Sosa?!" Prorogu antrGovern [", LIST OF ACTS PASSE The formal prorrgathm of the ( tarlo Legislature, whim tOult place y terday afternoon at 3.30 run. was ; quietest event of the kind which l happened for some gears There \' no guard of honor from Stanley l; racks. the attendant train of .,"lt was cut down to it? smallest in w k ' _ lions, an.1 the numlmi of visiirs a spectators was unexpm-tmlly an: The galleries ww- fuirly till-'1. but I Hornr of the Ilous", usually so crowd was almost deserted. i-t More th half of the mt-inhers' Lin-MI." boing r.'" pied, while the that-'5: whirst hut In, thud on the floor Wcl't. almost :.ll 1 t-nipty. There was the usual 'IUilll present ; the Cal-inn: was rcirt'tsotrt with tho exroptiun of Hon. Mr. ll; court and Hon. Mr. Isrotv.son, wh among the members present WI Mossvs. Marten Awrey, Conny-Ia 1Vre Inna. Flatt, St. John. Dr. [tn-rm Major Hiscott, (":n'm. 'dltailton, Bt nn-tt and Richardson, The House assonlblwl at .", n't'i'h'"i. a then adjourned for a few minutes, await his Honor's arrival. At 2 n'rlor'k tho Taltatttettattt-Gowert_ ttrvi ed, and advanced to the dam. PRO-"'1 V by Con.wsander' Law and Captain Kit. patrick. Assistant ('lerk Spit-re tin read tho following list of bills WW5" by the House during the session _ 'Qs.._.-1-HE WORK OI" TH E SESSION. h- To confirm by-law No. 5:yt of Bran lord. and to authorize the city to sell part of Mount Hope immunity. To enable the corporation of the V1 Ago of Teeswater to lease or sell Ce. :aln lands. To confirm by-law No. 263 of the Vt {age of Preston. Rosin-Ming the Hamilton and Dur ' las Street Railway. To incorporate the Adv-mt Christie Church of Ontario, in Canada. ' Itespevting the Fort Erie Ferry Rar, way ('nmpany, Relating to the London Sire-"t Raf. . way Company. Respecting the Town of Pvescott. Respecting the debt of the Town o Woird.u,took. To legmiize and tsnntirm hy-law No lo. of HM, of the Town of St. Mary's "emulating a fixed rate of taxation oi (arming lands in the sail town. Itesptuuinq the City-of Stratt'ord. i To Ctttitirttt hy-luw No. 7.1:. of the City ' of Hamilton. To Swim-ate certain hunts from thr, ' Town of Whitby. _ , To authorize the trusto-r-s' under tht I marriage settlement of June l'rittie an?! Ruin-rt Wood l'rittie to tv.oytt',asge thu l trust estate. To confirm br-law No. MI of the City of St. CHthnrinos. To inr'orporate the 13t'antiVrrd, Port Dover and Halt Rahal Electric Railway t Company. Ty incorporate the Grand Valley Railway Company. To consolidate the debt of the Vil- lage of ttil Springs.. limpet-ting the Town of Garvatvauuo. , ro confirm hy-laws Nos. tis'0 and "l72 of the City of Hamilton. _ 'Tu int-orpornte the London Radial Elleotrn' Railway Comp-an). . o nirorporate the Villa n of . - burg. m Brnlge To confirm certain municipal by-laws respecting the Tilsonbur _ _ 4: . . 1g. Lalo Em ~and Pacitio Itailwav c" " F - ' p . . - mpun) und the mt Brunei! Harbor. bdt,"iting the munir?ipalty of Nee- ,. To nimble H.erhert q ". ~ tf.tanlev . . toi/Ci/yy,'?,', dentistry. k. Heynoris "l"at"vitur the Mondale B . . . ,, an qugttéirzt Railway Comp"): craft burg. onsolidtae the debt of Wallace- To inc - _ ' Compan flllmrate tht, (.uelnh Railway iiit"lllkvtLy, to 1'ot1titun an. agreement ' - e corporation of the Ci v (,lllfgyhtand George "Pinon. t: ot ~Dtcting the City of form Respetetin - tto. _ g yn ?urre?m.tntt hotweon the I