. ' I _ ', _', 1' A . ' ', ' -' . i i 1fir)f _ llt ofthis sttmhturtPeat 'to Quebec. ' ' . ' g the present Administration. not by .. - _ . . "; field, and this was a charge -'r . _ m.-..---.-----. surplus which clearly lessened them! . iby the sum- namgd. Ple lthe 'Title, . l rice of the Roe woo sy um. l , ' dmirable Speech on the ii'iiiiii'iA"iAoiiii),' against mama-s ' ums were taken over I Budget. try the Provincle f"at the Dominion at .- . ---.--., Confederation. tut is one was not ac-' ' / in: is a fuller report of the speech counted for at the time. 1 . " T. Gibson, M.PP. for East Huron. Mr. Meredith-That was paid tor by the; '. budget debate. than has previously present Government. 1 'r w. Mr. Gibson spoke at a late ft '1")?- '3l220t'l'ff courts; 3 Tl.' i tedge; . - el, Dug o ave pit or . App ause _ t . and only a brief summary of Pt.?.'.: Taking, then, the various items he bad if _ was given. but they are welt wor. mentioned, every one of which was a le- Nit reproduction, dealing. as they dad lille,",',',",', charge upon the Sandiicld Mae.. ' Mme aspects of the financial and' (length! stimulus. vi?" the s'ltrg'i".."" by Do- T .1 , . mnon or i'ov nee, .. , J; railway l . $353233 which are in danger ot . I f'und. 31.550000 ', Quetree's share of Common . r. Gibson said that the Opposition? hem")! land collections, $200,000, und Roch-l - "ttse Government with extrava- uood Asylum. $100,000, and a toral is ur- [ Wad rived at of $2,300,000. which should be de- - ce, but the hon. member for North' , ducted trom the gross amount left by the . , iesex (Mr. Wtsters? had well exposed . predecessors of the Reform Administra- hollowness of the charge. That gen- lion. This left $1,:m.ooo only. and his hon. - man had shown that out of a total ex- friend the Treasurer, in his f1muteUt state- . diture under the supply bill during the . ment the other day, Informed the House ' t ten years of $39,000,000, the Opposition that there was in the bank at the preaent v d taken objection to only $142,0m, or , time at the credit ot the Province 81.550.M bout one-third of l per cent. He (Mr. i in cash, BO that the "with! ot the Mowat ibson) had taken the trouble to look up Government is as good as t9atuitteU Mac- " financial record of the Opposition for denald's was. (Cheers.) ' ne previous period, namely. from 1873 to . & t - , . ' and he had found that out of a total l CROW" LANDS COLLECTIONS. xpenditure in that time under. the supply With regard to the tto1iectionn on Mr ill of $29,500.00!) objection had been takon count ot Crown lands during the Sand- y hon. gentlemen opposite to 31%,". or field Mnacdonald regime, which amounted mething less than one-half of l per cent. up to Gust Deeember, 1871, to $1.ty)0,0ro, he " fat us the votes in aid ot railways ' wished to ray that they were forced col- ere concerned, he found that the leader lections. ( ircular letters were sent out to . F the Opposition and himself had voted the Bettler.e demattding payment or the inst agrant apiece, so that they were amounts due. Nearly all of these sums ra a. level in that respect. This Opposi. _ in"? paid by ttetttera in the fioely of 'tion had by its action in the past. when t'2.r"nrr12,"t"c,oti..1vs Perth '1an Welling- , the Government were standing in defence sttt,. 1883 the ,'u','ll,'l',', source J.ty,1'yr "1'9 1 of the rights of tho Provinces', both terri- Miltiply this by to": GIG,",,, fill-0P6 0111); torinl and legislative. put the country to the last tour years 'a' total tave trim, an expense which he (Mr. Gibson) esti- collections on Crown lands '1" rom mated at not less than $150,000. Not only \1-u-donald had thus an advanta n . had they caused this unnecessary expendi- 1,000.," 'if, this my iriiii . nd hi Ke (T, ' ture of money, but they sought by moving i; :re sw lle i'vt ti i,", , S 5009 Dirt . abstract resolutions in the House to com- '. .. O left JI te orcet Jil actions it the Government to larger expeudi- made from the settlers. That Administra- m ' dl It Ti T. 0;"! tor tion also received the sum of stand") in" tures in other ' ifC'/d"/",'i,, Il in nd t collections on account of municipal loan' yments to tr "L"..'.? whiff-1111 0" fund. from which source nothing was col- ne occasion for largely mum-W gran s Iceted after 1871. The debentures given to n aid of hospitals and .tlyy1t"ec'Sl'.? the Government by the indebted muni- as before the present system ot pay- cipalittes realized a sum which fell three- mtnt by results " was adopted, so far "3 quartet)? t a million short of recouping hese institutions are corrcvrrwd. This thc a 'l, nee for the amounts paid out in .u'eghod is a fair and equitable one. al- distr.' "on of the surplus. of which the booth some improvement miyiht be made City of London received in reduction of s regards the initiator)' stvps to be taki'" its debt the sum of $296,000. n establishing institutions which should t Mr. 'Meredith-dt was not enough. fterwards claim Government assistance ' Mr. Gibaon--You got that much, anyway. nder the statute. _ we Town of Chathutit, in'tlio cel'istitu-i Dealing with the question of the surplus .' t 'UD' of his hon. friend from V/ent Kent. ' t them examine the surplus left by Mr. in'so gut thc Irettet.lt of u l'cdllutinzi ot rum-i , ndtield Macdonald, about which there Hm. ttf these sources a, revenue. viz., sus', ut' so much talk. and which amounted a Hints from Crown land sales. and on air-- It about $0.torr.fOJ. From this sum sh.y,ul'l,i. lt'tltdlt of municipal loan fund. tho f'.vet be 'ttauui'trs' an amount of ""5": hait " r-, yielded abnormally during Sandiiuld Mac. ' illtort tlollars paid by the Dominion Gov.. 31; iiunald's time. and the latter ceased alto- ernment in the early years ot t'onfeulett- 3 I gather when the Reform Administration tion on account of Provincial expenditure. . came into power. Mr. Mcrcdith--it was charged up. L ' T Mr. Gitrsun--Umloulrtedly it was charged . _ ASS Lt M b'K,ttle"e.l'd.': up, and the present Goveritttumt had to' 5 The principal ch es_t' extravagance pay it. It was unfair lillfl unjust to f imade against the Gov'etnment during the. charge Sandtleld Macdotttsltl's drills to the! i past two years by the members for West ' present Administration. He should have ', " Kent and Muskoka were With respect to i paid them as he "'t'lll along. ("Hui hour.) l the management of the asylums. lie! That sum was in all fairness entitled to f found that the (:09. of maintaining the be deducted from the amount of Sant ," asylums during the last ym-r handheld; field's surplus. Then there was an amour:t '. Macdonald's term waf' ad, taking , ' ot a million and a half of money set upmt "a I 1883, the middle year be 'il and 193, , l l by the Sandiio-id Mai-douuld Government I, as a fair average of th during the! p as a railway fund. appropriated by statute F present Administration. he nd that the l f and locked up in the bank. it could not '?, cost was some». llcdunting $171,000 from' f be toothed for any other purpose. and had F . r., $600,00o, and multiplyiu the remainder by l i to be puid out in aid of railways by sand. '_'}. twenty, for the term of the Mowat Gov- l \ old Macdonald'.-, succesmirs, as that new res?, ernment, it would Le Been that more than I i iernan's udininstrution would have had ' $8,000.1in had been expended for thia ne' t / 0 pay it out had they remained ll. lulu-e .", sury and humane object in excess of the ' He would read the words of the <ii|llilu 2;; expenditure under Sandtiold Maciienald. I ppruprinting this sum CA Vita, cap. 3) :--r",r1 I Yet, it the ace-onus were examined, it "(1) For the purposcs aforesaid the sum of :11 would be found that the cost per inmate y, tic million tive hundred thousand dollars _ I of maintaining the asylums under the lat. "', _ shall be set apart from and out of the 5, ter was $134 per year, wh Ce. the cost of tho \x onsClidatcd revenue fund of this I'rovli same service last year was $11.3 per m- nee, and form a tuud to be doggguuhul mate, an increase of only $1 per head. He i, tnd known as tin "railway fund." would not be unkind enough while on this ' 'TO From and out or the said railway point to refer to the contention of the und the I,lcutenantirovernor in Council Junior member for Toronto that the cost may by order in i'ollni-il authorize pay- _ of maintenance in American asylums Wat' ments to be made from time to time to below that here, as the Commission- any incorporated railway company of R er of Crown Lands had put that matter sum or sums of not less than two thou- right at the time the statement was made. sand Uollars per mile "or Itttyrt. than tour The hon. member for We: it Kemt had com- thousand dollars " mile of any portion piained at some length ot Allie winnings:-é or portions of such railway, etc." 'gilt Stlt, Ag'1',i1,etil.i",,e College. J] wins. . 'CN . ,. "N _ . on ras.. as , ' tie' THE Silil'lil S ll AS NOT REAL. l salaries ot the four pricelpal (-iliidals of This $1.GM.ihrit could not be regarded as /" that institution with those of the same 115' forming any pottion of the surplus r"" number of otticials in some ot the minor, t by Sanilliclli Mtttulottahl, as it was his t Collegiate Institutes of the Province. Why ntlon. expresawl by statute, to expend ', did he not choose thc Central Experiment- I . aiding railways throughout the Pro- T tU Farm at Ottawa tor tmctt " compari- e. (Applause) Tin-.40 two items, then, l son? Scores of High School teachers can tinted for two million dollars of this be got. but experts iii the particular line Another deduction had to be of agricultural education cannot so easily " e collections from sales of Com- be had. They could command good sal- 2 ool lands during the four years' Karin. u was shown in the case of Prof. F _ eid's term amounted to $440.0». j'ROWIOII. who Was taken from the V. ur-nlnths belonged to the Prov Guelph College by the otter of an increase _ . 2 sa) is i - '