. ErrrL1Tk"ar,') a mm 1 _.L - ' a = , . q T Mal-19"" .thw,',- L? T T.' ,..*,_....._., - _ "e, i . _ >1 H h r a. . "A. p, __ _ . _ M? d w PHI' .1 - i+ru"irFriiiiairi ' r m- PRI a oommerrttttr / _bp,,;,, m. ruetlllttd,rir,cfi, t/tkiii _ U' ."' an formerly by way of .edueationai ad "can ". . v 'lt'ia '"ot their fees paid to us by that lines. 1and 'the' mast 'r", ' rlu. For example, we received inent men in 1iltstrtisntVtit.cttlsr' FN. 1-3.1 Sheriffs and other Judicial om- this-"view. In this extremely p " ..' nets nder 55 Vie, ch. 17, in 1896,-83,822, cal age it is said that science is. © " whi from the same omcerts under 57 predominant partner in every _ , Vie., ch. 9, we received in 1896 $5,665. of trade and manuIacture. If We xi t It Wlu' be readily un.derstood that then, to develop trade we must in every I surpititburrotrate fees would vary way possible encourage science, appli- greatly according. to the value of the cable. as it is. in one form or another. estates which are being settled and ad- to every Calling and profession. It. ministered from time to time. Our to- would he false teoetorrttp,'evett think ' tal receipts under 57 Via, ch. 9, during of lessening grants to schools. We mart the year amounted to $13,192. of which well bend our energies, however, to de-: the Registrars ot Deeds paid $6,007, the . vising plans by whichlhese grants may' .' _ Registrars of Surrogate Courts $2,592, be moat wisely spent. ~11 we can foster} and the County Court Clerks $636. We a spirit of isCientif1e research in this._ received last year from sale of law Young country, rich as it is in mighty stamps only $63,566. the smallest re- possibilities, we mayjsome. day hope to! , ceipt in ten' years. being $11,000 less win the material rewards which than that of 1895, and $20,000 kiss than ' Germany is new "T so conspicu- [ ' that of 1894. The stamp ottipi, in Os- ously reaping. For money thus goode Hall sold stamps to the value spent we must certainly get a'goodprgq . of $23,030 in 1896, as against $27,730 in turn, rich and ample, a; free education a 1895, and $31,645 in 1804. This must mean l for half a million of children. as well lens litigation, a less volume of work '38 a superior education for all Who in our Surrogate and other offices, 'iearnestly desire it. The educational and some will argue an approach to . rate in other countries is similarly ad- "" N that extent to the days of the millen- vancing. A few years ago in England . nium. The largely increased receipt A it was only eight pence and a fraction ' from shooting and tlshing licenses, " per pound. The shilling has been via. $8,208, nearly tive times as large I reached, and it islyear by year advanc- ' as that of last year, is noticeable. ing. ' Hon. gentlemen will remember that 2 We expended a little less than the! one of our recent and by no means educational vote last year: The oy J f least important victories in the courts expenditures were tor departmental ex- concerns the matter of our jurisdiction aminations and superannuated t ip _. over Provincial tishpries. A special ers. As the number-of candidates Wir, l 1 case was referred by the Governor- creases the expense af the em- , General in Council to the Supreme' . tion by way of printing, eta, munch ' Court covering in all seventeen ques- crease. Of course :there- is a corn-en! _ tions and as many points ot jurisdic- pending increase on the. other side or - tion. The question is not a little im- ' the account by way'gt the tees the can- portant from a: revenue standpoint. I didates pay. The fees paidby the my . , hone that the increased Jurisdiction didates for non-professional examin - to be given to us will be the means tions amounted lustyea'r to $34,, .. be- -,., '. in the near future or materially add- his nearly $7,000 EP.ff,tley.t - ' ;ing to our revenue. The Dominion ot the prevroutrittiyr..f, We Dill C Government for the year ending June year to t"hrif/hntnjrtt(,'j teachers' ' 30, 1895, received by way of fisheries During the past .... VA years we h "l revenue, which includes rents, license lpaid to them tNE vetw. large sum o . fees and tines from Ontario $288,633, 13732375, being ansmemge of 861,031 a and expended by way of payment to year. It is expected that there will wardens, overseers, special guardians, Boon be a reduction in this annual pay- etc., $22,610. The expenditure item's do ment. .m 1 'li' . not, however, include departments ex- . penditures. The ultimate and definite , A COM?ARI§ON. settlement of this important question, I \Ve expended last year for the main- , whether the case goes to the Privy tenance of on public institu- Council or is otherwise settled, will tions $796,567, with: represents about be awaited with much interest. Speak- one-fourth of thertyAalpnpa1 revenue ing generally of our casual revenue, of the Province. :13)"; ip nearly 840,000t some items of which I have been dis- more than we spent itr9393. There was cussing, I confidently expect still fur- an over-expenditure at) the Brockville ther improvement from year to year. Asylum of $6,500. 'ttPhistsinatitution ' but recently opertbd, and has as 'rgililt , l EXPENDITURES. smaller insane population than the old. i I need not speak at great length of 'l/tTv/r)""):',')):),'),','; t, 1ihTirvsst,a,5 rela- 'I' our expenditures. They will later on in 1.y/. y spea ('a f . it ecessary '. the session be examined closely and IN here the num'tr o inma es is below .- . s - the average. The per capita cost of , with caie by the Public Accounts com I . 't1 .,1 i all new institutions here M mittee. We succeeded in keeping well {mam (y,'.e.'.'.f at . l., "f..'.".. " . _ . , and clsewhere has been uniformly . . within the sums voted by the House. . cr ' ' wr' tl. _ . ' o', .o larger during their early years than , Our expenditure under the head of civil Ili/js/ttd,),'.:,' The per capita cost at " government was nearly $22,200 less than . .- '"_. . '. ' b fl the appropriation Coming to the cost I Hrockvillo, 'het much lo" er in 1896 than 3'. of legislation it will be noticed that we i,isttilv'rvilr2e,t,"i)ec1,nfo,i'.veic?v'i1neg't"g,t a _. ., . on . have ("we more exceeded the appropri- ' refer more fully to these institution _ : atlon. Leaving out, however, the over- Th ', . ' ' . . . s. -'" . e o" pet (aplta cost of mainten- ,', expenditure in the one item of station- ant-c comparatively speaking in our cry. printing and binding, it will be as 1,3,... 'i's!".1'itr'i,' proof that 'we k i; found that we kept within our vote toy l, ii' vigilant "iviirii; over our 1'll,ell'iht,',t'il'. q legislation. The over-expenditure for 'I'hQLCUSt per patient last year in our -' stationery. etc., was large, via., $14,267, asvlurns was $134 55. In 1.29:. it wall _. and I have the same explanation to of- tri:) as, in 1894 $127 22, and in 1893 .3135 71: we, ter which I have given on former ou- The cost will vary Year by year, inns; [ri casions. We printed nearly 12,000 more |much as it depends to a. large extent i -4' copies of reports for the departments will the ruling price of staple articles -. last year than we did the year before. loonsumcd. A few cents more or less " The public demand for some of these re- gin the cost of artlclcs of general con- -1 l ports is insatiable. The cost or the paper ( sumpllml will affect the per capita cost " ', alone exceeded that of the previous l to the extent of several dollars a year. lv, lyear by nearly $1,800. Altogether the "rile cost of coal, for example, varies , .departmental reports last year cost :5 lconsiderahly, and in some seasons g314.545- or nearly $3,000 more than t e .much more of it is consumed than in) u, cost of the previous year. We printed others. Our cost per patient last year . last year some reporM which were no was, as I have said, $134 66. What was. " printed the year before, at an expense it in similar institutions similarly con- Ed, of about $1,500. The total ','x,ee,',e,r"g'Si'l trolled, oincered and provided for in, '1' tor the YE!" for imrittlation were $8,3 ' the States nearest to us? In the Buffalo Li less than they ,yere In 1895. Hospital for the Insane it was $188 " .5. For administration of Justice the per patient; in Rochester, 823344; in t vote was nearly exhausted. There the St. Lawrence Hospital (New York), it" was an over-expehditure ot $2,- $219 85; in the Hudson River Hospital, E 141 for criminal justice. Items such as $204 80; in Utica, $199 82, and in Pon- F.?, this are, of co t ant controllable. tlac. Michigan, $176 41. Our expenditure th and it is (11ch toastimate closely for agriculture, although kept with- Ii concerning tttent.r".: I! in our vote, was the largest we have it Our exfendituriftrtduetstittn keep ever incurred. Last year it amounted i? growing apace. We spent last year to more than $189,000. The 'previous ' l. "02.55% or morsextri-1rne-fltttt of all year it, was $181,233. The gross ex- 5, k our revenues. "uptev'imis year we penditures for repairs and maintenance 'I', apent $693,042. and in 4894 8684.659, and for public works and for public build- lil . 1898 $662,530. No one suggests that lugs were in telrcyute.9f will he no- - GL1 'ttut, consistently With'growth, pro- ticed. substantially leather: the sum! , and improFe.'rtteht; curtail in this _d, e House voted fortune mrr-u-. i _ It is well gargued that the l