e es m s rxttsci." _ in " crdetr 10 way track, and would not be the best serve the ends of the Dg'rt ]l'ér:nfll wthe man to judge as to whether a llcense' the strongest political dea missioners, was or was not needed in a certain country, Some of the co'!!n to give up place. Another objection was that an he alleged, had been aske did not do appeal lies from a conviction by a their positions When tholoht it was Magistrate under the license law to political work, He though Warden the County Judge ; that would make a slao in the face for eVeryvernment the two positions incompatible. Again, in the Province for the Gtgusted as the County Judge is empowered to sit to say they must not be e daid not in judgment on the license commis-- license commissioners. __ H S SIOY Of | sloners and to revoke licenses they think there had ever been adse Tatfon grant improperly ; that would mean an the Legislature in which a ept come appeal from the County Judge to the of temperance people had NO the li-- (jounty Judge. Once more, the trial of and asked for amendments to NAE license inspectors charged with mal-- cense law. In concluding, Mtt'{ t the feasance in office takes place before the wood expressed the opinion tha ort County Judge. As a matter of law the people of the Province would s;xpri)on_ County Judge was almost disqualified the method of appointing comm sso T | from holding such a position. ers proposed by the leader of the Op I | As for Wardens and Mayors, they position. Mar-- | might be owners of large amounts of This concluded the debate,. Mr. tahe ; personal or real property whose value ter spoke briefly, contending that | depended on the granting of a license. report of his speech, after the Londog | Suppose a Warden to be the owner of election, from which Mr,. Ross ha . | a hotel property, would he not be plac-- read, was not the same as that given | > | ed in a position where his interests by The Globe, which, he said, was COr-- |. | might clash with his duty ? Again, in{ rect s (B I a city a brewer might become Mayor ; * _ how many licenses would there be onl THE DIVISION' Toronto Island under such cireum-- y n at 11 p.m. stances ? There were several licenses The dll\;l:éogs y;(::]smwt{;ki_ granted for the Island under the Mc-- and r('suB tty (Lecas), Bennett, Brow--| Carthy act, Mr. Ross reminded the Y%s--'eefi. }éra,wford' Currie, Dynes House. ;f' mam(ga_n',ey ~ Haycock, Howland, This was a most fallacious and dan-- alll8, Kidd Langford, Little, McCal-- gerous proposition, Mr. Ross contend-- | Kerns, 'D" Ald, McLaren, McNaught-- ed in closing, and he recapitulated Lis | lum, M(' onald, * & od, Mar-- © Dirinfia % + n P e en on, McNeil, McNichol; Magwood, s arguments briefly, incidentally raisii.g | @r, M ham, Preston, Reid (Adding-- the point that the proposed scheme | Pore Mfi e ie ' St John' Shore, Tucker, could not apply to the unorganized disi l %',':')'-0?3'&':,0"31 o * * i tricts, which stand peculiarly in need ghby--S1, Par of vigilant administration. The PrU;' q(iig';--g&réar%x&:gmBeBaJ:{ éam;': ; vince had increased in sobriety and j S » » a + -- € * P Chapple, Chariton, .. temperance, the standard of the hoteis ' bell, -- Carpenter, wées! M had improved, the number of them had | Cleland, Craig, Dana, Davis, nDiI?'Ii'eld « o cor ts h uep ig infarratinn | son, Dryden, Farwell, Ferguson, ta c decreased, during the administration > & 1 (Hamilton), _ _ % by the Government of the present sys-- * F!att. on acan GI'{ s:')(X:IOl.ll't Hal'dY:'- tem, and there was no demand for the ;}lbston N{»(}'{}g;';")(bxm:l) McKay (Vic-- »hyc ¥( 6 5o Ar '. g + r change. (Applause.) mria)'. McKee, McLean, McNish, Mfld- MR. HOWLAND'S SPEECH. dleton, Moore, Mowat, Mutrie, Pardo, r Paton, Richardson, 'Robertson, Robil-- * Mr. Howland followed Hon. Mr. Ross lard l.{nss Smith, Taylor, Truax--44. : in a brief speech. He said he was glad I)a:lrg.__M'(hsgrg_ Loughrin and Bush, to see the Minister of Education in an ("onmée and Miscampbell, Hobbs and 3 improved physical condition and he Gurd, O'Keefe and Matheson, Garrow had treated the subject in a state ap-- and Hiscott, Bronson and Whitney, 6 proaching exhilaration. Proceeding, Stratton and Reid (Durham}, Evan--| J Ml} Howland 'sz'.ill he thought & n'mt'.h turel and Haggerty. | id evidence could be produced :.mumsl"ll- The customary votes in supply were | a cense commissioners as partizans. The then nassed and the House adjourned previous speaker had offered to have at 1.1B-- B a committee appointed. but he thought I e s , committees were always apnt to reflect BILLS INTRODUCED. the disposition of the L:u\'t'l'lnipK ma-- M 'ourt introduced to-- W B jority of the House. «The Minister of dn.ljuz;l'hil:l"tlo. "fi?{g fur:hor provision for f Education had said that the Warden the payment of suceession duties in or Reeve of a municipality 'n)i;',hl be a ('l*;'li;in cases. Th's bill is intended to % brewer. A license commissioner, also, prevent t-{'utqiohs of the act by dispos-- ~a¥ the speaker (nnl'-.m!'-.i, might 'h;l\'u an ing of the property liable to duty in the CRX indirect interest in the granting of a lifetime of the owner, and mikes pro--| y license, HMis brother or cousin or some \'l:inn to recover thf:' duty where nol & such relative might have an interest executor or adminisirator can be made f in property which \\'«_mhl l'n' u.u-n-;'.s«-t.l ;i:~(-<»u11tal)lc and empowers the Pro-l in value by the granting of a liceonse. vincial Trea'surer to commute the duty «@ 1 4. J. DAVIS. payable on any future estate for a pre-- MB MA E. I. DAYI sent sum, and--~provides for the pay-- * Te ; Mr. E. J. Davis followed Mr. How-- ment of dutiegsupon annuities in four |» FrWk * land in an excellent speech. Under equal naymcu'f.'. $ $ wA | the present system, he said, the Gov-- Mr. St. John is introducing a bill to p" ' ernment assumes all the responsibility amend the assesgment act. It provides ; a for the administration of the law, and that where mx are payable by ln'l [ ; if mistakes are made can remove the 6 stalments, and 5 per cent. is added on | J | commissioners at once, and there was | default of payment of any instalment, abundant evidence that the S.\'Sl"llll no further percentage is to be a.ddedl " worked well. The proposed commis-- | for ten months from the time the per--| & | sion would be much more cxansi\'-.i centage became due, and thereafter| . At present the commissioners work | one--haif of 1 per cent. is to be added | | * without fee, but the County Judge | for every month or portion | : a \ [ would naturally expect adequate re-- | of a month during which such ' NR § muneration. Then the proposed board | default continues, and --in other} TR OB would be hard to get at. Now, when * municipalities -- one--half -- of J" per wRX [ complaints are made the board meets cent. for every month or portion of, f usually in the same place to go into a month during which taxes remain B Ethe matter. There being only one unpaid. f board for the entire county, travelling Mr, St. John is also bringing in a bi A expenses would be higher. The pro-- to amend the municipal act, which en-- y$ posed board would have a divided re-- ables the Councils of incorporated vil-- sponsibility, which usually meant more lages to pass by--laws regulating and| responsibility. Should such a shocking licensing hawkers and pedlars, Y thing occur as the malfeasance of the Another bill brought in by Mr. St., ie County Judge, a much more difficult John is to amend the registry act by process would be needed to get rid of enacting that assessors are to have ~ him, while the Government now can the right to inspect without charge take summary © action. Then -- the plans in the Registry Office, and ];ér- [ Vybz:rdena ('m:m be pr;lxctivnil'.y irrespon-- sons registering plans are to notify the \sible, as they were elected in January clerk of the locg \and the licenses are granted in May, registration, . j s iiQ batlty --O¢ such so that next February or March when the House reassembled a new Warden AsSSESSMrEN'T CnHaANnNcRS® t would be elected. For these reasons _ y ngago ef he would oppose the amendment. i Pr. Ryerson has brought in a bMI y ( 0 amend the assessment act. It @h M } MR. MAGWOODS sSPEECH, the assessor power to require -- mer-- c .' & f angy 'hants to give him y 'cmant | Mr. Magwood thought that a goo C the vanu ns ; _A sworn stateme & y of the members on the GO\%(m(z 2:(}\1:1 \,flltl:'o'ui: their personal property, | ment side owed their position to the i)t:ny r:;ul :fi 's.mbs' value of the pro-- C work done by the officials appointed edness owi y g")b,s, amount of indebt-- 'by the present Government. The com-- rovides t} ngifm resvpect thereof, ; It.] 4 pmers, he declared, were prepared | Zm thekfshfl'tmt}ay Li)'tl ;\';fill?l}gm'u' o oo p. e " A i KSQ! from ene end of the Province to | there are arrears of taxes ?1?\2?2?1 finy 4 parcel of land, the Treasurer is mm |