Ni aohts t aASe. . gw: s --morning Mem? --°r ( larter, Haycock, h, McPherson and Ferguson being sent. < Mr. Howland submitted a ®e-- trt of the proceedings up to date «#f > sub--committee appointed to 4#n-- igate the history of Governmeni ouse. It was mainly composed of an amlnado{,fir. Kivas Tully as to is knowledge of Government Hous, * anc Of »the repairs which have hbeen i to tho building. Mon. Johr pee b ~son was then examined #&. considerabt "'»nsth as to his experi-- erce while ho ling office, and as "t« usage in othe» states and countries 'His position was that the House 4s practically a sort of diplomatic centre by means of which the courtesies «0; he Province are extended to distin <h itors, agsociations mecting: P ..'mve a num instances in such cour Bstes had nded and a fay able' ade upon the visi ors, as~ sources and exteitt Of the O Great stress is l@i{ y the I WMial Government upon suc) . hospit he said, and in the stgte: of the' n much greater state «4s maintained. The salary should 'b« $£0,000 toentertain in a proper man net, he'&. and he added that th« Lieut.--Governor of Ontuwrio, with $10,-- 000 salary, does five times as much «en tertaining, etc., as the Governor--Gene ral, with $50,000 salary. A"~PRIVATE BILLS COMMITTER, ; 'At the Private Bills Committee thi: imortning, the bill to incorporate Por; ¥Carling into a town was taken up. AT lter a good deal of discussion, it wa: decided to grant it incorporation ms 4 village,.... Th.m,cunsolidnn- ithe of the C S Huron, to con ~fr by--law No, 25,007, Wingham, t "consolidate the floating debt of AJBHs ton, and respecting St. A ndrew": Church, Belleville, were also pasge! with armendments. f NOTES. Mr. Thomas Gibson, MPP., who «wa suddenly taken ill in the Private BHE Committee yesterday, is rapidly im provirs, and wiil probably hbe »~out again in a day or two. Prof. Mills of the Ontario Agrioul turat College, Guelph, was in th Puilldings yesterday in reference to t rebuilding of the Chemical Laboratory which was burveed down a few Gday ago. The laboratory will be at oncets built, and in yview of the demanda #o i\ more space. will be made a stores y higher. Part of the old walls will b _utilfzed in the re--construction. The Public Accounts Committee met | this morning, but did no business fur-- | ther than to look over a number of accounts and order some more to be laid on the table.