"members to me- that the act is "fried out. Tlto expenses of an "made bv tiw Auditor are to be by the municipality to the Pro- vinclni Trqtatturer whm the Auditor personally conducts the inquiry, or to the person deputed hy him in other cases. The Auditor is to he paid hy -rrnury. He is to report annually up- uon the number and character of the in- 'ii.i.tyiii.t.t1e, made by him. and as to any changes in the rules or law which he may consider advisable. Every I__pa.nk or company in which tho Treas- Auditor of their ippointmentfm him their full name and potrtodBee teas, and the Auditor Is to report to he municipality and to make such recommendations as may seem to him to be necessary fur the due carrying m' the law. It is to be tttb duty i . om the County of C,nrlo, _ I (Or amrndnwnts to thr . 1 road 1ustttrrttnitss ttyt by ulii-h the' "mm-m would grant 25, 1w: cent. o . cast?! all roads purchased within the next three years. Mr. Miscampbem---Fvo% the Town or T'euetartruishdne, asking for legislatiun . by-law guaranteeing ttw "Separate School debau- 7". ('nmpan her of a. municipality or School Hoard has deposited munwys as such Treas- uret is to statu the halam-v In ttte htn'of the bank or (vmpany at any time, when requested to do so by a member of the f'uunvi! ot' School Board, and shall quarterly. on the tlrTrt days of January. April. July and October In each year, deliver to tho head of the munivipality ur Chairman of the School Board a statemunt show- im - Matteo of such Tttastiiust"s .u. - ttte Mose of business on IEriiia of the Prectuiin,v,' [numb 1'4 menu ts. to be twad at the , meeting of thes Pound! or V or other trtut'.corit ii- _ t sof, mom-y." elm-ur- ymf'liéld by munit-l- 31.? dar of humm- _ vet,, to _the new! ot thr, " Mariam of thr Aiit- out) Aiavain u'wn sm-h mar obt date. and SUPP] Maw- ttttant is to he hm trerovt. 1h" ('HIHH'H at its next n-utzlar mwwlinsx. Thr. Tivasurtu.c, of munit-Epnllfiw :m-I School Boards are to kr-w- all "1011.55 Stu-Id by them as such main-My SFIIHI'H'.' from their own monm-s. and an In m - posit the lame to u ro"!"lttitc :tt , mum. 'whir'h shall shou that lll- Inw'u' cm1 itio.uitttgLV th,. 1titrttry 'r'," w":- " "\H'Ii Wmlty In nedessitated taken Mare district. we , called "Number: Mr. Purdo--tprom The followin the Mints, mud.) " tvpro "ell-trom T. M. Kh'kwnud or leave to inonrpurato Timber Electriv Railway lth pnwer to "trerato " a paint between Clwlm.s- ¥¢enn Falls nurth to Wah- a 0, and south to a [mint lllarnoy and French lllvvr. John-tor the incorporation a of York and Etobicoke mm a separate township, to "en- -F btej.id,.ie,i."i,/: _ uuits,, 'rtt" Lion anal unis; 'li-at'-, thex Tun'h ox'l Ito. praying for legislation Li"',,',",',' relating to the re- e number of Councillors movements. for permission Yom the Countv Council ' towards the maintenance rat. for permission to ex- torworksi systvm and to fund for that Purpose, __ id any street rail- made "in: a l tho various " by the rhanges from time to t 70 created. PETITION an f unusually large num- were presented to tho the Chatham City tmod a HH. DC. to th'lrl 5 relating: ll, justim: in thaw tovitno. whirl, urw otT',:irtizutiou, This 3 sittings o!.' tlo. th,'"'?,,',).:, L Crirt.c " otli, t'ci, Iti. and Is largely 'isim; of former a view to um- R /listrirts, and mes which have to timo as new teen all money ttirety supamt and an- to th, mutate arr-1mm the mum-v a ct {It-Palm! mnm'v h! tch mun] Nt Lil1 wa " Jus time wittarsFt,ich col he finished, in view of tension of the "no. Mr. mcturrdson---From the Township} of York, 'asking, besides a number or, minor matters, for an extensi-m of time for the paymont of the dehen-l tures on svhunl SH'HUDS 26 and 27. tor authority to mumlm an auditor to audit the nors-relsident lands. and for Permismion to tvceive from ttw county an assignnwnt of all rights m'wr MW- tric railways an fax us Hwy mm up- ttrated within th- Munship. Mr. Km'ns-ome the 01va Council of Halton, for tttnemlrv.entrc to thrs gr't1- eral mad companies ac', Dr. Tt.vtwson-rpront the City of To- rtrrtto. asking fur an Hmvmlmvm to the not giving' pturnlsslon to v-xtcnd Glad- stone nvuuw. As ttw city's prlvatv bill was intrmlm-ml it gave Hm right. to all twsiltmttr, cm umber Gladstone awe- nun to bring an octhm against the city in Itvspm'l to tlt.. rule's thorwm. It ls now askml that this right he Kiven mill, to those who apply fur n-livl'. Alrm to rellvw- the ossidtmts of Hamiltun street of one-halt tln snot-t vxlnnsiun rates. The same petition prayed for the cortflrtuutiot1 of any agrm-mcnt which may lu- urrlvml at lwtwwn the Mttyor uuuy cnmwetvd its labor Theurom mittun then icilotilii'd"n','l'JJt.c "That a considerable amount of pro grass hating Mum made in collect"): materials for a woll-mytttsltr,wed policy and it not having been found practr cable to c'ont'lttue this gnu-{nu 91...; -.-- The same petition prayed for the! cotituutiot1 of any agrwmcnt whivh may hp urrivwl at hvtwwn the Mesyor of Toronto and the Torottto Railway Company in regard to thr, extrusion of the railway to tht. Island. tho up- eratlnn of the: vars unun Hm Lurd'a day and Hm uthm proposed civic 10::- islutlun. this Hrssiun m'M'iding' for the aim]!- liun ot' the: uminh mun-v of Hovernmr-nt Hnusw. Tht, quostiun "as neither. ask- m. ttot anmmrl-d to-day, but shortly after the freus,. ruse Mr. Hardy gave notim- of tho I mmintment of a commit- tee in tttkr, the 111195111011 into considera- tion. This prm-neding is in harmony with the rf-'r'"mtrrcmdaiion of t? com- mlttee that inst. twsslon had t a mat- ter in hand. It appointed a, sub-mm minim, which took evidence, but the sessinn camcrto tl Hosp befnrn Hm ma! this anus-stun pl tion of the mall Hnusv. Tlt" Ill m) nor anmvm- after the Hum-3 notice of tho z; n We in take: the tion. This pr. Thrs Gun-run" u: "muse (llh-Stlun. which is, ro-gardml not only by the l'ntmns of Industry but by the Admin- !straliun and thr. Ommsitinn as one of mmsideruhle- inmurtanvv, has again Cttt- erged. Mr. Havvm'k. the Patron leader, lost no timo- in placing upon thr. no- tha. murm- n quvstiun as (0 whether the 1lovruauuvnt will introduce legislation 'hi.. .. M -l - _ __ be it the inn-Minn of ttw i'1rs"-iir'fi'i)'s'n'tl, to dismiss; an the grounds of offensive partisanship nr nx-glm-t of' Govcrntnent's business any of its officials "ha took an ut'tito pm! in thr, lat" lmminiun Pll't'iiHIl l' Mr. 1's.xev.strtr--iii.t. of the Mouse fut a return shuwinu : H) Any lustx'uvtinns iss'w-l to thv Provincial Auditor by the Unvvrnnu-nt m ['mvlm-ial Treasurer t'e-, gardim: his dutivs ', fet (-npiels of his ve-l ports to thv iu'.xecutive Council ', (3) copies ot' repurts: tn thts House, the unm- lwr of "inn-sums o-xmninml Ly him in tlee yvav's lri94-vh-',rr;, and I'XIN'HH!' ") tctuiunt on mar-h exunu'ttations. lit IVHRNM EN" Mr. W. H. 1Guttry-Frotto tho munici- pality of Sumlridg'v. fur anurmlIm-nts to the art manna-ling hack tam-:4. Mr. Mclmun~Frmn thr. Napuneu Town Council, a:~king that Let.sYro any railway lu- gnu-u a Prorlncittl grant it shall 1e""_"' lo have all rolling stock mud» In l "Hilda. A return was laid on "In taLl" in pe- spunse to an m'dvr of the lluuse made: an Murvh IS, WM, showing theamount obtained fur timln-r limits and timlwr dues In the Township of Imklz-y. and all the run-nd'tuw ot' thr Gosirttniettt in thss township. and the same lnfm'm- Minn in rvgpul tn the whole Dish-M of Musknku. T'r.tr, total l'v\'l'llllu fron the timlwr in tin township "as 8134;} 2:95. and the 1uxptuuiiturc. $17,330. Fm in this township, and the snuw infm'm- Minn in rvgjn't! tn the whole District of Musknkn. Tiv, total I'm'vnuu fron the timlwr in thr township "as $1M,- 295. and the t-xprndilurc $17,330. Fot the histri-'t of Muskoka the anmunt'u collections t'mm timber was F1,119.674, and {rum land 34th.)". a Eula] of tl, 166,263. The "xperrditurc tttttounted t: $1,159,131]. Th,. Huw-rnnn-nt still awn. 16,4x4 arr-us of timber land in Musk'nka Mr. Hyvrrnnn Hill to Hun-11d thei municipal art : hill respecting tbe Ita- mums of huspltal trusiees. Mr. Hyman" Juamiry of Ministry: In it the intq-minn of ttw Gt'rtltyutwyttl, to dismisa-r on the grounds of affensivv Nt "rn FT 3mm made in mum-Una " a woll-mmsldm'ed policy, having been found practi- t'lttde this session that part II- Hill to ahn'ild (1761l r 1ill respecting tbe Ha-j a. olose before: the ma! Burma urawrmx m Hmvndmvm to thul dun to t-xtend ("MM 5 th,, city's prlvatv' ul it gave tits' right upper GlHiit4totte mu.- 'tion against the city mus thercon. it l. is rlglit he mum on}, t )1" M OTH bx. bt. _ _ two years of! construction mu ' of a prnpum-d ex- tr com- t o mut- Still-vom but Uh}