tres * / » > fas one Of Che movements of o Haycock ohjected to the first item or | iry, and it was worldwide. Mr.| .. "$ ... $1.500. for the maintenance of Govern-- enied that the Education Depart--| /. Do . "House. He asked that the item | t was in any improver sense a| ! cg a iowed to stand until the special litical department. He challenged poflfn ttee on Government House .te-- he Opposition to show that a single dy 'th i':t the suggestion of Mr. Har. certificate had been issued for politi-- the ed C "'Bf' permitted to pass, on cal consideration, or that a teacher or s;hou}ldnheFStand S edorcu Mr-- Haycock an inspector had been denrived of his | | to strlkeaivte az; ubBen cons, of moving liberty of opinion. | { out upcn concurren AN AMENDMENT. A| _ Dr. Willoughby, the member for Fast Y | Northumberland," arose when the ap-- plause of the Ministerialists in appre-- i ciation of Mr. Ross' able speech had died away. The doctor ranged over the well--travelled ground of criticism, but though repeating much that had al-- ready been said, he put considerable vigor into the effort. He concluded by moving the following amendment to | | the motion to go into Committee of | Supply :-- ' '"'This House regrets to observe> the | steady increase in Provincial expendi--| tures, and also regrets that the present | value of the indebhtedness for annuities | and railway certificates does not ap-- pear in the statement of liabilities of the Province, over and above which a surplus is declared." 1 Mr. Harcourt spoke briefly upon the amendment. He said that it was idle and preposterous to advocate that in a progressive Province the expenditure should remain stationary for a single year. Of the four millions of annual expenditure only one--tenth could be properly classed as controllable--the ex-- penditures under the heading of civil government and legislation. He did not anticipate that any member of the Op-- position would propose to decrease the expenditure upon the institutions, edu-- cation and agriculture. The Opposi-- tion seemed to take a blue--ruin view of th$ finances of the Province. ' A mem-- ber of the Opposition had said that On-- tario only had a cash surplus of $1,780,-- 000. Granting that that was correct, was there another Province that could make as good a showing ? Not one. Mr. Harcourt regarded the amend-- ment as a want of confidence motion, and he appealed to the supporters of the Government and the independent 'x'ixembm's of the House to vote against it. | Lieut.--Col. Matheson availed himself of his right to speak upon the amend-- ment, the passage of which he strong-- ly urged. Mr. Hardy explained that he had been prevented from taking any part in the debate by a severe cold, but h2 would take the earliest opportunity of replying to Mr. Whitney's arguments and allusions to himself. | ~ Mr. Whitney assured the Premier | ' that he would afford him the earliest | opportunity consistent with his hvalth." THE DIVISTION. : The House then divided, with the re-- | sult that the amendment was rejected, the vote being :--Ye as, 35; nays, 51. Of | the 94 members in the House 86 voted, | six were paired and two, Mr. Caven| and Mr. Speaker Evanturel, did not| vote. Of the fifteen Patron members eleven, Messrs. Dynes, Gamey, Hay-- cock, Kidd, McDonald, McLaren, Mc-- Naughton, McNeil, McNichol, Shore| and Tucker, voted with the Opposition, | and two with the Government, Messrs. | Bennett and McPherson. Mr. Curric| was paired, and Mr. Caven was absent. The two independent members, Messrs. | Gurd and MceCallum, went with the Op-- | position. On the voie the Government's majority was sixteen. The division follows :-- ! Y('&S*Il('fl(ty (Leeds), Brow er, Bush, | Carnegie, -- Craw ford, Dynes, Fallis, | Gamey, Gurd, Hayeock, Hiscott, How-- land, Kerns, Kidd, Langford, Little, MceCallum, McDonald, McLaren, Mc-- Naughton, MeNeil, McNichol, Mag-- wood, Marter, Matheson, Meacham, Preston, Reid (Addington), Reid (Dur-- | ham), Ryerson, St. John, Shore, Tuck-- | er, Whitney, Willoughby--35. | Nays--Auld, Barr, Baxter, Beatty | (Parry Sound), Bennett, Biggar, Blez-- | ard, Burt, Campbell, Carpenter, Chap-- | ple, Charlton, Cleland, Conmee, Craig, ' Dana, Davis, Dickenson, Dryden, Far-- | well, Ferguson, Field, Flatt, Garrow, | German, Gibson (Hamilton), Gibson | (Huron}, Harcourt, Hardy, Harty, His-- | cott, Hobbs, Macnish, McKay (Oxforda), | McKay (Vic toria), McLean, ]\'lcf'hm-o; son, Middleton, Moore, Mutrie, O'Keefe, | Pardo, Paton, Pattullo, Richardson, ; Robertson, Robillard, Ross, Smith, ] Stratton, Taylor, Truax -- 51. 1 Pairs--Brongan -- with Miscampbell, | McKee with Hagarty, Loughrin with | rrie. | e H""'%g'fi_{?fi" supply, and Mr. | )gw P ")'. 5 K( \as. *#