C s -- CA k o : s + K¥ . " e Ne PC 5 s e %i'v'\. * 6 U F R he Provimcee snould beunderhesmay ------ -- ~posé, and that was to TUo@I ~ _ N. , --| Sgter of Rducation. He had received \Ray coroncater tm of annuittes, $' I| y complaints about the Institution --realized from t of arnuities, R t | « ..\ for the Blind, but none in reference to railway certificates were liquidated to _ L -- _,| the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, the amount of $184,000. Annuity cer-- _ _E t !which was an admirably--conducted in-- ; tificates were redeemed to the amount s 'stitution. As to the Institution for . of $86,000, decreasing the obligations of! _ > the=~Blind he would have a good Gdeal I | the Province by $260,000, whereas they | | . U meore to say later on. It was not credit-- were only increased to the amount ol ht L -- aLle to the country, not filling its pur-- |$177,000,. They were decreased out of M Il -- pose, and required. a good raking over. ' current revenue, so that ins!oz_xd of - C | " $3 As to the succession tax, he thought liabilities of the Province having been" 33 1 (0 the amount collected from collateral re-- ' increased they were decreased. Mr. Wiee U \13" latives was too high. He thought that ; McLean replied efi'ecti\'_cly to the cl< *k ! | | | M the owners of estates should be allow-- | charge that the Sandfield Macdonal 102 ) 0 -- ea to state in their wills to what char-- | surplus has been dissipated. That sur-- > | "~ (|ity the tax should go. He could not | plus, he said, had been hypothecated, aig | pia'low al that had been said about sx"] before the Macdonald Government had / 'IB -- J Oliver Mowat to pass without protest. | 16ft office. He pointed out that in use ns || |B He protested against the statement | ful public,. works and beneficial under py"s | -"«.3 that he was everything good, wise, vir-- | takings $16,000,000 had been expended{ // Nn $ trous and incorruptible. The job by | and yet not _ a _ dollar _ ofi N_ which he foisted his son into the debt has been incurred _ or s 3s l\ ' P Shrievalty of this city was one of the cent of direct taxation imposed. Tha® 1 l most corrupt jobs ever perpetrated by | whole sum had been provided for (Jut ofat pzas) I \ any public man. He said this, and de-- | current reveune. H then left the finan4 / , M liberately, and with a full realization | cial side of the question " before the < & | of what he was saying. While he had House, and devoted some attention to|, ,v $ 'v d _ | done much for the benefit of the Pro-- the other matters which have emerged| A P «& vince as a legislator, he was not averse | during _ th« debate. He remark * o+ | rto putting himself on the opposite side ed that the House heard no more abou se s of a question if he found it desirable | Separate Schools and the French lan--/ | or necessary to do so politically. Tc guage in the Public Schools. The Oppo-- M | whad opposed to him a gentleman for sition had evidently dropped that sortf' 1P _ whom everyone in this House had the (, thing, and were looking out fork) 5/ { | Yery greatest respect, Sir Wim. Mere-- something else. They had turned them-- k } " 4 |\|\ dith, _ whese . name would live selves inside out half a dozen times § 49 f "Tin this Province as that of i on this question as well as on manyi -- |a patriotic citizen and a noble Inther questions, and appearances indi--] > | | aman. If the Government -- desired cated that they were preparing for an--f m '[him to read the whole Serretary's cor-- |,.m(,r acrobatic feat in that line. The PA respondence, which he held in his hand, | appearances were that they had in con-- ' _ they would perhaps agree with him. tomplation the interment of TheW W i ~-- Dr. Ryerson complained of the manner Greon Eye Opener and the re-- ' | P in which the Treasurer referred to the vival of The Facts for-- Irish El-- WR i -- annuitics in his address. Every dollar |! ectors. But he could tell them that® P C \ K"g of the $1,760,000 annuities was a debt, they were farther from the goal of W | . F and if the Government claimed a sur-- * their ambition than they were cighteen '( 4 BE pius they must first write off that or twenty years ago. The people of the : | ii H amount. It was a debt which could not |Province had come to know them thor-- [ W' / BE in any way be avoided. After the oughly. Mr. McLean defended the ad-- WiP ' | al)lg ,speo(:h of the _Ieu:lur of the Op-- !ministra!ion of the Education Depart-- '_':,:;j; | position he did not feel calied upon to ment, concluding this branch of his PW B J deal with the financial statement of the F]vu("h with the remark that there was [ ) + " r Government at any great length. no country where the educational sys-- ts © | AN EFFECTIVE REPLY tem was so complete or comprehensive MA | * I as that of Ontario. He commended the , | Mr. MceLean repliecd to Dr. Ryerson | proposition that had been made by the B -- on behalf of the Government. He first | Minister of Education to assist the MR WE complimented Mr. Hardy on his eleva-- University. It would benefit the Univer-- ; \{ |__ tion to the Premiership, which be pro-- sity, he sald, as well as the Province. § & | | | phesied would be of great benefit to Mr. McLean dealt with and disposed of kh | }' the country. He also complimented \ the charges that the Government had CEX \| t n P | the _leadex' of the Opposition upon his centralized power, and that too many W WB Attaining that position. He was amus-- officials had been appointed. ¥+/ P ped at the speech of the last speaker. It Sebls: P o was said that a very foolish man could y/ DR. MEACHAM. f '.' | {Pmake as many charges in five minutes Dr. Meacham was the next SX ' | "as a very wise man could answer in speager. Mr. Harcourt, he o 1 N «l five hours. He repudiated the state-- said, had asked the _ Opposition [ | n ment that the peopie of Ontario were to make supggestions as to -- how M [ ; | driven or led to the polls by the civil the government should be carried on, [ M | | @ servants, and he thought it was not and not to criticize the Government. | °1 | | right for any member to cast such a The Opposition had in the past made ts | ' | slur upon the people of this grand old suggestions; they had asked for man-- § | j Province. Dr. Ryerson had read a list hcod franchise for years, and at last M ' ' of the civil servanits, but there was not the Government had come over and § f | i one there mentiu;n;dl \.\'hO was not nee-- l'!:i('t'd a bill on the statute books pro-- ue | t g)s\a.\cx;{mfzgtth.e -r:\(']"njnlnlxstr:v.tm'n f;f th'e \'lldlf\g' for it. Another reform which '.l \ C A 'fi' ie duty of those they had urged upon the Government| + M | a | who mq-le 8 "charges to point out and which they had finally enacted was is | the t:mr!alfl \\:hn were unnecessary, but the establishment of leaving examina--| / | no altempt was made to do so. There tions in Public Schools As a matter hi ) ' | were, Mr. McLean said, three points of | of fact, it should be the duty of theWi 1 Mpcndiemen, who sat Pohind the inoasury BW 1 vueational management, and T nird Tea j ts to sive advice to their leaders M '| F tonal m £ ment, d, third, its 31'1 the best interests of the country. se uie 5 } + cenqs".lm; ln'uvllyltlcs. It was true | The members of the Opposition felt| ] l the expenditure of the Province had | that their place was not to tell the | | [ very materially increased, but that did 'Gf)\'ornnwm, what they would like to 'Z:#"* & H not involve extravagance or the mizs-- hear, but what the Opposition thought! | _| F B application f'f public money. The calls !'1'3.\' should hear, whether they lii(od % upeon the Goyvernment bhad gradually | it or not. Dr. Meacham devoted some Nee bevun'.@fircatvi'. and the Government | attention to Mr. Stratton, asking if itf| °; | had been equal to its responsibilities. | was fair to represent that there was a fl ) } The Government.'in maintaining public fuvorable balance in the publiic ac-- ME 4 ] institutions, was not only doing a good l('x-unts when practically there was a e 5A A act but was relieving the municipali-- | deficit of $397,000. In his own constitu--] / | | ] ties of a considerable burden. If the | ':'n.('_\' I\Irj. Stratton was known as some-- é *« tel I Opposition could show that the institu-- | thing of an independent, but upon the | BM ; | tions were being extravagantly man--| lf'!"i opportunity he had to lay these{ Bs# | aged or that public money was being | views before the House he faiicd to ao Mik 0 | P | misappropriated its case would be es-- |so. He asked if, when it was claimed k\ | tablished. As a matter of fact the in-- ,"mt there was a surplus, it did notf|| ; | siitutions of this Province were more | mean that there was an excess «of re-- § ; | economically managed than similar in-- | '(""""S over expenditure. He criticizea | _ a stitutions elsewhere. The creumstance |the Treasurer's statement of the as--|| | | that the expenditure had been increas-- | sets of the country ,and complained |_ 55 ed was not a legitimate ground of cri-- .th'ut the Government had not complied | -- _ } | ticism. Of the public expenditure | with. the demand which the Oppost-- | -- | * nearly $2.500,000 was devoted to legisla-- [ tion had been making for years that | _ _ | tion, administration of justice, educa-- '.thc public accounts should be printed | _ ; ie tion, public buildings maintenance, ag-- | in fuller detail so that the prices paid | _ _ AIB ricuiture and hospitals and charities. | could be seen. At present, when sup-- {{ m ||| iE not one of which but was a worthy plies were bought by contract, the price | _ l ||) [ department of government. A¥. Mc-- was give'n. but where there was no con-- k 7 "f \| »4' Lean answered the charge that the lia-- ' tract the price was not given. He con-- s ®| LE bilities of the Province had been in-- tended that all the Opposition had to do ||_ _ 4 10-- creased by the transactions in annui-- was to show that a fair amount of the o9 r{v" iles. The proceeds of these annuities, g':g;ngt'_(t)'&(l'_l s?tsptehet Prb?vince (}i'iad no'; yyop ' SAld, co te nt. 0o one dispute i n 4 | Be said, cortd only he used for one pur | that the" public --instftutiorg of k | A piigz nds 4( R |