" NMe L --¥ ~omenn~ y m youees CC To authorize the Commissioners of i)he Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Cfig{unmqf::m lcert;in lands to the ® ® ension i x anv Mr. Harcourt. rde%igmpany-- Private bills came next, and four of these were put through Committee of , the Whole, These were :-- | _ Respecting the Hamilton Gaslight 1 Company--Mr. Middleton. "l{t'sptwling' the floating debt of the Village of Markham--Mr. Richardson., Respecting certain school moneys of the City of Chatham--Mr. Pardo. | Relating to the Sault Ste. Marie & | Hudson Bay Railway Co.--Mr. Far-- | well. ! TORONTO'S BJILLS ('t)NSII)E]H'ID.] Public bills followed, and _ the first | which was taken up was Dr. Ryer-- | son's bill to amend the assess!'wntl act. This is the bill which contained ' the provision requiring merchants to | | furnish the assessor with sworn state-- ments of their personalty, against which the Toronto Board of Trade is up in arms, and which Mr. St:--mh--' ton Caldecott, the President of the | board, described as likely to lead to | worse than Russian tyranny. Dr. Ry-- erson was not particularly enthusias-- «tic in its defence. Hesaid that he had been requested by the city to bring it *A In, and that it might, at all events, go ' to the committee for discussion. Any nbjectionable clauses might be struck | * out there. | Hon. Mr. Hardy obpserved that the | Municipal Committee had dealt with the assessment bills. and that the rinciple proposed was altogether new. ;t might, perhaps. be well to let it stand over for a year. Dr. Ryerson as-- sented, but it was finally agreed to let the bill stand over for a few days. Mr. Howland's bill to amend the municipal act came next. Ee explain-- ed that it was a City of Toronto bill, and that the most important clause was that reducing the qualification for ¥oters in municipal elections from $400 to $200; the necessity for this rose largely from the reduction in land val-- ues. Hon. Mr. Hardy assented to the bill's going to committee, but express-- ed himself as doubtful as to the ad-- visability of assenting to this clause. Municipal government might be de-- seribed as the management of a joint stock company, and.a lowering of the | franchise would, he thought, h:uwli)'| he=y , ix) j be in the public interest. | .Jfll to Reorganlze County Coun- s Mr. I:irll:U'tl\'n)l's bill to amend Ill\'l, 4 * F municipal act by providing for th-} C :. cils Discussed. way in which, in case of a tie, the | M e Clerk shall deliver his casting vote, | «si¢ | awas given its second reading. | sueabppmmmemearmmemess | Mr. Howland's bill respecting the , Canadian Historical Exhibition was uCOvERNMENT BILLS PASSED. put through Committee of the Whole, very few changes being made in th bill as amended by the special com-- . m 20 0 mittee M rq> y ~ar > 3 oo r 3 mi-- Return on the Central Prison = GovERNMENT MEAsSURES, restic j | It was then 4.30 p.m. and the entire Investigation. | brder paper was exhausted ; Govern-- | ment measures not being given a place *----* --«= | on it on Mondays. With the consent of (h' House, however, Government Monday's Proceedings in the House--Bi!l m&isures of a nature which w ould not y rouse controversy were taken up Th« Regarding Medital Matrio#ation House accordingly went into commit-- Buccession Duties Bill. tee on Hon, Mr. Hardy's bill affecting the timber slide companies' act, pass-- &ng it without serious amendment. Mr. Ts / Hardy's bill relating to Crown timber | f was also passed through L'HHHH"H-".! 4> Monday, March 23 the Commissioner of Crown Lands ex-- | Perhaps owing to thg snow blockade plaining the chief features of the bill. | 7 wa Col. Mathesom whs inclined to question | the benches were very thin to--day, and the Clause-- &iving firb--rangers wers | 4 o top e clause giving fire--rangers powers | n consequence the order paper, which to deal on the spot with persons guilty & 3 on account of the--steady work of | t_vf care _'.w:-',mo-\..: which might lead to N wWeek, been zrowing smaller forest fires. The Colonel thought that | -- % t N 1 C CE * it might lead to abuse of authority, but | fould have .suffered little reduction Mr. Hardy pointed out that the powers | had it not been for the action of the were not excessive and would result in MHouse in allowing the Government to a& great saving of timber. \ go on with'its business. Monday is re-- ANX ASSIGNMENT BILTL f ';@erved for private members so strict-- The Attorney--General's important bill Jy that Government business has not * as to certain proceedings under the act d f hiv * respecting assignments and refer-- !htn.a piace on the programme, but ences by insolvent persons "JJ given ©n the order paper being exhausted Its second reading. Sir Oliver in mov-- by 4.30 o'clock it was agreed that the Ing the second reading said the Pro-- P rule be suspended, and over a dozen vince had a decision from the Privy Ministerial bills were advanced. Council gilving it power to pass such Four bills were read a third time, on an act, their right to pass such legis-- the -- opening of the House. These lation being given by the action of the were :-- s Dominion House in not passing an in-- To make further provision respect-- | , solyency act. .Sincg the introduction ing' street railways--Mr. Bronsgon. | | of the bill, Sir Oliver said, some \'N')'! l'e(s;t»):»l{.".lfl'fff'""'n' and revising the acts good suggestions have been made by mat'rh'\l-".'? '""V' registration of births, merchants, Boards uf. Trade, p.l'nf\ts- o "t%'k"&h 'lf"l deaths--Mr. Harcourt. slonal men z'xnd others interested in the ud urther improve the agriculture administration of the law, and he had:, % arts acts--Mr. Dryden. brought in this bill as a substitute fo the one first moved to embody so these suggestions. / 'tume |