P e P P im eaneaeeeem ie 2t LC " ienss * _ & 4 -'f not _ ""' s 'n.vi;:'."""';fi;,'.w F 4 -- * ues e * ~Chaay en _ Eis _ Commons, PUb ie o4 aet + e -- T9% , ley C' > ' ney was undoubtediy 1O [A S Park. C n 1 . u"'ie'ffi.' Arviendé ate & e ----~ e 6 »reeeie s se > _ :erv _ MB 4 Ictex x & ~ us se (Che e x 5 << wk * 4 pys d > en ~Corsy. us their w o o cn" e ons ( -- T d irmmmenong Ba --_ C 2 ouse of Com f «l 3 o wt'ol" Of tge 2"'! of-- pPI; U S TPe .. *# expire 0 en different 3 D.URATION OF PARLIAMENT.»[-- S ~~ two cases were entirely d «n&? . ] the facts 0h Which on body countedil| :- v The dltllrittloll 'o:'t the "' hbein ;. A e« i% foa's «. from the time of 4Abe WUWS _ »00tav't M a «ds : :. turnable, not of th'fl': ?z, Cire * r. Whitney Recalls a Seven-- P returned, The Onta e nst of t i ~ --'~* within four years after the last of th teen--year--old Case * ~se wol Wt,:'sn namely, the writ for Algoma, . s '~_ _ Was returnable, and therefore '"'E" w n -- L the time specified in the hBrltulh °B e3 5. ® ; America a.ct.ri t Or;tthli' rljt wo.r'? 11 w Bir Oliver Mowat's Beply"b'olemnization es E;;':l'fi:g"a'tv thse same time, and five _ of Marriages by Non--Resident Clergy-- | years from that ""}fh ';'"'lv::l:gte' ':' i men--Other Questions Answer | 'h? 2%:1",0':';}3 "§nadeathe two cases 1 -- ? * {:?ffi;rent. g'.['he Dominion -- Parliament &« mss had no power to extend the term for _ which the House should efldttl!'f-"-l bu" . . Monday, March ?. the Province had DOWi" ";nfi}',e:uo f The only event of a brief sitting of te lém efo:;a;\;g:h ptotz'e,em";avm' been -- & the House to--day was a question of ;;'?a:{e& to the Provinces than to thel privilege, which was raised by Mr. Dominion in that respect. There wl;an'z; Whitney, as to the duration of Parlia-- several other material distinctions,bu Y h s % Ment' hae Rran'y Wwiys « those mentioned showed that the pre . ~ nent; he brought up a case which oc-- cedent ofe 1879 afforded no . argumel -- _ urred in 1879, when the Ontario Legis-- |/ for the House of Commons of the pre-- /@ f 'ature decided that the duration of the sent year. -- He had taken th:: Optl)ornt('l- o Legislature depended on the date of | Q\l'thy'tog St%fl?gtht:i:u';t?on:"sgzs Ei. / the last writ returned, and suggested malltt?l' y(')f privilege in this House ". e 'that this would have a bearing upon the prefent day. es the present situaiion in Ottawa. Sh" Mr. Whitney replirtz)d g_'%g ?:tetx}';o t 1t t T Dliver Mowat replied that the cases| _' "'m;lld })e m;re pt p'm uce it . were dissimilar in several points \\'hlvh' ;'}; "l])ml;' %yd:bz?e 0 rod C °0 K ie specified, and the matter dropped. '(' udge & s o l A few bills were read a first time as £ The matter was then allowed-- to -- " follows :-- * drop. P Mr. McNeil--An act to amend the 7 $ ap. litches and watercourses act of 1894. QLESTIONS'NSWERE s Mr. Richardson--An act to consolid-- In reply to questions by Mr.Langford, -- ute the debt of the Village of Mark-- Hon. Mr. Hardy said there had been ham. 86. I no returns for pine timber cut on two , Mr. Crawford--An act respecting the lots in the Township of Oakley, Mus-- ' City of Toronto. | koka ; also that the Government had ,, IRATION OR PJ ATAMENT. sold the " Back Pond" lot of 504 1--2 ! PpURATION OF PARLIA acres at $1 an acre in the Township of | -- Upon the orders of the day being Wlizabethtown. The purchas called Mr. Whitney rose to a question man named Smith, and of privilege, his subject being the legal made in the ordin y v' duration of the House The qu«'snml] In reply to & question by | \ had come up with regard to lhu_ngifi- | land as to th * -'fql' k * lature in 1879, and the reason 1.m' mrf resident in "Y,'t.,""' bringing it up here was that it \\z'ls mnage, Sir Oliver N owat 1 at present being debated a great df)'l,lt did not know of any ca _ in o by the newspapers and Parliamentar-- marriages had been perfor ed by lans with regard tufit'w }{nnsx.r 1.)'t '(.Hllll-' - clergymen not so resident, :""" 5 mons in Ottawa. !hfl lfl'l(t'l (.'IT" "'. added that the Government were of admitted, did not dirertly concern the | opinion that the restrictions of the . House, and he would refer to it ""l:'} 1 * present law were desirable in order to. so far as was necessary. Mr. W '"j prevent frauds. If cases had occurred--|,£ ney then ro-u-x'rwl} tt-A'the fact U"tltt'};-' in which marriages were solemnized |~ > British North America ac e . Ns T e 'le tth- tion of the Provincial Legislature by f«.m'lgn clergymen m. lgnon'mce of 4 duration I & the law and the facts were coommuni-- is stated at four years from ""; "IR'" cated to the Government, they would emcs: miuerer) Nes Powes io shaigs corplast the propricty ap anige aocoaifa ature, however, has powe € glslati ego .. ';flq Iiffering in this respect from thul legislation 1 g.'nllz.lng them.. : | House of Commons, and there is an All the motions on the order paper f UI"I"'l.'l'L'\'l'lk'llL'(hdl Iil'n\ '\'. rit for Algoma ;"h' allowed to h'tu.nld 10'(;1 (.;llt Craw-- > all avam i riinrmad --A¥rb T wen ord was very much inclined to press ;}}f}':l_\';,',{hf",,f' Say 'a'x:(l' '\\5",\"\,'":{",_['.\" We his anti--remedial legislation resolution, 1875 the other writs were returned on | but Sir Oliver Mowat pointed out that February ?2, the Algoma writ being re--| it would be impossible: to bring the turned in August. On February .2 1879, | matter to a vote to--day, and so it was , the House had existed four years from left over, Mr, Crawford asked that a | the return of the other writs, and the | day " et . £Or, it, and the Premier | ' question arose,.. Sir Oliver Mowat held | rephed Li@L 4 COUSU DC OUSht up any then that the duration of the House wed i4 & was determined by the date of the re-- [ g wR turn of the last writ, and the House | Sick ild] accoraingly sat until four years and | Cleland's, to v B7 days after February 2, 1875. In the by allowing town e Dominion election of 1891, Mr. Whitney | as that now enjoyed"B es, of h added, the writs were returned on | Ing certain disputes settled by the April 25, with the exception of that for | County Judge instead of by. arbitra-- |-- Algoma, which was returned on June tion, were given their second readings, 3, while the House met on April 26, and then the House adjourned at 3.55 & two months before«that. Accordingly ».m. it might be argued that the House was | s C hk de facto defunct on April 26 next, and | NOTICES OFP MOTION. the matter was being vigorously dls-' Mr. Hay Coe cussed. He personally was inclined | showin a)t(l'o)ck Cirder for a return }, to accept Sir Oliver Mowat's view that | -Ihv mgl lfL cost .of the machiner; the House would not cease to exist un-- Ing the of repairing and maintain-- | til the date of the return of the last raw me :a,lim'l in order and the cost oti writ. If the House of Commons were | the maa -Of, 8. l'lsed in connection with : to decide otherwise, the decision would | oi lnupc}( ture of binder twine in the I have a bearing on the procedure of the , tlm()ugt fo'rim":.l gi\'ingf the aggregate | Legislature in 1879, and special acts to | each year from the begin-- } legalize the acts passed after Feb, 2, nin#.of tl'le said Industry to date, the | 1879, iqmnng \; hril('h was the act incor-- :f}«?l]'":ll]]'\(}ss:lzn(')lfn:lfi': p]')lrmlflst('flnhlmlsslon! I porating Guelph as a city, might be a 6 oduct, the cost of necessary. packages, freight, salaries of extra of-- Sir Oliver Mowat, in replying, said fAclals and all other expenditures in-- 4 his hon. friend must have had in his curred in connection with or occasion-- mind the time when he would occupy ed by said manufacture, the annual _ a position at Ottawa similar to the one | receipts from sales of binder twine -- -- he now* occupied. . The question of during said period, and the estimated-- / privilege, which Mr. Whitney raised, & value of the machinery, plant, m 't..ie was one affecting the present House and stock on hand when the aterial . '. : of Commons, and not the Ontario Leg-- dustry was transferred 15 it said in-- islature. tion of the dura-- managers, s present. ; l t'ion of .Ilegxsl.atul'e in 1879 | \ Eo e & s