rger elties will °'?' _¢ #t, 11 effective in securing r "'"-"-_a' e and economy in the n TR 4 stration of these large corpP'®® k= D Fd P' + 1 i. E bilf to which I have asst geda |\ _ Mlarging the jurisdiction of C An-- will facilitate the itra 20- the judicial business 0. utd 7 Not only will the »xpe Ges ation be reduced, but the 1 net jled to the Superior Courts by the I from their jurisdiction' of f actions of a minor ghar: Aer enable those courts to (dMscharge uties imposed upon them unjider ons of increased promptness qnd n y. Rrave me great pleasure $0 asgent bills which you have passekre-- * x liens of mechanics aiid v }ge-- M '$, and of laborers OIl . P })llc E. The ctlreumstances und-gt,qg ich . Orkingmen and mechani.28fof this $ ce, as elsewhere, provice fo# the * enance and protection 6f Wheitr is are, at the best,. somewhat g»rc- k §. The mceans which yyou-- A4ave { ed to secure to them their 'pro -- ags will serve to Improve the's ; P I condition and to proraote : the ness and comfort of all wh@ «o , ndent upon them for subsis{ .;e| upport. f 'am pleased® to know that} t'}' ¥ act ied by a previous Parlla{n nIt ap-- -- |plying towards the mainteilo of _ of -- |public hospitals and charitieq) to5 liro-- | e ds of succession dutles on t' $ *# _ | tates of certain dcceas, J : bor --4 hae' --| afforded substantial aid to-- {he _ '@is-- | C flature in providing for the 1 --¢#ef , our | .\ distressed and suffering fe' y--ot %ens | " f eordially approve of the sie: ycL'L'! e taken to prevent any vas im of his act by the bill for {} wh}= e tu' which I have just assen td "¥our efforts to extend (_«-- .cop &ruc-- | tion of electric railways, anu, to acili-- k tate the transportation of (th. »pro-- |. $ duce of the farm and dairy tp th \best f markets, will, I am confident, meet with public approval. 4 f "©The further improvement «<! 'the | school system of the Provirice 'a8, I . am glad to notice, occupled! y. A at-- tention. The means you navye ta m for enabling those who were her. »fore prevented by local condit! ons, 1from continutng their education beyo fl the Public School will, I have no 'oubt, be appreciated by the residents {f the rural districts,. The establishm nt of an Educational Council embrac'inag the teaching profession in all its @#part-- h ments, will contribute to tie 'Srthor wunification of a system of ed: fation which has already done so . mt th for . the intellectual developme ut jf the Province. * "I heartily concur in the m isures * you have passed for the prstecgon of game, for the improvement «»f t'h'sta-- tutory provisions respecting; * °% 1cul ture and arts, for the reallsat! p and disposition of the estates o F Inoivent: debtors, for the amendment of the re« gistry act, for the protectiori of policy | holders under our insGrancop l8 /4, for consolidating the laws respercting vital statistles, and for the Incompork son of || the Canadian Historical Cl)mnjssinn. The advantages to be der ive from these laws will, I have no Ciow i fully justify the time devoted to th ¢ con-- , sideration. ¢ "I thank you for the Hb«rs @ppro priations which you have nrad 'or the public service. The supplies w 'h you have granted will be expead ¢ with [ care and in the public interest ? \ The prorogation of the H:« g W AB, then announced by Hon. MMr. aibson, || and the proceedings terminr@t & if # e