T -" P yen * waply *# "bo c o e remf@hope that Soon will fol-- ! * 4 m es l 1. to,é he first and fourth Pre-- mss : ow P great Province, all re, and ntly-- s miers '-prifnw;:gly adorn the walls of "the national anthem R whi%fim building, whlc&'is a ¥ announced his denarture. o cfiemorial to the name 8f the the ~Speaker rosuméd the | lmer Finlay Fraser.' r and informed the House that late ortrait, which hangs on the t prevent mistakes " he had obtain--~ iue. ~ ~allh * The"& of the chamber, was unveiled & copy of the speech from the throne ® W% roper moment amidst loud ap-- ® hich he would read. The people gasp-- bulh at the p It is a valuable addition to ' ed when they heard the proposition, I plfimi]ecti'm of portraits which adorn : but relief came quickly to them in the the c;)ain corridor of the buildings. --It . | form of the magical word "dispense." | the '2,;('"H Mr. Blake as Premier of the * To assert the traditional right of the *3 '}?1')1 ince, 'which position he held in Legisiature to deal with matters other ] BE'{V\\'hC'" he was 37 years of age.. He R than those specifically referred to in | ll 'x"epresentfd as making his initial ' the speech from the throne. the Pre-- I i's ech as Premier. _ On his right hand e e ies on o in israrmanian nanenn t uo e is the late Hon. Archibald McKellar vide for the administration of oaths of -,LM a on his left the late Hon. Alexander office to persons appointed as Justices *of %?u-kvnzi; who are listening attentive-- of the Peace. The bill was given its | $ |vl to his address. _ Part of the figure | . first reading. x+ of the late Mr. Galbraith is seen im--|* _ t motion was adopted fixing to--day ' M | diately behind Mr. Blake. The at-- as the time for taking into considera-- | n.nte le of Mr, Blake's hands will be re-- } } tion the speech from the throne. A 3 aommmeeaL D y those whoare "fem formal motion providing for the ap-- Mimmmail with Mr. PléReémsg o a Partamentarian. pointment of select standing commit-- | Mr. Grier has WBemw a urute in point 8 tees was adopted and the House ad-- S of truth <to ocalit 'in which the ¥ journed. picture is ithe old Pat-- ' n in mnis f | liament buil ° get, The } MR. BLAKE'S PORTRAIT. | | picture i8 © M flias | /xA I' 6. fena will enha@ ifi ! Unveiling of Mr. Wyly Grier's Painting | * putation .A$ A + + t of Mr. Edward Blake as Premier of k ' HON--A® « hi Ontario. ' k we> | c e i 5 # . y A * 5 Upon the adjournment of the House ' custieaip ies k H("igcalt{:)'n it & l ! Mr. Hoskin stepped forward to the .i;'lhls lendid rif M A | Speaker's dais, and on I'n'hallf of the i ;c;;eltiE("ASS . d | Toronto H«'-m-)'ul fl'rus_(.fi (:»vn'w:m,\ ~Bte~ not a hamlet within' the 18 t | sonted to the Legislative .»\ssn-rntlvlb'l.\fli'} (Ontario, within the boundaries of Can-- Wyly CGzrier's magnificent portrait 0 < --naime o€ 70 , b \ | Hon. Rdward Blake. -- Mr. Hoskin | iada, where. the--na C * 4 | said :-- s Pruin hss --"| ; was not honored as that of one of the' ( I '"A committee from the l-.'l'fnl" '5 "'l' Egreatest sons of our country. (Ap-- | eral Trosts Company, cor ;~'v>l|t!;: 1![11'.:. plause.) Afler writing _ for himself . | Vice.Presidents, Dr. Meredith and Mr. «~Dbrilliant page in the annals of our! | W. H. Beatty, the Speaker of the House Province, Edward Blake had crossed * $ [ of Commons ; its Managing Director, the water to throw lustre. upon the | t| Mr. Langmuir; Mr. George Gooderham, Canadian name~in the British House ; l Senator Cox, Sir Frank Smith, Mr. Jaf-- of Commons. The coiors would have. ie | / | fray and myself, have the lluln).l' to faded from the picture when th» name| | wait upon the members of the Legisla-- of that illustrious son of our Province » | tive Assembly for the purpose of pre-- would be forgotten. The Legislature | senting the portrait of the ~>1'|Hl.tl Pre-- | of this Province, re--echoing the voice --| mier of the Province of Ontario--the | of the people, had at all times been an-- l Hon. Edward Blake. ' xious to honor those who had perform-- ] "The hon. gentleman was !hu' Ih..sl',' ed great public -- services. The. hon. | and for fourteen years l'-ll](ll]'l'tl!l&l),r Commissioner of Public Works had | President of the Toronto General | -- ty t y8%0 been able to ornament the surround-- | Trusts Company, in p11.~ t..rm;u:'.m of | ings of=--these buildings -- with {wo | which he took a ]""f"' & part.. :""".":" t «/ aetige bronzes, two statues of two great Can-- I from Ris experience in connection with | ® adfan®;~who--to--day stood side by side, | trosts estates which came under '":;l but during their lives had combatted | notice professionally the great need Lor | one another's views for the benefit of Isuch a company, which was the first | their country--Hon. George Brown and | of the kind called into existence ; and | Sir John A. Macdonald. A trust com-- | Uupon ,M"A "'i'"'""; l]"':."']'l""l',:'_'::i!"'nr'::, i pany had been the promoter of this I President, because of his absence 1« rese tion : nw » R a TA | the time being from the Province, the | e ]h?,",.'[\!",: """ \'A",;"M . .""1 h"_'\_" | Directors desired to mark their esteem s on § arol rust lh'."" .t" ""'v" l whoug 4 % C stackdt iss the portrait in the hands of this Legis-- | for him and their appreciation of his lature. There would be no claim-- services in some lasting way ; and to ¢ % [ services in me e 8 e ant for this sestate, and when | that erd it was concluded, with his those now ind se se . | # # umt is riral the ose now living handed it over to I approval, to present his portrait to th« those who would follow he fhe | Province ; and we are hers to--day, sit, V e ta " f ]"'n a 10 'r'-\" 't 1 m 4 they '. | for the purpose of asking you to accept ',\',,;:,'"";:_I..t,{:f; 'l:lf r.'l';'\\.' ,l"; \","]':. t}';': ! it in the name of the Legislative As-- desired 1 'l' o t l'Ll man. -' [,--.v-illv, sired to thank Dr. l.(.\]-.A.n again for { | '"The portrait represents Mr. Blake itil*l--.l;':f}-'h;;']:;.;l'- ll" the Province through . | speaking in the old Legislative cham-- 6 41~pISIUAUTCG, ' | ber, one of the scenes of his i'-l!.'.li"' HON. GBEO. w. ROss. | | triumphs ; on either side of him will | ! be observed the portraits respectively se .""n. (Gieo, W. Ross also spoke briet-- ) of the late Alexander Mackenzie and Il.\'l. *"-1!4'- ssing th:nn}\'s for the portrait. Avrchibald McKellar. he Premier, he said, had assigned to "The artist, Mr. Grier, I may add. is him the pleasant duty of ac« epting this & ~entitled to much credit for the excellent 3':"1?'}"1 on _1n half of the people of the ' way in which he has executed his work. .l r','\""'" of Ontario. He was only '"Any words of mine as to Mr. Blake's o irpnen, that that duty had not been as-- } standing, ability and character will be figned to one who could have perform-- superfluous--you all know him as well _'I it more fittingly. When Mr. Blake * is I do. He is one of Canada's great-- '""'"l'wi the Assembly of this Province est sons--an honorable man, a scholar, 'cy met as the representatives of the a statesman, a lawyer--one who has ;' pie in another place. Thirty years | occupied the highest places in the legis-- lad passed since then, and of those : lative, scholastic -- and professional ;'l"h'_' sat with him but one remained to-- | worlds. For many years the Chancel-- l'M7" "1"A""ll.\'t\\'ul'th,\', popular member lor of the University of Toronto, for l(l" Fl:llt]l!l]!ll!d, Hon. Jacob Baxter. Of !'nuny years the Treasurer or head of " '\"I who S.}t with him in the second | the Law Society of this Province, once l'""rh'm- nt, in which he was Premier, | Premier of Ontario, and formerly the h?{.tlnmz remained, the straightforward, { | Minister of Justice for the Dominion of 'l* l'j"""l"«i member for Rast Huron. ! Canada; and while his voice is not now T lad fil'!}l"Nt called him the Hon. | heard im our legislative balls and ,_""""'."'% hll»fin_n." Mr. Ross continued | ccurts, yet it is frequently and effec-- "'t'l"A llf integrity and merit give that | | tively heard at Westminster and in I\lr' 'llhink he deserves it" When Hon | that High Court of the empire,, her oi Blake entered the Legislat > | Maiesty' Drler / f* j was met by ; T nmireroct & ature he Majesty's Privy Council. japiy, 1;¢ RY, a disorganized party ; old \ "Apart from the ability to discharge {:"'.' lines had been broken in the de-- | the varied--duties pertaining to these """;f: and negotiations which lea to | high positions, he has manifested great (""'}"h".':ltinn. But Mr. Blake devot | financial skill, as evidenced by his con-- ed himself to the task of organizati & nection with the affairs of the Toronto and before one--half 6© ation, | a T i i ~ 'as pas y of the session # \ General Trusts Company and by his was passed he had organized an O S 'lhuxim: been recently chosen to repre-- gition as aggressive and progresgi h PO= 'sent at Woestminster the views of any Government could desire ssive as those who are interested in contending to oppose a Government ft.r e' o that there has been an inequality, in 111)' h]w]l by Hon. John S;'nd%::;gtfilnl- xation. #A fonald, a skill h erviny ac-- § "We respectfully ask that his portrait He was e&&fifl-féé" trained man, ' | placed near that of our groat | men. _ as Hon. M C by such guished friend. Sir Oliver | . men E. B. Wood and Sir Jonn Canitun' ' '. The task assigned . to Mr. Blakz":}f-