I . -2. , l Continuation of the Debate "it. the Budget "r, . tq 'l .:_'r:? " . . :5. MANY SECOND REA a. - l, Wednesday, Feb. M. 1 There Bras no night sitting to-dar, but the House made up for the omit- sion by an afternoon's good, hard wot The usual number ot bills was intro-. duced, a couple of orders were passed . by the House, several bills which came ' r up for their second reading were ' é cussed, some being withdrawn. a" sense of the House declaring against them, and some being sent on tor con- _ sideratlon in committee. Finally. the House spent an hour in consideration of the budget 'speech, Mr. St. John, completing his speech, which he Ion" . untinlslieu yesterday, and Mr. Gibson, i the Veteran member of East Huron, giving the. first portion of tiiyrp.s?tety He had not tinisshed when the House adjourned, but in the few minutes he occupied he gave a clear defence of. many of the acts which the Opposition had attacked. . READING OF BILLS. . Second readings of bills came next, and the tlrst bill to come. up for its second reading in the session was Mr. . Chapplc's bill to amend the. municipal act. He explained that the bill was in- tended to abolish the detailed state- ment at present required by section 283 of the municipal act in December. substituting for it an audited state- ment in time for the annual election. Hon. Mr. Dryden feared that the double audit which would thus be set up would confuse the returns to the Bur- eau of Industries, and Dr. Meacham al- so opposed the bill. which Mr. Chapple then consented to withdraw. Dr. McKay of Oxford then moved the second reading of hill No. 53 to amend the municipal act, by providing that municipalities may change the hour of nomination from noon to 1 o'clock. It was discussed by Mr. C'o'and who op- posed it; Mr. Martor, who considered 1 o'clock would he more convenient to country people ; Sir Oliver Mowat who: requested that the Dill be sent to the' Municipal Committee: Hon. Mr. Dry- den, who sum-tested that the law be made general nil over tho country . also by Messrs. Whitney and McDo -' aid. It was given its second readin r" Mr. Gat'row's bill, No. 59 to rot: line fence disputes to a surrcyor w t explained by Mr. Harrow as 'SI',",'),",,"] l, would lessen the expense in s 'ttliat these disputes. Mr. \i'hitney ago IN' it would have the opposite effe t ug t (aver Mowat thought th: . Stir Je of the bill was a good one o 'il Mr. St. John tho 1 . ' an F us it it would throw 3191(1) tiniuch responsibility on qurvey'n'; f " . I . , . 'lfnl1ll,.wi'Y in? li; :itit"/i"/, reading. . . I r. eh (Addi ' to amend the a . ngt on), knit uiturc and . at'ts by chanci . , . m . at ts Portland and 't?,2:Vei.o1),.tvnp,2,i,y, of imam: to Frank-151C F/iii,1 'from Add.. ed after distutssiott in I',. was pass- Drydmt and "MT"; t w llt'h Messrs. IJiil X" tio, In" 'sir"i/'k-"J) "halt. the (Futurity vi'Ci'.,',.r/,',/y..'2r"' to arncutrt making it "ty-l- l F hi act of 1589 by . I Hililt, to stuid yiardinp, illril-l'tion or l l".,.'..'.' notices ro- "nines. mo. given innishion of voters' aft-r my t'. film h is w:I-ccond wading (Huron; and 'shi/iT,.."' esters. Gibson I'.ill No. til h ', - tho Id,),,'.),),';,,',?..;?.?,,',", 5:1)'.: to amend ".h' to make out my ".1"ka it posss's t "milder manner it l PII.. in a ttttwh '"/ tittdlvg. . was given its soc- 'dll No. Gil, h aim-ml the 0:131:33 Iii'.,',.?,' (rostudtr,), to " "Welding to ti'lt,it,l',',','s act, rw:.', ttParlors,, tho some in'i :'"'l'"k0rs and students. sailors a"! lil,,i,lr'jr,,s, trim." to "MUM: Who have 'tCl/l/i"),':."','.',?,'.'-,': as to u. Portion of tlm vmtrtuuty from home 1iiy.',t,t.s.siyn, took llllll'o. o,t'",ni/ue,',i',1/./t,.y liiritlly Withdraw" Si'r 0le'hlll being thought there should l mm. Mowat Petitions "little, All" 'w')",. no fin-then. Ch.. , It i't' Sunll'li'nt "hr-'0': .lllhll-'y said there l mitt the Change -(iii.ll(t\i-s to WH:'- said thon- "TW' (""1- Mr. limp..." "an that could "len-'; 1rlli, l" "C'r'hl'l; iliscussion was Je included. ii sklt. John pin.) continued hv "(er9 Mctnwr.i',n Is".',';,',? (Huron) 'w"h'i"ii'?i'l. _ 'k , llllillghln- ' . "ner, " and Ilon c, -- Davis H: . ho, han lit) " . 10", w. Ross (v', "l". (10..., "HM if it ", ' ' l 1osai't Minimum tr "a: left Mam)" to theicymwould r')i"/lfu'fatt:,'e,.t next "ercsiutt I me end bot Ct,'u "'; a F _ . n view . Ore the 1 withdrawn. ' of this the bill