- p. "". _. _ -. J "dit C' OFIVIIQV ' tum Id mute mm" ' _ "c' ' T _ o""" F T. ' an; tro cu ' "muons. em. toe l Mr. Mieacharn---Bill to_amdth ' 'Mr ' le, to muke them taxtible. . E respecting territorial divtstons of . T mum-c1 tte,'"',','.?, bill to amend the I tario. 'Tl J _ -r , Ll disc] 1'e, act provides that where . I Mr. Marter--Bul to aml the 'm - . iii'r'iittrtult,U,",.tt,t, {319d by a person I age act. 1% er 0 e Council there », t ' al I 22:11 be a new election instead of the ', PUBLIC ACCOUNTS _ -,, "? " l highest ctutdidate taking the ' ho meeting of " uhlie "ir, l Place or the disclalmant I At t a . V mi . f Mr. Haycopkt bl . ,counts committee t a", , tariu s illrespeotirut the On- i papers relating _ . P? P, I stTo"nd""i,d,"t,t act is the same as tllel t maintenance for 13" Cr? lat on [ Isinn a 'f his two bills ot last Eetv tattle. Mr. Muthnson moved tor the'. 'iC'ri'l'a','/i"', cuts in half the fees nowI t1rstnils of travelling: expenses of l ('lathll' f P. 1.)": Ontario Medical Asso.. I Alt-ans. James Noxon,$.?.00: It. Christie. I tion ot tumstmtlon and "xamina-; tlh"',.eti. itlill T. r', fmayyyycle't.ly, ll/Pl. I H. ' Mr. II. K. Smith. Belleville, game I on. Mr. Harcourt introduoed a bill ', tin-pfwtnr. wan. on nmtlnn or :' (£23.12); to 1yy",T..iiT the Fommissioner/i Dr. 1rilliyttp,hlry, "MW?" to all-J. lit., "k J?y.y1y: \lt'tnrln Ntauara FallsI l"'nt' lutt'nrc the committee nex, at to giant tit'taitt lands to the Sus- i 'i"ttrwtliiy. Mr. tiny-wk moved for u I Pension nridycrt ('ulnpany_ I tlt'tallml statement ot tht. Central e " I DUNN)! the reading of tho hills Mr. I (m vt-tvip),, amounting to $20048 . it Illnwland rose to a questinn of Itrivil- t Th, FI-lvl'l C'ommittee re. Gove - I93". He referred to " lt'ptn't which i nu-nt lt.'irv,.-rr h-lrl a short meeting tht . iaml'arod In The Toturnto Star of Wed. I "turning. "Ht! Sir Crliver Mowat l Intmlay's tlchutt» on Mr. Crawrortr.si, thy twltitt't'. Mr. Rivas Tully, Govern Pntl-remediul legislation trtotlort, in I int-zit engine"): Lrao' evidence. .He sat I which an analysis of the rate was zir- I It," t1..\-t-t-ttttn~t.t Houst- building cosh-t I'm- stating that it showed that thcrc I in" :"".".".' in "To. tii'tit'e then the tSAC-a ,'h.'td been ad-ter-r..,. in favor. of Sir i I. ,'; !E.tli'r fur "lit-rations" and alle." (tlivt-t' Mowats amendment, 21 in fu- I tiscrc, Ill' to """""'.""" 'df, 1O4, has '\'nr ol' Mr. t'vawfovd'smotion, and IP, '.~:'I'll 5"i.'h..T...'l.l',). making a tyta.l ex- ;ln rat'snr oi' Mr Whitney's amt-uti- vnt, pot-.dittttt- to that d"; exclusive of-. ' imitl tuning on in make tho mistan of tvpalrs, of .tl'ii,1itwrs'6., _.. taming that the division list slum-mi Mr. Elm-tor suiunittod .3 detailed),, 'thosc' fipturcs. This latter statcmt-nt SHAH-Hid of tlie rvurt'nrlitures under} 'e 13tr. linwlninl (low-"111'" was a partit-n- I tliv Vav.lrts hoads in connection ttips" lurly R'I't)S.'§ lungztrh of tho privileges of ! (luxzvrnnnn'tt Jlrruco, which ho had ple, Ethc linusc. and hc tirotoutivusd it in i 11711311. This fins submitted. tit MN 'btrnnt; tn-rnm as a "llful ntlrzrt-ln'wst-w f q ully fur vrst'iiir'ation, he to report t . 'tation. TV mutt-'1' was Fit 5'1"an i "'51"? trr'?,". utu.lg. . - 'tlmt he thntiuht tht- 1lousux shonll, A HUNVS HILT.,. taki- nntiw- of it; but. as: he hm Hy .. _ t tFV ' ' ' 'knr-u at trt"oiitt what form tho " ti n: _ 'l '1" "1'94" "ills _i-."ytyotltree " of the Itsrttstr Shuttlti talre. Ito "with! I :ttiztl ptfit'tl tho a,yt.,re1.tl.1t'in,tr. the .1. ask thc Housrs to let the matter r.-.<t "l tus'.iv.i's'nly.oi't" tullll'EY P." to - " for it few (luvs. I ("in rpl ilumiltrn tar sun (1'0 ' also at: . 3 2m: 1sisnnrs.rcr'tuvi the trustees ogdi A I'rAKl'.SiH)l' HILL. I I???" Church, Hamilton, to borrow ', i,0 . _ . Tho 'lov:'!-',"." Isis acted 1""m'my t The third hill considered was one au- ill the math-r at the gt'lvtniim- ni the _ thorlztng the City of Hamilton to pay _y.'y.riit1viiit1t.t Mir-2's- Mr. "Vii-1"" "', ' over the bonus of 3225.000. which they lull r: "'Isru'tiir", lvahslwps t.uurssltlcs tlmt : voted to the Toronto, Hamilton & But- ull hula-shuns in which trto "l. iti' ', falo Railway. The bill is being urged plim shall I)» (unstrtn-t-ut as to "gill. I through by tho company through their mg. limtlllig'. ruminating in"! (hummus; snlivitnr, Mr. H. Carscalien, Q.C., hut in such " innunwi' as nni tn in: tlt'll'l-_I they found congidevable opposition. mental w: initirtttus to Hi" ll ulth wt 1 The creditors of the co ' includ-, any [MW-D xsorkittp, tu"iyiit. "trl sh.lli I ing Rmcry Bros.. who meted " also be kt-pl att all times in lt cicatt and , portion of the Wetland Mon, object sanitary L'HIl'llllul', 5n Ctr', lo 5L".'tll-' l;"' _ to the Passing of ttie blll unless " prmlm-tiun and 1urscii-vsuti.on ni "ll In" . clauses is inserted to mvide that the" fund Products tin rrni in .l wind. s/ch, I ., ; bonus money Shall be deposited in the' sump rmullttnn. it is Ctirth,u. mm'iilwl I Hank of Hamilton in trust. so that the! that all lutlwsliuim shitil. haw DWI-w" ci'cdltors may have alien on ft for! courrmitms'rss, lo It" 'llill'MV .c"ru'-'/1",' $85,000. whlch they claim that 1'3? fut"! and nut in (tilt-.1 ticniiiuIilcation owes thtuu. Mr. J. v., - iG . tvith the lrztkrshwp. dirt to in: item llt " spoke nn behalf of - Bros. _ J sanitary t-umlitimt. Thr. Murmur. rim'l'S; tunnel which was constructed nun] at oinitlni'w yi "re to lv. t-Htit'v'ls' Svinlr- ! Hunter street is also oomph. an: from the 'onliivst'r.tor,r. um! nu new"? against by the residents. who say t , s. is lit ht- axilum " lo SIM-1' in Stu-h shop. I it has depreciated the value of thet "e 1:5". "any" or" t.. he pruritlwi. Ny Property. For this they sued the rail" rmitlm't'l' Flu-H 1' wan": Milli}! 'rl' hul- ', way and got Judgment. The compnnr' [M- M" umpinym- it! any ink w,"voi, in have appealed and entered a suit. The "ark main than tin hunts in mi": "IN Hunter street people now want a yank, "mu-y" it; Isto.uttirshrtt ut' th- ir,- clause inserted in the bill pmvldln Sin-$1.21", givt'll ill xtcitivv, lit tl.. t'tli- that the Judgment they rccpived " t' Nun-r. Tlv. 'i-:r-tr;rr; :llrl' Ilill .l Itll- he final, an as to avoid further "(ICU-'1 _ tlp. (tlilui'i'l in» turns: in". th't- to '--:- tion. Their cause was championed by inspt-v-tnt's undo-r tilt.» itrt. Thi. ponztiLy Mr. J. w. Nesbitt. Mayor Tuckett _ Joy Vinlntiun m' the art is $20 tn 5") pi'I-svnt On behalf of the city; "1"" for th- lint oft', Itt \. tint to :iilny Hr lm- ruse-Inn was finatir potnpone0.k'iutrtt11 Iris Iltlittlll up ltr It) iuy.x, Mi thn S-'t't-llJ Wcdnesday next. I - .' . "tinting :tll'l i'tIr third and Sill;4"tIll".ll c,'S. -', , . . otftutru-s iiutpiisnnmrnt in: a pwt'tml NOTE' u_ 52Nrr nut exuding :-'i:\' "innit". A deputatlon of , " "imposed of Mee e . Till: AiiitU'UlaT1'llAi, (whim-zinc. Waikerton; J. P. Mo rm, 'ti I . . , Huh. Mr, (tilts-m. laid an th,, lilltl" it»- town: TI . ll. Lowe. g . V . , ., .- tB" "l ..s', Philip Heaaitp, G . " w". ~ A .2», tin\ thw It'lull't ol tito Hill-.1117 Ay:rn .t.- - L" " . 31 I' ll ".. fur FIU, lt is " "alum:i on the Governm '. ~ , "'51 "I". JI/f" o'.,. Juli is y",,.,,'),,.).'.';,',. 1'- urged that the .. " Ittitt "it" Ib', '."'l " l. ',' /l,'t""/ii:,/1,1/hliil','.",l, Ill: hit" i, payjns Ponce Matrt ' ' e in pl " lu.~ll.,t>\ Art I..,'. :r-L 'ul" "',.',,1rr',, . _ it less than 5.000 populjt " by f , [nus and tlruwlui,rs HI MH"rt'S.cr'H ttttd .it- a ' _ ", . . ' 'vr,cei b . discontinued and.payment v t was. tha- lt'|>ol'l ol th: I ll Mitt tit. .it- . . . . ' 'Er . .._ . .A er , ' substituted. They pointed out . Eid {up stating?, that tly work "itriitur, t.n det' th . . ._ .llt' was satisfactory, lll'fk'l'S u, l'ut' T .')"/','Ji"e,t, system a Police ' . 3": . ' ' F ,1." I T hates fees ( epend nn the r '.l ' untt'tlt- ptmttnn tin ('llltl't llllnls T . . " '/t'.titrt'1': "dttr-ational institutions hur "we. and maintained ttu V l '.gr I' '."' ..t. . . .n. _,' .._. ,. in the interests ',i,'t'trlfi," cd,. g tug wholly to it 1) on tts lll'l.l.v. l"., I - . 'i.' number of students in uttt'mlunw- "as r A tlclvgatitm from th '. " / aC.Gow L:,0--150 in the Kent-11d t-tml'sr and In» I 'd'.tl"f'f, of the Kingston School of Min- ' i" tho Oolvy SWIM}. (If Iliusr- in the; [mt ym,,.,A.Etityltyr.t, including Mr. E. gum-val (-nnrsv oxnrtlv N) lit-r (--nt,--' tl.. ll. Pense and 11r.. Cr. Y. Chown, "WHY all "1|.me y4tttlr4---Ntsris will" waited tipnn the Minister of Ads t mun-i... Six ot' the inn "uiv.v sttt.t.;..t,;, I ture this morning and asked Tt't'f"tr tsorvrtssaideuts--fotw fruit] L)tn-l,.-(- ( assume the yearly matntena. . and th-- l-lrlstv't'n l'rnvtm-c:=. tilltr tum Dairy Schnnl established in r 'S" tho t'ixllml Styli-u, and mat- fros in 1894. . .. , A Walce. Tlw Cth'r't'ltrrt? age " stud Ha Tht' "on. Mr. Dryden - - .. I in tin- gent-nil (-nurxr- was 20 _'v'\':'I<II give their rewest due co jiwi'f"; and of tltns' in tho dairy L':', "ting Th . I V" 9.29.3", , Proslwtnrittns laid in Point of 1tttl'.l, f ' lit-rs in tho gmwl'ul cum-3w. whi1o thu' sMrtltotlists at: most nunwrnus in tho dairy cunts-e The establishment of R I . ptvir'aratory derarttnot in July lvst, . has enabled tho t uncar- to make a mum. i satisfactory c1assitication nf stune:its l I The tvport also Punt-Aim; the rupture of the various departments, uimwing' the I > progress made during the year. ' . I n" .