L U * crearters eir Claims under e o --rmg wetter enforced. which 1 | the ' ~and preferences act, : '}idue to the sentiment ainong the" Or & ereditor may assign his sectrity | people in favor of presel'\'l.ng"tlil)e 5A to the administrator and rank as an {ot' the province. and espec i'y unsecured creditor for the full amount | As regards ducks, the SDT nfv;,, of the debt on the estate. | shooting had become scuue.hzttert LONDon 3 1 | frequent convictisem}. SO"': L Tang NPON OR BRANTFORD. | gulations were #teded in the r uo There was an immense attendance atj |rence flats to stop the ?,"St{;,r," Ob" the Private Bills Committee this imorn-- | |ing ducks by means s 'd{):m fi-erre in=/ ing in anticipation of a lively discus-- | |The Deputy Game W o rovinee partly sion 'over the bill relating to the City active through024 th8 P unuch remun-- of London, and especially with regard ' because there was not e'nut_Jt'f as hard to a clause respecting a reduction of ; ération in it, and becanse 1 l" o 19 k the assessment on the Grand Trunk' 'to get evidence enough .tl) eA * property, if they sh« re conviction. a r f shops there fnurz lxrl'zx)xrtll(l()x'tflt,'-t' hei! | Smith's examination .wcu)piled the I Before taking that bill up, the bill | whole of the time of the meeting. respecting the Land Security Compa | r 3 DN was dealt with. Mr. t & Kore appear. | _A RAILWAY DEPUTATION, (t';}];néwrt)"r'-) tth'k comm t.rmj- 4 :1nd. stated | _ The following gentlemen comx'ms'ed r liere was no objection from the deputation who waited on the Govern ?hfll't'hfll(]r'l's to wshe bill. Forty dollars ment after the House rose this afte has been paid up on each share, and noon :--Mayor Thorburn . and Dep P they have made an additional call of Reeve Drynan of Almnonte, and Messrs." '51'.)'11"811.111'5\. and other calls may b>e J. R. Rosamond, J. M. Rosamond, D." ;'i;;f;i?,l,.)"tll{]l.'fln\l\»l:? [}" ns g ""'h; Eng-' Shaw, Robt. Cameton, w . F{ .Staf?"l'd'. P ires ich are maturing, as D. M. Praser, M. ~4J. MeFarlang, 'lh.\-_\ cannot readily dispose of their Joseph Ainley and W. P. McEwen. property. The Chairman states that Messrs. Thorburn, Fraser and others 2'.31!1.15'1:. 'il':'}} ')wglslutmn' was new in ,Un-- addressed the Ministers and :LSkt'!! f.m. s i bill l;ilq;.t\i':,"_"[, new in Engiand. ne a subsidy of $2,200 a mile for the Carp, | "Mr. Kerns bill to enable the trustess.| Almonte & Lianark Railw "-';f':"]d oy of EKhox Ghuren, Aotog '[') \4::" '_";m'hT' ticularly eleven miles of ;'t'.'\\'lyrl Th)'l lands and ;l\'qllil'n-'U(}'!-'l'; 'lll~:n nassed i ,"mh to have ('r)m])letP.d'tl e ," t;'[l '} & 5'1 ! i Mr. T. G. Meredith t"i'x\l -S')l]i("lrl})r s total lelngth of the road is to Db | |London, briefly explained the first few tmiles, '('Om'men('l'ng' at Catp, in Canitci, clauses of the London bill. 'The first | ]},-':;u::gq (Eunnh':g to Brid'gewart{er, in clause provided that the city of Lon-- | FI.";m'hs i 4.uunt), and, passing through don could by by--law assess the Grand| enac and Addington, 8 4 'i"xunk property at $275,000 for a period | NOTES,. of ten years, and under certain condi-- | Tp 4 s * tions exempt them from local improve-- | _ Fthe Railway Committee held a meets, ment rates for the same period. It | ng this morning and;, passed the bill also provided for the confirmation of | relating to the Lincoln Radial Electric | an agreement between London and the | .'\flli\\';tb'- the London Street Railway Company, which provided for a bonus , and the Ontario and Relmont Railway. of $1090,000 to the Comvany. Mr. Mere-- } dith contested the statement made in j a circular distributed by the City of | Brantford to the effect that the grant-- { ing of a bonus was against the well-- | known policy of the Legislature. He | said the Legislature had always given power to grant bonuses. The Chairman asked if any one was present on behalf of the Grand Trunk, | but no one answered. t : Hon. Mr. Hardy made a long and eloquent address on behalf of the City | ot Brantford. He saitd he was not act--| ing with any hostility to London, but was always trying to see that London i got what she was entitled to. The bill goes further, however, he thought, | | than what was announced in the House, 'when it seemed to be merely granting power to London to rebuild their car | shops. But they were seeking to ab-- sorb the shops of another municipality. It became a very grave matter when they sought to take a shop worth hun-- dreds of thousands of dollars and to throw--.four hundred men out of em-- ployment Mr. Hardy quoted from the agreement bet ween the City of Brantford and the G.T.KXK.. wherein they ho d contracted to "Kkeep erected," and contended |, that that meant for all time. He also claimed that bill as framed was not binding, as Brantford was not mentioned in the preamble. Mr. Hardy also quoted several decisions to prove his contention that the shops were e@ tablished in pervpetuity. Continuing, he said that not a man wanted to make a change. They had all become settled and spent $150,000 ear in the city. There was no question of poli-- tics in the matter at all, as had been asserted in sorge quarters. | Mr. Meredith, in reply, said the com-- pany could become released of their | obligation to the city by paying $32,500, and Sir Rivers Wilson. the new G.T.R. president, had reported that London | was 'better situated for the. purposes | of the comnany, | -- Mayor Elliott of Brantford, Mayor Little of London and ex--Mayor Henry of Brantford concluded the discussion. | The question was put, whether any| portion of the bill referring to ""'\ &G. T. R. and the two cities should be | included ? On the yeas and nays being | called that portion of the bill, viz., elauses 1, 2. 3, 4 and 27, was defeated by a vote of 36 to 19. The balance of the bill, with the exception of that part relating to the sewage, which was passed, was re-- ferred to the Municipal Committee, THE GAME LAWS. Mr. H. K. Smith, one of the Provin-- cial Game Wardens, residing at Belle-- ville, was before the Public Accounts ' _| Committee this morning, and was ex-- amined by Dr. Willoughby as to the '_lefficiency of the game laws in his dis-- i ' trict. _He said that the laws were be-- i