' PM P uP I 7 Ar _ AfTANIDRITL( S 4 --DEELll - ~";..'v?':'v!h J 1VU ..'H (:_.':'-' .! r'l . * A'i by-- l + * C ho ¢ y *< w h e varh . qsmmsc 4 +Bill Providing a Thorough System " .~ 'of Auditing. -- :. _ 1 ow * 1tag * it e --~ % l A BA TC fi |' PETITIONS. * a e A o 3 _: Government House Investiga-- | j tion Will be Resumed. -' _ Toronto Applies for Legislation on Seve-- ral Subjects--A New Township Asked for in York County. Legislative (Chamber, Feb. 22. In the nalt--four session of this af-- ternoon an important bill was intro-- duced by Hon. Mr. Hardy providing for the auditing of the accounts of | . municipalities. The bill in its pre-- | _ sent shape -- will ensure & _ ough supervision of the operations 0o 3 municipal Treasurers, Legislation relating to the administration of justice in those portio®@i of the Province which are 0o side of county organizations, and to sof ° amend the municipal act as to enable | . County Counciis to separate farm j lands within towns and villagos' from these municipalities and to an-- nex them to the adjoining municipali-- | ties, was introduced. The question and notice of motion regarding Mr. Con-- mee and the notice of motion in refer-- ence to Mr. Preston were allowea to stand. Mr. (Giibson (Huron) introduced a biil,. which was read a first time, to amend the municipal act. to erable County Councils to pass by--laws for separat-- ; ing farm lands within the limits ofl towns and villages from the town ap\d | village, and annexing the same to tu? | adjoining municipality, and to deflnel by by--law the new limits of the town | or village. | MUNICIPAL AUDITS. j Mr. -- Hardy introduced _ an -- act of great interest and import-- ance, which makes better pro--, vision for the keeping and -- au--| diting of municipal and schcoi board ; «ccounts, authorizes the LAieutenant-- / (lovernor to apvoint an officer to he known as the Provincial Municipal Au-- _ ditor, and. confers powers upon that officer to frame rules, with the approy-- al of the Lieutenant--Governor, to reg-- ulate the form of books of account to be kent by Treasurers and the sys-- tem of bookkeeping to be adopted, and the manner in which securities and moneys of municipalities and Echool Boards are to be kept, ard the auditing of the said accounts; that the Auditor shall prepare sets of books for use by the various classes of, municipalitles, except cities, and when approved by the Lieutenant--Governor in Council these books are to be procured and used in these municivalities. The Au-- ditor may also, if directed | F by the Lieutenant--Governor in Council, / I \'~are books of account for the use * "linol Boards. The Auditor may at! \'""'time on his own.motion, when re-- ; +___ {ed by a member of the Munici-- | 'Council, if directed I# the Lieu--| tenant--Governor in Cougecil, or if re-- | quired by requisition in writing sign-- | ed by thirty ratepayers, make a full | audit and inspection of the books andl moneys in the hands of the Treasurer or collector, or the Auditor may au-- thorize the work to be done by som# person to be approved by the Lieuten-- ant--Governor in Council. The Auditor is to have full power to summon wit-- nesses, and to compel the production of books and documents in the same manner as in court; and municipai Treasurers, within five days from their appointment to office, are_to inform