Three Divisions Taken at Mid- . night. A MAJORITY OF THIRTY-FOUR. Another change in the Clause In the cur." Relating to the Gas Com- pany's Suit. _ . Tuesday, March 31. The . to-night closed a day of dtir,'iiilliiiv',i, work by holding three d1 't midnight. The first or the-aha a motion to strike out In- spector Noxon's salary, resulted in a .the Government by a vote ht," 'tttl l the second. relating to ex- venattlriU on Brockville Asylum, re- sulted in a vote of 54 to 28 for the Gov- ernment, and on the third the Opposi- tion, challenging the Government's succession duties, was snowed under by a vote of M to 22, the Patrons voting (with the Government. In the course ot the. day the clause In the City of To- Tonto bill relating to Mr. Johnston's suit against the Gas Company was amended once more, and there was a lively debate over Hon. Mr. Gibson's e protection bill. e orders of the day being call.. - following third readings were ting St. Andrew's Church. Mr. Biggar. . this the waterworks of the 3 St. Catharines-Mr. German. lt certain proceedings under the cting assignments and prefer- insoivent persomr-The Attor- ting to dower in certain CtMMW-- Attorney-General. 'c" spectlng antecedent unregistered "mements for 'bills of sale and chat- tel mortttagetr--The Attorney-General . To amend the electric railway act, 4ejfr8i." Bronson. , Respecting the law of landlord and tutt---The Attorney-General. especting Justices of the Peace In District: ot Thunder Bay and Rainy River-The Attorney-General. Respecting Provincial municipal and- 1tomr--The Attorney-General. - - "itirterfeiiiirikitte Town of 'Bttrttitv--Mr. Bissau. 7 A THE INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. The House then went Into committee on the Attorney-General's bill respect- lng travelling shows. clrcuses and other exhibitions. Sir Oliver Mowat inserting an amendment providing that the actl Hon. Mr. Gibson then secured the mtttteation by the House of the order In Council granting $1,000 to the County of Elgin (House of Industry, making the total payment to it $4.000. Hon. Mr. Gibson then got passed through committee his resolution to pay to cer- tain municipalities the amount paid or payable to the Provincial Treasurer up to December 81, 1895. by way of per- centages on Registrars' fees. under the. provisions of inst year's not. .ated Discussion on the Game Laws. 'Hon. Mr. Hardy's bill affecting the timber slide companies not. Hon. Mr. Hardy's County Courts bill, the Attor- ney-General's bill making further pro- visions respecting the solemnization of giarriage. the Attorney-General's ill respecting the costs ot seizure of goods under chattel mortgages, the Attorney-General's bill to amend the judicature act, 1895. and the law relating to the courts, were then pass- ed through committee. Dr. McKay's hill to allow the Canadian Wheelmen's Association to erect danger signals on the highways Mrad9 given its second reading. and the House then rose. On the House reassembling Hon. Mr. Harty's bill to confirm an agreement relating to Osgoode street, Toronto Won. Mr. Gibson's bill respecting building societies. and Hon. Mr. Gib- son's bill respecting the Industrial Re- fuge for Girls were given their second reading. Hon. Mr. Gibson secured the second reading of his bill respecting the incorporation and regulation ot joint stock companies by letters pa- tent; he explained that he did not in- tend to press the measure this session, but is in favor of revising and modern- izing the present letters patent not, and wishes to Ret a. draft hill print- ed and distributed. Hon. Mr. Ross' bill consolidating and l tevising the Public Schools act was re-l called from its third reading and' passed again through committee, two or 'hree amendments being inserted. Amendments were also Inserted in Hon. Mr. Hardy's bill affecting the timber slide companies act. Hon. Mr. Ross moved the ratification of the agreements as to the printing of a number of school books, viz., the High School physical science. parts 1 and 2, High School chemistry, High School botanical note-books, parts 1 and 2, composition from models for High Schools. the Public Schools writing course according to the vertical sys- tem of writing, and the Public School readers. between the Government and W. J. Gage & Co.. the Canada Pub- lishing Co., and Copp-Clark Co. Hon. 'Mr. Ross explained that the agree- ment provided for substantial reduc- tions in the cost of these books. Col. Matheson opposed the granting of a monopoly, as he described it, and at the request of Mr. Marter the matter was left over for a day to provide for a more careful examination Into the agreement. ' T ._..' Mr. Howland's objection was not tol- loyed up and the bill passed. The Aftorner-Generaps bill respect' Ing high and county constables was then put through Committee of the Whole". The schedule of this hill pro- vided for considerable increases ot fees to constables. and Mr. Whitney and Mr. Marter urged that fees paid to con- stables should not. as at present. de- pend on the effecting of the arrest. It was pointed out that this would lead to a great increase of expense and might lead to abuses. and after a good leal of discussion this view prevailed. Hon. Mr. Gibson's bill respecting liens " mechanics, Wage-earners and others was passed through committee and the House then took up in committee Hon. Mr. Gibson's 'bill to amend the regis- try act, 1393. One clause in the bill was to strike out the provision in the act which permits medical men who are Registrars and were appointed (before [893 to practise as consulting physic- Ians at home. Mr. Marter, Dr. Wil- ioughby and Mr. Whitney took excep- tion to this, and it was after some dis- cussion withdrawn by Mr. Gibson. Mr. Howland objected to the schedule re- arding the fees of the Registrars of Eoronto. den ncing the division of the office. "I "a that this Government would have Come mercy on the City of Toronto," .he added. "I Wish. that the City of Toronto would have some mercy on this Government," observed Mr. Gibson. is not:m apply to shows in connection with industrial exhibitions. After some discussion the amendment (was car- ried. When Mr. Crawford's bill respect- ing the City of Toronto was called Hon. Mr. Hardy moved that it be referred back to committee of the whole for amendment. The amendment passed the other day, he said, had provided that the city should enter into an agreement with the Gas Company bee fore advancing any costs to aid ltr carrying on of Mr. J. T. Jo suit aralnst the company. Wt THE GAS SUIT AGAIN. EVENING SESSION Q.