. _ F order f tide a return" of said classes of can")??? ttttthe.'. of s'tt5g,'r'ieSlitEle'ts) the Gov- and paid for oo comm Muo QI exce t ernment in or for the toxvnship, and erase. (b) all other expehns f rm tign . also for the entire District of Mus- dividends. bonuses. or t e f,',', a t . koka. This suggestion was concurred of rests, (c) dividends, bonuset, res s. in, and the order as amended passed. Ill) the percentage of the whole am- ount of the premiums charged and PUBLIC BILLS. actually paid, or assessments rated and collected, which has been in each Mr. Stratton moved the second road- 5 of said years by each class of com- ing of his bill to reduce the number; pany in Ontario applied to and paid of men to compose city and town Coun- l for (a) commissions and brokerage, cils, as already explained in The, (b) all other expenses except divi- Globe. He said there had been a feel- i hump bonuses. or the formation of ing for some time that City Councils .. rests, (c) dividends or bonuses and were too large. He thought they could , rest or other" like fund; (12) a compar- be reduced by about one-third with ad- i iron of the relathe cost to the insured vantage. He had obtained all the in- 1 l in each class of company and the re- formation be possibly could, and he} _ 1.,th advantages to the in- wished to draw the fattention 011' "mi Bure of insurance in each 1overnment to t e act that all the. class of company in each of said towns and cities In the Province re-l years. showing the same by way ot quired legislation of that kind. Mr. l percentage, or otherwise; (13) such Stratton then read quotations from al ' other facts connected with tlre insur- gluinber 0E letters h: had rec-Shed "(hm . ance in the Province of Ontario (if ayors o var ous owns en orsirg ls [ any exist) which would arrant les- bill. _ lslation for the 'ltrJtgl1t1fl,?'tlifl benefit I Mr. Cleland supported the tll, and of the insured; (14) the t'i1','iri't;iii"t"vi'l suggested that the number of Court- fetui0ility or propriety, and the advis- I a11o"//."lai,.? //'l'dny" ttiureftufc1, at,Uroe,; abilit . of establishin , . . te' 'l,,'lh%/T,, $333321 tire lnsuranceg. of the ward system 'wouid do away or " Provincial bureau or system of with the petty politics in small com- . munitlcs. There were too many Coun- tire insurance ' and that the said com- . . mittee consist of Measrs. Gibson (Ham- cillois. and very little remuneration. ilton) Haycock Macpherson Davis. To ask the men to canvass the whole Garrow iiiriiiiiiln St John and Con- of a, city would be asking too much. mee with powers to send for persons Tho ('ouncils in most cases could be 'oapers and documents and take Circ very largely reduced, but he lid 'not dence upon oath and otherwise as think it'would be desirable in tho th _ d ' .- larger cities for any of the members of ey may deem necessary an Propet the Council, except. perhaps, the for thenpurposes of such inquiry and Mayor, to be asked to seek the surf- report. maps of the whole city. Mr. Hardy .30" Mr. Gibson "tft?, that he said he could not support the hill in would have to otter some amend- Its entirety, and as the changes it PPO- - [l enta to the motion. Hc IPI not posed had not yet been thoroughly ' t to see the House committed to discusscd it should perhaps be left over t-rinclple of municipal fire lnsur- for anothcr year. ' FIN ift,t,t,,.mtytns,tr,t",tvg,ut,11,t21,rbt. Mt. t'vawford did not thiglk the cities ' .c- "I" 0 y . - wore any better governe now thanl I ' " the principle of municipal five they were when there were more Alder- Lt fence. The first change he would m"). The election of Aldermen from F. , ttttt would be that the committee the city at large might be an expel]- ould not be instructed to undertake l give proceeding, and he did not thinkI so extensive "an inquiry, but should 1' the class of men would he improved. 9 be appointed to receive such Informa- Mr. Strutton thought no better' HS-. tion as may be brought before it. Fit- prcssion of opinion should be hooded teen years. he thought, was rather too than the lcltcrs he had read. but he long a period for inquiry; live would would for the proscnt withdraw the ' he a better term. Clause 4 he would bill. This he accordingly did. strike out; it involved a great deal Mr. lloulnnd H.' bill to amend the act of calculation, for which the oommlt- respcctiu: ('MIViIVIHH'v of real t'rrtatp . tee would not have time. Clauses S. by married women was given its sec- , 10 and 11 he would also have struck I ond reading. t out. tor the same reason; and clausc l Mr. Flatt withdrew his bill to amend . 13 he would alter so as to read, "which i the municipal act. i would Indicate how the cost of fire itt- I ' surance might be diminished." Clause i SiNKlNG FUND LEGISLATION. 14 he would change so as to authorize 7 F I .. r . a tlar, . the committee to receive any informa- '; "tll'),,,"',,';',',,'";'),?, "tTi).', {h} lsy'fnd tvctrl- . tion showing where municipal tire in- , , . . . .- v.'.'.. mm" ' 'tl tl1i'.urs- H . , po ntmt nt oi sinking fund collimissndi- surance had been in force and discon- l crs in cities ot' ov r 40.000 , . . tinned. and in what cases it had hot-n i Th" 1,01)" Lwouli. 1e- . ' .l-)lwumu(m' ' . "u', . . . t l Jt? (Ulnlmsvd of the found necessary to lellLSUll' in ordin- l Mayor the Chairtttr f ,, ary line companies. JJ.'he committt-ci r, .' ' Ill o the l, Inntufta might be increased by the addition of F l ommittee. and a 11"" man appoint) the names of Hon. siCiiarisr Mr. . biv the. (itilllll'll. lilo - sinking fund ar . and Mr. Mutrie ' I o the city would ili' placed y the cred. 5" _ _ thought the objcct in ap- ' it of the Board of l yrun!issiomys, and . = . .. "committee was to have it all moneys collected for the fund would - I '.. " the insurance 'om mimics be paid over ty thum and by them in- ,Ta _- m} too high rates an": View vested. Mr. G_crman stated that the " _ vented. He was in favor of' lull had met with the nIrprovul of ill:- 'the number of years to tif- leading financial mm of Toronto. . 'li,' . Gibson had changed t,o't"11i,tv1rllt,1,t,"e. tv1htiht.. {he hm had l . . ' a . . ' I'lll'uul a it-ntioi l |vexY§ment LtetiC,Takvnla, JC/gt warrant the Ilousc in taking aciioilfi of the committee, which he esti- lint it would perhaps be wcll to allow', . ted, would be $25,000. ' it to tro to l'unnnittce. Mr. Crawford I . Hon. Mr. Hardy thought the motion thought thcrc WHS no particular fault , . _, Intended to allow the companies l in the IHisent whim" Hon. Mr. Gill-i _', My whatever information they i 5"" said he supposed. they were discuss- 5 . P, and a bear their own cx- ing how the tuners! of the bill should} t's._a'IMreomrnittee should ho al- be conducted. (Laughter.) He thought I R, IN 3 ensemble time in order to ' that in the larger cities, "inch the bill' _ ii.", ..hn exhausuveinquiry. As it was i 1was intended to apply to, the sinking " TUh'), 11sz tara'; there are bullshit-lo not apt to _ diverted. Mr. . 3 th the - ies will de- 1 helman icplicd that it the bill went to It'lr'it 2:33: talpot rtr,',1"ty,1-Jt,te town 2','ly,l1t,,t,c,' :iltu/ih, 'andfoa)a/,i.e, might Iw . emen s ar it , , .s V0" eac " . . . 'rt nd never put it on the first $312111: nWary to change 1.itshem2"ih.'"u,i,tle. Soc.. _ out)! improvements \vcre made In was thtm gisin its second foam"; ab/lil Pthfl'iu,"d,e,1,1igh,/,ecl,it not think sell?r to\tIhc 'hliunicipal Committee. very much and U/tll'.,",,"),)",-?:,',' 1't'l-ould do Headin = gglmanl moved the second] cur the expensess Y collr not .ln- tr ts bill respecting the an- uggested by the lead- nual revision f ., , .. I er of the Opposition. The motion then provil d o , MPrte lists. This hill pesed as amended. new ii; In)" instead of making out a i "as": Mr. 1',1,',s"t"p, accepted Mr. Mar.. t.'y"il;rihfrdo"/atv1e,f't'te1'e')ii','etdrt'1v' atgd I ugzes on that the inquiry cover Jud e th ".v y e fifteen Years, and the motion as a _ th . ' e Judie shall yearly take up ended passed m- e old list, rev se it, and after having . it printed h . t i Mr. Langford mo . ave a complete list for the the House for a 1rhforstewo/1"tgf, 21:11;- Hon. My. Hardy th<§ught there amount the Government obtained tor and ',,,,n.1'2,1frCoj's,' objections O' the bill. timber limits sold In the Township of " h Uggestetl that it would be well to Oakley. the amount obtained for tim- lh t draw it for ii'tlme in order to get her dues on the tlrrrbe . . , some expressions of o inion t p - t . r cut in the said _ sons f . 7 . p rom per ownshlp. and the amount which has' was amlllar with voters' lists. There ht" expended by the Government on [ , Votersr'mli particular objection to the hi roads and bridges of the town-3 , there 'ple', now prepared, provided " Hpon M I J _ Dared was: 'Jer.? a. municipal list pre- . r. Hardy suggested that the' ' 1 Way we" Year, and he knew of no i . an thorouzhlv revising the list i