* ® Somty . TT n . CC Inty _ _.' e e ,:; eB lt 0. ts '-:_ Je iss § nc ip e ' 7'*.7 ":',"" a P e j market shelfera, and providing that the ) "m"l'- M e o ne 19 te:ves of the several local municipalitles | turn giving a summarized statement of -- ""m County hi . _ with ~a~ : amounts paid by the: ernment of Onta plurality of yotes in proportion to. their » | in connecticn with the Dominion--Provinct . 3 en o o s Pals % Q arbitration and to whom, year by year. ---- Mr. McNaughton--From -- Bruce County. { . Mr. Garrow--Bill to amend the coagolida ~'GCouncil, for .nf mud.,tm,g to 32; assoss-- 'ed munifcipal act, 1892; ment act in reference to tax sailes. P ---- Mr, lor--From Mcense holders and elec-- M¥ in North Middlesex, opposing the pas-- € amendments to 3::: Mquor license proposed' by the temperauce societie¢s. '\ _ Bir. Reld--From Northumberland and Dur-- { Dounty Council, for legislation compel-- * ~"Mng elties to provide proper market shel-- ' x County Coundi!, Fla Ipdustrial School, iments to the registry act, re-- imolument of Registrars; from Andsor, for an act con-- A -- g?l debt and author-- B -- of year debentures to th_of $33,216. i NKING PRIVILEGE. ' Mr. Matheson asked:--Has the Govern-- | ment recelved any notice from the Post-- 'office Department Mmiting the franking ~---- privilege on Government and departmental ® a and papers, hitherto granted, and it m!wiu extent ? Mr. Hardy }'e?)lled that the Government was corresponding with the postoffice au-- thorities at Ottawa upon the point. It did not elr to be quite plain what the Hmitation Imposed was intendea to be. He would probably be able at a later day to give a more apecific answer to the question. The next question, which stands in the mame of Mr. Willoughby, was:--Did B. M. Britton, Q.C., referee unaer the drainage agct, resign his office as such referce ? If so, what Is the date of his--resignation and up to what date was he paid his salary ? The Premier repMed that the resignation of Mr. BRritton was dated on September 19. He had been Ylald his salary at the ordin-- ary thme, in the middle of the month, and he was, therefore, paid for the whole month ef September, MR. NOXON. ' Mr. Whitney asked :--Is James Noxon «tll} In the service of the Government as In-- spector of Prisons or otherwise ? Is he also In the service of the Government of Can-- ada, and if so, In what capacity? At what date did hbe enter into the service of the Government of Canada % Has he recoived his "-:3 from the Ontarlo Government #wince date, and who has since said %"t'_ Qa"fonnuf hisg duties as Inspector of sOns Mr. Davis replied :--Mr. Noxon is still In the service of the Government as In-- _ apector of Prisons. He was by commission temporarily ap\)'olutod by the Dominion Gov-- ernment to make a special examination into the affairs of Kingston Penitentiary, ow-- Ing to his Too,lnl knowledge relating to the management of pullic and penal institu-- tione. He has served thirty--one days upon the commission, most of which time was during the three weeks' leave of absence alowed to li)ubhc servants as an sannual ¥vacation. e has been in receipt of his salary from the Ontarto Government, and has continued to perform his duties as In-- spector of Prisons, excepting during his oc easional absence on the commiss'on. At the time of his appointment it was understood that an abatemert should be made in his salary from the Province during the time of his absence, except as to the three week»' vacation referred to. MR. PRESDON'8S CASE. The leader of the Opposition also asked : «--Was W. T. R. Preston, now Librariin of this House, a candidate for the re pregenta-- tion of the electoral district of West Tor-- onto in the House of Commons of Canada at the ieneral election of June, 1896 ? If so, did 'he resign his position as Librarian, and on what date ? Was any promise given, or understanding arrived at, with the said N. T. R. Preston, that, in the event of his defeat at sald election, he should be re-apgvinu-d Librarlian ? Was he re-ltpyoln'ted IAibrarian, and If so, on what date .'Ia:d{;rctnuernrepllc;l f-- ?Ir. Proston was !date. e resigned his sition as IAbrarian on the 16th of June. R'(:prom!so or understanding was arrived at, with him that, in the event of his defeat at the etec-- tlon, hbhe should be reappointed Librarian. He was re:.pgomted Librarian on the 30th June. . The Government understood when P. rasigned thet it war hacanse of his pom-- nation as @& candidate and that he Iintena-- ed to contest the West Tor_@io election Aand lha't he resigned for that purpose, ' Mr, Whitney had a question on "N. paper concerning Mr. Cowmee, but it stood at the l-...\]]P..MH"" |"w Government, C MT. ardy submitted to the House » estimates for 1897. In r« ;:lvh:" Ll ,;:1':'1;.1,]: by' l.\h'.' Matheson, the Provincial 'l'l't'u;m't'll- w NoTICES OF MOoTION, f (Whapple~--Bill to amend the municbpal t mamend the marriage act. 1896. | A «Bil to amend the election act |aff Korns--Inquiry of Ministry: Is it the | s B tlon of the Government during the pre-- e y :c':-szt;n to introduce legislation to estab-- cWeced.. ;1? orm system of keeping municipal |__Mr. Whitney--Inquiry of s | t ry of Ministry : What amount. has been paid by }l"i'_'i'g\'el'pmgnt in oib