The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Apr 1895, p. 2

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i 5 & ie * ' o nenferceetionaak * B t look Tor alt thor \ c onl K . e o. c P ----{¥hrough without Erqubio, Jpgh so % in m comment wag'; mde b,( t . x "hit 5 ® * * _ * " i4 K / + % MINISTER'S REIl.} .,tn'nd 3!1'. tI{OWla-lIQ upon ' l last oned v op Ara l "Mr. Ross spok*e in zyoply. com.-- Hn(--,n Vv(\)h.e. BR s ""'T/' " Hk 1 n aalh h .: 6 ns, first, as to the tatences af "N' x ect 'l.' ..' * rons'n Apen PS&OUE t hi | ut chosen by Mr. Whitney fr inirse-- t ~ jelectric railway bill back info GB rit-- fing this rovolution, 'an| *h41 IT93: n aAng added several. amon tmepts. ; _ Barking that the resolatioa ammiitod " Jne '@#ve mechanies working for 4ny _ > } menlion the way in wihich th} schoul "'_"m"_'"'y.,,'"(""'D"l'fllf'd under the act 's vatem should be improved. '¢" vAl: * h,'m m 30 days' wages upon the,. com-- { .."5' had not mentioned a S! paie subect * ');n;" : another fixed t pedn for & .+ (Lat should be added. Mi. Whitney violations of the Sunday yA | ~id that §5 per cont. of ~" pupil< of @ holquse. The clause providesi _for-- he Province were ia the P blic § 4. 0 8: t every train or ca@~ run on the ic :08 . ut mno other school system n t:.C NJ ric. * Sunday A penalty of $400 shall Be. fn> | | .'.:,; so many pupils to the . gecpstary 4 flicted, recoverable in County ('ourz uls] whools. The I].UY";NH" ent to --thess & the suit of any person. Further 4 . .('hf"'la in Ontario is twige the progo«-- «"_| conductor in charge Jf tbe train or car | .+ 1..'.," >v«-nt.b)' the Public 'S('huul'.s' of the :s'lmll be liable to the penalties provide Kok + (m'ud §_t:}17.~'. Mr.-- Rhoss thon forc-- £ in the act respecting the profanatt ** P f'.'\ t1 "l:ln('!lz'.n-d the _ 'rdetin brie>s | of the Lord's Day. y e ~resolution, saying that when | - The bill cons( idating 16 * ns T * n amendment to the munictpal act] .' amendments to t'll::?"n:xlllllx'fli,.i"-". varidus [s" / 1 yas desired a bill was brought in spP . _ Z ed. in' the session c ).. P "MA'MSS' ! P 5 ifying the relief wanted. -- wissed {hrough corf A P w s next and | i 'Next, Mr. Ross turned to statistics, c deébate ove .-h",(. gm"f . '"':-"""m""] ' 4 saling directly with Mr. Whitney's zon-- eniling in 'thr» -l: "'i"-'(.'v"""l" clays© | C ral charge that a dispropor o nate a T« -- y ing : _ clause being made+--to @ proportionate am apply to Toronto alone B l.lll" In'f the grant goes to the High / * ® "£ K . > 'u":-.;:' |lntlh;'1 last ten years, he soid vACANT LANDSs ASSRSSmpE® a. & > grants to the Public Schools have The lr--dis * aa 4 icreased b\ 34 per cent . \\'h"" the i t cant ].{?,"1',"'-"I.\""\"m'.'! ""l to h -- thool population has increased 7 per | lands .tl"h biereminide l prob : > " L/ the B3tgh Behoqingreuts hand m--" F ('ra""fl came -- up -- in (-W * & # eased by 30 per cent., while the Hig | Pivage / ord moved to strike out" hoo!. populat is e Hiigh | clause which expunges 1 'ss th.ql llrl,'j-d"ml has increased by No | *T3 eal municipal ges from the BON =:r;(lii\:1'|.'. \\\-(., "P:lu 2'2'!1' In 1867 the (x--| * < Council 0 fji'r.:u'.[. the words "if the ie Migh '"'"' 195 for every pupil in | ! had been under 't."v' explaining that e , Aratrgofie 100ls;. dn . A882, .when Mr. , had been % ie impression tha® oss entoered on his d yorred Mini ( j een Mone in '1'; * £ & C i h duties as Minister | argued ov ih» committes m a 1e vote was qo ; gued vigorousl tt UOt $4 S8eper $6 8% per pupil; now it is | | reduction ar oo i a ho . LSt"t -'.' Df'x pupil. Meantime, in the | I lands 0 pf ihe valuation oft P is st twonty years the grant per pupil,| _ * ~that compulsory. -- Mr. Howland Web r Public Schools hasi porr C pupi ,| at very Httle! di . 10 ind £ i celte L0 B9"Ce m.s] increased from.,} made by t? l" difference . W , Je ts 5 ats.-- Further »dyy Pieo e by the ce lot °. oo ears ago the High 8e wt .h' r, twen!)s apposed the 120 B®, and Mr, (For A igh Schools were main : a e motion, Rold p M 3 ained by the public Cavg . 121n-- _xote in the * u:"""a * a b c# e 1 i money. while now fair € (flmm'ltep ha'i 5 "%, * 6 *A be pupils attending contribute la Bis y ! 'n'h and squarely: T Besrt, E;i h ) the maintenance of hy arg9i} peried hi ; * r. Chapple s % h fge k € of the schools i y m in this, and t! $0j»-- 367 only $15,000 was c pr s. .n i pa®sed. y # the claus» finally / ligh School pu ;}: "".""'""«"' by the !_--_When th & NY .] ear n ol pupils in fees, while last 1 | R the l had passe '.rx no less than $105,676 was received f""':" gave the Hnu',,-:-.M d. Hon. (;. W.| i fees,. And Mr. Ross co iT td r€, 4 mitine ty " & respmt~ p 13 i a amir, mngss neluded witl "Mr ork by mov from 1 »ma rle g on 1Ld ) oN Seqe ;1;(' rl'n'1:1)1 k that it is an unftonbled fact 9':':1'- Howland. that "'l 'il'u S« ('nndm! by ri"""..l\{.', ,g.(-il euu.(';"h," costs more than & '.""'ll':\xlfl nded to {h.. ';"',';,'l' the tavi-- | ns ( ucation, even--imth» PLl'xll(" to meat SWtms q cacttere mrmmen ritish c\.'iSO(-"_OI choo!s, and that the Hig m | in Toronto i racly * To womfet endance had e High Scehool at-- | advantage ac n i837, and rume C oc ad doubled in the last ten from 'Buch a. cruing to the e ~ velve years ringr ant . f § . such a visi ' f. the I'l'-htl' .l *\' owing to the eficriency -- ; self t~ aint ; it, the House n ,".'- 3 & | Dr iblic Schools. ¥ 5 coxpens s rhute '1"' &"",'n" , . k r. Meacham spok | 4 y ses of the >warnds . a invibfa ks spoke at some lengi As 'RKO's s: meoeting. _ > *B riticizing the education sys PeC' ty | s sepported this in a +p / cn" ; f M iovernment, and laying 'SD l:jm of the btoe eulopized ths FDHP +p~ cCn As $y\ iporl the falling off in 4 special stress | i sociation, and en! earacter of 'the ageay -- W P T ns ling of!f in the attendanre a1 day enlarged ypror * M . n the fifth form of t Hesinls dan'e advan'tage to * the na ~P n of the Public Sch 1 mer! i ge to be gai ind urging that the pri ic Sehools, | | ting. Sir Oli gained from the 4 . 6 he price of text--books lar >A Nir Oliver ow T hould be : a Xt--Dooks and and M owat, Mr d be materially reduced Angq is Mr. Haycoock s . Mr. How-- ° The vote was then take o t it went ""-," n ver supporle! this imendment was beate; '] n, ~and tae ! Un ongh withaout "llp."-'. anm ol en by a vote p $ v C inat.d o 35, the Patrons, with the ipricacis s _ Hon. Mr. Hardy f Messrs. McPhers the exception asmuch us ay moved the n# wit? Chrc i f herson and Pardo, vot-- WMintes | as by the supplems a that, in "f' i the Conservatives , vot-- Cif c s which h¥d hbese niementary esti-- he supplementar ¥e 1 $100 hbad en passed.,. th hen taken up an'i"'.\ estimates | were pursoses 2d )wen appropria t ] '.t- suvim 4 Committee )t" us were passed throuch Speake C a committee com € CT M Mpeg smm Hon "'l';, l')vl,llflllbl.\' without ',,')"7'1' Garr r and f\x'.._-:;'.q ':"); iposed of th' o s & e ) Mb e L +s r 8 PoOUiDle. arrow, I,.} , * + son, Sn yrsusuvh , M "','m"' jtem--for ll_;)|. ( n. (\,'\|.|;|",.-,| the """'])l'n] :-".x.l\\. W t Hdlay !::H curt, 4 < b't'!'inn-"(:" hl'il(li"-. ."H('"HH of in ex self > ;:o".'i' aven. .\I'.'l'!'-'('\' )'l] '.'"l'_\"nn. icultural College, ~ at the Ontario As ture "r..l.",...._,, to superviss th ndohim-- rccommodation _ f it was to provide this This grant; be su & .exneand.-- ation for id« might c sug es . 'hemistry or the teaching > in ! &Kht advantage Rxesied trat nistry and bacteriology ming . of i buying pictur agentisly 'bre lad ind to allow of t] e gy. he -- said for the ori ures by Canadi; all out bhe_ class--rooms ()" re--arrangement of building .LH'""""""'-T of the l-"':l Artists 'rpwded conditi o relieve an -- over cordia 1y MUr. Whitr '.' Parliament ,n,«,d:a".-..' ¢ ".' lon carsed by larg ,,"l s \' liy _ assented rey brie0}y and Ie sun! of studenis, the ex arger at-- "'MM'J_ d, and the "ini l" nsE ibject of chemistry extension of Phe Honse ie ;)_ ;\ e« flun'l the general .\ ','(\ first vyear " then ill': mrnc4) at ! % nhegas work. j enlargement of . Aat i1 p.m, een asked for in the : building had ~i , ne * > President of H|Tn ||;. reports of '!' ecars e college for sever; & sever:q Dr. Willoughby. w t t1 he explanation. ."'.\ ho had asxed for well satisfied with {y""'""'" himself as ture, With 'only -- ie proposed expend which satisfact 3 ...x question or tw d-- y the (;.,\,.'" ory replies were in '." es were all |,-],I\-Il'."" the Sl!""'h'xl'ttln'll'{'"' n by the H« assed and then con P el s se before § o | A curred | [_'.".\' & CCK. t *) ENING SESSION, n the evening the I \| tself t« i & the House add \| ' ) the) railway p addresseqd | vhich embr auway aid res l oile & embrace resolut | O Ihe t aced a bonus of $2.00 10ns, s [11€ ttawa, Ar % ' 2»,000 a mile tailway for s 1 Xhl'.'' & Parry \'"'", j 'onn 7 miles 2 . DOun C nnection betwed 'l'¥t .' "lu complete the sou~d : a revote of $2 [ OC and Parry | P abu~g. L 82,000 a mile Te h es Tom Th Lake mric & P 2k In the ,"" for 16 miles. f e ".,I. acific H;niL" ort Burwell : a ;'W""" Pilsonburg q | 'enetanguishene & ote of $4.500 h,h"" | Street Railw; e & Midland EHleec 1e ruishene C TOS to connee un tric 161. , suishene with the R rect Penetan-- '»"m'\ of $3,000 a mile igiormatory ; a j umagnt it .. ;' ' 11.1}- 45 miles of ind finally a v tainy River Railw ( nally a vote of $50,0 Railway erprovincial bridge $50,000 for an in-- retween Ottawa "'"'dt} Nepean Point lons being that the 1 Ii"]"- the condi-- > (€ ess L * ) ¥e j AegiP a -,'t less that $600,000 dage is to cost | pPlce.. M ominion shall contril and that the | *ti3 ibute $100;000 and | e > | "_:.,,"..: A 'romd

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