.'. t" . .0... may. /" r 1%i -- , r" MT2CM, 'rcrr, . was» _ h m'flfim"ti2'igm tl " - .-- " , MU- "7'15" 'lit = nus a . ' 'te '-' 'IN), ' . '9' haul'been manna all solely tle', revolves but $1 for s',',',gt,',W,'.get,e,i7,i," YI, y ' luaively iw-the nubile interest. that the former Government.' In "gig. by- 'e , ey have 'been Kent'weli within our Crown 1andts exPendlture was 't'li,t,he) F," resources, and, further, that, after hav.. . i and in 1894 $111,158, an 'Ge'ri's'i'ii'A' , MEL; i ',,ng,g',eLt,g','l1,tgy of money on railways . I proportion to necessity:~ A, .. , . "if, of . F,' pu . e u gin-public. works a 7 ".' l GOVERNME ' _ V , er imnortant public services 03%?le . i The sums anTS LAND POLICY' t.ion, tinnrteiar1y,cts admittedly exce .. (northern"di t.pent on surveys. on the _ ltlonally strong and enviable. At It ;ed. tar too Slims Mr. hpsrtsttiomsiaerl. , [same time'.'I ty0ntidently predict, sir to what he 'diie' Emma!" as, "Wins 1 ithat this Parliament will insist as its land toolie ~f tor ed as the iliitoerat predecessors have rigidly and uniform- are very fly Cl T the Government, 4 "ere _ ly insisted, that there shall be no waste l like to .Qeeewhsettlers going tn. He'Would lot public moneys. that the most Nitrid- =iinea for .s,t,'/t'i/it,.tt'g,r instead of being iceonomy. 'itr things great and small ibis land free .11}; "on the lysd, given alike, shall be enforced. that publi ment duties '/ e. llélformmg settle.. _ funds shall never be diverted unde C l Would 7 I '5' or ttit years"; and he . / deluslve pretext or pretence whatIeSEE-I l timhorao:J £201") se.e him given all the q 1 in as directly or indirectly to (i/Gum/i.'. ' Sm," used tt))1,lottid11,,t. and otherwise. i t?) 53:11:; ()rr),"iot"d,11l,'yi,t,ti,es: but that i went to Muskwka t'lii,f 11:19:? 53:39:: lie . " t'ovi . "tgs, 'c'. X. _, . -'f. er P. - 'i, tinu.o to 'reeoive " futl, 'vi)T?n'i'1'a1,1,/i'i,1-, ",',rrlii'i"it2,ty'tti,iit"; .into tlle bapit t1istticts, iequivnlent for every dollar of its all - "The mone hat IS a,§lght rarely seen. Irwin" nations. D {these 1r,0f.rr,tsTyl,t up»? surveys in I move, Mr. Snea . _ 5 I F . e 1.'.exat'lef a _.1 t' I leave the chair.I ker, that Tt)11 do now i tle"',),:?,,'),),',":,,':,:,,'??), it'ii'lliimd 1,1),'d'eril,v, V l I _ _ 1 _ o l ' I , _ i THIC LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION l [ {5:381} There] was also a (133;; 32231311? l i . . y - , _ A '. pon cr, onizt T -' F '. st" ', i "I: 1,vi1s,.f,i,rcyt'e,1f,1"yed'1,."iso Csltmtk when "r, l , no objection couldltiaoen $11315}; (1333: I i and M I'. Aim-tor, amid the "$138312; off l iu i tt1i'"itaa,1Tvi1i:1t/i1t,h, but it was the fact j his followers, rose to ////'/fiiii'f, 'hiq '.',' . the molnIe v., hnlf the value was tret for _ reply on behalf" of tho Opposition; The ', F . not for £92323)?qu {Sin were Chosen t otayitwativu, muleris sin-men WH.' l . ,, . _ . "H _ as a reward R, so enhaustive in its treatment 0': at): l' iff,"/ig."",,re,rtr1ep; past and to come. ' gggvilli'v-e's I,))'."""),,,",:"', was that of the ". . . iexpenditures igrfhei: $232: 'de, 1s'i5,"-" L} " reusuror. in inrwo; s: . F.tt'w _ . rfAr , . _ F - pry " ec- u iiiii'lii,'"j' of Government ',1,i)s',[,C,t,l,, as; ' ' l t',nc,v/iitg '//,"/r1,,etb1ea "s"ti?,,i"ti,1,1e 'iiall1f, . . ttl policy of the Provinee, the 00.16, . z . l F,iid, . T . mg g of ' _ C gun, 'Ji,",'.),"' "i,'irgi12t":it,1,1,-'i;r" tho ["x1','J)e,ti)/, Hi» "We..." 'r--"F' 3tl tty .1ns infinity, and tho 3 - , "s" - c: h A I _ _ _i, r "is legal fiiVoi'ing' of High SI'thJS w/il' q igIJIn s1//,1,t"d."lfis,r,,,,ovt,,'i,,t//etl1e,, loo .2. tet. . Mr. Martens "171.121 innit-s. and no Itll- imuneration of Crown 1&1!!th the re- 'teluded at with o'sntorel; with " rz-hiv tr llCiO'ht of thme in th ' nos "mun. I Fton. Mr. Dryden's strictures on big i'e- . "i'/'ri'i; SR 5301' and rr-eee i3 2f" sold lands marks on the surplus during the Tpun, '39 750 i"u"i')iiancile' onetf] _vtf 'salaii'rs. -e don campaign. i$l:149'. Instead of /,ntiuw,'i1'/f ad i Mr. Martyr "honed his speech bv ex- isslaries of from $200 tyrosine? gettl g l pressing bis inure! that the Govern- l ship Clttrk could do the work, .iETown- nu-nt h:~~i dot-lined to pnstpnnn (in. l'ud- [ scarcely need more tron $50'uan Nrtruld get sin ii'ls. saying that his side was ihis salary. But some of ge,l,",R','iifsti to; 1rnt.r,li,-,-rul "I" ttot, p,rottiu,s.a," the imblii I 'C'lerks miv:ht be 1/i,1Lt,1ei1'i?io,,i."1t,'i'l . , . ' .. . - . , h . , v and _ a; f omits and tho estimates (or " lump l that would not suit hon. gentle l, I "my: r; t'itirs il.W delivery of iim Tr. an... :thi- return of amounts due onmt'iflnben (yp't":'" yummy. m, H.- r-uinpiigu-m .. (dues for the last six years i; Ma t t 'IHov. A" 're'rrr,. 'ilrt I'M" his all" ri'c,r've continued, there was an item of $701.92; ;in(1nl. Iii-ii'i'd'l'ii. Ine Said, in It llléi'jmwi . ir'ortrnininq unchanged trom y&'£l.1' "G ( void of nffengp m that wit. ot' Hu- ic/ti-o. year, and among those interested in ihut said that ho ditrnot think th t tho . I this were members of the HouSa a . Government had been uniformly yam. : practice which he condemned as a viola- I. mi . at the interests ot um: tinn of the principle of independence of" I rf,',':'.:?,,;',','-'.),"; TI, that. while . the Parliament. ensurei' la mode ' i . 'i. ' - l ' l . . j, sons with the rv,',,:)',',',',,,,,,],"-,',')","?:,',',,- , PLBLIC INSTITUTIONS: il York, u..tyarTt and the Dominion, ho l The Opposition raden, then turned to i had omitted to make comparisons will ' i the question of the maintenance 0f pub- l the Government orJolttt Sundiield Mac- ( lie institutions. The per capita cost of 'i1o_nald. Such a comparison, Mr. Mar- illlPSE', he said, might be less than in iter asserted, would show a very large Wm" countries, but nevertheless if Ainm'ezwe of expenditure. The post of itlwse institutions Miro managed on a, ',, Freusurer of Ontario. he went on, was tbusinoss basis tho crvst would be Still F y.Pry easy, for. that oiiieial was not oh- iler's. He repeated his charge that Poli- iiged to ruck his brain to devise ways ' lirval infiuonce determined the giving ot and means ', he had the Dominion sub- tha. contracts, and said that the exp.ete, l sidy of over $1.500,000, and ho had the ', diture was thereby int-reused from 10 q lCrown lands reeelhts of over $1,000,000 _ 25 per cent. from what it should: _ ., the remaining: sums, for which he was, :while beneficiaries gave track to' the . l more (iii-cetly responsible, being fat 5 Government for election funds what ', smaller. It was easy to tinantte'with I they not by these extraordinary prices. I the Crown lands of C)ntario at one'F ,The Government's methods could nut go i back, so that whrmovrr there was a do. l on for eve't', and FOcmf't' 01' later direct l iieieney all that was needed was to con- ) taxation must come, Mr. Marter assert- l in" with the Commissioner of Crown i l d. Tho, '.4ur?"srj.syyl duties were one form _ Junk" and put on the market some [of this kind of taxation. He was glad I more of the 1'tuovince's, real estate. Such I that it had amounted to SO much, but: i had been the course In the past, and no ( novcwthelrss it was a sign that tho Gov-.2 r', gloom would be. in the future. There 1iri,i/iit' had had to cast about to in- i,had been over-expenditures in the past 'P"":'5:" its receipts. Through its happy 'for fifteen Years, and this had becom( situation and immense resources' 'huhitual with the Government. ' (hrs Province hnd so far ( ('Si'npi d, but when the last ! THE COST OF GOVERNMENT. Inf its timber assets Lad been sold off i Since 1871, Mr. Marter Went on, there dirtit tuxuriote must come. flow soon l had been a great increase in the cost l W" would bt: mm." not. be told, for the iy, government. In that year the item i 1"'ovi'1ytt.iot. which was So fond of l of civil government cost $114,613 ', in 1894 I inortttIifHyilot1.'4, l mi refused to appoint tb ithe same item was $240,474, "n increase wmmi~son to look into the Province's 'Ofi more than double, and far beyond fun-st l'i'Soiii'Pos. what was Justified by tho 30 per cent. : v T"'{' _ " 3 r " linttrease of population. Then the ex- [ Qt LS ION OF 1cD0CATION. l penses for tsessional writers had been Ill,'. Ma 1.1". tin-11' turttr-rd to the question I $2.870 ; now it is $16,035, an increase of of ("in anion. the inst whith he consider. l 500 per cent. There are. besides that. you rider a t'.t"litirynl lurid the'oxpendle l 120 of these sessionnl writers and pages {$113661 S1,",?t (li'pnrtnwnt him y? reused for 94 members, as against 97 for 215 .Fy} '. DH cent., nnd the Minister " members in Ottawa. il1l oration had a fad for High schools. I Tho greatest expenses, said Mr. -Mhr.. is),','.,, M111! 1 fi),T?,r Wm???" of the thlie- l tor, continuing. was in tho Crown Lands ' i 'tji"t1,ry11,."l1'i1.t fin" ' bis alleged PM"- : Department. The Government has beer _ F 2.3011501] Ili,'",),', (-1: COn'ilintted, The I ubiic . consuming the assets of the .Province', "What"? SPmth"dS the poor man's at the rate of a million a : /i/irr'u. Cog-1' ,. 0.1163- E"??- of the children year, 'and that was not revenue, "at with"; "Pl, hither. and he did though it had liee'n treated as gym"; le, "In?" Pat thse schools such. The amounLot, interest receivedi h". rah; 612353? A to deteriorate for ' from investments was far less than that f to the El h s il l per cm)"; JPe Went received by the Government of John had 'u'tfaxfcgmt' Thtroyr "Schools Bandtteld Macdonald. That Government i i'Ci',.s, . ad 1i,v,fiitfrt1g','tt1'-r;' wenty in 1871 received 8148.? for interest on . l'utlic 'shlui'.l. . l? the ex": ' ~""e on the sums which it ha autatranattt1.ooile l I V s was M Senf.trptr head ot