" Br, "a-" ".. y t - 'tut _V - ' Ll V a r tt,""itt"' nad. a; li ' 21m. a - we! no". '11ql, ' ' P. a t h - . u fur .. I "15" rf .= W. ' Hf. gall?,,',", " ' Thea tgee, to co "' . He ttatt bee #t - . t E e benettt of. I n a c and the children' i. T. o ttnd he ttgtd those "- "attach for revint . p | .t v H w him on that aide of t the acts relatin t ntr and consonant". V .CP, 'Nil welcomemm to the poge' acts relating if, ,o,fgfif,',feWtnttnd a... ' 5 we Ve- . V _ and tree lib B uteo " 15, Mata?" he '" in Door "tcies. The 'gUrti,t'itt '. He hoped gawould Boon be re. ", held that the Proz'lat of Canada having ' ll Te a pleasant tim 1"! Balfour "mild" ""38 a prohibitor nee has no power to, t in. e n his Speaker-a eminent is takinyg 31:02:35. my Gov- " . Bar - The motion was then carri ed and th geedings for an appeal to her Manila?! I',',',',. Stairs; haw the Hon. 'Mr Bale . t'il?,vaUetingii1, upon this question and ' te c air ' . . - - 3 expected to ' 31?? 'at,k',ti',flr,iJny"t'hg"t,etot, ttif. 'ee,'?",',:,?,. of before the 2d"'othteil,tg1. e. upon him by the House in "boots. 'ri, a . - .. ' c . 1tf,2it'te',?"itlttr12i'"i'yt,'o2,id been to the 'h"ie'e"'tcytaU2ni."f mite Tad" tWelve years knew th . e cute for a commission to collect il' appo ntedi fearlessly and j',',,",',':":',.";',',,',',',',',?,',,,.',:'," aim bearing on the i'iteti"gao,'U the duties ot so honorable an airii; g: L of 'h",',',,',",',':',.'," wittt.reapect to the mode , trusted he would have the advice-9nd I taln Iguherating and appointing cer- Eggnlslel of the loaders of both sides or fees t2inTtt",cgt,it1't', now paid by _ ouse. and not on] . , . pee o the ex buttheir assistance, andythgltetrf :ll'tii'i: I 3:51 trtl,',y.,',',r1t,lee, they Should gal"? honorablp member, in maintaining tho I r93 2 't'l,f, In regard to the said GiiiiG inemborg- rights and the dignity of Far. I of st: vely the practice ind experience liament. He thankvd tho members for I hav er countries. The commissioners , . ' ' _ . P. pursued het their kindnvs.e, and hoped that during and h ' t er task with diligence the limo in wliich Ite hold the position , matte ave made full inquiry into tht 'c; would d" nothiug to forfeit their con- _ is htgl'trt,'oe,fgiuy,ti'f Tile1r report I enco, i an wi anon ho A "ftraon-mlttttto a'lirurnmont was {5:23;} inv'YOUr hands for your consld- then madn, ut the ond of which Mr. 1331- ,I as that; $012221: 39;? such legislation our on. 0 1rol't' look 1 roper. _ l Chrilr an l tho Kuhn; nuiorlul Dish: 1 C,'?)', 1ett/op, of the maintenance -' o-ss'on rn-t'ni red. in unoiont Vibe f,g',',','iie,t WPT, " the. exp!" '0' I. fg,T/Y,'t Mr. Balfour nnnounred tn the earnest atteengollll '?f.trf1ticttit1'lt ' J en iuttittt-tlovertTot. that be hat ,. . t.t, . I) f elected spottltet' of the House, "Splat-r3 /v' 23:23:92.; h may. be I" Will be I ed thgt if he should orr his Honor 'anlltl v I factory. , pr(?::;'toube "nanny gauges 300nm or it on hie fault and not that ' Si le . T- 'b. -"' '. "g . t the Asa-mid». whoso servant he 'lg/s'.' ft) _trtgr 1ciajt,eeg2,titt)s.stie, main bum- He then claimed all rights and privi- t' ,ltvarvtfaieted, uncle p'atig {by 11P has; been T tegos, espoci.'tlly those of frpu 54pp¢xuh {I lit-fare the ond lfi I: 8 were admrttgrr '. and free arm-am to his Honors tter.R'tn. , 'ihoreliy the crowded e year, relieving; His, Honor solemnly 1rrottsisot1 to grant " tr, ,0!" the other instituti "imam" of Mome i these boons, and then with the custom. \ V '. I I am plraasred to be 'ltr, , ary formalities read the speech from the ' l _ that t'onsidrsrabl6 r e to Inform you th'nnc, as follows ..--- y j inadn during the ru,r't'"v'5/i',Pt',, 'le, been a f t 'sl' . .' e - i Bruno" FROM THE THRONE. st/,"1','/iCnsto,e'2ont J,""J', submitte:r2:1 Mr. Speaker and gentlemen of the "cottnts hetween thODthP unstttied ac- Lepiclntive Assemhly I Il'royinces of Ont io Omimon 31nd the In opening this. the first Session of 'lmtwgien the tsiG .-.. my . ' tl ' -.. _ I the eighth Parliament of the 1'rovittce . (the parti . interested iai ' Sl why" if. , {Shawna t/,'rwt,',t",',"J',' you as the ['(iprp: sincere 'i"t1ff) ttr/tthit, tttir Ill5m tiN . Ft , Yes " ttw )('U , l' "ss . H - - . _ _ 4. . I the"; sput h of id'...),,",',.','),',. tSSE mblti for It,rye.en them settled speedily and anti- lie the past yobr was unfavorable The public uncountq for t f to the agricultural interests in some re- closed will be placed in 3.0:: halting: i "o'."'-?., tho prhis or many minim-ts. CH- a very early day. You will he glad to pccially grain and "wk l't-nmining know il at the total expenditures of the i unusually low, it is Vr't'3' gratifying to l'ronu- I' wute kept well within the tip- l know that inn-11mm inn-mm has but," propriaC.ons, and that the actual re. It take-n in improw-d tttetltods of fanning Cx-ipts .WN'" considerably in excess ot and in the reports and publlt'ulluns ot' the t-siintat». l the Dctutvtnwr1tofAs,rricultutv. Various The t-Stimnws fur No current year l agrit-ulturul iiSSlK'liltltins and organizu- Will. without delay, be submitted for t, tions have b1uut making inctv:t.siul do- your approval. They Will be found to mantis for instructors. The Spi't'lill have been prt-paga' _ , dairy work in (Ulliltt'lliin with the to e/"morn.v, and - l . V '. Agiiculturnl Colrrp. at Gtwllrlt has lm-n publir servioe. '. f.. - . I i prosecuted with w-ry satisfactory ro- The 'acssiotg witt I trust be' ' d f suits. and I am plt'used to 1011111 that the wisdom apreiudenee of your (1% b last your prosid to be the most t',UCUctiS- lwrutions, mid for measures calculi." ' ful your in tho history of tho cont-go. to Pi'mimt» the best interests ot From time to tinn- pul'liu- attention Provin:e. V has boon directod to our nortlu-rn dis- Aftvr the speech had been -r' ', tricts as suitable for St-ttlvim-nt by an and tho Lieutenant-Governor' '."i, 'd agricultural population. At the pre- (:rl Home formal business wan) L/r" sent limo t-onsitlt-rublu interest is be- ml. Tho writs and Judges' c V , ing manifested in this dirt-Minn, and it in tho cos. 4 of London, West Arititma,' ', is propom-d to ostiit jish, with your up- Kingston, South Forth, West wel1iar s"... F proyul, at a moth-rate vxponso. a pion- ton and lion Northumberland wereI 7 t't'l' dairy farm to utirut't furthvr ut- it" l,efotus the Houtse, and Rip Oliver' tuition to thvtot now districts, and also Mount introduced tho formal bill ru- i to prove.- their adaptability to ugrit-u]- sow-tin; the oath ot otfitw to Justices oti, t ture. tlw in u- ', which is every session intro- _ During the past y1savtho Ituiny hike iuwd m the opening day. The crm- f region has t'trtttt' into notisu' its a gold sidoiuti-n of the (tt.wott's speech was field. Many t-lelnrnps hors. tuin at- fut for t: -tv.opruw, "ru) the appointment , trncted to lt. a tiurnlrtu' of tsvoittirirU," lu- " "quvt standing ('nmmittt-os ordered. tations have been .tu.lit',n up and liltl'li- Thon trlt motion ot' Hit' "liver Mowat the ally dm't-loped. and it is oxptitsul that Hot1st' adjourned till 3 o'clock to-mor- St "oral mills for treating oo' will lw in row ditto-noon. oporhtinn this year. The prospt-vt of ', gold minim: in this district will no doubt promote St-ttlomt-ni of the rich n.uricu1- tural lands in tho Rainy ilivt-r voilt-y. A hill will be luld lit'fi'l'i' you contain- ing sonit- supplemoniziry provision which tlie expt-riunm- of the last gl'ni'l'ul eleotion has intlit'utt-d to be tit-sirzthie in the election laws. Tho registration of voters act of last session with re- spect to cities having worlfri satisfiu'- torlly. you will be asked to consider the propriety of tending its operations to towns. " I Your alt will be invited to a I measure ' to loosen the number I of app courts of the Province , and ot It!!! ltr the proceyl- l than rior Courts: 3 me Me." matters of Pro- / i vincul . dlhe where Jurors o/ are . - juror! may live: l MSS.. /t9:t, ,7 i