote on old lists. The Upposition also contena-- ed for a revision of the assessors' lists by the Board of Registrars. The reply to this was that the Registration Boards would have their work greatly increased in this way and that it provided no ad-- vantage over the revision of this nortinn _( °) ,po 3 _' _ °C proceeded with on the ba-- »is of the amenaments preferred by the Government. He moved the adoption ot the third clause. 4 Thereupon discussion sprang up anew, centring mainly on the point as to whe-- ther 'Oor not" the reviged Haere -- «eennaarenl Mr. Ross then su; should now be proce« »is of the amename Government. He mo the third clause. Thereupon Aieaneet _ _[76" Unis must be a disgr der on the nart of whoever ha Mr. Hardy said he had not Magistrates but to commiss the assertion was based on th that the names of the co; on these affidavits were not s but wore forged. & list of the and Justices anything to thought this Mr. Mersdith matter which J ney--General, in investigate. It House a day or the list for Tor had signed a la davits, the nar fraudulently 81. ~--Hon Aar, iY No "Ppeat Agt;-w Hon. (Mr, Hardy remarked that y cther than manhood suffrage haq to mit to a nine months® residence qua] tion, so that there was no great hay. In the rhron-months' clause, The Attomey-General. dlscuss!ng C points raised by Mr, Meredith, said main point of difference appeared t the contention of the Opposition that list of manhcod suffrage voters now pared should be used to some exten the registration, and that in case an them are auestioned it should be s clent to strike them off, and that -- should remain off-- unless the owner the names establish theip right to j them kept on. It was . well known where there were several thousand ers a large number of them could no found, and if found, it was only q enormous work. The Appeal is pract ly no appea) at all, even with the reg tions suggeflmby Mr. Meredith. T was no me of seécuting an ap which Wéuld be of any service, The 1: ard time lnvolveg were too great, would bG& glad to tike a different vie, it, but could rot do so. a# _ a & T are in (May, no using the presge enormous l«bor, was perfectly s sent is practica Hon. Mr, Har cther than man mit to a nine m tion, so that the In the Fhran.irias were . 00 mm " , __"" Colabniish theip right to have m kept on. It was.well known that re _ there were several thousand vot» a large number of them could not je nd, and if found, it was only after rmous work. The Appeal is Dractical. o appea) at all, even with the restric s suggeWy Mr. Meredith, There _ no me of seécuting an appeai ChrWAGWII Be of any sapo;2. "Vl,, 2PD THE MINING BILI Mer:dith here UunHER BUSINESS practically "VI0e VIil, as amended in i the motion for the ~t Whitney moved the refor. y ),._ ) T"t UB&YIG, Ferguson, Hamllton\. Gibson (Huron), imell, Harcourt, Hardy, 'khart, McKay (Victoria), 'Mahon, Mack, C, Macken-- redith, Monk, Moore, Mow-- =s, Sharpe, Snider, Tait, (Rranl)---.'n. Clancy, Clarke (Toronto), is McCleary, McCColl Maaan-- h he c: names of the do w °~-- 'oinmittee to insert a against decreasing the roduct of mining lands. d in amendment to the the House in concurring ing did not consider the in his officia} ca t had been Stat r two ago that in 'oronto some com; large number of 1 ames on which lled in afterwards simple committee to uaiciai to the inter-- ' Mr. Meredith said & second amendment He would have sup-- ing against Mr. Whit-- though he was sorry I not see its way clear TTYPPdt @~ numbper of blank aim-- 's on which had been in afterwards. He had 's of the commissionere he Peace who had had with the list, and he id Uz ° dirst business taken .' Blshopv CJ Charlton, originally inte uis n ie SCs uffrage voters no Used to some ext, ind that in case ; ned it should be hem off, and that im T oc s ud Mr. Meredith, f securing an illed rested _& disgraceful slan-- oever had started it. had not referred to commissioners, and »d on the hypothesig the commissioners re not signed at all Tke (Toronto), MceColl, M each-- said there MRA d 6t dlle /.. 4 the following ally intended 'as voted on following other recess The upon the or ithe third the reference WrIih _intbsa. 5 AMee lifferent view _ ____"+ 82410 the appeared to be osition that the voters now pre-- some extent in "In the ~Attor-- 1 capacity, to Stauted in the t in preparing commissioners time, even that the 02 al at an '%, od that Yoters te had to Sub. lence 4Udlificg. great haf"hh;p ampbell Clark 1¢ restric-- + There n appeai The labor was a & Other ners the any suffi-- they have that vot« )t Je bill ba-- of in of