The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 4 May 1894, p. 3

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ww----f j S ® "v,;,f-- * . f o K / £ | ing to reverse thfi policy for some rei-- " * ' & . | Il that if the leader of the Oppositidti,were | ' gon of their own. «~ * n n t | l | | ever to occupy the position of lcud'ef.of; Hon. Mr. Hardy said that until ,e?em. E. | ' the House and enacted a measure denhn;:. y the tcwnship had not been Reform, | 1~ i' | with the constituencies so fair as this he but Conservative. When it had been put | ' |% would deserve the thanks of the country. into the city the city had had but 14,000 | i | As to the previous measure of redistribu-- populaticn, and now it had 24,000 and was | tion, the best reply to the charge that| larger than the county instead of simnall-- l " @ the Government had then dealt unfairly er. He protested againgt Mr. Meredith's | 4 with the Opposition was the fact that | language, eliciting from the leader of the f 1 '1 they reaped no advantage from it. .,> | Oppositicn the declaration that he woulu | e _ Mr. Whitney--The way of the transgres-- use what ItnguAge he chose. | t ¥ | gor is hard. Hon. Mr. Gibson said that there had | $ | The Attorney--Gemeral retorted that this been no intention of the amendment being | f 3 L applied very aptly to the Opposition, """'[ smuggled --through. He had -- understood | .' Y I . had been apparently suffering for their| that Mr. Hugh Smith would second the ] C ya' transgressions for the last twenty years,|| amendment, and it bad practically been | C ¥\V || seeing they had been kept all that time || iredted asoa. consent motion. ' ~Ag 1 in Opposition. " Mr. Meacham said that the Township f | Dr. It'yvrsun Chdrf"d. that the q"vfl,'.'n" and the Village of Portsmouth had been | :]?]L;::,h"'?, h":::lln;,"l"\g\. t;.:,"f:::f'l;im(t')'(tl'l\\:.tlh' Re{iorm and hbhed becen |"ut into )\'hl'r%:a'll-li | : | o ho .\tmfl.w""'Q'"p."",}.I'M <~u'ul;~mrwd' "";| | to swamp Mr. Metcalfe, luu'l that the § | racti es Of: }'1 ( . ;f § 4 , ' township had turned Conservativge | practices of the Conservatives, but had | through the indignation of the inhabi-- | | [ shown himself willing to avail himself of| 1 ;. Now the Government was trying | | them when they could be useful. _ He 1 Mess ho rownamin j UE cou | F | » j Ch: . | to put the township backdnto the county. j l thought it odd that the Island had been | Mr. Meredith said that it was a trick | . | put into East Toronto., but he thought| h. eC the ('mH;'I'\'LLU\'("% to oppose what | ',' that the reason was that in a former elec-- Iu 8 inhanit \l" f of m('_' v;»un'v wisned: | a tion it had returned a majority for Mr. | gt ,"""I w l: ', R 1 Tt t o | ' : | Bigelow. It evidently had been intended 'zllul"h;:":u make them unpopular in the -- I red m 4 | OWns + I s ;,:"'.IS',',F'(')'W',";:" Conservative majority '"i Mr. Tait remarked that Mr. :\x.-,f'~<'|iAzE, } i Mr. Clarke contended that the. Island | should not object to |-h\' people knowing i ' should be in South Toronto. | \\",l"ll stund he had frie f . ( [3 *?T:-, Meredith also contended that the | The umcndm'wnf was allowed to stan« . | Isiand. as lying almost wholly south of | over till the :L.'.t"ll'u(ln s cock + * w ' t 1 South Toronto. should be in it. Hon. Mr. (xllx}'vux'l thv.n introduced _ &1 % C ' Mr. White charged the Government with | """""'lm,l ht""""' .:'"'.th" ubtnal don: o | t wantins: to steal 20 or 30 votes from the ment . of ]mll.m;.', Sub"\'h'.l""';'. «;>\A'.x:|;; <" 1 P Conservatives in South Toronto: He charg | the l-huAnuu ulv('nn&'Hl'l"H'-'l' s. This ".'mbdf | ' ed the Government with u'nrrrmunnlvrlnfix" "'" serious discussion. ft (was then 1 k | in \'urimxs: parts of the country, specify-- o'clock and the House rose. | l'n'g A\h'.rl.;:]hvnn's constituency as an in-- | AFPTERNOON SESSION, ¢ stance of such an unfair division. Mr < Balfour was the member for PilDbury| _ _On the Speaker taking the chair at 3 s Township, he said, and not for South Rs--| o'clock, Mr. Balfour's street railway bill sex. t was taker up and discussed. Mr. Mere-- | Mr. Balfour replied to Mr. White, show-- dith devcted some time to the considera-- | : K _ ing by an anaylsis of the vot .,.',,r the tion of the umendment which Mr. Baifour | 6 h various portions of his riding that the re had moved in the morning, and, while no't ' o adiustment had not especiallv helvped him assuming any responsibility, suggested a | J " Hon. Mr. (Gibson stated that he had number of emendations in it. The amend-- | never heard, nor did he know, whether the ment provided that nothing in the bill | 2 I Island was Liberal or Conservative, Tt should injuriously affect any agreement | | | had formerivy been geographically a part heretofore made by ary rallway compauy, | | of East Toronto, and, furthermore, South the Metropolitan Railway Compauy being | ¢ Toronto was a very large constituency al-- specially immentioned, nor should it vali--'] | re ,u!\", and East Toronto was a very smalt| Gate any agreements made by any com-- | | | | 'A"'"'-""""'llf'.\' It was evidently a ;;{'my bill pany ; its effect upon agreements already | s if the Opposition had to range as far as made thus being neutral. Mr. Meredith ! f F4 ' I-I'.s:'srx 1'n order to object. 7 supggested several verbal changes which j ) | PThe 'h'" was then proceeded with "Irn'w'H! would more clearly explain the intention t « | committee. Mr. Harty called attention to| of the House that no company was to be 'f" ,th'°'""'"""1""'h"'" in Kingston whercby the iffected by the logislation, but was still | f Pownship of Kingston has been detached | aubious as to whether it might not turn l h from Frontenac and put into the electorat| out that the bill would prove injurious j district of Kingston, There had |,.:..;\'l to suome other company of which the | _ great dissatisfaction in the district with | House knew nothing. . Me was anxious | 7 " H'w- nrrrm;;wnn-vgt. he said, and he had | that it be drepped until next session, and ' 3 [ |r'_""!'-"_"1 himself if there was any oppor--| this was agreed to, after a suggestion by | A "'«""f.\ afforded him to try to get it recti--| the Attorney--General that the House s * B . .""'Y', He had been asked at every yn.-..'_l drop the bill for the year on the under-- | | ]m:'"' the last election to get ('14.(']1;"11..»: standing that it should be taken up next l l made, and the peoule were very m-.r,A,alli year and that the House would not be th;n.n should be effected There \\';1: no | bound to respect any agreement made by | i<f l»..lll'|'1~;.| end for him to be ,:¢,i,,,.,;. fnx'! any company between now and then | o | the township of Kingston had gi\-.-,{ him | which would be invalid were the present . }' & majority of 1%8, and the change would | bill eracted. | t \"_""-""" his chances of re--election | (On this understanding Mr. Balfour i : Tha change would -- act beneficially | withdrew the bill. | o ::'i""';f whereas the -- electoral .",{_1 'The House then went into committee | &3 has i0 nown as the City of Kirgston | again on the registration act. Various | if 1aAs 10,000 inbabitants more than Frontenge | minor -- amendments and -- changes in | ',l:l:{, the disparity would by this be redue-- | phraseology were suggested across the ' ' F ed to 2,000. The Village of Portsmouth had | floor of the House, lA* the bill was finaliy | |€ | 1"?*'" added to Kingston at the same time | reported about 5 o'cWek,. e as the township had been, bhut he propos-- : Immediately after the reporting of the i o. that it be retarined in the district (,fl registration bill the Attorney--General in-- | Mingston,. as it was practically a suburh troduced a short bill respecting the Clerk | > i ""l'l' would some ixy be .'.",,;.\;,;,] to it ' of the Peace of the County of Carleton. He | s Besides, Portsmouth hgad n ver object l explained that there had been an unavoid-- | | to the union, while the townshin .,;'\H,,\.u ' able delay in the appointment of a succes-- l a had. He therefore moved that !ll".;]'(:;;'l]~ & sor to the late Clerk of the Peace, and A ship of Kingston be detached from the that in the interim the son of the late oc-- ! b ! electoral district of Kingston and idded cupant of the office, Mr. W. A. D. Lees, R Je t to the riding of Front nae. CErmseg e te oJ had discharged the duties pertaining to it | Hon. Mr. G@bson suaid he knew of no with much accurecy. 4t had occurred to \ L objection to the amen iment. 'The h;"m\]!' him that it might be objected that his d m affected by the chango appeared to .,\:1 acts as Clerk of the Peacsa were irregular, E4 for it, as the Towy: nip of King ."""h',. | ard to guard against that »h" introduced i specially asked for it, rng t.jv.--h ;-lll. this bill, stating that all n!hwi;fl acts per-- ¢ County of. Frontenac haa n0t ;_:."m]'.', formed by Mr. Lees were perfectly regu-- F' asked for it. yet the name of the \\"u.'".t. lar. ; who is a Conservative, appeared in the Mr. Meredith assented, after a few re-- 4 petition aigned by ratepayers of 1\'111&'.5[;;;1 marks as to the inadvisability of keeping d he took that as a proof that 1hi; lh'vsc' offices op'«-n' so ]<-O"g'.'i i F A i t agunty was aware of what was bein 'I'hu..\1101'119:\»(""!1('!41 said it would be one and that it was not being sny & filled in a few days. | '.'n any way. s sprung Mr. Meredith--What does that mean ? ' Mr. -- Meredith--The member f, 6/ ¥Prof The :\ttorney-(}t('-nt'r;a,l -- In as few days & \ tenac is not aware of it. Oe as is X'Hlll_\"[)I';l('t'.wzlhlc}. | : Mr. Harty--He is aware of it, Mr. '.\'lvru:mhfi\, »mpatible with party em-- | [ Hon. Mr. Gibson roplied th M P ergencies. \ ' '? N ernment did not care a hulll?v'nU\'\'(h.'-";;.\-.« 'the '\lt{'\'Y"Ylt,'_','{':@nl'l'lll ~Compatibiesnith | I \the change was made or not s 4t was a I the public interest. | R ; ) | matter of the convenience or choice of | THE REDISTRIBUTION BILL * !',h," """""',""_'m","q'"'\"""'""l and no po-- | The redistribution bill was then taken E4 | litical jflll]lpnh}\ \\n'.\ to be served. 4 again in committee. (Mr. Meredith pro-- ; Mr. Meredith s(;i(Al it was an outrage 'ti'ml again against the putting of King-- f ' | that such a Pl'\'ll)"Sl"\)lllSl'\unLl be iantro-- :tun TO;'ns;hip into the division of King-- [ -- [3 | uced at sucn a stage of the session. No ston, in the absence of the member for ' 'linfcrnlilllull had been given of any inten-- .Fror'ltefla('- He did not see why Ports-- s | §oo 10 Sugcest 1Mil Ainel Ni ind the & mouth Village should not be put back into | | sember for Frontenac (Mr,. Hugh Smith) A Frontenac also, -- if the township was. Mr. k ( . PipnAprigont m is ho oo 10 D4 Harty said there was little doubt but that / | mied. 'The township had been brought | 4 |Portsmouth would eventually become a ) | 1to the city in order to swamp Mr. Met. | i)ortion of the City of Kingston. "1; I | allfe, and now the Government was try. J n h ® . P 4

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