Mr. Whitney held"that the bill would elect} municipal revolution. The ere not asking for this was to destroy the system ' e Provinces. and. t-'tallllsh thn- . i." y link in the endless vhain of of- ---'-- ..-t.e we": is a Dram-h of th- tliiiLii.iis,iiisoii,i would do; and by Mr. . who proposed that shop-keep- era be added to the list of Pt't'rorns ttenetlted by the bill. It was. then passed. The, bill (I) correct a clerical error in the drimn- Imre registration art was also given It! second reading. Hon. Mr. Har.. court then moved the second wading of his hill to make further provision for the payment of succession duties. He explained that the greater part of the newer sections in the bill have been token from English lexislationw which "I been tn existent": I... -.-----, my»: respoo .cuses tii;; a Courts u.- uuver- Mowatn bill "an: trdahiittlle shows. cir- a and other exhibitions; Sir Oi- ftl,!i'bt?isi hill respecting Surrogate ourts. and his bin respecting bills of sale and chattel mortgages in unorw mixed districts. all of which word passed. with the exception of the respecting travelling circuses and . rosette Courts. which the com , tee reported progress. , _ Hon. Mr. Gibson then moved t second reading of his bill inspecting liens of whammy. wage-earners and others. He cred for the second read- ing in a 4Elii'Vg'/,i,f.t.t, speech, in which he outlined. the preSent condi- tion of this law.- 'and described the changes proposed by him. The bill was discussed by Mr. German. who objected to money being paid into ttSQ, Toronto, saying that anv bloc ere there is a Dram-h of tru. employed would do; and by Mr. "a. who proposed that shop-knell- on be added to the list of Pet'surns ttenetlted by the bilL n u-nu .h_--.. In the evening the discussion of the details of the bill was continued, it being thttu1y reported about 9 o'clock. The members of the commission \\ ere anno'pced by Mon. Mr. Hardy as fol. towrcc9udtrei, Benson of Northumber- tarid. Dean of Victoria, Wilkinson of Lennox. Senkler of Lanark, Creesur ot Grey, Jones of Brunt. Home of Essex. Ball of Kent. O'Brien ot Prescott, or Valin of Nipissing. Mackenzie of Lamb- ton, and Senkler of Lennox, the latter tee to-lil? any vacancies. Mon. Mr. Ross" bill reap-noting ctttain proceedings under the Separate Svhuols not; Mon. Mr. Gibson's bill relating to Cthe law of Jife insurs iGeiks Hon. Mr. Gib n's bill to make further Provision "tespeetink industrial schools; Sir oli r Mow- at's bill to swuro payment f wages for labor performed In the nstruv- tion ot public works ; Sir on r Mow- aAh961t respecting the nu lug oi' ttIIE Sir Olivet, Mowat! bill ting trimming shows. cir- ma Aand other exhibitions, . an» m ""%trriiGir'thi,ii went 'into commit- tee on Hon. Mr. Dryden's bill revising and ce,'yteiyiyf the acts to encourage tho haw-OI"..- .._,n _- . - the piantiiiriit Hon. Mr. Russ" Proceedings unde net; you. Mr.- to '0"? kw .1105? Hon. c p. .' , _ . T riot " men acting in the interests [v their own localities. . ' A 1' Mr. Hnycock strongly supported the bill, saying thin If submitted to.the people " would be carried try 90"per cent. Everyone'was tired of the pre- sent system. The disision by the Judges he'thought a generous act on the part of the Goverrihtent. and a guarantee of the Government's desire to keep partizat.tsh:p out. It the bill new hid own till next year he would oppusc' it. for it would than: be too . Hon. Mr. Dryden we: in favor of the reduction. The number of County . tiorg was too large, he said, and - eases Incurred were wry great. Mr. Linwood said that the passing of the bill "mean the , atoullshment of_a new htlve body. . i' McDon- aid was In Nvor of the "ii. Jr. Bax- tcr said that the Council m his county was rather tn favor of the abolition ot the Dxuty Reeves and the giving of addltl tt votes to the Reeves. The first clause was then passed. and the rest of the .shert time remaining be- fore 8 o'clock, was spent in discussion of the details at the bill. Major Hisc-utt opposed the Mil. de- scribing the resent system as satis- factory. Mr. Moore was opposed to the bill. which he thought not likely to result in much benefit : up suggest- ed that it be tried in a few constitu- encies; say. th _. whose Councils ex- ceed 40 members. 'Jr. Taylor wanted to see the bill h-f' .cr for a year. Dr. McKay said th.,, he ha! received ten or tltteen lettrrs from men of muni- cipal experierwc Hi! over his riding in favor of the bill. There was no use in referring it. back to the County Councils. cidse to the general eleotlon. EVENING SESSION. In! in the tuii"ia."i, n English legislation, in existence tor some . unn. Mr. Har- the second reading P further prm'isiun r succession duties. the, grgateg' part ot the "and by M r. us mil [cspevtmg wan-earners and ' the second read- 'nnh'e speech, in he present condi- md described the )y him. The bill Ir. German. who being paid into saying that anv Hon. M r. Second re, ot treGr, g certain Le Schools ll t _ tl) Notwithstanding any by-laws or regulations which may have been pass- ed by the Medical Council under the Ontario medical act. any person who presents to the Registrar of the Hedi- pal Council a certiltcate that he passed the examination conduc time. and that the rest of the newer sections have been tried with success in Pennsylvania and New York; the bill was consequently b:, no means re- volutionary. Mr. Harcourt then ax; blamed the details of the bill. Col. Matheson spnxe In opposition. and it was then given its'sgoond reading. Hon. Mr. Hardy's bill. No. 196. to amend the municipal arbitration act, provides for the extension of the notes of a shorthand writer upon the request, of any person interested in the inquiry. such person to pay the proper fees. it also provides for the extension by the I.leut.-Governor. at the request of the County of York or the'County of .Peel or any municipality therein, so that the not shall apply to the county or the municipality from the time speci- tied in the proclamation. MEDICAL MATRICULA'I'ION. Hon. Mr. Ross' bill respecting mat- riculation in medicine provides C-- ed in Hon. Mr. Gibson's bill to make fur- ther provision for the protection of game provides that no person shall at any time kill or capture deer while In the water. That no person who is a resident of Ontario or Quebec shall hunt moose, elk, reindeer, cariboo or other deer without a license signed by the chief ttgh and game warden and counter-signed by the Provincial Treasurer or his deputy. The fee for such license is to be $5, and in the case of hunting without a dog the sum of $2. The license is to continue in fora-c for one season. Two shipping coup- ons are to be attached to each license. and when it is intended to ship deer out of the Province one of the coupons is to be detached by the licensee in the presence of the shipping agent and at- tached to each deer or part of a deer about to be shipped. The act prohibits common carriers from transporting deer without the shipping coupon be- ing attached. The act further em- powers the lueut.-Governor by order in Council to designate certain coun- ties or portions of counties in' the Pro- vince In which the hunting of deer shall be prohibited. subject to certain reservations in favor of the residents of the county, as the Lieut.-Governor in Council may see tit. The Lieut.- Governor in Council is also empowered to make certain regulations respect- ing the shooting or hunting of deer protected by the game act within a certain distance of Bandeau Park and Rondeau Harbor. -___ -- __ __-_.____ wan...» Hod. Mr. Ross' hill lo improve the law respecting public libraries. and Hon. Mr. Hardy's bill to authorize the transfer of certain Provincial land no- cupied by the Canadian Parifie Rail- way. were read a. second than and the House adJourned at 11 p.m. COMPULSORY ABATTOIRS. Hon. Mr. Ross' Bill, No. 194. to amend the act respecting voters' lists in unorganized territories. suspends the operations ot the act passed in 1892 for one year from the date of the passing of this act. and enacts that until a new voters' list has been pre- pared under any other not of the Leg- islative Assembly the voters' lists pre- pared and t'ertitled under the said act in the year 1895 shall continue to be the voters' lists in any election to the Letrimiatlve Assembly. . ' '