" A viscussiuis the vOTe Tor the Fioneer % j Farm. 14 n o. k se | PASS QUESTION CONFERENCE i | 2 Private Bills Advanced nf Stage. Propos'tion to Have Special Members'| Tickets Issued in Return for the Sum ' Now Paid as Mileage. ' Monday, March 30. | In the course of an afternoon mm-!-i " ing the House concurred in a ,':nnd! many of the votes passed in L'ummi!tvei of Supply, considered -- some further | votes and advanced a number of bills a stage. 'The appointment of a Pro-- vincial Highway Commissioner and the expenditure of $2,500 for the Western Dairy FParm were the chief points dis-- cussed, the OQpposition assailing boti these outlays. A matter of consi able importance is the prospect . satisfactory settlement of