will, . _ i i: 'lrllrd'irdlded'el'e1t -------rteg',r=t'leti====aaio-uar strkr=t'ar-ee====i;amio-uaCir= T __ .. . ' " $1", L. I l ', , , 1-..- " "W71 i Ction 4 or T v NOTES. . t the act assed ins _ - . 1'ef),iticftiiis' that ll "r'i1hel'lr1t?1e,'h' The repcgtbtflf ththg'g'/ititoU,'o',/"tt'i a not be necessar to c -3 one and u C I ftitute the relation of landlord Enid! hospitals remarks that one more tfit f/Hy, and makes some rovisi M pital the General Hospital at u l, simplifying the procedure dander (the l bury, has been added to the list of the 'OVheirholding tenants act. ' charities receiving 5irjt'gg',%t,lt. 'ducil- Chaimie's bill to amend thei Two more, the 1yg1,,i,'1dlruiu,'fG H . Ipi'ovii? and watercourses act makes,' tal and the Woodstocb laced u . f t"n'i'i'n'i"lll.1, for the protection as well as! pltal, are applying wt 'U,'ll%'l'u " _'.. der thought-e ot works constructed un- the list.d $he 813;);23037 in 1880 to _ - F . increase front ' 1031"." ).,1,.r,cl.lcyyrrs, bill relating to $110,000 in 1895. The hope isbeexggf{:% CT titnben "WNW makes some few ed that greatcr interest may 'Fdd'u'mal Provisions for the security by the municipalities conveniently of th.. i Ari-wt of the Crown in timber" situated to hospitals in contributing! on public lands. l T yearly grants- towards their mainten- ' [tit 1lr)VliPsNMFhNT HOUSE. , "Tr'). Howland is giving n. e "tr. B Sir William lionhuni, who was Lieu, bill to amend the muniet ,. Pi, tenant-(1m cruor of untario for a num- Reid (West Durham) triv T (_' , _ her of yours prior to its" appeared be bill to amend the Jurors . .. _ z c, "4 _ fore the Select corrunittird re Govern- The Municipal Comm! " " " M" 35.1""! 1iouse this morning. Mr. Kiwis mornimr and Int-999d tl couple, l, 7 _ t. l', J ully, the Govtuuunvnt engineer, rc- The Municipal Law Commit " Fam : norm-d that the total cost of the In- their first meeting this morn TiF' " iE VI flinfltwn Ills to the cud or 1395, ex- The meeting was for 01""? w'; :4:::1i'§: _(_3f the Governor's salary, was and Hon. A. S. Hardy WM - a . 1 i _ 5)li"i'i7. Arr. 1litycock's liming were I Chairman. It was yiangtirttefd L 1llrWainls ot swim» to the end of 1894, Hardy's bill respecting 01130071,," "Winding the salary, should come up for consider. C' t' MP., Sir Olisit. Mownt was in the chair Tuesday morning at 9.30. as, y and examincd Sir William at some Mayor Fleming. Add. "1;, '33". li'llgth. blir Oliver asked Sir Williatn's Preston interviewed G. ay. "i' » a. l ,'a"cf. tr "blown as to tho desirability of main- Robson in the Parliament - w pep ti/y/ng the institution, to which Sir this morning with re6M5 - "1'? NN illium replied: "it is a very desirable tieultiesg in connection " '43" .Queen.' thing. 1 think a person Occupying.r that 'street subway. Accordg g _ t tom imsliion_ representing the I'ruvincc and of the new general ' ' , .tr11 th _ the IrcoIyle of Ontario. should be in a po- bridges along the comp ' "a. - must; c' sulcm toprorirly receive and entertain I be made stronger, wr a "teWIQm I pl'nrnim'iii llt'olblc " ho Chill!) to the i this morning was in re "a." thele rity Hind those of our own pmmle. fur the changes int-1 " _ay."1'he_i F 'l'lwrc is fl. great advantage in that tvsult was that thed jultiel will " way. Very {ow people would he in a probahly be all remov " _ 'ps l-Hsition to nri'orni that duty pro- At the meeting Li e Put q Ae __ Irrtl.v. Purim: my time I had Lord counts Committee this morn ', Lisgnr and the I'rincr, of \Vali-s. There tor Christie was preyentt "iEiii3 won- so many children and others; with Private way answered . them that I had to engagc another nuestions in regard to th ., c. "NIM . lumi- house to. make room for them. ' fop the London Asylum. It ". ' l'vrsuns rm h as thy-so," he continued. l [mar before the committee next Tues. I "should not bt, "I" to a public plum may for examination in reference to More nronum-nt [mimic had visited the sumo matters. Dr. Bryce. Secre- I tic-\wrnnn-n' llousc in his time 1r1'l'- ill-12V (if the Provincial Board of Healthy (lmps thnn in any nthcr similar poi-ind It', daily m receipt of letters from Elli iSilit'i' its rv.crt,lrurhttwtrt. Many urn cn- l Irturrts 0f the Tjovince approving of _tsvrtttitirrrl tum-.- nhu Would not burn tho proposed bill for the compulsory I ivwn critm'ininmi in any othct' way FF l insru-ct.'on of meat and the establish- l Sir Criivey- .. in) you think any public int-lit ot abattoirs. good urosv from it 'r' Sir \\'illir.inw"'i'ln- visitors rm-c-ivcd more Casir;tlrlro imnrrrt'ions than they !otlv-rtsls," inn-xiii." l, "Tin 5urrslirltilitno good the public li- 'c-i\'wd was t'on:trnt'nsttrttti? with Uri ".V:rr"ls0 I"' "I think thorn. wrist coinprmsaiion to tho country fur it ft " Could Hm cntv'rtuinmrnt ho tlone with smaller grounds T' " Home of thorn could he ontirrtainerl with smuilvr buildings. but many of tin in would not," in .('iliy to anothcr question, Sir "'illiztui suid lu- thought thy iinnrcs'siuu lilllfii' mum visitors at the li'ver'lliviHlt lluusn was n Iiry fnvoru,lrlit "in: in- wards ("al.ndn. Tho conamittciawill sit again next Friday. HAMILTON HAS BILL. This was another big day for llam- iilton in tho Prirntrs Hills Crrrnruitttos. l Mayor "rttthctt. i'ourtevu alds, runn, tho City Solirltwr :imi City Clerk 1Tr'ti 'riown to discuss and hour discusrwd Mr. MidrllM-iu r: bill tvspe'r'tinp: tho Hamilton (ins Co. This bill nroposcs to re-ncnl thr. hill barman] In the intnr- t est of the company in IS90, which mum l 'tili'lll " prr'rstual charter. Tlw, .cit.v!, 'now claim that the not was pussndi without their knowledge or consent. 'i'liwir original tshartrst. was granted in 15130, for 50 yours. The fjr;ht to-day was ln-twunn the capital inxmstw] by the Gas Cmnpnny, on the understand, ling: that tLo, ilirirter was to he por- I petual, and tho inn-rests of the city, i which "on: rt'ttrcvsented by Mr. S. ll. Blalre. QI'., and who (Muir-nil that the charter was in the nuturr- ot' a mono- poly, and that it was granted without their knowledge. Mr. ll. It. (islet Q. I c., was pros-mt on bchalf of the "31' italists. Mr. J. t Small rcprcsontmi tho British capitalists. After three hours" debate tlirrummlttere adjourn- ed. In tin) 1onut.rstirru'sins,- that tin- ' parties wcrc to nn'vt and chdczivor to come to a sotilomcxt before the next l met-tingancxt Tucsday. The bill relating to the town of Sar- j,, nia, pmpoworing the town to closo i Thistle street in the neighborhood of the Ht. Clair J'Imrcl. was passed. with the exception of the clause rclating to compensation to property owners which will be settled afterwards. " fl