p; l v"",~, " - - . " , - A . tTa3ir"Tiiiaf%r) uré "iattl, "a, - '. Ite: "ill 'ks.. 'use.:?,-:,.'-'"" . ' _-. ." live yew iii; imitation; h. , hf _, . ment. The comparison l ' ings for p13 sum included 9.9," ';' I "recline Ontario Agricultural Coll t T ed that t 'lo,",',', desert tto'.tigt " i said he, was too ridiculous to dine _ ings of var? sum 'fi2s'fhl'tt) q The Provincial Government, he would 356,058 of the further gm.» ; Ventu " had not endeavored to l rniture, and ' A!" - R' re to y, I tu d Brockville _ Td meet the views of the people our"!!! 5 period name es at ulmlco, . . the last few, years. The Government a V 5 several COttagleted and had' U - in some respects too liberal and too I had been comp ibBon touched um " expensive, but they should adopt a lmshed, Mr. gr questions eitectiv vigorous mining policy, and Show Inumber of ot fili, seat after having signs of encouragement to capitalists. ly, and took, bly effective speech. Salaries had also Wi,ii'i11edaee Qt madea remaika IE5 A Crown Lands Departmcn I , . I been a net increase of about $6,000. I MR. WHITNEY REEL ma i Hon. Mr. 1l'iTtly--why.don t the hon}. . Gibson's speech had ext; rtit , gentleman give the contingencies, an Mr. 'Gil and he concluded s 0 a l he would find a reduction of 35,000 or 0:3; 'tffi House resumed its sitting. " l 'iii,000. "f? that aWhitney rose to reply, and gfl,'ld '* I Mr. Crawford-l would lea1 . h a plunge from the P " l for some one else to show. I am left ed Wat rs Tl',' began by . u N! - l if it can be done some one else "i -l mem gssible at once either to " 'i H." I Jo it. Continuing. he cited other I: , not p .the tlgures that had been Pftr, i I stancts of increases in the. (190311.21: i or (ifmihe previous speaker. C, M?,., '._. R; V' tuents, and ("moulded by saying i; r~i . ed 5ing' the opinion that. JI keg» the beef at the Kingston 12in,i,tJi."thit,1iC, 'ditehr; had alleged that the av. . had been purchased at $1 80 per 9m_ l G: the goods purchased by the JI, ' (dved less than at the public insu 'd 'ernment were better than . l lions in Toronto. I purchased by the t'g,e/ga, (Erna V EFFECTIVE FIGURES. , ment. Mr. "1122333333? Referring . -nt " followed with an i with MEMO hi of the Central Pris- Hon. Mr. unison . d tellin" to the Wardens p d the opinion "xiverliv.gly ellevtive '"Y, oiii7e'is2 ( on, Mr. Whitney fifflr'l','irih have liked sPrtth, _,'.,';',??,',?,,'?,',, 51,,n1fi,?,n (riclibllc in- l that the 'lg'tve,'.fdmf,"Nv,f."'lh,1lt,v, ms. ti I g (groom .lll'L'S . ,l o have go . a 't,,r'it)lli1c',""i'v1dil.t/ the 093,;1?"22d 112;; l greats agio. si7.1u',fg,e,r1m,ed,t,, ttM been attarldnq so vigol'o .'. ' _ ointed n P. . . ' 1 Mr. Gibson showed, 't"',,t.ita/wttdAtTittt,t 3nd from the time at t'ei',napeit?ot,'y,',it candor. Hrs Ilr'st dealt .l,'1t/lv,t/l out by there had.' he "if?" the one hand, and went in parallel fW,gl)i'it'1)', last scs'w I tween Mv. Mastsl J other which brough , the: lender of the Opposi l pious SHIVI ' MP. PTY on i235 iarrGiiiii't". It W aa sion, going to show that.h111rhcl' ratci f about'iuLI y',")',';"',),'?,',,,'.?,,, Mr. Me , rr Mics were purchased at hd 11:301. Kina- l i 11311111.] katlijg't Csix Cabinet Minister. 'itll Gu. the rn/ntr.n.1 Piison t "e, m arison I F speeoh, West Wellington to hell)" I' yitott Pcriitentiury. This f/ll gellex- I some"? Patron condidate. The speech Mr. Gibson took s.l,'t"rua/t",lct/,'/ ihowing 1 font" 'idia4fi,"/Ui; said he, was agreat huustively and ",y"'2',t//',t.ai)'i',',l,v/, to have I Y. .3556 It had been alleged in some comparison aftey c"j/l,',?al/ns,,"/lr/.'l, the I ill/I".'),",.','; that the Patrons were in al- lbem m..isleydityr. .E-'mi . had 'been liance with the Government. He did price of rir'e m yin,,5s/.i'l1, colUmnS' not know but Mr. McPherson's speech . mentioned in the. hula tun"? anal , indicated, it. He asked Mr. Haycock I p,"iso hy Mv. name} as d and {our} l to state whether the member for Glen- - t secon-tertths cents ruff our: five cents! i gar": (Mr. McPherson) had been au-, I to {our and t',y"y? Y. 1 Prison nuts [hm-med by the Patrons to speak as he l WV ll'lll'1'1t"h£::'_:023';(:lhsoxi'sztld.f l had done. He then quoted from a (the court" ru",",,," s'.. , se on: _ _ eh he 1Nt?t'tt it,lil,,rst,,ttric't, 11rntt1/.rr 'lift.,,)',),;' 1'lfirthutt'vd,rrdeTirt.arigt J,? 1repre- thrs Pt'1.sur . " . av . S' WY; b _ . T em. cost three and i',r""irtfi'iilit/1f,'..f,Ptsta'r',c . sented "It"? f,Ne,ets.tthte,tit"ifot,'.v Mr tround ' "It: origins-Ermine per pound, 'rllf/twj'/"iankttir"st, had blushed. Arte four anu It - te ' . V' "if" . "-_r ' ' and that fot' the I/tsl".)'")),'",;,.':)?? lyulki 1lf/1'l"c,"t1t'i'mg,rrmdtj'Lvei,iif,Lt l half li'it.tt-1 pm. pm" _ I,. L? c'oul'se, for! rim] (00 no to believe that the Proving , ot the it". 1:."u11lv.wrtilaptt'c?,', rdutvs) Te PM imbus New methods of taxa- the tprts1J11u't"S. BIL-(":1 cents a" gal-i ISO}? "ill; {Ir u-ed had to be introduced had been that ""331 in the King-', fr 1, time-gt!) time to meet the In- hm ITU'., Krillti ii". "03 sour,)',',, no to 251 J.?/,21, "d ex lenditure Referring to the ' sum 1'cttittmtiat'y 'l'l/1clJ,otllUchri'),'on'"..',i "11(61):: acctliunts iii: Whitney claimed r It'tt'ct; a gallon m the t the latter' in" {here was not enough opportunity give, the frtrts wt're Wit" nd twelve anal on to irfiVs'i'/id't2 them in commit " , stitutiott ten, 1"de alion was paid-l Tin ,/i.i,Gii system was not so. AA rr one-halt tytlty Put gar the other in» /lh'. Tile had no satisfactory re " [or coal oil ; in some viii _ of the Yet' 'v(l'.v'1selfti,/,1,a, then quoted a quantl _ , stitutions tt small in"? L, that hum '1' 'ii 'ures showing a difference from best oil was used ior dung-he best oil U'wrglo 'sliif, in the expenses at the 9d fav hm)-tmi "ltilt, 'cascs to avoid ()'lo'r'ltral 3Prison arguing that they nad to 1)" "3d n\iurcover Mr. Mats should continue to decrease now as for- danp,vv ot. tire. ii r had rat" $4 13 a . lllcl'iv The cost per head at the Cen- tet' had said that" (s',,t,l1t'oi,l," Penitentiary tral "ifrr,2r',' he' said was $166 59. while batuvl in the ~I-\llnf~'t the Central Uri- it wt: but ii, 82 at the Kingston Peni- and $4 60 a /t',',?T1,,attdt"'tf,f years for i,1/ft'irir'i', "line "or more new omc1ait, son. The ties, I".:,'"',,'),'.') different. so had i,'cii, created every year by ifuii . these i,nfdt)Y'i'i'o.,, the contract was 0ch1311119th He prophesied that " "' tt),tt,ot')dtudr, i'sin5.!,:"'t'oit, "mew"? a? "°"'ly-allpolilted Commissioner a rd lit,' l: .... t . .'eie- . . ttout' a,tc1i "M, "unionists I c'orn- sl,ii/,irl.t1isethiv'ii,iist' fl'vf,e'dh1t'ron,.,,2 ber, 15:": ade l'or the three months V lion in every constituency. The Publl tract ra/h.',"'.), 1 nine months of 1894, Schools did not receive enough atten- left of "J" uni." tor the tirst period tion he claimed and the should be for $3 50 a but!" for the nine months sciuirzlie from the High 2,U'ho,l' Th and $2 90 l "all? e was $3 ll a harrel, Opposition had urged agreatel' punish. ' ot 1894 l the {nit-"gs only $1 50 a barrel /i/ir/t" for bl'leer . but the crime a ' and Mr. Martel l'lH1 when a contractor went on He urz'd that it riaonmeM out: 0.123311:sz $211k"? than the should be. the ptilshmentnfgr bribem swim" called for, some I": In referring to the election in Kingston I "m. strong quality would I'!,' Mr. Whitney said, had it been in Eng- extlam " to mix with the . limit} land, a constituency where commie "3:31 ttour ', but the ',",',et,,'i't,.ctoJ, "'29:" was so rampant would be at once dis 'fd charged with tho.se 1uml'itef. Ispeci- , franchised, . , soecnne _ . T3311 ttplc."',;','.')')',,?,', 2r,,u,,r,est,,11/c,'r,1,'.- TH E PATRON LEADER. Jected them it; "ti fsgtantiatt' his it was Past 10 oklock when Mr. Hay- crallengiyio" himpublio Accounts Com- cock rose. He tirst congratulated the chinrges m the - lProvincial Treasurer on the fair and m t ee. . ' the ups- lucid slatelnen . Mr. Gibson _.l,h,'i't11ii"titt',s't?gntttip out tlnances, and 211:0 't"ietligi,,i 'i? Jfe 81138- tion of 12',rt.acie,l'",'lmff,iti' 'tiii', manture- Position for their able criticisms The the Emmi"? tral Prison enjoys over demands for reform brought up irv the ment of the get-humor and gave it. Opposition he said were alwa I" - > [' Kingston iii?" of. his own, show-i down, and, after a reasonable tyim 'd Gl parallel "Items as entree. costing 2'4 I elapsed were introduced by the Govern ing tsuch l ii, in Kingston and six-' man, who then took di . cents per poun ound in the Centraii He was surn'l d ere t for them. teen cents "if then dealt with ment ii p Be to hear the Govern, Prison. Mr. Gl 1'fl"d,'d of the main-l tion of??? '0: the DNSperous Conttt- the charge mag": 'i/jr/ut"),,,',', had up: that (tH)jf:,e,r"i1t.))1r.'trifi,t2ii'i'," anticipated nam'e " - . . gen emen tii?ls'st'iiyiii1i,'tc'iit'i'e', as tPhgttgt.. ',ti:r1r1t'iii)1,i('iit,"t'tii fClle'l',tg '1epipripe . ins t a t t rther dealt _ "more and "s" . ion. Mr. Gibson u ms the Ottawa, . e $531132. Mitscamptteu's statement that 21th]? He dl :'y7/'/imt"tr,,t he Ont _ 'ODbosition we a