-- -. _cca-tft "tttFey" C_d " . -", _ -a""-,- . . 1t1llyc?gtt1'dffi'l, m. of {its Townlhiv . in "grew,- ifllyit .- e'llltt?l'1ii,'l,'llt way ('t't,',f/t',,'t e t i", an; Ss' . . , _ EM, MIB' - row the b . _ of Mom n . - can; the 1103 - . , T r', " _ 2 bill to amend the Juror! q Mr. 1istt',itrdt"t',' Jigs?! of East Tor- .' Mi t Mr,'; He 1t','ltt'"t'r,,t,1't,,t It' his.t debt o h an n en to substitute n t e sum- on o. - tin t e r - Awning of Jurymen service by' register- 'Mr. ae,terp,v,t"t-g'tetl"tt'e' lg,,JllhG of ' gage"? instead of by personal service. Wily debenture T wn . r. ardy. while sympathizing E ma. - In the 0 With all movements towards economy. Mr. Strattfm Respect. g thougilt that in all matters relating to of Peter boro . ---To trrnend the trettt re- the administration of Justice exactness Mr. strattonLand security Compani- and precision were needed. The jurors toting to the T enable the trustees of _ might or might not receive the letter Mr. 5,eJJ,ti"hh of Knox Church, I and delay might be caused. He thought -rhe, f,"'n/'J2'h' ,ertain lands in the vu- the bill had better be withdrawn. Acton. to sel c ltr... Dynes was rather unwilling to lage of Ac")? private bills were do this, and Mr. Haycock urged that The follow ng d reading 1" _ I the bill be sent to the Legal Commit- triven their 't'eelle, incorporate the Vib. Elie. Sir Olin-r Mowat observed that 1 Mr. fha',',r.'t1eEShl'l f e "urgent on was entire] novel, and age 0 I . Cit o that it was important that 3{here should Mr. "rfoijikr--Respectirur the y 2? 'itl.llrtrmtl'n/p'ou"."osrL.iygynttnanrt l 1q',r.i.olt,rman.-aeespeetirt, the London _ 1y withdrew the bill. stbie.u,ti.1oTt1vvrf,o)l1'/o"r).'(irtte, the Lin- r. . - f . . L. THE MEDICAL BILL. coin Radial Electric "aging: 233:3; - o a. Mr. Ilaycock's bill to amend the MriiEIGZRS'ie "/,'f/l'fd,' Belmont & . medical act by cutting in half the fees porn", f,, Railway Co. chartred students by the Ontario Medi- A". "%llt',','vehri enable Thom" v cal Council canu- up ncxt. The bill YI. flew" to practise dentistry. Itinulatsrd that fees for all examina-l 1"i?7Aee'l,"/',-lyrd's'siiirii'iiii" the City of " ts),';"",",',.) registration be not more than ()tt'fiva . l th com M- ' 1'. liaycock stated that the fee . . ---To author Be e - now is tloo, and that the financial ie,g/n1t,1rT'ou/1iif? Queen Victoria Nia- statements of the Mvdical Association "Iii-£1 Fails Park to grant certain lands showed that in the last tive years $51,- . If) the Clifton Suspension Bridge Com- 73?. had been received from medical ,'any ., Students, tor ftatss, while tho cost in I "iir.'terawtora--ateeoecyntr the City of N that period of the examinations had Torohto. . ' Jet'rt $14,592, a. profit of ovcr $37,000 . made out of the studcnts. At the rate A PATRON BILL. m M of $50 per siudo-nt tin-re would still . . am to blic b B, P. have been sumo) profit. The surplus, J/ig/tlevel" the "glad reading Of T - Mr. llaycock said, had lwcn invested {hlis hill to amend the election 'utt. .' P. . in 1tuprotitaltle real cslnte- in Toronto. [The bill provided that no sher1tVpunrr, R _ Dr. McKay of Oxford d..t'.-nd.-d the Crown Attorney, Clerk of the P}... ' Medical Association, claiming that Mr. i Registrar of Deeds or other 9' I llaycock had not made out 1. case for I ment omcial shall take active , ' p his bill. This nould ho the third or ran election, the penalty being ttt l t6 fourth funeral of this proposition, he Ito exceed $200. Mr. Carney m - _ said. This hill had not lwcn usual for "gm-Hug speech in behalf of his " ' by " singli- rcsoiuiion of :ncdicnl stu- saying he had very strong views " dents, in whosc lit-half it was supposed the sulijcct In view of what in had in bc introduce-d. lle gratin-(i that iain in the knit election. _ ttttwr, "as a rm'nnuc rt't' 'irtrl from stu- Mr Stratum followed Mr. Gamey. dints' rots, but the mm..- cx:ttuittutiort saying that ttw bill, it passed, would . "as in-t tin; "my 5mm": r. adored to iieprivi' u number of men from takinz students by in» count ii. For onc n" in an election who did not deserve I , thing. the budding was an absolute L" be subjected to such a. depriva- , now-salty, it lit-in); an ninoiniv- imin H- tion Ir. had no doubt his: hon. ' _ sihility to rind in Toronto " hall .argc 'rriiat had had the support of many enough for thc "xctmiliri,'prirr4. Whon he 'icy/h, both Dominion and Ontario. had i-.-.-n cxzin'im-i' ho had a class of C/l inf'mad'. no objection to lt. He, V . 2.30, Vs ho found tho (lrain;~ Ilull ltllll- 5151 not think this Legislature had any - ' grlht'l' two small try a fair "xamina.. ',lll'dt" to gay that those men trhould lion. Then vim".- hzui tr be sch-milit- l 1'"tit'e'"rurt in an election. If any. " '. apparatus of all timlnrii-tiozis toy the no those omcials had taken part in ' . examination of ihe >tu lI-iit<. and that ""It. n campaigns they must have ", had maul anywhere from $3,000 to $7.0m). i'l',C,t",'/t'vJ2,'. partlzans. , {3!}, 'tl/cl.),,",'?:)::.-..',.',", /'/yiti,'i"cl/',' fic';', iiirsiebGiald spoke briefly, saying . . '1 1 1try'-'1"t1ttt...',r'. lll iliifli or: JU' ' . . . . x that the ices new are smallcr than i'i'iiatt Je, bill "as a step in the right those chargcd "PW". and rcmzu'ko-d ' l "H . _ r" ' - , '".. . .- ' . l owand thought the House l , "it? lit,)) 1te.1.rty's.,l1.1, Mimi" ltave S" i s.,c),1Jiysli,te a little more time in dis- , If " P.ur $-iJ in "if. Ini. y/r/i/prey/hs: ir'issing thc matter as they had gone snon and llV'\I'l lulu-i tor ili'il) front the I 'H ' . . F i Provinces fund-s sinr- ('otittiration, '1'" fast ..i",yy,t,iy,1e,1,: (',g,u'ei? llili2 'i: and it should nit in, imp-tinted uit?.; "il/tie/fc/ill,',,."?..,',),')',,,?'),',',' ere ", KI , "l = now. i l . . CNiT t, '.r " ' V i After a brici' rjoindt'r from Mr. tty.'. "kiwi"? at mating t" , ' " " I s'//t1C'i" li. /e"tii'/." 1's"/,1ps il',',',',',,'; in "l""l' I f;:;t::':t¥;: J,)l'ir.f/'it,trtr'l, . , 'h" "ls, I LN - H t on to it' i . t dualism to t ca , ' C . _ . " OJ he said, with an uiuclntionnl /rl,;%r,i.T'.'; i l?Ptli,y.1t Min-lain. The Influence ' 'd I / SI tion "hich had Jon, him-mild work for 1 then"; who asked . voter P, . "It Ontario in tho past tvr'nty years. lie 3 right. "as \cly strong, and ' _ .q, H was not an advocate oi -"...~:\- cui'pnrn- _ an otilr'er capable ot exercising . " i fr tions, but "ould not he detcriv-d llV i o.us. degree of coTpulsiyt. Th0. i l - that term from helping an institution vials, ho y/..'.e.t.yy'tfzssiiratt Bene . y' " which had donc such good service, :.nd i tt?"Yf pattizans Irytt.it they "a: 19-. t E 1 there was in tho constit lion of the Ipcintcd. atidror th"Mhe. tight ' i . \lr'iiit'dl hsyocititiott nothing to tinter l tlxcy'should be prohi "013 akin:_.; _ - I A .'. ' , . . lone . " .t any young man from entering upon the l part in elettions. the D ie - v " ". Province Mr. and couciud- l t., " study of medicine. Continuing, Mr. . ' iu' kl that It .. l. N . Ross urgcd tht. importance of ion-ping 'it/elf sed,',',',",',,',' Jlh'lle',d " 'n, . , , up the high standard of medical odu- J. - . 'if") from cation. It was more important that 'a Mr. beraian thought' Mr. "'.,'ftWv'",f 5* , ' high standard of professional efficiency had not ta en a very c one scru ny _ K should be maintained in the medical l the law..."8 by the Ontario statutes " ' " . profcssion than that now and then one those omcials enumerated in the pro- 'IIE, or two young men should he kept out. l posed bill were 1Py/y.ylPe1 from vot- - lil? After touching on the public service ing. and his experience "as that a . to ndcred by having competent onicers man who could not vote did not take 1 f' gr. Itoss analyzed the expenditure of much interest in an election. The hon. - - 're. the association contending that it was gentlemen opposite. Mr., 66mm 1). , l", F ' a thought, should bend their energies to- V, It., perfectly justifiable and in tin interests i . is remed in a worse state of at- " '.ryf of the profession. The Province must 'p, an?!" 'i,',',',',',"],',,",',,' politics as the mem- t r be kept clear "if: qugcgts, he said, and I','),','.',', of the Opposition we're supporters! F t 1tl',,eoTgtsi'r"ao/,l.st.' ou L' left to manage of the Dominion Government. _ V E , Mr. Haycnck would not consent to Mr. JJ,ttv,',,"adn--', don't kgmw what the ik'. withdraw his bill, and it was accord- hon. gen eman means y say n: we tl t . . . support the Dominion Government. if", Intrly declared lost on division. Mr. German-l am glad to see that w". T q i there is another boiter from the Clon- ii EVENING SESSION' servative party. In concluding, Mr. . " '. On reassemblinz. the. House went in- German said that the Sheriffs of this p, to committee and passed the following country would Jeopardize their posi- : _ bills with a. few minor amendments _ tlon by taking part in the elections l, Mr. Barr-To amend the act to in- contrary to the. statute. and he had I) F,' _ .. ate the Pembroke Southern Rail- not known any ot the ofr1eithr men-I As' Co. tioned in the bill to take part in elec- I '" . Robertson-To amend the act to tions in his constituency. . K% orate the Grand Valley Railway Mr. st. John said that the previous 4'". w ' -' :72 " 11:3. " 'V 'm - l u "'M MNE »